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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • 12 volt timer relay.

    The 12 volt timer relay requires two power sources; The first one's connected when the press switch is closed in series through the oscillator switch. This starts the timer. there are three logic pins. K-1 sets the function then K-2 and K-3 set the timing first for the delay of the onset of power, then the duration of the pulse.

    It's possible to extend the power pulse along with the output duration, over the duration of the spring interval. The addition of this remaining componant will finish the build.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-09-2018, 07:18 PM.


      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-11-2018, 11:02 PM.


      • Timer relay in action

        Here's a video of the relay powering a tiny D.C. fan for exactly one second. This timer relay can trim the power pulse to a tenth of a second, inside the pulse width of the spring switch. Trimming the power pulse is an inverse approach to extending the output pulse width ratio:

        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-13-2018, 02:02 AM.


        • Pressure switch timer.

          Video of the pressure switch in action:


          • Faraday induction.

            Three ways to increase output: 1.-Increase magnet strength; 2.-Increase coil windings; 3.-Increase magnet motion.

            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-15-2018, 02:40 PM.


            • Increasing COP.

              We have a unique motor generator. What's the best way to improve the COP? What would happen if we simply increased the magnet strength along with the size of the coil and kept the input power the same?


              • 600 lb holding force Neo magnet

                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-15-2018, 05:56 PM.


                • 640 lb electromagnet.

                  Here's a 4" diameter 12 volt electromagnet with 640 pounds of holding force:


                  • Six times over unity.

                    Copper mass, Joules of input and magnetic force in Gauss. The 100 pound strength electro magnet coil and 3/4" Neo tube forces are in balance and the Pi/Po is even. The 600 pound Neo magnet and 4" diameter 640 pound electro magnet should be 6x's over unity!

                    The 640 pound force EM coil would neutralize the Neo magnet's permanent attraction to the EM coil core, and allow the recoil elastic bands to lift the 600 pound Neo magnet, and trigger the SPDT press switch.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-15-2018, 06:33 PM.


                    • Faraday induction principles.

                      Imagine two solenoid air core coils of the same dimension and weight in copper facing each other. Next, two identical axial polarized tube magnets connected to each other with a rod, positioned inside the coil cores.

                      We use one coil to pulse power one Neo tube and the other to gather input from it's twin.

                      What would happen if we added a second magnet to the core of the power coil?

                      The output from the pickup coil would double from the additional strength with no increase in input power, right?

                      What would happen if we doubled the mass in copper of the power coil?

                      We would double the output with the same unit of input too that way. We can quadruple the COP of this motor generator by doubling the strength of the power magnet and the weight in copper of the pulse coil, right?

                      The same proportions hold true for the EM oscillator. The only difference is that we need to understand that the increased core inductance of the EM coil has the same effect on field strength as increasing the weight of copper wire in the pulse coil.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-15-2018, 07:33 PM.


                      • Faraday induction.

                        Three ways to increase output: Increase magnet strength, magnet motion or coil windings.

                        The ratio's the same with the power factor; Increasing coil windings will increase magnet field strength in direct proportion to the weight in copper, as demonstrated by Hob Nilre.

                        Coil geometry and construction are separate factors. No one has ever seen an electromagnet used to drive a motor, or used as an output coil before.

                        Imagine two electromagnets taped together face to face, wired with DPDT switches, so each can generate a magnetic field and recover output from it's sister.

                        Let's apply Faraday's law of induction to this simple MEG: Doubling the weight in copper to the coils would quadruple the COP because we would double the field strength for unit of input while at the same time doubling the output.

                        We can multiply field strength in a coil be adding a ferrite core. This has the same effect on the amplification of field strength as increasing the coil windings.

                        What happens when we add a ferrite core to an output coil? It cogs the rotor magnet with magnetic attraction, and reverses the gain.

                        I have turned this attraction handicap into an advantage with the EM oscillator.

                        Taking advantage of core value over coil windings is a quantum leap in power generation. The increasing ferrite core strength has the potential to generate power in direct proportion as well as increasing copper coil windings. Consider this! This amounts to an important discovery.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-17-2018, 02:08 PM.


                        • 12 pin switch MEG.

                          The 12 pin spring pressure switch appears above. This switch contains 3, 4 pin SPDT switches combined under one button, like the one running the oscillator.

                          The 600 Lb magnet is hazardous. Securing two 640 lb force "Electro-magnets" face to face and fastening them with a plastic lock tie would eliminate any pinching hazard from the huge permanent magnet.

                          The center 4 pin switch can power an EM oscillator of smaller size and control the two 640 lb electro magnets as a reciprocating MEG with the 2 remaining 4 pin switches to the outside. The controlling oscillator should run cost free because tests have shown it returns all of it's power.

                          The two MEG EM's would wire one to the outside and the other to the inside of each remaining 4 pin switch so that when one was off in the depressed position the other would be on and visa-versa.

                          Video of the 12 pin switch:

                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-18-2018, 11:29 PM.


                          • Solenoid reciprocator

                            This same 12 pin switch and oscillator could run two aircore solenoid coils with a long reciprocating axial polarized cylinder magnet piston, attached to a "Scotch Yoke" by a collar and pin in the center. This kind of motor could drive a large locomotive while recovering all it's input power, depending on the coil construction and magnet strength. The output would be pulsed D.C. from each end.

                            I demonstrated the "Unity" aspect of the oscillator. The work done by the oscillator piston is the free power. This is an example of free power doing work for zero cost.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-19-2018, 02:57 AM.


                            • Relative permeability.

                              "The force of the lock is proportional to the square of the relative permeability of the magnetic core. Given the relative permeability of a material can vary from around 250 for cobalt to around 5000 for soft iron and 7000 for silicon-iron, the choice of magnetic core can therefore have an important impact upon the strength of a magnetic lock. Also relevant is the choice of current, number of loops and effective length of the electromagnet".

                              This basic law underscores the central point I've been making the entire time on this thread. This augments "Faraday's Law". The magnetic force of an electromagnet is proportional not only to current and number of loops, but more importantly "The square of the relative permeability of the core".

                              The converse of the law, which you will never see published anywhere, is that the output of an electromagnet coil is a direct function of the core perm too!

                              The COP of a "Chiral Siamese" electromagnet MEG would be a function of the relative core permeability of the two electromagnets!

                              Therefore: Doubling the core perm in a twin facing EM MEG will quadruple the COP!

                              My oscillator tests prove conclusively that the power in, to the force field out is equal to the force field in to the power out in the electromagnet.
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-19-2018, 04:12 PM.


                              • MU.

