Continuing our saga into the mystery box where the positive goes to the brush and the negative goes to the primaries then on to part G that controls all currant flow through out the device.
in the days of Figuera and Tesla, no diodes were around so the use of magnetics or rather magnetic fields were used to block or allow currant flow. specifically Tesla's AC to DC patent comes to mind. using the magnetic field in a coil around a core to block AC in one direction but allow in the other coil/core while being opposite in the second core to the first allowing currant to flow in one direction thus giving charge separation.

now putting all this together you start to see that currant Never reverses in this device. as part G rotation is on set N the currant is high but low for set S leaving a low pressure in that part of part G. at the same time in the primaries set N being high and set S being low, set N shoves set S out of the secondary into it's own core causing a high pressure in that core. since the pressure in core is high and the presssure in part G is low guess where the currant will go. yep, you got it, in the same direction as the original currant flow into part G and stored in the form of a magnetic field to be used at a later time. this action happens every half turn of the brush and allows the device to continuously recycle it's egergy using the second secondary to replace losses from heat, core and wire which amount to very little.
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