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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Tach

    I think with three phase two are required as i have read and the color codes of the motor are as stated on post 522.
    this motor has three sensors.
    I will contact the manufacture of the motor to straighten this out and i will let you know shadow as to the outcome.



    • magnet

      I am thinking any small magnet would trigger the RPM counter instead of the washer looking magnet that came with the counter.
      I haven't tried it yet.



      • Originally posted by Shadow119g View Post
        I am thinking any small magnet would trigger the RPM counter instead of the washer looking magnet that came with the counter.
        I haven't tried it yet.

        Hello Shadow,

        If you guys just Scope-Probe one Commutator (any) element and set that channel to Frequency it would give you directly the operating hertz based on RPM's, just verify it with a hand held tach...then based on the motor Input at that -desired frequency of 60 Hz- would do the 3600 RPM's/60 Hz every time you set it to it...

        Just to give you a momentary (or definite) solution...not to stop your tests

        Take care and good build

        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-11-2017, 08:24 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Lag time

          I am very sorry for the delay in posting. taking Kids camping and lots of logistics when dealing with other people kids. since i had no camping gear i had to buy it all and god knows camping gear is very 20 man tent, three burner stove, griddle, chairs, ice chests and the list goes on and on.

          I have my wire for part G rewind but will not rewind until after i get back from the camping trip. can't wait to get refocused on part G. primaries and secondaries are totally awesome so the main focus will be on part G, the mistical dynamic inductor.



          • Tach

            Multiple messages to manufacture and NO response yet Shadow. i found this little circuit that may help us. i will put it together and test it out.

            really makes me mad that there is no response from the manufacture of this motor....great customer service.



            • Part G

              When half of part G lets say to set S is decreasing (brush rotation), energy is being released from the magnetic field in to the system feeding the increasing set N while the other half set N is storing energy in the magnetic field (brush rotation) to feed set S the next half turn. each cycle feeds the next high primary but since no system built by man is lossless the input from the secondary is needed to replace losses from heat, wire and core losses which doesn't amount to much since currant requirements will drop once the system is up and running. once running the original power supply can be removed and the secondary will replace the little losses as needed. the magnetic fields are kept separate because of the N-N field at the positive brush so each field can be charging or discharging separately in a complete and orderly fashion. they also rotate with the brush.

              thus the energy is in fact recycled over and over only to replace what is lost.

              I hope this clears things up a little

              Last edited by marathonman; 06-03-2017, 11:07 PM.


              • Part G

                Adding to the above post, when the low side of part G is discharging feeding set N the inductive kick back from set S electromagnets are being shoved in part G at the brush at the same time. this causes an addition of power to set N higher then what would normally be fed to it since your combining three sources of power you attain the amplification factor Doug has so stated. there will be a momentary voltage surge to the high primaries. this amplification process takes place every half turn of the rotating brush at the high primary from the low discharging side.

                Last edited by marathonman; 06-15-2017, 05:36 PM.


                • Part G

                  The two magnetic fields inside of part G being North face magnetic fields at the rotating brush, (which is a reactor) allows each side of the brush to act as independent reactors so being separated and independent, one can be charging as the other is discharging in complete unison and vise verse.
                  currant is constantly flowing because part G is kept in a constant imbalanced state seeking equilibrium that never happens. the discharging side along with the inductive kickback from the low primary and the secondary at the brush causes an amplification or high pressure in half of part G that flows to the increasing side to seek equilibrium that never takes place.
                  each half turn this process takes place.

                  Last edited by marathonman; 06-15-2017, 05:38 PM.


                  • Primaries N Secondaries

                    "Remember how a squirrel cage motor works. There is no current or voltage going into the rotor. It develops it's own current through induction and establishes it's own magnetic field only as a result of the relative motion between the rotating field and the core. If the core catches up to the rotating field the relative motion is reduced and the current in the rotor reduces slowing down the rotor until the relative motion is fast enough to induce a stronger field in the rotor so it can be pushed around by the rotating field again. They don't combine into mutual fields as that would stop the relative motion. Without having a rotating rotor like the squirrel cage motor to provide the difference between the rotating field and the induced field on the rotor it takes a bit of creative thinking to accomplish the same effect in a stationary condition of the cores in clemente's generator. Maybe that will resonate with classical training. There is no electrical connection from primary to secondary and after induction in the secondary from the primary's, it produces current in the secondary (Y) which creates another field inside Y they part company and the primaries become the motive force that exerts motion onto Y provided Y is a closed circuit with resistance of it's own." ( ie. a load.)

