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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by GlenWV View Post

    Mr. UFOPolitics mentioned a 30 degree angle of separation in his video. A free degree wheel can be downloaded and used to mark the core.
    Hello Glen, welcome here,

    About that 30º angle is what it is recommended by Inductor's guidelines...nothing more...and it is not "mandatory" here...and like I wrote before...make your toroid winds kind of loose to be able to move them while scoping signal.

    Originally posted by GlenWV View Post
    Mr. UFOPolitics: Where did you come up with that slip ring/commutator assembly? That looks like something that would come in handy.

    Am anxious to get going.....


    Oh, the power rotary switch?...easy, just walk into Walmart...go to "Inventor's Section" and find it right there...around $15,99 (American Special price)...

    Friend, that has been built by me from scratch...using an old Car Alternator slip brush assy and modifying its spline fitting shaft on my Lathe...boring a housing for bearings, static shaft built also at lathe for commutator mounting, bending aluminum to make motor brackets, drilling...tap and die...nuts, bolts, etc,etc...

    Commutators I have them in stock of many different sizes and number of elements from my Asymmetric machines...

    About Your Toroids... they all will work just fine. Just do just one to start winding it...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-28-2016, 03:30 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Mixed up thread

    Now the people of this thread, followers and readers can see why i started this thread. the other Figuera threads are completely lost with no research between them adding all up to a thimble full. all they concentrate on is attacking me all while having no research to back up their foul claims and post nothing but gibberish. they have absolutely no direction what so ever, each one going separate ways to no where. the funny thing is everyone of them has been to my profile page and probably downloaded my research and at the very least studied it.
    it seams the four D's are in use from these people, The four D’s are Deny Degrade Disrupt and Deceive.
    imagine that.

    now this thread is 180 degrees opposite. we all are working together in one single direction. there is no distracting arguing from fellow thread members, no screaming, yelling and distracting mouth running liars that distort the truth to retrieve their lost 15 minutes of fame.

    we are united in one simple cause that took no brainwashing just simple reasoning and deductions for us to unite towards this cause.
    if a mistake is made we will adjust, if a problem arises we solve it, that is what teamwork is all about.
    we the team of the continuum will build this device and freely give it to the world, no more, no less. we will achieve this by acting like researchers do, with respect, Perseverance and collaboration.

    i for one am glad to be here on a calm, quiet thread.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-28-2016, 08:09 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Missing in action

    I was wondering what happen to you since the last time we spoke.
    Welcome Glen to the Forum. i am glad you are participating in a world changing event.
    good parts find and good price on those mosfets, i will have to check into that as they are 4 dollars cheaper.
    that 14 awg will be great for your primaries definately save it.

    again welcome Glen to the best thread on this forum. we will make history.

    Glen, i hope those are not knock off's. they seam awfully cheap. if they are the real thing i will get them
    thank you for your find.

    EDIT; i checked Mouser, DigiKey and IXTX and the housing of the To-247 is completely different from that web site.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-28-2016, 03:50 PM.

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  • GlenWV
    ready to play ... finally


    Well, it took a few days to get the bench cleared and the place cleaned up enough to find out what there is to work with.

    I found four toroidal transformers from ups boxes which should do the trick. (If one doesn't do enough, I'll stack the things.)

    The thing weighs a bit over 16 pounds, is 7 inches across, with a 3 inch diameter core. To protect the plastic wrapping, I'll wrap it with glass tape.

    The copper was an inductor that wandered in from somewhere. It is a bit over 3 inches wide and can be cut into strips, folded over, and formed to the toroid like MM did his wide magnet wire.

    There was a good bit of #14 gauge wire on the transformer that may prove useful later.

    Mr. UFOPolitics mentioned a 30 degree angle of separation in his video. A free degree wheel can be downloaded and used to mark the core.

    More toroid pics are here: Figuera by GlenWV | Photobucket

    Mr. UFOPolitics: Where did you come up with that slip ring/commutator assembly? That looks like something that would come in handy.

    MM: I looked those FETs up on UTSource and AliBaba. They are still expensive.
    UT Source:

    Am anxious to get going.....


    Just found this: IXTX90P20P TO-247 IXYS

    UTSource just quoted:
    Part Number Manufacturer Parameters DateCode Quantity Unit Price Amount
    IXTX90P20P IXYS TO-247 N/A 20 $2.50 $50.00
    Attached Files
    Last edited by GlenWV; 11-28-2016, 11:32 AM.

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  • marathonman

    Words can not describe the joy in my heart as i feel right now. a major contribution has come my way and it is so large my words are unable to leave my mouth. i was instructed to keep it confidential but i will not hide the joy. thank you from the bottom of my heart in the advancement of this device. my whole dream in the scheme of things was to give the world free energy.

    thank you from myself and every single person involved in this project that we are forever in your debt.

