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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)
JohnStone is back :-)
Hi friends! As expected I am now retracted and dare to chime in in order to meet you all again.
I consider to start with Figuera replication within some month. But I do not feel comfortable with all those forums related being idle now. I tried to read through posts of last year and cannot find any clue or viable progress. How is the current state
Rgds John
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New Build Started
Hi guys,
Have started a new build for the Figuera Device. Have had the mild steel core cut to length. 16 at 3" and 8 at 6". The larger y cores are longer to assist with transfer of complete flux during operation. As been suggested.
Attached photos show my small kiln during the heat up and cool down of the decarbonising process. Will give soft iron around 99.3%ish if the steel specifications are correct. One photo at around 900C the other, showing classic scaling for successful result after cooling.
Next making the Bobbins. Bit of head scratching required for this next stage!
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Spain Electric supply
Hi guys,
One cannot but wonder at the mastery of Clemente Figueras and his knowledge of induction and in particular electric circuitry! I have also wondered why so many patents were issued for the same item. The answer to that one possible resides in the development of a knowledge base. Having conceived the idea of transforming the operation of the generator from motion to motionless, it would have become clear to Clemente that the method of pulsing was crucial to the success of his invention. As clever as he might have been, living and working the forests of Las Palma, as was his profession, would not have provided the background essential for development of an electricity plant! He would have had to educate himself for the task he became committed to. I have attached a Historical perspective of Electric Supply in Spain from Then until now! At the time of the possble formation of Clemente's idea, street lighting was only beginning to be introduced into Madrid and Barcelona. As the document reads, the early commencement was from imported Gramme Ring Generators in the 1880's.
Therefore, Figueras patent is quite an achievement. Albeit slightly understated in its technological understanding. I think the initial pulsing of the N and S electromagnets might have been squarish. As can be shown, the availability of AC, although known, did not hit the major cities until some time after the initial Figueras patent. While it was likely that there was a response from the coils, the output might have been disappointing, given the response from pulsing iron cored electromagnet. How he would have arrived at the variable drive to the electromagnets is anyone's guess. But, a logical conclusion from understanding the operation of the generator. Thus the Buforn patent would have been the result of some years of commitment to wishing to see a final product that worked. Still, quite an achievement, and especially if there were limited tools at his disposal to analyse the output. Today, we pop down to the electronics shop and are able to buy all sorts of, components, specialised meters and tracing equipment. The fact that we struggle with his concept becomes evidence of Figueras' tenacity and strength of character wishing to see his project working.
All in all, a great inventor!!
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Originally posted by hermesatar View PostHi all,
I have made a more effective version of Figuera generator patent. I my version the input coil is in the middle and is energising the output coils to left and right. While the Figuera patent the input coils are at the end and is energising the central coil, but half of the magnetic energy are lost to air, because the outer ends of the generator coils faces air.
Hermes Free Energy Transformer
Best Wishes, Hermes
I too have experimented with the single configuration such as you posted. I too came to the same realisation! A solution that I am working on is using two U shaped cores and two single cores to join together excitor coils and output coils. So each U shape has one large coil but, there are two output "y" coils. I am wondering too, whether this configuration may enhance output and or low frequency resonance.
I experiment with low carbon steel rod/bar, which I anneal above 730 degrees and below 1000 degrees, the phase change at this temperature "leaches" the carbon from the rod. However, any mechanical or machining of the rod can precipitate surface magnetisation. So, one would have to heat the whole thing up again!
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Hi guys,
I started to make an offset conch shell type design, based on a theoretical homopolar motor designed by Walter Russell. there are some similarities to his design and the previously unknown Figueras design: other than Tesla's comment about the weather in Las Palmas. I attach this design for observation. That is, the moderated drive.
Also, I am mindful of Tesla's comment regarding Figueras design. This makes me think that, while the trend has been to provide a constant DC bias throughout the process, it is possible that the "Radient Spike" was a known phenomena in 1902. Or if not explicitly acknowlegded, noted for its energy output. This would imply that the notion of the NyN, SyS, NyS, SyN only have to achieve a Bedini type output. Or, in other words an early "Solid state" device.
The alternative, as the implication is one of motionless simplicity, is SyN or NyS, using the total exciter coil array as a Resonant modulus. That way, the exaggerated output that Firgueras perceives to occur, could provide the answer being sought.
Coming back to the Russell Design, I have been toying with a magnetically driven commutator, and, in one test, it is as Russell suggests linearly in its increase in speed. A bit like a series wound DC motor with no control, it can be quite frightening. Is it possible that this scenario is possible with Figueras Generator? Is Figueras right angle connection is as Russell summarises it in the attached drawing
Just some thoughts of my two possible directions. A case of suck it and see.
