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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • marathonman
    More insight

    Continuing our saga into the mystery box where the positive goes to the brush and the negative goes to the primaries then on to part G that controls all currant flow through out the device.

    in the days of Figuera and Tesla, no diodes were around so the use of magnetics or rather magnetic fields were used to block or allow currant flow. specifically Tesla's AC to DC patent comes to mind. using the magnetic field in a coil around a core to block AC in one direction but allow in the other coil/core while being opposite in the second core to the first allowing currant to flow in one direction thus giving charge separation.

    now putting all this together you start to see that currant Never reverses in this device. as part G rotation is on set N the currant is high but low for set S leaving a low pressure in that part of part G. at the same time in the primaries set N being high and set S being low, set N shoves set S out of the secondary into it's own core causing a high pressure in that core. since the pressure in core is high and the presssure in part G is low guess where the currant will go. yep, you got it, in the same direction as the original currant flow into part G and stored in the form of a magnetic field to be used at a later time. this action happens every half turn of the brush and allows the device to continuously recycle it's egergy using the second secondary to replace losses from heat, core and wire which amount to very little.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-06-2016, 10:40 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Mental midget

    This thread was removed for reason i don't care to discuss.
    Last edited by marathonman; 11-08-2016, 01:09 PM.

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  • marathonman

    Just because a rude, confused and very ignorant person is trying to interrupt this thread does not mean i can't give the wonderfull followers of this thread some good info. the following picks is an example of how and why the the continuous flow of currant is possible in the Figuera device.

    now you have to think to your self.... why did this rude, confused and very ignorant person miss this in the realm of patents. because of thinking like dogma science and complicating everything with no mental prowess to understand what he reads. instead of dissecting every line and graph, most people skim through in like no tomorrow forgetting all the parts involved.

    why Figuera did so forget this in his patent i haven't the clue. it threw most everyone in a tailspin. if one with the mental capability had studied every patent then they would of realized that Mr. Buforn in his over zealous attempt to repatent Figueras device revield more about the device than Figuera ever entended to.
    the loop back to explain all.

    the point of charge separation.

    things that make the confused go....WHAAAAAT ! and the very reason the continuum says, i know.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-08-2016, 01:10 PM.

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  • marathonman
    No invite

    The above post was and is a complete lie. hanon is to ignorant to have EVER come up with this test. I was the one to tell him how to do it and what will be the outcome. he is seeking 15 minutes of pathetic fame on my thread and since the moderator will not consent to my wishes to remove this semiretarded individuals post i will have to endure his disgusting display of this sick nonintelligent self.

    From now on read first page.

    THIS THREAD IS FOR SERIOUS FIGUERA BUILDERS ONLY. all posters ( IF EXCEPTED) will be required to post a pic of work or devices in progress with in reason according to the patents that include moving or non moving control systems. at no time shall bad mouthers and known arguers be allowed. you will be asked to leave and will be reported to the forum administrator immediately.

    again this thread is about serious Figuera builders only, that want to share their real build ideas and the device as a whole, (Part G) and related technology on a professional but casual level.
    if it is not related to Figuera don't post it, if the words out of your mouth are not Figuera don't post it, if you come to run your mouth to disagree don't post it. abide by these rules or you will be asked to leave.

    study all patents, my research, view my profile pics, your research and related materials and start building or don't bother posting.


    This Thread was open in order to Distribute correct information and fully develop Part G as a Wound Toroidal Iron Core becoming the "HEART BEAT" which makes the Figuera device to fully work as a Self Sustained System. Since many Building and Developing Members were extremely opposing to my Part G development on the Part 1 Figuera Thread.

    Therefore, I, Marathonman, the Owner of this Thread Reserve the right to accept or not, a new incoming Member, even if he or she shows proof of their building.


    Pm me if you want to join like minded builders and we will go from that point forward.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-14-2016, 08:28 AM.

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  • hanon1492
    Sorry I forgot to post my picture of my proof of principle toroid. This was the first working toroid shown openly in those threads.

