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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Art's optics's-cutter

    Here we see Art's commutator disk with 43% of the circle for the power cycle on the far side:

    What do you notice about this?

    The motor's controlling the commutator speed, not the other way around like the speed controlled version under review.

    It looks like Art's stuck with only one speed!
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    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-11-2017, 03:41 PM.


    • One pulse rotation.

      Art's GAP flywheel solenoid has a power stroke and timing that can be compared to moving a single magnet motor rotor one entire revolution with only one pulse. It can only run at the minimum amount of power it takes to make the flywheel turn a complete revolution and not more slowly. A magnetic compression spring generator wouldn't be hampered by running with variable speed as it has no such (Make the "flywheel turn" Demand) to meet.

      Separating the commutator from the motor gears is essential to vary the pulse speed of the neutralization coil gradually, and select the speed at which the generator runs, without the constraint of a pre-set power requirement.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-12-2017, 09:44 AM.


      • Commutator and output rotor

        The small amount of power it would take to rotate the tiny commutator wheel would be amplified into the much larger power of the magnet rotor:
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        • Components.

          I received my three "Latching Hall effect Sensors" today. I'm taking inventory, and have stockpiled lots of parts acquired by me for the Gotoluc self running coil test.

          This current test turns out to be nearly identical to the self running coil project, except the frequency is thousands of times lower.

          I have a 12 volt electro-magnet that I bought and plan to use as a neutralization coil for a stack of permanent neo magnets equal in attraction strength. It's blindingly simple and streamlined to just mate disk magnets to this kind of high tolerance, polished internal case coil.

          Naturally, the electro-magnet backing magnets will attract both the permanent magnets and the electro-magnet to a piece of ferrite through the electro-magnet core. Pulsing the electro-magnet will cause it to release itself, then we can test for the resugeant power from the field repositioning through the commutator gap to the storage cap.

          My first commutator will be a simple finger twisting type on a jar lid.
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-13-2017, 04:56 PM.


          • Electro Magnet

            Look at how simple this is turning out: All anyone needs to do is attach the permanent trigger magnet to the back of the 12 volt electro-magnet coil pictured below, and we capture 20 pounds of sheer force with a short neutralization spark.

            My test setup is currently working with the forces balanced. I am neutralizing attraction to a ferrite core neo magnet piston with a short D.C. pulse to the electromagnet coil with it's backup magnets attached; So it's set up to run the magnet spring piston generator. I'm looking at a "Magnetcoaster", but Richard's contraption couldn't do any work!

            Next step is to measure the amount of pulse recovery with the Hall effect sensor commutator. All it takes to run this is to match the electromagnet force to the attraction force of the back up magnets behind the electro magnet coil. Voila! Your looking at Art Porter's "Solid State" GAP.
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            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-13-2017, 10:21 PM.


            • Kunel "Energy linear generator".

              I'm picking 4 milli volts up off the small single layer ferrite core output coil secondary per neutralization pulse. The magnet coil pulse sheers the ferrite rod and neo tube on the right from the backing magnet's attraction. The output is realizable from the flux transition alone, with no moving parts. Recovering the masking pulse would put this MEG squarely overunity! BEMF is not reguaging output, but is collectable too.

              The solid state output is small compared to the equivalent of maybe 20 pounds of magnet sheer force when the ferrite rod and magnet decouple from the trigger coil. The piston generator may need a rubber band around it to help return it to attraction closure.

              The sheer trigger has a gradual relationship, whereas the pulse is sudden, hence the need for a spring.
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              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-14-2017, 03:27 PM.


              • Trigger magnet gap

                Let's take a closer look at my first commutator switch: The neo magnet tubes are polarized diametrically and locked together so theres an oblong field to trigger the DPDT Reed switch. This arrangement creates the lag time the circuit needs to bleed off the obstructing BEMF. A "Phi Spiral" cam lobe:
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                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-15-2017, 02:38 PM.


                • Neutralization of attraction

                  Here's a quick video of a piston driven by the neutralization of attraction: Art Porter uses amplification and repulsion to power his GAP motor. This way works just the opposite. The advantage is that Art garnered more feedback from the neutralization pulse with his solid state version. This kind of attraction power also generates power from deflection and recovery of it's attached magnets field in the coil. We gain from the coupled advantages this way:

                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-16-2017, 03:00 PM.


                  • Recovery.

                    When the overhead ferrite magnet piston begins it's return stroke toward the magnet coil, a generation of electrical power event commences in the pulse coil.

                    Switching the pulse coil electrodes to an output storage pathway at that point, returns the neutralization pulse with interest! The top piston magnet takes a free ride. Turning the speed up would probably generate a lot of current from those upper output windings.

                    This charging is a twofold event because the permanent magnet deflection from the base partners up with the piston closure from overhead. The more powerful convergence of multiple fields in the coil.

                    The tri-pole commutator directs the backspike to a separate route.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-16-2017, 03:01 PM.


                    • Self switching.

                      Contact points connected to a battery between the piston and electro-magnet would cause the pump to run as an oscillator, the upper contact connecting to the
                      neutralizing pulse from below.

                      Suppose we position a Hall effect sensor next to the piston so it triggers a relay at the apex that switches the power coil to output mode? We can get rid the commutator wheel!

                      This improvement confines us to one speed again, but it should be able to run itself.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-17-2017, 10:53 AM.


                      • Timing.

                        Four trigger magnets, two on each side of the rod, can switch two latching Hall effect sensors. One sensor can control the pulse and pulse width, depending on the distance between the trigger magnets; and the other the gap timed switching to the output pathway. All our timing ratios are controlled. This approach would be simpler to manage but we loose our speed control over the commutator.


                        • Oscillator video



                          • Hall sensor positioning

                            Two Hall effect sensors positioned next to the rod in polarity opposition next to a tight N-S magnet trigger would switch the Mosfet's and open and close the input and output pathways on the oscillator coil.

                            It would be easy to direct the output pulse back to source through a diode.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-18-2017, 11:45 AM.


                            • Hall trellis

                              Here's a trigger magnet and the hall frame:
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                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-18-2017, 09:28 PM.


                              • Hall schematic

                                Let's take a closer look at the wiring:
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