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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Really


    I was just giving some advice but if you want to make it something else i would rather not go there. my lack of funds are the main culprit if you really need to know so lets keep it there thank you.



    • What?

      Originally posted by marathonman View Post

      I was just giving some advice but if you want to make it something else i would rather not go there. my lack of funds are the main culprit if you really need to know so lets keep it there thank you.

      Make what something else? What are you implying? You getting all defensive just because I asked about results from you?


      • Apologies


        My humblest apologies, i posted with the flu, a 102 temperature and like a dumb ass i drank four or five beers to cool down.
        Please forgive my complete misinterpretation.
        I sill feel horrible and came home early today at noon. i have taken my part G apart to apply a few coats of resin and was in the process of putting it back together when i was hit with the flu.

        Again my apologies and short sightedness on my part.

        One question i do have is to the builders using the Eurton vertical commutator, how may amps is this rated for.?

        Last edited by marathonman; 02-02-2017, 10:53 PM.


        • Amps

          That's a good question. I had the same question and couldn't find the info. I guess we could email them and ask. Be good to know.


          Edit: I sent them an email to find out. I'll keep you posted.
          Last edited by pmazz850; 02-03-2017, 01:24 AM. Reason: update


          • Good



            • MM,

              Re apologies. No worries. Let's forget about it.

              I have been running 6 amps through the vertical commutator without heat issues but it would be good to know the limit.



              • Eurton Flat Commutator

                Hello to All,

                About the Eurton Flat Commutator Part#16-48913

                I have run that Eurton Commutator in my rotary switch at 12-15 Amps and up to 20 Volts...and it has hold it fine...sparks were like the Blue flames from a Gas Stove......but it did hold it fine, no damage to the flat contacts...except some minor edge marks.

                Only make sure your contacts at each element to the wires (hooks) are solid attached and if you could use a heavy copper conduct which could also serve as a heat sink it would be even better for elements to dissipate heat faster.

                Also, your brushes must be tight.

                According to my experience with commutators of this size and configuration...they can hold very heavy amps when mounted on a Motor Shaft guys...

                Even though there is absolutely no need to run with such high amps...once you have your primaries sets connected (ALL) then all sparks and higher amps will not be required to run the exciter system.

                Regards and have great builds!!

                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-03-2017, 04:49 PM.
                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • Hello All, just an update on my slow progress.

                  Finally finished cutting and milling my Primaries and secondaries, gave them a cote of electrical insulating varnish, to help bind them. The primary cores weigh 3KG each, 12kg in total of laminated transformer steel. The secondaries a bit less.

                  Wire finally arrived, it was very hard to come by in a small quantity, ended up with 22kg on a reel. Size is 7mm x 2.5mm flat.

                  Must catch up on some work and then will strip G and wind again for maximum inductance to control the through current. Primaries will be of the same wire, for lowest possible DC resistance.

                  See You soon, Regards Cornboy.


                  • Good

                    Your cores look very nice and that wire looks awesome.
                    happy winding friend.
                    it is amazing to realize part G controls the currant so the primaries are wound for the highest bang for the buck and not have to worry about ohms like the dogma taught BS of present day.

                    Thanks for the Eurton heads up guys, actually with the winding's i have the amperage will be less than i thought as my secondaries will require less then i initially anticipated per primary.



                    • Progress

                      Over the weekend I finally built an instrument panel and wired up all of my analog volt & amp meters. My DMMs were too erratic to get decent readings.

                      I've been using a cheap 12vdc battery charger as my initial power source, and there has been some weirdness going on. About 15 seconds after power (4 amps) is applied to the circuit the input and output amperage begin to oscillate together. At a rate of about 2 times per second the input rises and falls at a steadily increasing amplitude. Within seconds it is swinging up to 12+ amps then falling almost to zero.

                      At the highest intensity I think the battery charger is cutting the circuit then cutting back in after amperage falls to almost 0. It may be trying to regulate the 'charge rate' causing the oscillations to begin in the first place.

                      The field coils are N-N and the output is not looped so I am guessing this is being caused by the field coils feeding back into G, raising the circuit amperage and triggering the battery charger regulation. Curiously, none of this happens when the field coils have a N-S orientation.

