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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • #91
    3 way toggle cam

    Two of the three double pole switches would connect to the same storage capacitor doubling as input capacitor: A synchronous microwave carousel motor could easily power the "Toggle Cam". (The cam butts up against the switch).

    The farads of this main capacitor would be tailored to the watts of neutralization force to balance the pull strength of the trigger and absorber magnets selected. It would take the same switch input to recycle any amount of switch pulse to match the highest of the wide range of magnet strengths realizable.
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    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-28-2017, 06:19 PM.


    • #92

      After the current's disconnected at 43%, the magnetic field collapses and the coil generates Hi-voltage BEMF. This BEMF blocks any input output while it's there After it's completely exhausted during 18% of the cycle, the repositioning of the deflected permanent magnet field generates it's own new current. The 3rd switch position channels this back spike to a separate storage capacitor through another diode..


      • #93
        Hall effect sensors.

        A bettor way would be to attach six trigger magnets on a timing wheel in concentric arcs, then place three latching Hall effect sensors in tandem over the N S trigger magnets. They would turn on and off one after the other for the duration of the trigger magnet spacing during the course of one revolution. The Hall effect sensors can connect to transistors and relays.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-29-2017, 07:35 AM.


        • #94
          Hall effect commutator

          Look at this "Hall Effect Sensor Commutator": I positioned the trigger magnets on a tube to leave plenty of room between the magnets:
          Attached Files


          • #95
            Hall sensor transistor and relay

            Below we can see how the Hall effect sensor wires to a transistor then to an electro magnetic coil. This would be the relay coil in the circuit.

            The commutator tube can run as a Hall effect pulse motor from the same battery that powers the 3 timer switches. Hopefully the BEMF from the large neutralization coil can be enough to replenish the charge in the switch battery.
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            • #96
              Latching "Hall effect Sensor:.

              Here's a latching "Hall" connected to a relay through a transistor: We need three of these latching relay circuits for the 6 trigger magnet commutator tube: Each full cycle includes the three separate switching events.

              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-30-2017, 01:18 PM.


              • #97
                DC fans.

                Two of these fans could face each other back to back and support a trigger tube between them, reverse wired. The Hall sensors would lay underneath. A speed control could easily wire in with a mosfet and potentiometer.

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                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-30-2017, 08:09 PM.


                • #98
                  Polarity reversal

                  Here's what polarity reversal does to a DC brushless fan: These fans run a few dollars on ebay:


                  Best just to power it with one fan.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-01-2017, 03:48 PM.


                  • #99
                    Degree to percent ratios.

                    Below we see a graph of the cycle ratios from Art's tests:

                    18.3% of the cycle for BEMF recovery represents 18.3 times 3.6 or 65.88 degrees out of the 360 degree drum circumference: The 43% equals 154.5 degrees and the 38.7%, 139.32 degrees.

                    The trigger spacing is sequential and asymmetric. The first and the last trigger magnet would line up, to turn the latching Hall sensors on each end, off and on simultaneously.
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                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-02-2017, 01:47 PM.


                    • kEhYo's motor

                      kEhYo could run his motor with the "Triple Pole Commutator"; When the rotor magnet was in the power phase at TDC , the neutralization coil would be gated to it's output pathway. The maximum rotor output would be collected and channeled directly to the storage destination from the masking coil.

                      kEhYo is currently doing nothing like this with his circuitry.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-02-2017, 07:32 PM.


                      • Parts.

                        I ordered two D.C. fans and three Hall effect sensors from ebay. It occurred to me that the commutator only needs two hall relays and a dead space on the timing wheel where the BEMF relay magnets would go.

                        This test is to see if we can send the pulse back to the same capacitor it came from, and wind up with more power like Art Porter did, recovering the neutralization pulse from a stationary magnet coil.


                        • Spring solenoid.

                          Take a solenoid coil with a magnet piston core. Attach the end of the magnet to a spring and a spring latch and release. We need to add a fourth pole to the commutator for the latch release. Here's the sequence:

                          1.-The pulse charges the inductor and the magnetic field pushes the magnet piston against the spring and it locks there.

                          2.-The commutator gates the coil back to a Hi-Voltage capacitor through a diode and separate pathway for the BEMF.

                          3.-The commutator gates the coil back to the common input/output capacitor for output; and simultaneously:

                          4.-Relay releases the spring latch and the magnet piston is driven back into the coil core and charges the main capacitor through a diode.

                          How much of the input pulse would we recapture this way?

                          Art says: He does better then breaking even and calls his capacitor charge gain "A very great discovery".

                          I believe Art's right, and the latching Hall effect commutator can solve the whole problem that easily.

                          The commutator doesn't need to latch a spring for the back spike, all it needs to do is leave an empty space on the timing wheel. The quantum force of Field deflection and regauging do the work of the spring.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-04-2017, 06:46 PM.


                          • Magnetic Field spring.

                            The magnetic field has to do work to realign itself with it's original orientation. This work is on the atomic level and consumes heat; It also generates electricity that finds it's way into the output coil through induction. Conversion of ambient heat into electrical power is not technically over unity.

                            The additional power is actually generated by the magnet and it causes a cooling.

                            The conservation of the neutralization masking pulse from the return of the deflected magnetic field back into the output coil, is the source of endless power!


                            • Simplified circuit.

                              We only need one capacitor and diode, and four leads coming off the neutralization magnet coil. The timer needs an 18.3% lag; We don't need the third hall sensor and relay. There is no lag on the interuption.

                              One capacitor, four timer magnets and speed control. This simple circuit should ping pong the pulse perpetually between the magnet coil and the capacitor, and run any size generator..
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-09-2017, 10:32 AM.


                              • Rule of thumb.

                                The ratio of back spike to input will always remain constant. The timing ratios follow Phi (1.618). First if we quarter a circle each segment is 90 degrees. Halving one equals 45 degrees. Adding 90 to 45, clockwise around from the bottom, gives us the 135 degrees in the 38% duty cycle for the output. Starting with 45 degrees and adding half or 22.5 gives us the 67 degrees of the cycle for the BEMF recovery. The remaining circumference is 43 percent for inout.
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                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-09-2017, 07:00 PM.

