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Magnet switch torque amplifier.

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  • #16
    Wiring simplicity.

    "U" Coils facing like so: [ ][ ] The two center on a gliding rail.

    A contact at each end of the throw can energize all four of the coils simultaneously. The push switch's stay magnetized untill they're shut off by the opposite power surge. One pulse would turn both push coils off and magnetize the two idle coils at the same time. So the motor would have two power pulses in, to all four coils at the end of each transit. Perfect self regulated timing. Just load and fire the same value capacitor through the two contacts serially.

    Just imagine two disk capacitor electrodes, one on each end , contacting the four wire coil electrodes. One capacitor and the coil wire contact points on each end.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-06-2016, 12:24 PM.


    • #17
      Glide track electrodes.

      It occured to me that all we need to do is connect the four coil leads to the "Glide Track". Then all we need to do is shock the glide track with a capacitor pulse when the carriage is at the high and low points. This will flip the polarity of all four Alnico magnets simultaneously. The glide rails would need to be wired in series with the capacitor, and it can be contact triggered by the mechanisem.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-07-2016, 09:12 AM.


      • #18

        The stationary flux gates on the ends can connect their coil wires permenently to the bases of the glide rails. The twin "Gate Traveler" coils can connect in series and make contact with the glide rails through two copper brushes.

        One capacitor can power the motor with two Reed switches, shorting the capacitor to the glide rails at the closed ends. We need a battery to keep the capacitor charged.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-07-2016, 01:46 PM.


        • #19
          DPDT Reed switch.

          One current reversing DPDT Reed switch would be needed between the capacitor and glide rails. A better way would be to just add a capacitor: One capacitor reverse polarity and two Reed switches.
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-07-2016, 03:44 PM.


          • #20
            limit switchs.

            Two of these rugged Glide Rail "Limit Switches" could deliver an inverted power spike directly from two D.C. batteries of reversed polarity:
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-28-2017, 11:52 PM.


            • #21
              Latching relay.

              Luc designed his version of the circuit. We need to test the four flux gate variety.



              • #22
                Current reversing glide rails.

                Gotoluc has a current reversing circuit triggered at the ends of the stroke that slides an electro magnetic coil between two magnet stators.

                The same "Mostly Permanent Magnet" circuit can power the overunity version too: It would need to have eight flux gate coil wires going; Four to each glide rail by contacts. The Alnico polarities would be reversed on each end pair of the flux gate units; So the same actuator reversal pulse would shut one side off and the other on at the rail ends.. We just need to gang the "Flux Gates" up and re-direct the wiring. Motor layout: [ ][ ]

                This motor would be powered by the permanent magnets, not an electro-magnetic coil field. The measure of Overunity would be measurable in watts to gauss comparisons.
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-18-2016, 02:39 PM.


                • #23
                  Flux Gate MEG.

                  What would happen if we wrapped a ferrite stator a with an output coil and fixed it accross the flux gate stators so the flux entered and left the output coil? We would gain the amount of flux from the permanent neo magnet field transiting the stator output windings, independent of the miniscule alnico trigger pulse to direct the larger field.

                  The "Flux Gate" turns into an MEG limited by core saturation levels and BH curve. The gain in output would be equivilent to the electrical power that it would requie to generate an equal amount of magnetic field in the wire coil as in the neo magnet.

                  There's two ways to measure and cross check the output. One involves running current backwards through the output coil and measuring the magnetic field.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-18-2016, 06:04 PM.


                  • #24
                    metglass u core

                    Wrap each side with copper windings and position the neo and alnico coil magnets, one at the top the other at the bottom. Voila!
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-28-2017, 11:52 PM.


                    • #25
                      Polarity reversal.

                      "Electrical induction occurs when there is a sudden change in magnetic field".

                      The "Alnico Magnet Pole Reversal" must generate a charge in the trigger coil. There's a strong chance that the charge from the sudden Pole Shift in the "Alnico Magnet" is an overunity effect in itself.

                      I bet the trigger coil around the "Alnico magnet" generates a strong charge from the magnetic pole reversal alone. A diode and capacitor on the coil electrodes may generate enough power to "Spark Shift" the field again by itself! It only needs to generate 2 or 3 Joules! We need a power comparison.

                      Look at the flux agitation below:
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-28-2017, 11:52 PM.


                      • #26
                        Flux Gate Output Ratio.

                        A pulse triggered magnet polarity flip should equal the output one strong half turn of the alnico magnet would generate inside the output coil. The miniscule amount of electrical power to flip the field is way too small to physically rotate the magnet and fight "Lenz Drag". There's gain in the transaction.

                        The difference in force between the two reversal approaches is the % of OU COP.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-22-2016, 03:06 PM.


                        • #27
                          Nested Flux Gates.

                          We can magnify the force by using an entire flux gate in place of an alnico trigger in a scaled up neo stator a hundred times the size. We can control tons of permanent magnet force with a few joules of input. The input may itself be generated from pole reversal trigger output. This engine could power a freight train and run for free!
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-23-2016, 12:22 PM.


                          • #28
                            Nested flux gates same input..

                            Three flux gates sized so two interlace on a perpendicular "T", each larger stator with a new neo magnet equal in strength to the combined neo and alnico of the trigger. The third would quadruple the magnet force from the largest set of stators, zig zagging dovetail. The "Quadrupling" of controllable magnet force, would involve no additional input to the first alnico trigger coil.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-23-2016, 02:14 PM.


                            • #29
                              Flux gate MEG.

                              The force to open and close the hinge is equaled by the 2 Joule pole reversal pulse in the alnico coil:


                              A fourth tier in the flux gate chain can have output coils accross the final stator like the hinge video; The trick is; It takes the same 2 Joules to pull our "Hinge" from magnets 4 times as strong!

                              The gain of the pole reversal pulse should be equal to the increase in decoupling force of the hinge as the magnet strength grows. That's the gain in magnet force.

                              The output from the collapsing field, illuminating an LED in the "hinge" video, has to exceed the input Joules to the alnico coil from an escalated flux gate stator output coil of some magnitude. The power from the shifting magnet field would remain available for the major work.
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-25-2016, 06:33 PM.


                              • #30
                                1st Flux ladder rung.

                                Here's a drawing of the first 4X dovetailing flux rung for the spiral cube. You can visualize a third one; Etcetera ad infinitum. At some tier juncture, the "Hinge MEG" generated type output power should grow larger then the "Alnico Coil " trigger pulse: Look at the double diameter of the Neo base magnet on the 2nd tier in the sketch below: Same cost for the alnico pole flip, and 4X the magnet force: 6 tiers equals 64 times the magnet force, for the same switch power!

                                Many tons of gated permanent magnet force could do major work on a pump diaphram, pendulum, Scotch Yoke, hydrolysis etc after we loop the self generated trigger pulse. Major utility potential: Power a Freight Train, Submarine or Space Station with zero input.
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-28-2017, 11:52 PM.