    This is the video to watch it running. Regulating 2 lightbulbs with a variac and a 12 volts battery:


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  • marathonman


    After that disgusting display of attack on the other thread you three just did you have the balls to ask me ANYTHING. it doesn't matter what ANYONE says you are going to ARGUE with them. i will never post on that thread again trying to help out SO NEVER post on mine.



    now kindly get off my thread or do we have to play the moderator game again. sorry thread rules on my side and moderator.
    all i can say is figure it out for yourself.

    I will Apogigize to all my followers and readers of this thread for my harsh words but you have to realize i have put up with his argumentaive mouth, constant belittling attemps and chaotic behavior for over two plus years. that is why i have my own thread to escape this BS. some people just don't get it. i for one am not that person.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-08-2016, 03:38 PM.

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  • hanon1492
    I have two technicals questions about the toroid as an alleged energy recycling device:

    1- How can you allegedly recycle the energy in the toroid and electromagnets back (--->) and forth (<---) through the same only wire without reversing the magnetic polarity in the electromagnets which are filling and emptying through just that only wire?

    2- Current always flows toward lower potential sites. If energy is going back and forth between the toroid and the electromagnets then if in one way is flowing toward a lower potential site, the reverse way is flowing toward a higher potential site. All this connected always with the battery at the same time. Is the toroid increasing and decreasing in potential in each half cycle? Impossible in my view.

    The toroid will work to regulate the two currents but nor it is mandatory neither it will recycle back and forth the energy. Current in this device always flow in the same direction to keep always the same polarity in the poles of the electromagnets.

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  • marathonman

    Got my camera cable in today so i thought i would take a few shots.

    These two pics are my 12 volt 5 volt regulated 16 channel logic level NPN timing board with make before break timing adjustment that will switch 16 high power PNP Mosfets on the high side ( sepatate boards) to mimic brush rotation.

    the next two shots are my winder ( former addapters not shown) and my winding tree i am not finished modifying. i did not like the original one i built. notice the mount for the tree in front of the winder. the tree will be cut in half as i have low ceiling and hits roof. not perfect but functional within a very limited pocket. the spool will be mounted on top and be spring loaded as will metal pad below that being covered in thick felt for protection. this will keep wire from despooling.

    unfortunately my part G is not turning out as expected so i will wait a few days before pic to fix problems.

    stay tuned for more to come.

    ps. waited well over a week for one $4.95 lousy cable to arrive below

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-08-2016, 05:58 PM.

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  • marathonman


    Your results are exactly as what i observed in my tests. when testing N/S i found that the currants were opposing each other getting darn near zero output.
    when testing N/N the output was substantially higher even with non ideal switching.

    thus i concluded that N/S CAN NOT be used in the Figuera device from opposing currants and N/N was the only way to go as opposing fields do not interact with each other but the additive E field does.
    you know as well as the rest of the builders on this thread that the figuera device is N/N DC driven as well as inductor driven part G.

    below is just part of my research into N/N setup. i will not bring it up again as this is just a waste of time.

    if builders on other threads chose to waste their time for years to come i will be laughing all the while. i so find it amazing as all the N/S ers line up like ducks waddling down the road quacking up a storm with no clue what so ever.

    please study first pic taken from a Physics website. observe the induced in N/N set up, both induced in same direction supporting each other (double strength E field)
    now look below that to N/S set up, both induced are OPPOSING as in OPPOSING CURRANTS. now any reasonable intelligent person would realize that N/S WILL NOT WORK in the Figuera device. denying this proof not ony defies reality, defies physics but prove your living in a fantasy.

    personally attacking someone because i know more about this device then all put together is down right disgraceful, disgusting but down right pathetic. then going line by line to attempt to belittle and discredit me is border line phychotic behavior.

    WE, the builders on this very thread, will change the world.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-12-2016, 08:20 AM.

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  • marathonman
    Wow !

    I see the bad marks, they are suppose to be epoxy fluidized not sprayed that is why the small crop outs on side of mine. as long as your happy. but i would shoot an email voicing quality concerns.

    Woo who ! wind time.

    Please follow guide lines as i know you are twitching like a kid in a candy store to build the most awesome device ever, happy twitching. ha, ha, ha.

    can you believe the statement was made that Buforn neither uses any internal energy recycling device. Wow ! talk about brain dead, i guess that power is brought into the system from the power fairies. ha, ha, ha !
    i must of laughed for 30 min. total incomprehention at it's finest.