    I will strive to the highest level to finish this device and prove to the world and ney sayers this device works and works well.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-27-2016, 01:09 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Endless Possibilities

    Yes, the possibilities of this device are endless. once this device is operational the Tesla battery pack becomes obsolete immediately as driving across your country non stop becomes a reality. even plugging your car up to your vacation property to power it becomes viable. you name it, it becomes possible. can you immagine an all electric Tractor harvesting your crops, never to buy fuel again. then plugging your tractor to your barn to power it when not in use.
    winding primaries today and pics will follow. monday or tuesday i will start on electronics then be testing by next weekend. once the testing is complete and board passes i will make it available to everyone that is pursuing electronic switching. i still need to send in the PNP Mosfet and Thermal control board but the money is tight and i can only do so much with what i have.

    i might be traveling to San Antonio to work next week. i am praying every day as i really need the money for this device and living expenses. this device almost comes first out of all my priorities. i would become homeless if i new i could finish this device. it sounds kinda screwed up but that is where my heart lies.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-29-2016, 09:22 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    The output wave form in secondary will not be stair stepped like the primaries will be. use what you have, test it and you will see and be pleasantly surprised.
    don't jump to conclusions like the people on the other thread do before testing. adjustments will always take place. besides your wire and core exposure is way way less than mine so more windings will be needed.
    some people on this forum would rather run there mouth then knowing why wide wire was used on this device. apparently a higher degree of core induction/interaction is beyond their intellectual understanding. but of course it is easier to rant and rave instead of doing the actual research.

    test then adjust my friend.


    Ok, thanks Mm, i am excited, and looking forward to the secondary action.

    My main interest in this, as it develops, is in vehicle propulsion, either as a DC power source to use with existing near short circuit Traction motors, or the secondaries on a rotor already excited.

    Maybe even a current control of existing traction motors, the application seems endless.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • Cornboy 555
    OK guys, will do.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    Wave form

    The output wave form in secondary will not be stair stepped like the primaries will be. use what you have, test it and you will see and be pleasantly surprised.
    don't jump to conclusions like the people on the other thread do before testing. adjustments will always take place. besides your wire and core exposure is way way less than mine so more windings will be needed.
    some people on this forum would rather run there mouth then knowing why wide wire was used on this device. apparently a higher degree of core induction/interaction is beyond their intellectual understanding. but of course it is easier to rant and rave instead of doing the actual research.

    test then adjust my friend.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-26-2016, 03:49 AM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    With that amount of turns i was looking for more inductance for current control, would that many turns make large steps in the wave form?.

    No don't have imperial comms, have 36 element MAG3 comms, remember, but flat comms are the way to go for this project.

    Would a flat comm with more elements than 16 be a better choice for a smooth more precise wave?.

    The patent shows 16 elements, maybe it doesn't matter that much if the wave is stepped?.

    Regards Cornboy.

    They are available from Eurton but starting to get pricey, and take 2 weeks for me here in AUS.

    If you already wound it...just test it AS IS...
    Please do not take it apart cause of what am saying...


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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    I think so....why did you do so many turns??!

    You really like to wind uh?...

    You also could have some response delay...too many winds for small amount of comm elements...
    Don't you have the Imperial 56 elements comm?...well you have a vertical set right?

    About fasteners to hopk to wires...since you are so far from town...try using suitable machine bolts...cutting a groove wire slides through...then run tap..and washer-nut it...just an idea.



    With that amount of turns i was looking for more inductance for current control, would that many turns make large steps in the wave form?.

    No don't have imperial comms, have 36 element MAG3 comms, remember, but flat comms are the way to go for this project.

    Would a flat comm with more elements than 16 be a better choice for a smooth more precise wave?.

    The patent shows 16 elements, maybe it doesn't matter that much if the wave is stepped?.

    Regards Cornboy.

    They are available from Eurton but starting to get pricey, and take 2 weeks for me here in AUS.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    14 awg primary wire came in about 30 minutes ago. looks like i will have a good primary winding weekend. Woo who !


    Hey MM

    ...Hanon is saying that pic is from 8 months ago.
    And that you Photoshopped the date....


    Just kidding friend!!
    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 11:25 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    OK, UFO, looking at it a bit closer from what you have said, i will have 56 turns of 3mm on the toroid, this will probably produce a signal that is to sharp and skinny, would you say?.

    Thanks Cornboy.
    I think so....why did you do so many turns??!

    You really like to wind uh?...

    You also could have some response delay...too many winds for small amount of comm elements...
    Don't you have the Imperial 56 elements comm?...well you have a vertical set right?

    About fasteners to hopk to wires...since you are so far from town...try using suitable machine bolts...cutting a groove wire slides through...then run tap..and washer-nut it...just an idea.



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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    14 awg primary wire came in about 30 minutes ago. looks like i will have a good primary winding weekend. Woo who !

    Exciting time for you Mm, all the best, and happy winding.

    Warm Regards Cornboy.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    Thanks UFO, will see how it goes, it certainly is completely variable.

    I am using 3mm varnish coated copper wire with around 7 - 8 turns per node,which leaves a nice gap between wires, remembering that i have 8 nodes not 10. hope this pans out as it is a single continueos wind with nickle coated copper balustrade crimp terminals threaded on to the wire. I could alter it later if need be, just more work.

    Regards Cornboy.
    OK, UFO, looking at it a bit closer from what you have said, i will have 56 turns of 3mm on the toroid, this will probably produce a signal that is to sharp and skinny, would you say?.

    Also just tried the crimping pliers and not enough room to get to terminals, so will have to try and find alternative that can clamp on after winding.

    I am quite isolated here with the nearest large town 1and 1/2 hours away so will have to wait till Monday, darn it.

    Thanks Cornboy.

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