                      The next thing to do is get a 12vdc battery to replace the charger, and see if things improve.



                      • Sparks 180º apart...IMHO, not good.

                        Originally posted by Cadman View Post
                        Over the weekend I finally built an instrument panel and wired up all of my analog volt & amp meters. My DMMs were too erratic to get decent readings.

                        I've been using a cheap 12vdc battery charger as my initial power source, and there has been some weirdness going on. About 15 seconds after power (4 amps) is applied to the circuit the input and output amperage begin to oscillate together. At a rate of about 2 times per second the input rises and falls at a steadily increasing amplitude. Within seconds it is swinging up to 12+ amps then falling almost to zero.

                        At the highest intensity I think the battery charger is cutting the circuit then cutting back in after amperage falls to almost 0. It may be trying to regulate the 'charge rate' causing the oscillations to begin in the first place.

                        The field coils are N-N and the output is not looped so I am guessing this is being caused by the field coils feeding back into G, raising the circuit amperage and triggering the battery charger regulation. Curiously, none of this happens when the field coils have a N-S orientation.

                        The next thing to do is get a 12vdc battery to replace the charger, and see if things improve.


                        Hello Cadman,

                        IMHO if Amps drop to zero at any means the brush contact opened...however, in your case it more likely be the charger response (cutting off power done by the regulating circuit) as you are would be better a steady PSU which once you regulate it...stays there.

                        About Amps swinging high-low, it is also happening to me at certain speed...but once I reach certain RPM's it stabilizes back. (Which actually means they are still swinging hi-lo but at faster speed/higher frequency so we do not notice or equipment can not capture drops)

                        Remember this system works by constant currents drop and rising, so it is a normal operation. However not to zero, not too wide ranges which normally takes place at lower speeds

                        One thing I have noticed on the Figuera Device (whatever be, either resistors or Part G) that there is an abrupt, radical change taking place whenever brush switches from terminals output back to the regulated path (again this happens either for a resistance or inductance regulation of currents), and here is where the majority of sparking takes place on Commutator, apart by exactly 180º...IMO this is NOT right...there should be some kind of attenuation "component" there, in order that it absorbs the coil kickback from primaries and so, it would not be transferred to the regulative path transfer. As this reflects clearly on the Induced Output scope signal.

                        Like I wrote before, I have added two diodes and sparks have reduced at both ends, while induction has grown up...but sparks are still there, just moved a step forward...I have also tried AC Caps and do not work either...I am working now on a specific coil at each end which would collect this spike, but have not tested it yet.

                        And so, I wanted to say that I did damaged the commutator, specifically at those elements in the output terminals switching (sparks created a carved deep path and now there is not good contact there), which I noticed once I took the switching assy back apart...I ordered two more.

                        So Guys, forget about allowing heavy sparking (Higher Amps, meaning over 6 amps) on this commutators, basically with so low resistance on primaries, or they will be ruined.

                        One way or the other we need to solve this issue.


                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-07-2017, 02:10 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • NN orientation

                          I agree, i think it is the exact cause you are referring to. with a N-S set up in the Figuera style of switching there will be very little currant being dumped into part G because of the opposing currants but with the N-N set up both are working together so the full force of the receding electromagnet is being dumped into G causing the oscillations of the power supply. this using a battery or batteries for a power supply will eliminate this oscillation problem.


                          Apparently with the amount of winding's you have on part the window of currant you are working with, it is allowing to much currant through and that is destroying your commutator. if it is at 180 degrees then there is a lack of currant control in this area, meaning the lack of winding's on part G in this area (low self inductance) to control currant.

                          I am glad i toned the currant requirements down for my primaries to attain a decent magnetic field. as long as my part G currant window is correct i will be all right. i have been working all week so i will be able to order the stuff i need thus begin my testing. with the results you guys are getting it seams i might not have enough winding's on part G but i don't think i am that far off, only thorough testing will provide the answer.


                          "Originally Posted by boguslaw,
                          Magnetic field is the source of energy. Once you know that you can make Figuera generators, though I think there is a few inventions which must be combined to make it self-sustaining and overunity. But the principle is just that :
                          magnetic field is the source of electrical energy ,never the mechanical force. All other is simply a result of this principle."

                          One of the most intelligent things i have heard in that thread,very well put i might add but Magnetism and electricity are two aspects of the same condition (MOTION) magnetism is the binding mechanism that controls or sets limits to electric field and the device you are referring to, to self sustainment and overunity is PART G. because of the way we presently wind our coils we are loosing 50 % of the E field to magnetism, meaning we are loosing Electric motion to magnetic motion but with the Figuera device having the primary split in two we are adding that 50 % back to the device making this device more efficient than any other generator known to man.

                          once the fields are at operating capacity the only thing in the Figuera device we are doing is sweeping the massless, weightless field from side to side with little to no effort what so ever, basically using motion to impart motion and in this process we are attaining overunity.

                          Last edited by marathonman; 02-07-2017, 02:45 PM.


                          • Originally posted by marathonman View Post


                            Apparently with the amount of winding's you have on part the window of currant you are working with, it is allowing to much currant through and that is destroying your commutator. if it is at 180 degrees then there is a lack of currant control in this area, meaning the lack of winding's on part G in this area (low self inductance) to control currant.


                            Hello MM,

                            Like I wrote prior, this Sparks at 180º takes place either with resistors or Part G. With the Resistor Bank I tested, it had 70 Ohms Total...

                            You must realize that every 180 degrees, One of the Primaries receives FULL Current Dumping, delivered by switching device (specifically brush-contact elements output Max = Spark Fire Galore), no matter which regulator of currents we use...meaning, putting aside Part G AND Resistors here and basically talking about circuit design for either types

                            Other words, it is way too radical, the transfer from Full Current Dumping to Full Resistive Path Start and Viceversa...(again, resistive path regardless being Inductance or Resistance)

                            Meaning it is beyond the scope of Part G number of turns or wire awg, etc.


                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-07-2017, 02:46 PM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Part G

                              NO SIR, i completely disagree. if part G controls the currant and to much currant is being dumped then rewind part G to properly control the currant. if you don't have enough winding at the end of the magnetic self inductance device then you will get to much currant being dumped to the primaries causing complete saturation of the primary cores thus your device will cease to function.

                              REWIND part G with the proper currant control window, plain and simple. if you are using 1 to 2 amps or 2 to 4 amps them wind your part G to attain this control window. if you are not getting this control then your part G is wound wrong.

                              Last edited by marathonman; 02-07-2017, 03:09 PM.


                              • Originally posted by marathonman View Post
                                NO SIR, i disagree. if part G controls the currant and to much currant is being dumped then rewind part G to properly control the currant. if you don't have enough winding at the end of the magnetic self inductance device then you will get to much currant being dumped to the primaries causing complete saturation of the primary cores thus your device will cease to function.

                                Well, sorry about it, but then we disagree here MM.

                                There is a point, where a FULL CONTACT is done, between Brush-Contact Element to Max Primary connect, regardless of how much Inductance you have accumulated on the way to the DUMP switch. And then Brush Restarts a FULL RESISTIVE PATH.

                                Other words, from Max Field it is abruptly and radically changed to Minimal Field at exactly the SAME Primary feeding...this is NOT right.

                                Full Metal to Metal Contact overrides absolutely everything on the Current Control path...whether Resistance or Inductance SIR.

                                It is NOT supposed to be does not takes place like that in a common Generator ( Figuera was Mimicking a Generator Movement by Currents Fluctuations wasn't He?) , where Fields leave SMOOTHLY after High Induction Point is faced, to start decreasing also Smoothly by getting further away on a Regulated Speed Control basis.

                                If we do not fix this issue we will never see a strong and full induction at secondaries...not OU.

                                We are practically Collapsing The Field when it suffers this steep and abrupt transferring in every half cycle from Max Contact to bottom Minimal.

                                Anyways this is my Conclusion, based on all the several experimenting I have done on this device for a long while...with Part G and Resistors Bank.

                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-07-2017, 03:16 PM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