    TRUST ME FOLKS when i say the power is recycled from part G to the primaries and back every half turn, it does exactly that. THIS IS THE KEY to self sustainment otherwise it is no better than a transformer being fed power continuously.

    the power is not really back and forth between the primaries and part G. the primaries feed part G every half turn and part G stores it in a magnetic field. when the system needs power it takes it from the magnetic field and circulates it around to the primaries then starts the sequence all over again. sorry for the confusion.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-14-2016, 08:23 AM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Iron Core G...

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    sad to hear you having to wait on a stock item, Bridgeport is slipping on it's foundation. even raised their prices.


    Not really that bad...just got Toroid today...

    Price was 32.97 plus 12.90 FEDEX Ground...and I ordered Monday Oct 31 st...realizing it came from CT to FL...

    Part#120 1867 VA ...Rough finishing...but is ok...epoxy resin was sprayed...and the weld spots were not well grinded/sanded down...well guess am too just a piece of laminated iron.

    Oh!...and Photobrocken is on maintenance again...what a piece of crap!

    So...ready to Rock and Roll next week...


    Attached Files
    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-04-2016, 08:47 PM.

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  • marathonman

    The primaries are the 1000 hp motor and part G is the brakes or rather the transmission.

    the amount of winding's on part G (Inductance) controls all currant through the primaries not resistance. any resistance in the two create losses so Figuera used thick wire in both to avoide this problem.
    this is not fairytale, THIS IS FACT !

    a power supply is always larger then the sum of all lower parts added up plus headroom. wind accordingly. especially if primaries are paralleled, thicker connecting wire would be advisable.

    please don't scare people, NO DAREDEVIL NEEDED, only sound reasoning and good judgement.

    you people have to remember this device was built by a REAL PHYSISIST before the BS FROM EINSTEIN took hold and before J. P. MORGAN shut everything down or rather covered it all up. present day DOGMA SCIENCE says this device can't work but apparently FIGUERA and our UNIVERSE DID NOT GET THAT MEMO.

    sad to hear you having to wait on a stock item, Bridgeport is slipping on it's foundation. even raised their prices.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-03-2016, 08:52 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    "Huh, I would have guessed you would be using more turns.
    When you are ready to pass on more details I'm sure there will be other things that will surprise me.

    Looking forward to that time!"


    Quote from one of Figuera's patent.

    "It has the advantage that the soft iron core can be constructed with complete indifference of the induced circuit, allowing the core to be a real group of electromagnets, like the exciters, and covered with a proper wire in order that these electromagnets may develop the biggest force possible, without worrying at all about the conditions that the induced wire must have for the voltage and amperage that is desired. In the winding of this induced wire, within the magnetic fields, are followed the requirements and practices known today in the construction of dynamos, and we refrain from going into further detail, believing it unnecessary."

    meaning the excitors are built the exact same way, not according to known practices.

    Think about this statement really hard people. why would Figuera specifically say Don't worry about the "Excitors" primary winding's.???

    because the primary winding are specifically designed to be Electromagnets and produce the highest magnetism possible with out having to worry about ohms, self inductance and the like. Figuera is specifically saying to not follow known practices as in how to wind Generator field coils, Stators and such you people are presently using as a guide.


    wind your primaries with thick wire or even thick foil to get the biggest bang for your buck. forget what you think you know and follow my advice if not Figuera's, from his own mouth.

    the secondaries as he so stated will be according to presently known practices and should be followed to the T.

    this very advice is what i have been harping about since the start, only to fall on deaf and blind heads.

    wind them to be Electromagnets period.

    now people lets wind some primaries


    It is very hard for people to understand (or even accept) your proposal of relationship between Primaries and Part having almost No Resistance at all...still "driving" high currents and voltages...

    Why do I think so?

    Simple...for over 100 years every design has been applying Resistance, as the only means to control currents flow...or voltage..

    And I mean any circuit you get randomly...would always have a BUNCH of resistors...

    For Electronics as well as Electricity...Resistance have been like the "Brakes" to drive currents in any given circuit.

    I will just compare to a Super High Performance Vehicle...equipped with a 1000 HP Engine...acceleration from 0 to 60 in "Nano" seconds...but then...the Designers would tell You such vehicle comes without ANY Brakes System...

    Then You would be assigned to test it at super high speeds in a runway full of brakes...your only "choice" would be to use the vehicle manual transmission gear "reduction" to bring it down in speed but never...coming to a full stop.

    Now honestly...unless you see someone driving that vehicle...confidently from start to end...and very satisfactory results...would you just seat and go?

    Honestly, I believe only "Dare Devil Drivers" would test this brand new "Vehicle"...unless they see anyone of Us doing it.

    I know very well you are a Dare Devil Driver...and so am many others, let's get to work and make it happen friend.

    Btw, I should be getting my Toroid part #120 this week...and I was surprised when they told me at their place they were Epoxying it the second day I called to find out status...

    I am dreaming when I could be able to seat in that Vehicle and accelerate it at super luminal speeds...

    And You are completely RIGHT...ALL Primaries MUST BE around same type of Wind as Part G have...and Magnetic Field would be just Awesome!!

    And like You wrote previously...NOTHING could be in between Part G and Primaries...Highways must be Clear, and VERY WIDE to allow High Speed driving without brakes...

    I would be using all wires connecting (not just the primaries coils wire) back and forth from Primaries to Part G...Also of a High Gauge. This way it would be a super Highway which loops constantly and where brakes are a thing from the past...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-03-2016, 02:41 PM.

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  • marathonman


    "Huh, I would have guessed you would be using more turns.
    When you are ready to pass on more details I'm sure there will be other things that will surprise me.

    Looking forward to that time!"


    Quote from one of Figuera's patent.

    "It has the advantage that the soft iron core can be constructed with complete indifference of the induced circuit, allowing the core to be a real group of electromagnets, like the exciters, and covered with a proper wire in order that these electromagnets may develop the biggest force possible, without worrying at all about the conditions that the induced wire must have for the voltage and amperage that is desired. In the winding of this induced wire, within the magnetic fields, are followed the requirements and practices known today in the construction of dynamos, and we refrain from going into further detail, believing it unnecessary."

    meaning the excitors are built the exact same way, not according to known practices.

    Think about this statement really hard people. why would Figuera specifically say Don't worry about the "Excitors" primary winding's.???

    because the primary winding are specifically designed to be Electromagnets and produce the highest magnetism possible with out having to worry about ohms, self inductance and the like. Figuera is specifically saying to not follow known practices as in how to wind Generator field coils, Stators and such you people are presently using as a guide.


    wind your primaries with thick wire or even thick foil to get the biggest bang for your buck. forget what you think you know and follow my advice if not Figuera's, from his own mouth.

    the secondaries as he so stated will be according to presently known practices and should be followed to the T.

    this very advice is what i have been harping about since the start, only to fall on deaf and blind heads.

    wind them to be Electromagnets period.

    now people lets wind some primaries

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-03-2016, 02:52 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Part g

    I received a pm about part G. the person is still confused about how part G can control two primaries independently.

    Part G is an Inductive device acting just like a regular inductor but wound on a toroidal core for the least possible losses. as you know inductors oppose currant flow (Lenz Law) from voltage produce in surrounding winding's from the currant flow through the wire. this opposition to currant flow is magnified by the iron core causing a higher degree of currant restriction.

    when currant enters part G from both Sets of primaries, two fields are produced. these fields are N><N at the brush where the currant exits and voltage enters. since these fields are opposing each one can be varied separately, completely independent of each other. so when the brush rotates each side of the fields are constantly moving one gaining in strength one reducing.
    as more winding's and iron core are involved a more intense opposing magnetic field is produced reducing currant flow, at the same time on the other side of the brush less winding's and iron core are involved so the opposing magnetic field is reducing causing an increase in currant flow.

    this very action in part G allows both feeds to be varied independent of each other but in complete unison allowing the precise increase and decrease of currant needed for the primaries to produce a double strength Electric field. if this action is not maintained induction will drop to the peak of the rising electromagnet which is 50 % reduction.

    i hope this clarifies things a little and your understanding of part G.
    any time someone wants to know something i am just a pm away.

    pic is for visual references only as we know part G is closed core.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-02-2016, 02:16 PM.

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