Good Question
My part G wire is .4 rectangle wire which might be a little to wide as we will see as i have only 16 winds but my core is 5 plus inches deep = a lot of core exposure. my primaries are 18 awg, two separate winding's.( parallel ) this is what i have and all i have. if i had the money and or wire i would rather wind my primaries with 14 awg but all i have is a 10 lb spool of 18 awg wire.
the reason my wire is so wide was i planed on a mechanical part G but changed my mind after i bought wire to switch to electronic timing to mimic brush rotation. also the commutator bars in figueras patent are actual thick winding"s on a core. my suspicion was confermed that the wire count was low from hanon's video and my own test i conducted thus confermed this to be true. 1/4 turn of the variac using DC was all it took to vary the currant.
the whole philosophy behind the madness is why shouldn't the primaries be the least ohmage as possible as part G controls the currant. so this is why the primaries should be lowest as possible to attain the highest magnetization as possible.
the primaries are specifically there to be "ELECTROMAGNETS", NOT GOVERN CURRANT so why not design them to do there job the greatest they can be. so basically if you can get away with ohms. imagine that. if i had three inch length copper coductor to wrap it with i would do it.
when the primaries are at peak currant, they are there for only 2.08 miliseconds (USA 60 hz) 2.5 miliseconds ( European 50 hz) at 16 figuera intervals. at this length of time almost no amount of currant can do damage to wires (WITHIN REASON) so wind your primaries to take advantage of this peak with no adverse affects. ie. biggest bang for your buck as to say.
part G was made to control the currant NOT THE PRIMARIES so thus we need to configure the primaries with as little resistance and self inductance as possible allowing PART G TO DO IT'S JOB as it so wonderfully does.
do you get my drift.
I love part G.
No announcement yet.
Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)
Originally posted by marathonman View Postit's been a bad week for me as many things were stolen from me where i live. then again last night my 20 foot 2 awg jumper cables were stolen and a brand new battery. bad thing was i borrowed it from neighbor. this morning a box of cables come up missing that had my camera cable in it so now i am stuck no way to post my pics until i order new cable.
thank god they know nothing about my Figuera parts.
good news is i am rebuilding my wire tree for my winding machine that is kept under lock and key and my timing board is finished being manufactured.
i am rewinding my primaries for lowest ohms possible.
Be forwarned, Figuera's commutator bars were actually thick wire on a core with not a lot of windings. you will most likely experience a high currant drop with that amount of windings. i hope not because it looks very nice. please keep this in mind.
A few questions if you wouldn't mind, what is the width of the flat wire for your G core winding?, what gauge wire are you using for your primaries, and what ohms are you aiming for with primary coils?.
Best Regards Cornboy.
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Your part G looks awesome. the only difference between yours and mine is i have shorter taps and thicker wire with screws at taps to connect to high side PNP transistors.
looks very nice and impressive.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-28-2016, 10:55 AM.
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This is the test rig I've been working on.
MY1016 24V 250 watt motor.
Precision ground 1/2" drive shaft.
The resistance is wound with 12 GA THHN house wire per the spreadsheet uploaded to the other thread. Double core, 40 turns, 16 taps.
Not shown is the magnet wire, .75 kva supply transformer and the control switches.
A lot of time has been spent aligning the motor, coupler and shaft mounts only to discover the bearings may be bad. They're heating up and after about 5 minutes the amp draw climbs from 2 to 3 amps. Guess I'll have to tear it down again and get some replacements. So it goes.
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Bad week
it's been a bad week for me as many things were stolen from me where i live. then again last night my 20 foot 2 awg jumper cables were stolen and a brand new battery. bad thing was i borrowed it from neighbor. this morning a box of cables come up missing that had my camera cable in it so now i am stuck no way to post my pics until i order new cable.
thank god they know nothing about my Figuera parts.
good news is i am rebuilding my wire tree for my winding machine that is kept under lock and key and my timing board is finished being manufactured.
i am rewinding my primaries for lowest ohms possible.
Be forwarned, Figuera's commutator bars were actually thick wire on a core with not a lot of windings. you will most likely experience a high currant drop with that amount of windings. i hope not because it looks very nice. please keep this in mind.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-28-2016, 12:26 AM.
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Originally posted by Shadow119g View Post[IMG] B[/IMG]
Nice Part G Toroid winding, looks beautiful!!
In order for people to see your image it can not be added between [IMG][/IMG]
It is given as a web link...
So, just use the "Blue World and Chain Link" Icon on the editor tabs and it will open up like below in another window: B
Or you could enclose it with some code you could read when you quote my post...I can't write it here it won't show...And it will look like below, directly here so anyone could see it...
Writing code is poetry...
Looks great!!
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 10-27-2016, 09:59 PM.
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Originally posted by Cadman View PostCount me in.
I haven't been able to access my photobucket account since this thread was opened so couldn't furnish pics.
I'll take some more shots tonight and try
You have the exact same commutator that I have. Small world huh.
The commutator was from Eurton electric US, i had to wait 3 weeks for it to come to Australia. Very affordable compared to some.
All the best with your build.
Regards Cornboy.
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Google messes up account again, can't get above links.
third party cookie block was checked. good.
my only problem i have is the links talk about currant time delay in Electromagnets. Figuera new this and ellieviated this problem out of his design by not taking his Electromagnets below half way and never zero. also very low ohmage and self inductance, this approach makes his Electromagnets very, very responsive to currant changes. just something to concider.
"The inductive discharge from the inducers should be absorbed by part G, at least in part, before it ever reaches the switching mechanism. Part G acting somewhat like a choke, reacting with counter emf, and increasing it's own magnetic field in the process."
Very well put .
it is quite comforting to know i am amoung intelligent, reasoning, mind using individuals.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 11-30-2016, 06:45 AM.
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Originally posted by Cadman View Post@Ufo
Also check out pg 230. Time-constants of Electromagnets.
YES I did!!...very interesting!
As I was reading this mind was developing new visions and new kind of windings type...
For example...that Fig 93, bottom right image...fastest parallel dual Interacting coils...according to their "C" Cores facing each does have some use for Dual usage of poles at primaries Uh?...
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Originally posted by marathonman View PostCadman;
Many thanks for presence, glad to see you aboard. UFOP has hi regards toward you as i do myself
postimage has a desktop app that allows you to post image without going to there website. just get account API key and all pics go to your account with automatic image address for that pic. just a thought.
so what is your thought on my take of part G, just curious.
Thanks, I'm happy to contribute what I can.
I find your take on part G very intriguing and what you say makes a lot of sense to me. Using impedance to control the signal has to be the most efficient way to go.
The inductive discharge from the inducers should be absorbed by part G, at least in part, before it ever reaches the switching mechanism. Part G acting somewhat like a choke, reacting with counter emf, and increasing it's own magnetic field in the process.
Also check out pg 230. Time-constants of Electromagnets.
Hey shadow, glad you got through to join in!
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Very Welcome New Builders here!!
Hello to All,
Welcome to All new builders joining this beautiful Thread!!
@Cadman, you were expected anytime...but now an "official"!!
Btw, Photo bucket has been with issues for a while since they started that "Maintenance" in the middle of the week in working hours!!!...can get to Albums, takes for ever...etc,etc...I been thinking on going Add-less, since am pretty sure that is main issue...lower server capacity for selling so much Adds space becoming very annoying!!
@At Shadow119gand I am glad you found Energetic Forum through me...on You Tube maybe?
@MM, the problem here is that we all are like students of first year on Part G...while you already did this with mechanical means, we still have to go through this learning process...besides that, I must admit I do love electrodynamics...
But I love Electronics too, friend, and I will for sure get on that part in time, I love your circuit as PCB...You know I always wanted to build a sequential and programmable or adjustable timing board which could take higher is definitively required for this set up.
Hey Guys, I was reading great books...and basically Thompson Books...thanks to you Cadman!!
While back I read Thompson's work about Faraday...but that was it...
I highly recommend this Book below:
It will teach Us how to really wind those Primaries Coils, in order that they be MUCH MORE RESPONSIVE to High Changing Current how to "structure" (actually wind them in different fashion than we normally know...) in order to obtain much less magnetic AIR leakage...imagine that?
Methods of Windings (P 201)
Plus, there is a lot, but a lot of dedicated explanations related to resistance/gauge/ types of better methods and formulas, etc,etc
I believe these Books (all) are a real, real treasure...and FREE of charge!!
Enjoy it!!
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 10-27-2016, 06:48 PM.
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Posting image
Good to have you aboard and finally on entergetic, took a while.
postimage has a desktop app that allows you to post image without going to their website. just get account API key and all pics go to your account with automatic image address for that pic. one you have image address copy, click yellow mountain insert image button in top bar, the paste pic address, post.
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Thanks to energetic forum I am finely on.
Glad to find this site! Thanks to UFO.
Starting on part G
I will figure out picture next!!
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Many Thanks
Many thanks for presence, glad to see you aboard. UFOP has hi regards toward you as i do myself
postimage has a desktop app that allows you to post image without going to there website. just get account API key and all pics go to your account with automatic image address for that pic. just a thought.
so what is your thought on my take of part G, just curious.
you mechanical guys are ganging up on electronic me.ha, ha ha.
seen some of your work on youtube, nice work bro.
Word to every one;
PCBWAY has almost finished my timing board and it's only been less than 24 hrs. they never cease to amaze me on speed, quality and price.
UPDATE; PCBWAY has finished two layer 16 channel timing board in less than 24 hrs, WOW ! thats fast. awaiting packaging and shipping.
it says two to three days but they are way, way faster then most.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-27-2016, 05:34 PM.
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