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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Overunity generated in transformer by BEMF.

    This video demonstrates Over Unity with a normal transformer powered by BEMF. A "Bi-Toroid Transformer" would lower the input to the primary, with a double secondary generating over twice the output in total from the BEMF from an oscillating relay like the one shown in this video by Marc Belanger:

    I believe the "Quick and Dirty" power supply you see in this video below by Austin Reed would power the synchronous "Bi-Toroid Transformer", and light two bulbs for less then half of what it would cost to do it from the wall socket. He has the microwave capacitor hooked up to a dimmer switch in series with two raw wires running directly from a 120 A.C. volt wall socket. The two wires that go to the ignition coil in the video would connect to the two electrodes of the Bi-Toroid A.C. primary.

    All the coils and stators from the A.C. synchronous motor are designed to operate with 120 volt 60 Hertz sine wave current. That's why Austin Reed's power supply is ideal. The addition of the "Light Dimmer" adds a cheap but effective regulator to the transformer.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-30-2018, 01:49 PM.


    • Synchronous motor stators and coils "Bi Toroid Transformer".

      The central stators are extended out a little to the sides to show the "Air Gap" separating them inside the primary coil. This "Air Gap" space can be precisely distanced with micrometer accuracy:

      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-30-2018, 06:05 PM.


      • Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-30-2018, 06:14 PM.


        • Additional motors.

          I was afraid of this. I returned to the appliance shop, and they're stocking a different brand synchronous motor already. They told me that's what the supplier brings. They only have five of the current model. This is going to stall the project up.


          • Gerard Morin transformer

            Here's a guy doing something similar:


            Another very interesting transformer video. The tester noticed the same spontaneous charging effect I measured with my DMM:


            The combination stators and coils work extremely well as a transformer. Optimistic news for the chances the Bi-Toroid will be successful.

            The two pairs of twin coils in the first video are facing the same way hence the stator poles are in opposition. The lower single twin coil primary poles are in opposition as well. He has two U stators attached to form a loop. The lower primary coils are connected directly to power from an A.C. wall socket He is lighting a bank of 120 volt A.C. incandescent bulbs.

            The second video involves pulsing the transformer with the loop stators and two twin coils with a 9 volt D.C. battery by triggering a Reed switch. the battery voltage is around 7 volts and the D.C. pulse is illuminating a 230 volt LED.

            The design of the Transformer can either be Bucking or Bi-Toroid. We can run the coils either way, same poles or opposite poles together, depending on how they're positioned. I had my coils with the poles the same for the bucking coil transformer. The A.C. Bi-toroid should be in opposition and that would eliminate the wire cutting job on the paired primary coils. There would just be an extra pair of coils left over. These coils work extremely well just plugged directly into a wall socket as they're designed to. The first video is already nearly half of the Bi-Toroid Transformer completed and working excellently. This video engenders very high hope for success of the project. This Transformer would cut our light bills in half, and pay itself off in a few weeks!
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-01-2018, 10:30 PM.


            • Gerard Morin washtub motor without engine.

              I searched youtube and came up with a replication video. This testor claims he's generating RF frequency "Cold Electricity" with the transformer, and lighting a fluorescent bulb, The wiring is very straight foward:

              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-01-2018, 10:29 PM.


              • Overunity generated in transformer.

                Think about what's taking place in those upper "Side Car" stator coils! The "Phantom" fields are attracted to then repulsed by the oscillating field in the laminated core at 60 Hertz and have to be generating tremendous amounts of power in their own windings. The tester makes no input power measurements. The output is in the high frequency range. I plan to test this set up tomorrow. Truly incredible realization! This configuration only involves the purchase of three washing machine pump motors.

                The setup generates power while standing alone because it's harvesting electronic smog as a radio frequency receiving antenna, and generating electric current like a crystal radio. Mine measured around .068 millivolts in the video posted above where I commented about it!
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-01-2018, 10:54 PM.


                • Reactive power.

                  The A.C. sine wave causes a field collapse when it crosses the zero line. A new current is generated in the coil that starts there and is at 180 degrees from the source. This is called A.C. "Reactive Power" and is the equivalent of BEMF generated by a field collapse from D.C. current in an inductor. Reactive current cancels out in the primary and causes impedance. However in the resonant secondaries we see in the last video posted, the reactive power is feeding a neon light load at high voltage and frequency. The primary is saturated and must not be consuming very much power.

                  We would need a "Kill-a-watt" meter behind the plug and a "Lux Meter " on the neon bulb to measure the COP. The six stator eight coil Bi-Toroid configuration would increase the output because we'd be adding a pair of twin coils and four additional stators; However the performance of the two stator six coil version is already totally awesome! I plan to purchase one remaining model type for three identical motors and begin testing this configuration with A.C. wall power this afternoon.

                  What an incredible adventure and very lucky find, right folks!
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-01-2018, 10:53 PM.


                  • 1/2 of the Bi-Toroid Transformer


                    • Morin transformer wiring

                      Black and red on the bottom go to the positive and negative prongs to the wall outlets. The black and red wires at the far ends on the top go to the load. The inside coil electrodes are shorted with a clip wire. This is just a simple step-up transformer:

                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-02-2018, 11:15 AM.


                      • Morin transformer.


                        • Bi-Toroid components.

                          Alright, I had a bit of luck and managed to locate a used motor to complete the set of six stators and twelve coils to complete the construction of the "Thane Heins Bi-Toroid Transformer". I also purchased two nine watt neon light tubes to test the Morin transformer and Bi-Toroid. I'll upload a few interesting bettor quality videos soon because I learned how to format my Mac movies for youtube with higher definition. I have high hopes for the over unity success of the Bi-Toroid Transformer with these wash tub pump motor components. The exciting part commences soon!
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-02-2018, 07:03 PM.


                          • Bi-Toroid Transformer


                            • Comment

                              • Back side wired for testing

