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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • PMH effect in A.C. synchronous stator.

    Look at this video. You'll immediately recognize the A.C. synchronous stator and counter wound coils of the dishwasher motor. Look at the amazing Ed Leedskalnin PMH effect the tester gets with a short pulse and reverse polarity pulse from a 9 volt battery: I noticed the effect while testing the stator with the permanent magnets; Permanently magnetizing the stator while a ceramic magnet is attached from one side and then abruptly and completely demagnetizing the stator when reversed. This effect is very pronounced, and opens a whole new fascinating area of application for the components. More exciting discoveries on the horizon.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-17-2018, 04:13 AM.


    • Inductive coupling.

      This video demonstrates inductive coupling between the coils connected by the two stators in magnetic attraction. The puzzling fact is that the output only reads on the A.C. scale of the digital meter. I believe it's reading 20 volts, and I'm mistating it as 20 milli-volts. I'm unsure of what just exactly is taking place in this video, and I am considering deleting it; Nonetheless, It gives a sense of the experiment. However, the information below the video link is thouroughly accurate and undeniable.

      The more interesting and certain effect is that the stators attract when two ceramic magnets are N/N on each side of the top stator end and S/S on each side of the bottom stator end. After the attraction locks the stators, the lower magnets can be removed and the lower stator remains permanently attracted to the upper stator even after the stators are decoupled. Reversing the polarity of the lower magnets so all 4 magnets face the same way decouples the stators and they remain un-attracted after the lower magnets are removed.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-17-2018, 08:14 PM.


      • Stator oscillating power and A.C. inverter.

        I can measure no output whatsoever from the oscillation of the magnet attached stator inside the twin coils. I believe this is due to the alignment of the magnetic field along the stator. The field needs to cross the output windings at 90 degrees to generate output and I believe the magnetic field is facing 180 degrees or straight up and down instead of sideways. So that idea failed to work.

        What I did get to work with excellent results was to place two sets of two ceramic magnets in attraction at the juncture of the stators (In the middle) to the outside with the stators bound by attraction. Pulsing the bottom coil generated 2 1/2 A.C. volts in the secondary output coil above as a solid state generator! Three magnets on each side lowered the output, but two magnets on each side generated more power then one on each side.

        My pulse input was D.C. but the output was definitely purely A.C. with no output at all measurable on the D.C. scale. Just what's going on here I really have no idea at this time. I am open to explanations from anyone who might care to have a crack at it.

        If this set of stators, magnets and coils transforms and inverts the D.C. flyback pulse the way it looks like it would right now, this put together advance will add up to a very useful discovery indeed! We may be able to call it a day and hit the showers right here with a solid side of bacon in the larder.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-17-2018, 10:36 PM.


        • Permanent magnets and coils locking laminated stators.

          Here's a video of permanent ceramic magnets unlocking the synchronous motor stators:

          Here's a video with the coils playing the trick:

          There's a small amount of remanence in the stator after the decoupling pulse. This unlocking pulse needs to be longer in duration then the locking pulse which is instantaneous.

          Think of the power of the PMH effect in locking the stators with such a tiny amount of input power in that short a pulse. Truly amazing! How can we put this powerful Ed Leedskalnin force to work to gain mechanical advantage? I believe this synchronous "stators and coils" platform presents us with a tool to accomplish the task.
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-18-2018, 06:03 PM.


          • Ed Leedskalnin's Coral Castle flywheel.

            I noticed Ed Leedskalnin's "Coral Castle Flywheel" was a large wheel of over sized U shaped stators; I remember reading ti went through the floor and attached to some kind of pulley assembly. I wonder if the wheel may have risen vertically by PMH attraction like a piston, lifting tons of weight a tiny distance, then decoupled to drop back and turn a geared ratchet on a shaft below rather then rotating? The magnetic strength imparted to the stator by the tiny pulse in the video must be millions of times over unity!

            I plan to run a test tomorrow to see if the PMH pulse will attract the over head twin from a distance. I'll upload another video. This may solve the riddle. Ed had a secret method for lifting stone blocks that weighed tons. Perhaps he jacked them up incrementally with this kind of simple magnetic engine?
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-19-2018, 12:49 AM.


            • PMH effect at a distance

              I uploaded this video and comment simultaneously to the "Perpetual Magnet Holder" thread: The ramifications of this effect should be obvious.


              Here's a second one with barbecue skewers holding the upper stator in place. I inadvertently break the lock because the lower stator and coils are held down by pressure from the skewers at the sides toward the end of the video, but it's clear the stators are locked together with no current to the electro-magnetic coils in the mean time:

              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-20-2018, 02:23 AM.


              • Ceramic magnets in coil cores.

                I neatly wedged rectangular ceramic magnets into the coil cores and will begin VTA testing soon. Pictures below: I included a stator schematic for the PMH effect below to the right as well:
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-17-2018, 06:41 PM.


                • Solid State Amplification Output.

                  In this video I have three sets of coils: The upper set has two ceramic magnets in amplification with the electro-magnetic fields in the stator coils below, and is magnetically attached to the stators. We can see the A.C output on the digital voltage meter set at the 2 volt range. I believe the attraction of the ceramic magnets to the lower electro-magnetic field strengthens the field of the permanent magnets inside the upper coil windings when the power's applied and generates a current:

                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-20-2018, 07:41 PM.


                  • Kunel's linear generator.

                    Time to take a look at Hienrich Kunel's energy linear generator again: The synchronous motor stators with the magnet cores can attach one to the other and extend in a long line flat on a table, each coil acting as an incremental output winding as depicted in Kunel's schematic below:
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-17-2018, 06:41 PM.


                    • Synchronous motor stators, magnets and coils MEG

                      The center coils have two ceramic magnets inside the cores. The upper and lower coils are magnetically attached through laminated stators. The bottom stator has two ceramic magnets at the base. The lower power coil is in attraction with the base stator magnets and the coil core magnets in the center.

                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-22-2018, 02:20 AM.


                      • Output comparison.

                        Compare the output of the magnet core output coils in this video to the video in the comment above. The video below has four power coils in series at the base for the pulse. It's exactly double the output of the video above with only two connected coils for power pulse.

                        Here we have undeniable proof of Hob Nilre's law of "Twice the copper, twice the magnetic field strength":


                        This video makes one wonder if any electro-magnet coil would double it's power with an additional coil winding connected but off to one side?
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-22-2018, 02:20 AM.


                        • Magnetic coupling.

                          What's interesting in the output comparisons of the two and four coil pulse power coils, is that the four coil set is generating over twice the output while two of the coils are free standing air cores at a distance from the stator coils. The fields from these two separated coils must be coupling magnetically with the stator through the stator connected coils. Pretty interesting and thorough effect.

                          The other effect I witnessed in my experimentation was from attaching two ceramic magnets by their long edges to the top of the four coil stator. The ceramic blocks are magnetized on the surfaces. The output went fro .600 volts to 1.4 volts. More then double!

                          Thinking back on it now I realize that the magnets must have attracted the unstable roaming fields of the wire core coils and that the air core coils were oscillating the magnet fields through the output coil windings overhead. This effect is very powerful and a new one for me. I plan to look into it more deeply. I'll upload another video in due course.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-22-2018, 11:31 PM.


                          • Chris Sykes

                            Look at the similarity between Sykes's testing platform and the synchronous motor stators and coils: It will take a minimum of four identical synchronous dishwasher motors to perform "Bucking Coil" tests; Four sets of twin coils and four stators, plus a few packages of ceramic block magnets.

                            Four sets of twin coils will allow us to achieve precision 180 degree resonance with the Hi-perm alloy stator laminations. The schematic shows the coil polarities reversed, but they're wound counter directionally through the stator so they share the same magnetic polarity. The separated coils are connected and combine their strength through a "Phantom" field.

                            Six identical synchronous motors would yield two additional pairs of twin coils for output coils in the center between the two stators. Magnets will increase the output in this configuration. These motors from China cost $15 apiece, so six would be under $100, not enough to totally bankrupt anyone. These stators would need to be bound by elastic bands and would oscillate between themselves inside the output coils when the combined repulsive pulse was delivered. This would act as a very powerful platform especially with the "Phantom Fields" in adjacency.

                            This bucking coil generator would work very well off a BEMF current pulse, and has a strong chance of going way over unity from these off the shelf parts. The power pulse would be sent to both pairs of twin coils in opposition simultaneously through a common connection. The output would be A.C. I plan to buy four additional motors next week for further testing.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-17-2018, 06:41 PM.


                            • Partnered bucking coils

                              The picture of the coils below shows two coils directionally counter wound, so the electro-magnetic fields are in opposition through the "A" vector. The two open negative leads would simply dead short to ground:
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-17-2018, 06:41 PM.


                              • "Bi-Toroid Transformer"

                                The six synchronous motor stators and coils supply us with a platform to conduct Thane Heins "Bi-Toroid Transformer" tests as well. The two joined center coils would be the input coils and the two four side coil sets, the outputs: The center coils would be separated from their sisters and wires joined together. The trick here is to create lessor magnetic pathway through the central input coil stator then through the combined outside stators. All we would need to do is to space an "Air Gap" between the nearly attached central stators and run one leg of each of the other four stators through the outside pickup coils. The four outside stators will PMH lock and efficiently channel magnetic flux; Voila! I uploaded a general schematic below right: Click on the attachment a second and third time for an enlargement. I believe we need to disconnect the two central outer coils from the inside input coils. This is a very simple clip apart wire and twist together job.

                                The magnetic pathway through the legs of the upper and lower stators simply needs to carry a greater flux more easily, with less resistance to magnetic flow, then the junction between the central stators in order for this "Bi-Toroid Transformer" to achieve a COP of over 300%.

                                These stators could be connected to each other by laminated stator bridge clamps on each end or by four ferrite plugs wedged in place in between; Then they wouldn't need the four extra coils. The back spike from the primary needs to travel around to the secondary in order that it doesn't fight itself. The back spike would generate a field in the secondary twins and the fields would appear in their side car coils as well, so it may work fine the way it's designed with no magnetic material connection between the stators. I plan to start testing it next week.
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-17-2018, 06:41 PM.

