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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Slayer's AA battery core.

    Slayer hit the "Jackpot" with his solar light 1.5 AA, but "Lidmotor" couldn't get his to work. AA permeability is a hit and miss proposition. Inductance is an indicator of permeability; The higher the inductance the higher the permeability.

    The "Flyback output" of Slayer's Joule Thief is more a function of coil inductance and core permeability then input. Selecting a high perm AA battery by testing, then winding a fat coil around it like Slayer did, should be able to push the simple AA LED magnet oscillator over unity with little problem.

    The mechanical oscillator can have a springy portion of the bulgy coil left over on one end to oscillate from the magnet underneath.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-31-2018, 06:48 PM.


    • High perm and hi inductance

      CORE MATERIAL: All other factors being equal, the greater the magnetic permeability of the core which the coil is wrapped around, the greater the inductance; the less the permeability of the core, the less the inductance.

      Measuring AA batteries directly for inductance is very simple if you have a meter. Finding a higher then average inductance AA is like discovering lost treasure. They measure pole to pole. Higher then "Cool Mu Perm" is a pathway to over unity.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-31-2018, 08:41 PM.


      • 3rd AA core video

        Here's Slayer's third video in the series:


        • Lidmotor's mechanical "Joule Thief":

          Lidmotor's mechanical Joule thief works identically to the AA magnet oscillator. Imagine how it might improve wrapping the AA as a core like Slayer's model:


          • AA inductance

            Here's a picture of an inductance measure of an air core coil. The same coil was wrapped and measured for inductance around the two AA batteries in the picture: One, a Radioshack alkaline and the other a Duracell Quantum.

            The inductance of the copper coil around the Duracell was 170 mH and around the RadioShack merely 70 mH. This invisible difference in inductance is enormous. It comes down to lighting over twice the amount of LED's for the same input with the Duracell core.

            It's absolutely necessary to make this measurement before selecting a AA for core material.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-01-2018, 02:22 PM.


            • Ludic science mechanical "Joule Thief".

              Here's an interesting version of Lidmotor's mechanical oscillator; Winding a AA "Duracell Quantum" copper top battery with a copper wire coil would increase the backspike output tremendously: Ludic states the frequency of this model is 500 Hertz.


              The challenge is to oscillate the contact between two positive poles of multipal swapper batteries.
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-02-2018, 12:20 AM.


              • AA neutralization pulse.

                One can easily see how the AA can be turned to a neutralization pulse coil with the addition of magnets on both ends of the battery. This arrangement would require a commutator to separate the flyback output from the regauging output generated by the reappearing permanent magnet field.

                My tests have shown that the operating frequency needs to slow down to 1 or 2 Hertz to harvest the regauging output; Therefore the magnets and pulse coil need to grow over sized to compare with the flyback gain.

                2 tiny magnets on a AA battery would not match the flyback output alone up in the 500 Hertz range.

                The pay dirt appears to be in splitting the positive on the AA higher frequency scale as George Cianiotakis demonstrated in his plasma reed OU video.

                The best approach looks like the high perm AA core boost converter powered by split positive power source.

                A 9 volt and 2 AA in series doubling as flyback inductor cores, would yield a 6 volt differential.
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-02-2018, 01:55 PM.


                • Split positive AA core electromechanical boost converter.

                  Ludic science has a magnet oscillator coil of 4 turns around a tiny Neo disk, that makes contact with the negative pole through the inductor. The split positive version would use this "Ludic Contact" to run from the positive pole of the 9 volt battery to the bottom end of the AA battery coil that attaches to the positive electrode of the AA's overhead. The negative poles would be attached to each other. The thin gauge flyback output leads would attach to both ends of the AA coil. This is a cheap Over Unity design that anyone can build at home for peanuts.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-02-2018, 03:41 PM.


                  • Split positive oscillation.

                    I accomplished the feat with the "Ludic Science" buzzer:


                    This was just a first attempt to act as proof of concept. This attempt leaves enough room for improvement.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-04-2018, 12:34 AM.


                    • Split positive oscillation video.

                      In the video above, a red clip wire can be seen running from the positive pole of the primary Duracell AA on the left, to the start of the jumper coil. This wire would be replaced by a copper wire inductor wrapped around the Duracell. One end of the coil would attach to the positive electrode of the AA and the other to the start of the "Jumper Coil".

                      The main LED load would be powered by flyback output from the AA coil through thin wire leads attached to the ends of the coil like my original magnet battery oscillator.

                      This "Mechanical Joule Thief" setup uses two semi novel approaches from (LOstFox and Slayer): One, the split positive to conserve the pulse and extend run time; The other, the high perm AA battery coil core that increases inductance and magnifies the flyback output to the reverse biased multiple LED bank.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-04-2018, 12:40 AM.


                      • Split positive oscillation video.

                        The 12 volt battery in the video measured 5 1/2 volts at the time of testing. The primary AA 1 1/2 volts. The voltage measured from the top of the primary AA was additive at 7 volts. The voltage on the second AA 1 1/2 volts again; That yields a 5 1/2 volt differential.

                        Adding a second AA in series with the primary AA would increase the differential to 7 volts. The greater the differential the more powerful the oscillation.

                        Doubling the length of the flyback inductor the two batteries would double the output to the LED's for the same input, along with increasing the differential.

                        Inductors in series act as resistors in series and are simply additive.

                        Adding primary AA batteries in series along with the inductors does not have to result in too long and ungainly a core coil. The AA's can be positioned side by side; Both the battery electrodes and copper coils need to be connected to each other end to end. Imagine a cube of 9 AA's in series for the primary!

                        9 AA's would deliver 13 1/2 volts; This would create a 12 volt differential between them and the positive electrode of a 10th AA; Nearly twice the strength of the video setup differential.

                        The additional feature involves the advantage the 9 high perm coil cores, and the increased inductance of the nine flyback output coils in series!

                        What's happening to the COP of this oscillating boost converter?
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-05-2018, 05:33 PM.


                        • Energizer recharge.

                          I measured the AA "Energizer Rechargeable", and it has the same 3.5 to 1 advantage in inductance increase over the air core as the Duracell Quantum.

                          I calculate the permeability of these two AA's at 350.

                          Inductance of a copper coil is a coefficient of Ohms over Henries. Increasing inductance by adding copper windings increases Ohmic resistance and increases the impedance. Increasing inductance through core perm avoids this drawback.

                          Lasersaber abandoned his "Super Joule Ringer" because our ferrite core manufacturer raised the price on the product after he invented it. His ferrite core had a permeability of 1000. The high cost of the product grew prohibitive.

                          Akula's self runner has a 4" diameter pot core with a light internal winding. That's the ticket! Inductance through core perm rather then increased copper coil windings.

                          The "Energizer Rechargeable" is the best AA battery of choice for the "Mega Super Joule Ringer" with a AA core perm of 350. One layer of copper windings would reduce Ohms and keep impedance down to a minimum.

                          Naturally, the rechargeable AA will allow us to rotate the charged battery by Tesla switch indefinitely.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-06-2018, 01:17 AM.


                          • Msjr.

                            The "MSJR" is an acronym for the "Mega Super Joule Ringer". Below I have schematics for Lasersaber's Joule Ringer 3, and Stafford's 3 battery system:

                            12 AA Energex rechargeable's wrapped bifilar and divided into 3 banks of 4 would permit us to replace the mechanical oscillator with a transistor and use stafford's off the shelf switch system:
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-07-2018, 04:49 PM.


                            • Overunity circuit.

                              I'm going to show you an over unity circuit. We can replace the AA battery in this Ludic Science boost converter video posted below, with a high inductance Energex rechargeable AA. We wrap the AA battery with a copper coil to use the battery as a substitute for a ferrite core. Next we connect the negative end of the LED to the positive end of the battery, and connect the tail end of the coil to the negative electrode of the AA. This circuit will charge the battery and light the LED at the same time.



                              • Split positive oscillation video.

                                You have to watch this video to understand how the "Boost Converter" can return the inductive kickback to source:


