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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Current amplifier.

    Here I'm oscillating the ferrite rod magnet piston off a 50 milliwatt inductive backspike from a "Reed Switch Spinner". The 75mH series connected ferrite core bifilar coil is in series with a 70uF 25 volt electrolytic capacitor for a resonant LC tank frequency of 70 Hertz.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-06-2018, 08:41 PM.


    • Negative capacitance.

      Here's a copy of a comment I posted to Magluvin today on the Overunity site:

      I uploaded a capacitor charge curve last year on Evostar's thread and compared the 66.33 bottle neck to a water jug setting a flame war off with TK that led to the negative inductance feud.

      We're discussing "Inductor Capacitance" which is different from Henries of inductance. Here's another statement for you "Seventh Level Druids" to puzzle through:

      Shock charge the bifilar to 33 percent "Negative Capacitance", the deep well zone for acceptance of BEMF.

      Do you guys have any idea how far ahead of you I am with my latest invention?

      The "Negative Henry" is a measure of impedance, which indicates the presence of magnetic energy. "Negative Capacitance" is a measure of "Inductor Capacitance Charge". Inductor negative capacitance also has a magnetic field equivalency.


      • SSG kickback oscillator

        Wiring a serial bifilar solenoid coil with a ferrite core and elastic GAP magnet piston overhead into a Bedini SSG where the charge battery is positioned should amplify the inductive kickback enough to loop the output for a self runner. I use a small capacitor to control the LC tank resonant frequency to regulate the oscillation. I believe it would help to bypass the diode to the charge battery in John's SSG circuit.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-07-2018, 11:23 PM.


        • Warp factor.

          When the Tesla serial bifilar solenoid is fully charged it goes into self resonance. The coil transforms into an LC tank that has a frequency determined by the ratio of the inductance of the coil in Henries and the capacitance between the windings in Farads. All one needs to do is replace the power lost to resistance, which is minimal.

          When the field begins to collapse in the bifilar inductor, the elastic held ferrite magnet piston is pulled away from the coil's ferrite core. The power of the magnet field is stored as electrical charge between the windings. When the charge reaches it's maximum level, it returns to the inductor as a magnetic field and the overhead magnet piston is once again attracted back towards the coil. This work is free of charge, minus the small amount of loss we need to replace with the inductive kickback. There's no size limit on the serial bifilar or the magnet piston. All one needs to do is run the magnet piston up and down inside an output coil and voila, FREE POWER for the people forever and ever.


          • Resonant oscillation

            My coil capacitance measures 3.33 uF, the inductance 78mH and the electrolytic capacitor 70uF. The resonant frequency of the bifilar coil is 312 Hertz and the resonant frequency of the LC tank 70 Hertz. This yields a co-efficient of 265 Cycles per minute. Look at the video again and tell me from counting the vibrations in the cork cocktail coaster if it's in that range or not.

            The R.P.M. of the Reed switch spinner needs to match the resonance of the bifilar to pump the magnet piston. If the ball speeds up to fast the piston oscillation stops. The resonant frequency of the bifilar coil alone is over 18 thousand cycles per minute, so the addition of the 70uF capacitor is needed to bring the frequency co-efficent down to 265 cycles per minute where the resonant magnetic magnetic field can grab ahold of the magnet piston.
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-08-2018, 02:24 AM.


            • Mechanical Reed Switch

              Check this one out:


              I'm getting better (Attraction-Neutralization) off the kickback from my "500 Newton Electro-Magnet Coil" then with the series bifilar coil. This setup generates a huge amount of current in the "Electro Magnet Coil" from the attraction stroke as I've demonstrated in my videos. All it would take is one commutator Reed switch for output off the "Electro-Magnet Coil". I think I can place the output Reed switch on the other side of the Neo magnet spinner.

              I'll upload another video of this soon. I believe this combination will prove to be way Overunity.
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-09-2018, 11:36 AM.


              • Timing solved.

                I'm shifting my emphasis away from the serial bifilar and back to the induction formula because I found my "Electro-Magnet Coil" outperforms the serial bifilar for the following reason:

                Magnetic field strength is a function of inductance and input. Two coils, one with higher inductance and the same input will generate a magnetic field whose strength is in direct proportion to it's weight in copper and core permeability.

                The final design is a pulse motor with a tube spinner and magnetic axle bearings like Skycollection's. This spinner needs one adjustable output coil to regulate R.P.M. with Lenz drag. The spinner has two reciprocating "Reed switches" reverse biased on either side of the tube magnet. One's on for the pulse to the aircore power coil while the other at 180 degrees is off and viva versa. The output switch runs from the attraction neutralization electro-magnet to the destination; Load, capacitor or battery.

                The electro-magnet coil is powered by "Inductive Kickback" from the aircore power coil. The output is channeled from the electro-magnet coil through the second Reed switch to the destination as pulsed D.C. during the attraction phase of the piston cycle.

                The most important point here is that the output has an asymmetric relationship to the kickback input and is a function of electro-magnet coil and core inductance coupled with oscillating attraction piston magnet strength, not input power.

                We're at the dawn of a new free energy era, and public announcement of this free power generator needs to be accompanied by the disclosure of a "Geo Resource" protection policy to avert market panic. Time to pop the corks folks! Every man a sultan and woman an equal.
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-09-2018, 07:27 PM.


                • Output pulse width.

                  One additional detail; A timing wheel on the axle hub would permit us to extend the output discharge time with a latching Reed switch. We can increase power to the kickback oscillator and sustain the R.P.M. by repositioning the primary spinner output coil more closely to the magnet tube increasing Lenz drag. Naturally this would result in more output from both sources.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-09-2018, 07:56 PM.


                  • EM back spike oscillating magnet piston


                    The oscillation is greatest at low R.P.M. The piston begins to stand still as the Neo spinner speeds up. At:48 seconds into the video, the spinner R.P.M is gyrating the ferrite rod at maximum output frequency. I can't control the speed with this test setup, however it's very simple to regulate it with the addition of a potentiometer.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-11-2018, 12:31 AM.


                    • Hob Nilre.

                      These two Hob Nilre videos should both be watched; They are the essential key to understanding the Over-Unity principle behind the "Neutralization Attraction Oscillator":



                      "Double the copper - half the power. Or you could double the copper but same power - double the force, its just harder to measure".

                      Double the copper in the EM coil, we double the force for the same power; That would allow us to double the magnet strength in the oscillating piston and double the output through a Reed switch. The addition of a Reed switch timed to make contact as the piston is attracted toward the EM core, turns the EM into a hybrid output coil.

                      Art Porter had 500 pounds of circuitry under his test bench to generate the kind of pulse I'm generating with my Reed switch pulse coil.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-10-2018, 10:34 PM.


                      • Hob Nilre levitates a stack of tiny ball magnets over his charged aircore copper wire inductors in his first video. What happens when he interrupts the current to the inductor and the magnet spheres fall back toward the wire coil? They generate electrical power in the coil. right? The coil in turn generates a magnetic field of it's own in accordance with Lenz's law that opposes the descent of the spheres, but the net effect results in an electrical charge in the coil. Where's it go? No where because the charge has no pathway to travel away from the coil through, so it just dissipates as waste heat.

                        This is an elementary analysis that everyone should be able to agree to; Secondly, the charge that's generated by the descending stack of magnet spheres in the larger coil has a COP that's double the COP of the coil and magnet balls in the smaller coil of half it's weight in copper. This is an extremely important point in the understanding of Over-Unity.


                        • Newtons to pounds force.

                          500 Newtons to Pounds-force = 112.4045.

                          We can make an electromagnet stronger by doing these things:

                          1.-Wrapping the coil around an iron core.
                          2.-Adding more turns to the coil.
                          3.-Increasing the current flowing through the coil.

                          Here's a question for thought; Would increasing electromagnet strength by wrapping the coil around an iron core produce the same COP advantage as Hob Nilre demonstrates by adding more turns of copper wire to his second coil?

                          Would the addition of an iron core lift Hob's stack of magnet balls higher for the same input like the coil of additional copper windings?
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-11-2018, 02:56 PM.


                          • Iron core inductance.

                            Following this logic we arrive at common factor called inductance. The greater the inductance, whether a result of an iron core or increased copper windings yields greater magnetic force per unit of input power.

                            Suppose we perform Hob's test again with the toy magnet balls. One coil with an iron core the other an air core of greater copper weight then the control coil. Each coil will show the same repulsion advantage of increased magnetic field strength in proportion to their inductance, but what happens when we interrupt the current and measure the output from the free fall of the magnet balls toward the coils?

                            Lo and behold, the iron core coil will generate more power then the aircore from the addition of the attraction force between the stack of magnet balls and the iron core.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-11-2018, 03:51 PM.


                            • Ou cop.

                              The iron core coil would need a spring in between the end of the core and the stack of magnet balls to prevent the shock of collision. Secondly, the coil would need a switch to channel the output to a storage destination during the attraction phase.

                              Art Porter ran a multitude of exact measurements on his GAP coils and determined there was an asymmetrical ratio of input to output. How much Over Unity output would depend on several factors, like inductance and magnet strength, but there exists a disproportion between the neutralization repulsion pulse and the attraction output.

                              The BEMF powered Electromagnet coil and elastic piston widens the COP gap because we're using waste energy from a closely balanced Pi/Po spinner output coil system. The crude setup in my last video may have a possible Over Unity COP that is off the charts.
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-11-2018, 06:58 PM.


                              • Electro-magnet core comparison.

                                Look at the core of the 500 Newton electromagnet in the picture below. Generating magnetic field strength through core inductance has the twofold advantage of increasing attraction to a magnet piston and reducing input consumption.

                                Core permeability is a central concern for the oscillator. The Electromagnet has a high state of the art alloy that delivers high inductance, magnetic attraction and low remnance. The EM needs to relinquish it's attraction when the power's disconnected and not continue to adhere to the magnetic object. Iron is easily saturable. The EM for I believe is a space age Samarium-Cobalt alloy scientifically tested for a BH curve suitable for the GAP oscillator.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-12-2018, 08:19 PM.

