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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    It's possible about problems on his end.

    However, when he actually makes a post telling everyone he is "blocked after one post" - doesn't match up because if he was blocked, he couldn't post with a complaint about being blocked.

    Even as moderator, I've posted things that didn't come up right - that was more with copy/paste where there is some glitch so I'm not immune to problems.

    As you mention about what he has said in the past, I gave him way too many chances. Early on here, he was slandering me and I only left him in and didn't ban him because other were interested in what he had to say and I wanted everyone to have the opportunity to learn from him whatever he was sharing. He was very overt in the past about his slander against me and I still let him stay. But recently, when he started to go into other threads to harass people, including me, he crossed the line one to many times.
    There is a possibility that an external block is operating, although it is likely marathonman was operating through a VPN, this may have been discovered!. Maybe by someone who does not want the information regarding a successful outcome to go viral. If this devise works, and I suspect that marathonman has a pretty good understanding of the physics involved, then the gambit of banning marathonman has been an added bonus for the likely source of the blocking.

    Reading the thread, marathonman shows remarkable insight into the operation of the Figueres device. Therefore banning is quite a draconian move. It is no wonder that we can get a jaundiced view of forum activity.

    Just my two pennyworth.

    Last edited by Dwane; 12-29-2017, 06:21 AM.


    • MM latest video (Theory)

      Hello to All,

      Below is the latest Marathonman video, related about expanding on Figuera's idea of facing fields of the same type (Two Norths or Two Souths).


      Even though I do not agree with him related to Spin directions between a North-South, which he compares to N-N on video...I do agree that when a North is retracting, it will spin opposite to the conventional North fully energized in front of it, so, yes, they do complement each others with the back-forth motion.

      I hope this video helps many here building the device.

      Regards to All

      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • Hi guys, just wondering, has anyone of you guys got this working ???


        • Originally posted by peterholweg View Post
          Hi guys, just wondering, has anyone of you guys got this working ???

          Hi peterholweg,
          If they have it has been kept a secret. Also, IMHO, we don't understand the implication real or imagined of Figuera's intentions when writing the Patents. Also, as good as the translations are, again, IMHO, local and period inferential or colloquial language may be not allowing the true intent of the device to be understood.

          Joining the party, is one way of having a good time, and maybe having a refreshing journey!




          • I think we still do not know what Figuera hid. In that period of time there was plenty inventors creating complex AC generators. Ferranti, Doliwo-Dobrowolski, Moses, Zipernovsky the list is long...
            I don't believe nobody found an idea to test if the simple rotating drum with coil of wire between electromagnets would create the same output power with reduced input drag.


            • Out of sight, out of mind

              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
              I think we still do not know what Figuera hid. In that period of time there was plenty inventors creating complex AC generators. Ferranti, Doliwo-Dobrowolski, Moses, Zipernovsky the list is long...
              I don't believe nobody found an idea to test if the simple rotating drum with coil of wire between electromagnets would create the same output power with reduced input drag.
              Hi Boguslaw,
              I agree whole heartedly with you. My point about the Figuera's patents is what he has avoided telling us for his concoction to work as it did for him. If he has told us, then its a matter of manipulating the evidence until it makes some sense and gives it up! His concoction is then in reality an expression of another configuration! As for the "G", its importance is structural only, that is, a form of early PWM. A simulator required for the device to work.

              I am still mindful of Tesla'c comment of the favourable atmospheric conditions on the canary islands. The "G" then would have to be providing a make and break pulse?

              Simple deception?



              Edit: the thing is, this device could be so simple, that it is being unduly overstated. We are giving Figuera too much credit, when the credit should be for stating something that might be in plain sight!
              Last edited by Dwane; 09-14-2018, 12:28 PM. Reason: Clarity


              • Dwane

                It's actually quite simple really. It's not complicated to guess.
                Think a little about his first patent when he eliminated core movement.
                Nobody today is using this arrangement ? Why?
                If you answer the question above you will find what Figuera hid...


                • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                  Hello to All,

                  Below is the latest Marathonman video, related about expanding on Figuera's idea of facing fields of the same type (Two Norths or Two Souths).


                  Even though I do not agree with him related to Spin directions between a North-South, which he compares to N-N on video...I do agree that when a North is retracting, it will spin opposite to the conventional North fully energized in front of it, so, yes, they do complement each others with the back-forth motion.

                  I hope this video helps many here building the device.

                  Regards to All

                  Another "TOLD YOU SO VIDEO" with no successful-working device
                  to show for. N-S, S-N and this spinning field direction and that
                  way, plus the other and nothing to show for, just say

                  "SEE ME I'M FRICKIN RIGHT"
                  Sign MarmaladeMan

                  Best regards
                  Last edited by BroMikey; 09-15-2018, 06:46 PM.


                  • Hi Dwane,

                    I would suggest you ignore the last two posters. They never add anything to the discussion except confusion.

                    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                    • @ Bro Mikey. My tests have already proven you do get more from opposing magnetic fields that are out of phase. So once again you are running your mouth off about something you know NOTHING about. Go back to your own threads and quit adding confusion where it is not wanted.
                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • Originally posted by marathonman View Post
                        THIS THREAD IS FOR SERIOUS FIGUERA BUILDERS ONLY. all posters ( IF EXCEPTED) will be required to post a pic of work or devices in progress with in reason according to the patents that include moving or non moving control systems. at no time shall bad mouthers and known arguers be allowed. you will be asked to leave and will be reported to the forum administrator immediately.

                        again this thread is about serious Figuera builders only, that want to share their real build ideas and the device as a whole, (Part G) and related technology on a professional but casual level.
                        if it is not related to Figuera don't post it, if the words out of your mouth are not Figuera don't post it, if you come to run your mouth to disagree don't post it. abide by these rules or you will be asked to leave.

                        study all patents, my research, view my profile pics, your research and related materials and start building or don't bother posting.


                        This Thread was open in order to Distribute correct information and fully develop Part G as a Wound Toroidal Iron Core Inductor becoming the "HEART BEAT" which makes the Figuera device to fully work as a Self Sustained System. Since many Building and Developing Members were extremely opposing to the Part G development on the Part 1 Figuera Thread.

                        Therefore, I, Marathonman, the Owner of this Thread Reserve the right to accept or not, a new incoming Member, even if he or she shows proof of their building.


                        Pm me if you want to join like minded builders and we will go from that point forward.

                        Our mission: quite sipmply, to change the world.

                        SERIOUS BUILDERS ENJOY AND SHARE. i want to see your Figuera build. SHOW ME YOUR FIGUERA.

                        if not for the patient sharing and collaboration of Doug to me none of this would have been possible.
                        Thank you Doug.


                        This Thread was started by MM and the burden of proof is on his account.
                        Show me, say first and say on but some form of burden of proof is in
                        order if you are going to say.

                        The little Indians included. Show experimental proofs as you have
                        stated. Then we can go foreword with an intelligent conversation.

                        Your belief systems have been presented here conclusively so I don't
                        think it is to much to ask for some sort of experimental proofs. Agreed?

                        Tell the trained monkey to back off long enough for you to address the
                        burden of proof request. If no proofs can be establish then I will wait for
                        a later dated when something can be achieved in the natural.

                        Until such time as some proofs can be demonstrated I will consider this
                        idea hypothetical and an educated opinion.

                        We are grown men here and need to show some form of example and
                        continuity of thought concerning these proclamations that require the
                        complete renovation of all our classical science text.

                        Maybe a paper clip and magnet could show the burden proof resting in
                        your corner?

                        Either way it is a nice try/start

                        Best regards with this difficult task

                        PS I see you are well educated and versed in all the names related to
                        text book breakthru's so this should make the burden of proof's in
                        experimental form much more excepted to the minds of our day.

                        You know rotating commutators with stationary windings.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 09-15-2018, 07:47 PM.


                        • Too Busy!

                          Hi guys,
                          I have to give it away for a while. Getting quotes for the windows in the home build. At $53+K it is way too much! I am studying the aluminium framing manuals and details at the present time. Got to cut this expense in its tracks. I know you will understand. Going to be a windows build before my "G".




                          • G drive

                            Hi guys,
                            Although I am committed to finishing my house building, I still think as a distraction to my work! The latest thought is regarding the AC magnetic field. It should be possible to supply two streams of out of phase AC to the two sets of primary coils and automatically provide a seamless variation, that swaps over, as the driving G field.




                            • Clemente

                              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

                              It's actually quite simple really. It's not complicated to guess.
                              Think a little about his first patent when he eliminated core movement.
                              Nobody today is using this arrangement ? Why?
                              If you answer the question above you will find what Figuera hid...
                              Hi there Boguslaw,
                              I have briefly returned to my interest in Clemente, while I await some supplies for my Don Smith project. Clemente's device is possibly the best solution for market opportunity, copycat manufacture and refugee camps! The only issue I can see at the moment is the removal of the commutator, replacing this with direct pulsing to the field coils. As there also seems to be some disagreement upon winding and pulsing techniques, the issue of series and parallel winding becomes relevant. The other constant of Clemente's claims is the choice between DC and AC. As he constantly refers to the Dynamo, a DC generator, AC output becomes the key he was trying to hide. From my understanding, Dynamo's did not generally provide AC. Lastly, in my humble opinion, you can have as many sets of coils you would care to use. Seven, would seem to be a convenient number for Clemente, possible given that he might have been focused on a specific operational use.




                              • Hi all,

                                I have made a more effective version of Figuera generator patent. I my version the input coil is in the middle and is energising the output coils to left and right. While the Figuera patent the input coils are at the end and is energising the central coil, but half of the magnetic energy are lost to air, because the outer ends of the generator coils faces air.

                                Hermes Free Energy Transformer

                                Best Wishes, Hermes

