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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Oscillator lighting 3 LEDS off flyback.

    Here's a video of the oscillator lighting a small bank of reverse biased LEDs: Next, I plan to add additional LEDS to the rail to see how many it can illuminate.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-12-2018, 01:20 AM.


    • LED anode and cathode.

      Here's a schematic of an LED identifying the long electrode as the anode or positive;
      Attached Files


      • 12 LEDS illuminated by oscillator flyback.

        Here's a video of the oscillator lighting 12 LEDs. The 3 volts D.C. will only light 1. Frequency increases LED light intensity; The anode or positive electrode of the LED, (The longer prong) must connect to the negative contact and the negative or shorter prong to the positive end of the coil to light up from the oscillating flyback. The 3 volts of D.C. current will only light one LED connected the other way around, the way they're designed to work, with the anode to the positive and the cathode to the negative pole of the two AA batteries in series.

        The power that illuminates the 12 LEDS in this video is strictly a function of the copper mass in the spring coil and core permeability, not the input from the AA batteries. This is a clear example of an Overunity generator in action!
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-12-2018, 09:22 PM.


        • Oscillator coil inductance

          I measured the oscillator coil inductance at .010 mH (milli henrys) with the AA batteries acting as a coil core and .004 mH alone as an air core coil. This test demonstrates that the AA batteries act as a very powerful core material, more then doubling inductance over the air core. This factor alone more than doubles the magnetic field in the spring coil and more than doubles the flyback power from the field collapse.
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-12-2018, 07:14 PM.


          • LED gain.

            LEDS oscillate and generate power identically to the way the "Battery Magnet Oscillator" does; Adding LEDS in a string may appear to dim the individual bulb, but the overall light output increases with the addition of more bulbs.

            A photonic reactor with photo generating panels attached to the inside of a ball with a sphere of LEDS in the center would allow us to plug into it and run our campsites.
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-13-2018, 08:27 PM.


            • Reed switch.

              A "REED SWITCH" would run this oscillator best! The contact can't be beat confined by a vacuum tube.

              "Skycollection" could run his "Hexafilar coil" and bank of LEDS with two C cell batteries in series as a coil core and a magnet at the base in series with the Reed switch.


              • Mag amp effect.

                Another advantage of this magnet battery oscillator is that the permanent magnet field that penetrates the copper coil acts as an electrical resistor, (Mag amp effect) increasing circuit efficiency.


                • Ignition coil lighting.

                  Bosch patented the "Magneto" and out of it evolved the ignition coil that involved a set of breaker points to jump a spark. Viewing the Reed switch as ignition points one can see how this magnet battery oscillator is really a "Bosch Ignition lighting system".


                  • Transmitter receiver.

                    Constructing a receiver of the same dimensions as the transmitter magnet battery oscillator, could broadcast and receive morse code with an interrupter button! Every one's seen "Lidmotor's" A.M. static receiver tests.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-15-2018, 12:52 PM.


                    • Reed switch oscillator.

                      Replacing the "Magnet Contact" with a Reed switch evolves this circuit:


                      The only difference is that we are wrapping the AA battery to substitute as a ferrite coil core!
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-15-2018, 07:01 PM.


                      • Here's George Chaniotakis 16 X over unity with a vintage Reed switch:

                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-15-2018, 07:42 PM.


                        • Bosch ignition coil system.

                          Here again we see George illuminating an LED bulb with an oscillating contact (Reed Switch) between a coil and magnets. Identical to the magnet battery oscillator.
                          Attached Files


                          • Cianiotakis OU.

                            George's setup is very similar to an earlier one of mine. I initiated several threads on the "Plasma Reed Switch". George's oscillator doubles it's fly back output when he doubles the copper in his bucking coils. The output is in direct proportion to the weight of copper in the coils.

                            The LED bulb is reverse biased and is powered by the backspike from the collapsing field. The more copper, the greater the electro-magnetic field and hence the more powerful the flyback from the collapse.

                            George has grown secretive lately about his schematics but he appears to have the positive from the 24 volt source attached to the coil junction and the positive from the 12 volt source on the other end of the the "Reed Switch".

                            The input power is constant, caught and stored in the catcher battery, while the HV fly back output is doubling from the additional weight in copper in the coils alone; If not clearly over unity at this point, one can see the inevitability on the near horizon.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-27-2018, 02:22 PM.


                            • Quadupeling output

                              Cianiotakis doubles his flyback output when he adds a second bucking coil, he could quadruple it by wrapping AA battery cores and running the "Reed Switch" along side the coils.


                              • 48 aa's

                                Let's say we assembled 24 volts of 16 AA's in series, and another 12 volts from an additional 8, for a total of 24 AA's. This would yield 12 two battery coils.

                                The inductance has nothing to do with the voltage, so a 12 volt differential can be wired between the battery between the 16 and 8 battery array; While the inductance would be distributed equally between the 24 battery cores for the 12 volt "Reed Switch".
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-27-2018, 09:56 PM.