DwaneAttached Files
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Hi all,
I have made a more effective version of Figuera generator patent. I my version the input coil is in the middle and is energising the output coils to left and right. While the Figuera patent the input coils are at the end and is energising the central coil, but half of the magnetic energy are lost to air, because the outer ends of the generator coils faces air.
Hermes Free Energy Transformer
Best Wishes, Hermes
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Originally posted by boguslaw View PostDwane
It's actually quite simple really. It's not complicated to guess.
Think a little about his first patent when he eliminated core movement.
Nobody today is using this arrangement ? Why?
If you answer the question above you will find what Figuera hid...
I have briefly returned to my interest in Clemente, while I await some supplies for my Don Smith project. Clemente's device is possibly the best solution for market opportunity, copycat manufacture and refugee camps! The only issue I can see at the moment is the removal of the commutator, replacing this with direct pulsing to the field coils. As there also seems to be some disagreement upon winding and pulsing techniques, the issue of series and parallel winding becomes relevant. The other constant of Clemente's claims is the choice between DC and AC. As he constantly refers to the Dynamo, a DC generator, AC output becomes the key he was trying to hide. From my understanding, Dynamo's did not generally provide AC. Lastly, in my humble opinion, you can have as many sets of coils you would care to use. Seven, would seem to be a convenient number for Clemente, possible given that he might have been focused on a specific operational use.
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G drive
Hi guys,
Although I am committed to finishing my house building, I still think as a distraction to my work! The latest thought is regarding the AC magnetic field. It should be possible to supply two streams of out of phase AC to the two sets of primary coils and automatically provide a seamless variation, that swaps over, as the driving G field.
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Too Busy!
Hi guys,
I have to give it away for a while. Getting quotes for the windows in the home build. At $53+K it is way too much! I am studying the aluminium framing manuals and details at the present time. Got to cut this expense in its tracks. I know you will understand. Going to be a windows build before my "G".
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Originally posted by marathonman View PostTHIS THREAD IS FOR SERIOUS FIGUERA BUILDERS ONLY. all posters ( IF EXCEPTED) will be required to post a pic of work or devices in progress with in reason according to the patents that include moving or non moving control systems. at no time shall bad mouthers and known arguers be allowed. you will be asked to leave and will be reported to the forum administrator immediately.
again this thread is about serious Figuera builders only, that want to share their real build ideas and the device as a whole, (Part G) and related technology on a professional but casual level.
if it is not related to Figuera don't post it, if the words out of your mouth are not Figuera don't post it, if you come to run your mouth to disagree don't post it. abide by these rules or you will be asked to leave.
study all patents, my research, view my profile pics, your research and related materials and start building or don't bother posting.
This Thread was open in order to Distribute correct information and fully develop Part G as a Wound Toroidal Iron Core Inductor becoming the "HEART BEAT" which makes the Figuera device to fully work as a Self Sustained System. Since many Building and Developing Members were extremely opposing to the Part G development on the Part 1 Figuera Thread.
Therefore, I, Marathonman, the Owner of this Thread Reserve the right to accept or not, a new incoming Member, even if he or she shows proof of their building.
Pm me if you want to join like minded builders and we will go from that point forward.
Our mission: quite sipmply, to change the world.
if not for the patient sharing and collaboration of Doug to me none of this would have been possible.
Thank you Doug.
This Thread was started by MM and the burden of proof is on his account.
Show me, say first and say on but some form of burden of proof is in
order if you are going to say.
The little Indians included. Show experimental proofs as you have
stated. Then we can go foreword with an intelligent conversation.
Your belief systems have been presented here conclusively so I don't
think it is to much to ask for some sort of experimental proofs. Agreed?
Tell the trained monkey to back off long enough for you to address the
burden of proof request. If no proofs can be establish then I will wait for
a later dated when something can be achieved in the natural.
Until such time as some proofs can be demonstrated I will consider this
idea hypothetical and an educated opinion.
We are grown men here and need to show some form of example and
continuity of thought concerning these proclamations that require the
complete renovation of all our classical science text.
Maybe a paper clip and magnet could show the burden proof resting in
your corner?
Either way it is a nice try/start
Best regards with this difficult task
PS I see you are well educated and versed in all the names related to
text book breakthru's so this should make the burden of proof's in
experimental form much more excepted to the minds of our day.
You know rotating commutators with stationary windings.
...............Last edited by BroMikey; 09-15-2018, 07:47 PM.
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@ Bro Mikey. My tests have already proven you do get more from opposing magnetic fields that are out of phase. So once again you are running your mouth off about something you know NOTHING about. Go back to your own threads and quit adding confusion where it is not wanted.
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Hi Dwane,
I would suggest you ignore the last two posters. They never add anything to the discussion except confusion.
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