Here's a close up of the DPDT toggle switch ready for testing: The green and red clip leads on the left run to the positive and negative poles of the power source; The yellow and red clip leads on the right run to the electrodes of the DMM. The center terminals of the switch are connected to the two wires from the pulse coil:
Preliminary tests have me thinking about a "Timer Latch" to keep the DPDT press switch closed to output for a fixed duration. This may be easier to handle then it sounds.
The magnet begins and needs time to "cook" after the pulse. The over unity power is from the microscopic electric field, and is greater then the power from the macroscopic field from electromagnetic (EM) source side.
The BEMF secondary would need the same phase delay, so one output timer latch should be sufficient.
This one final improvement is the only thing keeping the project from complete and everlasting success.
Here's a close up of the DPDT toggle switch ready for testing: The green and red clip leads on the left run to the positive and negative poles of the power source; The yellow and red clip leads on the right run to the electrodes of the DMM. The center terminals of the switch are connected to the two wires from the pulse coil:
Preliminary tests have me thinking about a "Timer Latch" to keep the DPDT press switch closed to output for a fixed duration. This may be easier to handle then it sounds.
The magnet begins and needs time to "cook" after the pulse. The over unity power is from the microscopic electric field, and is greater then the power from the macroscopic field from electromagnetic (EM) source side.
The BEMF secondary would need the same phase delay, so one output timer latch should be sufficient.
This one final improvement is the only thing keeping the project from complete and everlasting success.