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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Large neo disk from pie segments.

    This video shows a very powerful levitating Neo magnet disk assembled from individual pie segments. A magnet form like this could easily be 3D printed. The advantage is that there is really no limit to the size or power this kind of magnet form can be enlarged to.
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    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-22-2017, 06:36 PM.


    • Commutator.

      The "Reed Switch Commutator" only needs to latch on one side. The power switch can simply make a brief contact. It takes only a spilt second to separate the attraction fields, but the output is dependent on a time lapse oscillation. This amounts to a very simple adjustment of the power pulse biasing magnet.

      I mistakenly stated 360 degrees instead of 180 in the video.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-26-2017, 02:33 AM.


      • Relay timer circuit.

        I bought several "Relay Timer Circuits" I believe will work bettor then the D.C. commutator fan.

        Two normally open, timed to close (NOTC) "Timer Relays" should work fine triggered by a 6 second per turn microwave carousel motor with one trigger magnet attached. A Reed switch would then trigger the two "Relay Timers" together. One "Relay Timer" would power the masking coil briefly for 1 second, then the second "Relay timer" would wait 2 seconds then turn on for 3 seconds to channel the output to storage. This would create a one second gap for the BEMF to bleed off and not cancel any output. I'll upload a video of this soon.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-26-2017, 03:34 AM.


        • Microwave carousel motor commutator and LED

          In this video, we see the "Timer Relays" and the 3 RPM commutator lighting an LED:


          • Here's a picture of the carousel trigger magnet motor mounted inside the D.C. fan frame. This will produce 10 seconds of latched "Reed Switch" power on each side, either simultaneously or in series. The four reed switch leads connect to the timer switches:

            Here's a good video on the functioning of "Timer Relays":

            Attached Files
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-29-2017, 01:28 AM. Reason: Carousel commutator inside fan frame.


            • Carosoul reeds

              This is the final finished design. The "Latching Reed Switches" alternate; The trigger magnets are N.S.N.S. The power on time is 5 seconds; 1 second for the masking pulse, 1 second for BEMF cleansing followed by 3 seconds of output. Both NOTC Timer Relays are activated and deactivated simultaneously by the alternating Reed Switches.

              This setup delivers a constant series of cycles with no lapse at .05 Hertz.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-29-2017, 01:56 PM.


              • Carousel latching reeds.

                Here's a look at the carousel commutator latching the alternating reed switches. Still some fine tuning left. Next comes the timer relays:



                • Kinetic Art.

                  Happy new year folks. What's the value of kinetic art? This is a philosophical quandary.

                  I'm sitting here staring at this contraption I wandered into and realized I could wire a 555 on a bread board to do the same work in under an hour. Thinking more on it I realized I already purchased a third timer relay that has the 555 circuit, so the commutator is just more crap for the junk box.

                  I caught myself by the tail again.

                  "Kinetic art - art that depends on movement for its effects - has its origins in the Dadaist and Constructivist movements that emerged in the 1910s. It flourished into a lively avant-garde trend following the landmark exhibition Le Mouvement at Galerie Denise Rene in Paris in 1955, after which it attracted a wide international following".
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-31-2017, 04:06 PM.


                  • Greetings from paradise.



                    • Magnet oscillator

                      This video is interesting because it has the potential to generate power in the jouncing coil: The permanent magnet field is passing through the AA battery and magnetizing the positive nipple of the battery with a negative polarity. The tail end of the copper coil is grounded through the magnet discs at the base. The battery is channeling a permanent magnet field and the permanent magnets are conducting electrical current. This is an ingeneous setup. Remember Hob's principles; Lengthening the coil would increase the coil's magnetic field for the same input! This coil should illuminate an LED as a flyback transformer.

                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-04-2018, 01:32 AM.


                      • AA Homopolar.

                        I measured the AA for inductance and Ohmic resistance and discovered that it was possible to make the battery ring by shock charging it with D.C. current. Attaching 12 volt D.C. electrodes to the AA first makes the battery start to hum, then it continues to hum after the power's removed; While the AA's humming it shunts any permanent magnetic field. I grew very excited about this effect but when I tried to adapt multiple AA's to the masking oscillator they failed to work simultaenously because they have low manufacturing tolerances.

                        This Homopolar oscillator has captured my attention because of it's infernal simplicity and the similarity to the neutralization oscillator I've been testing.

                        Follow along with me a little more on this: Imagine we attached the base magnets to the base of a U shaped magnetic metal frame, and mounted an LED with a reflector shield in front it on one end, then attached the reverse biased LED electrodes to both ends of the spring coil with high gauge (Very thin) magnet wire to run HV flyback into the bulb, and used the rear portion of the U frame for a handle. This would make a pretty cool emergency storm lamp right!

                        This oscillator has a lot of potential for those two reasons along with our Hob Nilre test results. For example; If we position a second AA on top in series with the first and double the length of the copper spring coil, we can illuminate a second LED equally bright for the same input.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-05-2018, 03:08 AM.


                        • Two AA magnet oscillator.

                          Here's my entry for double the oscillator coil. I'm using the Neo sphere to repel the coil from the bottom to impart greater force to the oscillation:

                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-05-2018, 03:48 PM.


                          • Here's a bettor look at the coil: Double the coil length will generate twice the magnetic field for the same unit of input along with twice the "Flyback" power and illuminate two times as many reverse biased LED's as a coil half it's mass in copper.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-12-2018, 12:58 AM.


                            • LED illuminated by two AA's.

                              Here's a picture of the two AA batteries in series lighting a single 3 volt LED with D.C. current through the Neo sphere magnet; 25 feet of copper wire conductor is not increasing circuit efficiency in this example:
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-06-2018, 07:56 PM.


                              • Reverse biased LED lighting off BEMF.

                                This was very tricky to video capture because I don't have three hands. I finally got it wired to light the reverse biased LED connected to the top of the coil and the bottom of the coil between the oscillating lead and the coil itself. I can fix the electrodes in place and light a whole bank of LED'S this way now:


