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Free Energy Device Successfully Invented
Originally posted by Jeanp007 View PostI don't have a prototype because I don't have enough money to build one. I hope to find an investor who can provide enough money to build one. What is your impression after reading that theory?
Originally posted by spacecase0 View Postthis does not seem like a super pricey device to build
and seems kind of like the divide by zero errors that lead to infinite energy predictions
what part of it seems out of your budget ?
I believe it can take around $40,000 to build a good size working model.
If it works the way you theorize, It you could find an Investor, If he fund you to build it in Industrial scale, do you think its going to be "FREE"?. I doubt that, 40k US dollar is no joke for a prototype.
Even if you ever succeed, finding an Investor and building something up into industrial scale, there is still the Oil & Gas to compete to and not to mention other "FREE" Energy like Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Tidal. etc.. which is already up and running.
what I'm trying to say is, Its not enough to be like Einstein and Know it all, you have to be practical as well. your paper is good (probably too good for me), but the world isn't as nice as you.
Our ability to judge people is only based on our experience with other people and our own behavior, If you think people are so nice to fund your expensive project for the sake of "Rocket Science", I think you are a very nice person for just thinking that.
Overall I think your work is worth a look, but just too technical for me.
I apologize for the harsh words but I could find other words to describe it.
The proposed device is cheap to manufacture massively
Although I estimated that a good size working model would cost $40,000 to make, I have to mention also that if the same working model was manufactured massively, it would cost less than $200 to make a unit. The cost of making a single working model is so high because machine shop are simply too expensive. For example a single part that you can buy off the shelves for $ 10 can easily cost $500 if custom made by a machine shop.
Also, the proposed device is highly competitive compared to current energy technologies. For example, this device functioning as an automobile engine would cost less than $300 if produced massively. As you can see, an automobile engine that cost only $300 to make and which doesn't need fuel to operate is highly competitive compared to today's engine technologies.
The same is true for a generator that produce electricity. A 15kw generator based on this technology can cost $1000 to manufacture and it can be easily sold to the public for $3500. I don't see how any technology used currently to generate electricity can compete with the new technology I am proposing.
Any one who may know an investor who could be interested in this breakthrough technology?
40k for custom? then 200$ if manufactured? seems to me now you're just guessing the numbers.
you mentioned machining, are you really that certain that you're theory is right? what if It does not work the way you theorize? you're putting a big risk to your investor, that is not the way to get their attention, Investor do not want to spend their money without the assurance of getting it back bigger. have we not learned about JP Morgan what he did with Tesla? If you do not know of these men I suggest you research on them too.
As what I have advised "Be Practical" try not to perfect things on your first model It would really cost a lot, focus on "making it work first", this way you wont be asking that much, you can even fund yourself just to prove your theory. Heck If you could theorize something like what you presented, I'm pretty sure you can think of a different design using cheap materials and still apply your theory.
most people here are working on a self-sustaining machine and doing that by sustaining themselves (see the relationship?), very few (yourself included) ask for financial help. you should start by proving your theory first and build a working cheap prototype that you can show anyone. Trust me you wont just attract alot Potential Investors, you will also attract unwanted attentions (if you know what I mean).
If you still want to have it your way, (find an investor) I must say you have come to the wrong place.
peace out.
Originally posted by Jeanp007 View Post
This shared document was mentioned in other forum and I would like to forward quick question which was raised after looking on the document:
The mechanical device in the link looks OK until water runs out in the columns. I quickly checked whole document and do not see anything about water replenishment. Did I miss something? It would consume energy produced when moving water back upwards...
There is no movement of water inside the container
The water inside the container does not move at all, because the piston is immobile inside the container. What happen is the upward force applied by the water on the piston is reversed and made to act on the container in downward direction.
This container then become heavier than the other container which has the force reversal disabled. It is the difference of weight between the two containers that produce useful energy; as the heavier container descends, lifting the lighter container.
Please read carefully the theory and you will understand better this process.