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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Unity achieved video.

    Here it is folks: 5 volts and .090 amps for .45 watts in; 18 volts and .025 amps for .45 watts out; incredible! A tremendous success, well worth all the effort. This amounts to the World's most efficient transformer: The two black wires from the normally closed center pins run in series through the switch between one A.C. electrode of the FWBR, on one side, and the positive electro-magnet wire on the other. The negative-electro magnet coil wire runs to the negative A.C. electrode of the FWBR. The positive and negative wires of the power transformer run in series through the out side terminals of the switch. When the power pulse lifts the magnets and releases the spring pressure, the inside contacts go normally closed and open a pathway to the storage capacitor for output through the wires from the magnet flutter over the coil.

    I may have to redo this video. It gets fuzzy for no reason after a minute or so. The wires to the capacitor are not securely connected and it begins to discharge when I disturb them. I should show the measurements to the camera. Perhaps I'll try again for a bettor one. This should be a high water mark video.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-21-2018, 08:04 PM.


    • The voltage meter electrodes run in series between the central pins. The voltage. is traveling by induction from the electro magnet coil to the switch:

      The measurements show once again the oscillator is running at unity!


      • Cop 2

        I've been taking closer measurements, and it appears the generator is operating at a COP 2 after it warms up. There's a "Mag amp" effect from the intense field of the electro-magnet that restricts the input the coil can handle after it warms up. The amp draw drops to .003. The amp reading on the output wire from the positive of the coil is .025. The input voltage was 9.65 A.C. and output 2.50 volts. We can see from the math that the saturation restriction on input is boosting the COP to over 200%.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-24-2018, 12:28 PM.


        • Here's a beefed up magnet version outputting 40 volts:

          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-25-2018, 03:35 PM.


          • New TPDT switch


            • 12 pin switch video.

              Short 12 pin TPDT switch video:

              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-26-2018, 01:08 PM.


              • Bigger magnets more voltage out.

                We can see how increasing the magnet strength increases the output voltage. This is an over unity effect, and is independent of input power.


                • Initial supposition

                  My initial supposition was that a "Sheer" to "Push Pull" advantage would appear between the permanent magnet piston and the electro-magnet coil. It appears that the relationship may in fact be hiding an offset value adding to an over unity factor.



                    Two bumper disc magnets tuck right onto the rim of the electro-magnet for an even more streamlined design.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 05-31-2018, 09:26 PM.


                    • Video of latest oscillator.



                      • Power out.

                        More power generated with higher operating speed.



                        • 100 volts output.

                          The oscillator is running at very high speed and generating 100 volts of output with only 10 volts of input! The elastic bands are tensioned to allow the magnet to spring open easily and slam shut with force.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-04-2018, 06:16 AM.


                          • New power measurements



                            • Relay timer nd oscillator.

                              We need to extend the output pulse from the electromagnet coil to completely replicate Art Portor's "Flywheel Opti-cutter" commutator:


                              • video of latest oscillator.