                    So from the pic below, once the secondaries create it's own field the primaries can quite easily move the field from side to side changing the direction of EMF producing AC. in the case of the Figuera Generator a load has to be present for the device to work like the voltage regulator of a standard Generator, the regulator is the phantom load and the small fraction of the secondary in the Figuera device is the phantom load.

                    the load requirements from the secondary are further reduced by the low primaries being basically shoved out of the secondary into it's own core as it is reducing. as it has been stated that the magnetic field is just reducing not retracting but the coil see's this as retracting and produces voltage and currant in the coil. this power is what is shoved into part G at the brush along with the reducing field in half of part G's low side to attain the amplification that has been stated in the above post.

                    As part G spins, what is changing is the amount of self induction, reverse EMF, the resistance to currant flow (Magnetically) through the brush rotation on the coil wound around the core. the core amplifies this self induction and thus regulates the currant of the twin inductors or reactors that are kept separate by two north face magnetic poles. each are independent but in complete unison, one increasing, storing energy from the system, one decreasing, releasing energy into the system.
                    the secondary is there to replace losses occurred in the process.

                    Last edited by marathonman; 06-16-2017, 08:55 AM.


                    • Part G

                      The magnetic field created by the currant flowing through the conductor opposes the original currant flow. this magnetic field is then amplified by the core as reverse EMF to curtail the currant flow through part G on a dynamic basis. since the currant will equalize over a period of time, Figuera rotated the brush to dynamically change the currant on a steady basis through addition or subtraction of coil winding's as the brush rotated. thus two coils in opposite direction being of positive nature will have two north opposing magnetic fields allowing each one to operate separately but in complete unison. they have the same attributes as the primaries as constant pressure is maintained between them and since there are at least two contacts at a time, this is the perfect avenue to inject the secondary output, the power from the decreasing electromagnet plus the reducing side of part G to attain the amplification to the increasing electromagnet.

                      Last edited by marathonman; 06-16-2017, 08:58 AM.


                      • Where did it go

                        I guess the Figuera drive ran out of juice.
                        i will keep on posting as i test my part G soon. just got back in town tonight, out of town for a while and darn glad the job is finished. i really hate fixing someone elses F-up but it had to be done.

                        i really can't believe everyone else stop posting. a few set backs and then quite, I DON"T THINK SO.
                        there is enough information on this thread to do some serious testing unless you are the type like my ex that just laid their and let someone else do all the work.

                        Last edited by marathonman; 07-01-2017, 10:53 PM.


                        • The conversion of mechanical into electrical energy is very costly. the mechanical energy used to overcome the attraction of the stator to the rotor is so powerful that the whole over unity thing is completely obliterated thus why the standard mechanical rotating generator is a complete waste of time even though the output used to excite the electromagnets are around 10% of the total output making the mechanical output surpass the 90 % mark. (Lenz Law)

                          Figuera on the other hand has figured out that the mechanical part can be eliminated all together by using two primaries of the same polarity in unison to exactly mimic the actions of the standard generator using the Lenz Law to maintain the pressure between them thus eliminating the 90% used for the mechanical rotation allowing the device to use that 90 % toward the output and even lower the input to the device in my opinion less than 10 % from the use of part G making this generator the most efficient of it's kind.

                          once the primaries are up to working magnetic field strength, the currant will pass right through the primaries as if they were a straight piece of wire as also part G using only what it needs to maintain the field as the rest goes right on by or is stored in the magnetic field for later use. if the field is at a certain field strength and the same amount of currant is supplied to it it will not accept any further currant into the magnetic field. it uses only what is needed to to increase the field strength of the primaries as the field of the primaries are maintained at 80 to 90 % of their field strength even when taken to their low position.

                          the logistics of this device is absolutely mind boggling to say the least and is a testament to the utter Genius of Clemente Figuera. the people of the Tesla time are true leaders in their field thus making our so called leaders from our time seam like school girls playing with dolls.

                          using the analogy of marbles flowing though a piece of wire is sheer insanity to the fifth degree.

                          really love Michael Tellinger's video's, someone with the balls to stand up and say "Hey, I don't think so".

                          Last edited by marathonman; 07-02-2017, 10:00 PM.


                          • Still here

                            I am still here, but, I have had to attend to house problems and other stuff.
                            Thanks for all you have done!


                            • Still Here MM, still working on it.

                              Bistander, the stirring antagonist, still working on it too, i see.

                              Regards Cornboy.


                              • ...and another

                       still here.

                                Had one part G 'professionally wound'. I'm not happy with it, but will leave it intact.

                                Am waiting to get more transformer cores from UPS devices which will be life-cycled in the near future.

                                These will be wound with flat motor winding wire purchased from the same motor shop that balanced my UFOP asymetrical armature.

                                Did get some plastics from to use in making brackets, etc, for commutators and so forth.

                                So, if things seem quiet, it doesn't mean that folks aren't working on things. (My machinist friend will have 3 major projects coming out for me in the next few weeks.)


