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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Self running coil.

    Following Gotoluc's formula for his 'Self running coil" I next need to induce "One negative Henry" of permanent field inductance into the 2 Henry "E" core by attaching a sufficient number of permanent Neo magnets to the core.

    This should be enough to generate the same oscillating power from within the coil that Gotoluc demonstrated in his series of 16 videos. I carried a case full of the most powerful Neo magnets available on the open market from California to Costa Rica last September. Now I'm ready to try attaching them to the inductor core.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-28-2018, 01:03 AM.


    • Temperature drop.

      I started measuring the heat from the 2 Henry oscillator while running with the infrared thermometer, and it's measuring a drop in temperature. This is the opposite from what I anticipated and opens a whole new area of speculation. Maybe it's simply the cooling effect of the flipper fanning the coil?
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-28-2018, 05:45 PM.


      • Self running coil.

        10 Henry choke oscillator with backing magnets and FWBR:


        • Negative inductance from two 3" Neo disc magnets.

          A quote from comment #457 above:

          "The 10 Henry choke, which measured 10 Henries when I first got it, now measures 1.91 Henries with the core split".

          The core inductance is now 1.81, a full 100 milli Henries less with the two 3" Neo discs with spacers:

          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-29-2018, 09:04 PM.


          • Audio spectrum amplifier.

            I'm setting up to power the 1.81 Henry inductor with a "Sinusoidal Audio Spectrum" generator and blue tooth amplifier. The coil electrodes connect to the two wires from the earphone adaptor. 1 to 20,154 Hertz.

            Check out this online tone generator:

            Online Tone Generator - generate pure tones of any frequency
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-29-2018, 09:02 PM.


            • Bad news.

              I fried my $1200 Mac laptop feeding audio into the powerful two disc neo 1.81 Henry electromagnet at too close a distance. I don't feel too bright right now.


              • LC resonance

                The 1.81 Henry coil needs a 7 Pico farad capacitor to resonate at a sine wave audio frequency of around 500 Hertz. The idea is to reinforce the LC resonance with the audio input and oscillate the magnet field to generate power out. I need to recover my hardware before I can try this.


                • Jesus MacBook.

                  I 'm connected to an external monitor and running my audio tone generator again with my resurrected Macintosh. This program will not work with the Windows operating system.

                  Ideally, a variable capacitor, or pico farad trimmer cap should be connected to the inductor of the LC tank. An amplifier needs to be connected between the tone generator and the inductor to raise and lower the amplitude. The tone generator generates voltage.

                  Wootan and McClain determined that the resonant frequency of magnetism "ferromagnetic resonant freq is 174.8KHz" with their Piezo driven MRA. Penciling in the arithmetic and tuning the LC circuit to match the tone generator and amplitude are an art not a science. The audio frequency has to be an octave fractal, because it only rises to 20Khz.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-04-2018, 03:26 PM.


                  • Fractal of magnetic resonance

                    174.8 kHz divided by 13 equals 13.44; The capacitance for 13.44 kHz with 1.81 Henrys is 77.475 Microfarad.

                    That means attaching a 77.475 Microfarad capacitor would generate an LC resonance that would ring at 13.44 kHz of audio frequency input and be a 1/13th fractal of ferro-magnetic resonance. This is where I plan to start.

                    I purchased a 6 watt amplifier at Radio Shack and can generate an awesome vibration with my online audio tone generator. I also turned my 1.81 inductor around so the magnetic "E" core is facing the magnets.


                    • gadolinium MEG

                      My attraction neutralization oscillator caloric measurements have opened a new amplification approach that multiplies the oscillator COP by thousands of times:

                      MCE, or "Mageto-Caloric effect": The presence of the external permanent magnet field raises the temperature of* the cobalt alloy* electromagnet core, and the neutralization pulse cools it.

                      The currie point of Gadolinium is 20 degrees centigrade. This is close to room temperature.

                      An Attraction Neutralization oscillator with a Gadolinium core would increase the field differential thousands of times. The EM power pulse would neutralize the powerful external field, cool the gadolinum core and cause it to grow magnetic. When the external field reappeared, the core would reheat, loose it's attraction strength and release the magnetic piston.*

                      The output would be equal to the electrical power it would take to generate the field strength to match the magnetic attraction of the gadolinium core. This would all be "Free Power".

                      Here's a very simple design for an over unity MCE solid state generator:

                      An axial polarized neodymium cylinder wrapped with a copper coil and connected to a power source so the two fields reinforce each other; Placed in adjacency to a "Gadolinium Cylinder" would generate power when pulsed under the following conditions:

                      The ambient temperature is close to the Currie point of 20 degrees centigrade. The combined field strength of the Neo magnet and coil is sufficient to raise the temperature of the "Gadolinium Cylinder" above the Currie point so it relinquishes it's magnetic attraction. Upon de-energizing the magnet coil, the temperature of the "Gadolinium" would drop, the attraction strength would return and the permanent magnet field would be drawn toward it through the coil wraps generating a current therein.*

                      Here's a terrarium temperature control setup for $30 dollars off Amazon that uses an electric fan and electric heater to control temperature down to 1/10 of a degree centigrade. Plenty of tolerance to house a very powerful solid state currie point MCE generator:

                      A neo horseshoe magnet with complimentary coil and a gadolinium stator linking the poles would open and close the magnetic flux gate inside the climate control zone.

                      We need an SPDT switch to run it. Energizing the coil would raise the temperature of the stator above the Currie point and close the flux path. De-energizing the horseshoe magnet coil would lower the temperature of the gadolinium stator, and open the flux path between the horseshoe poles, generating output from within it's own magnet coil, directing the output to the destination through the SPDT switch. No moving parts.

                      The climate control unit would be portable and fit in a car trunk or VTOL cargo hatch.

                      Here's a 3/4" diameter gadolinium coin and a schematic of the Flynn multiplication of force concept:

                      Two Horseshoe magnets connected through two gadolinium coins would produce the phantom force of a third magnet when the flux gates are open.

                      There are two things to take note of in this video: One, the Neo magnets are positioned N-S, opposite poles on each side of the gadolinium. Second; The temperature increase is instantaneous:

                      Precisely at the Currie point, a small increase in temperature would cause the gadolinium to grow non-magnetic and shunt the PM field.


                      The temperature rise in gadolinium is 2 degrees Celsius per Tesla of magnetic force. A synchronous motor-stator, configured as a horseshoe electro magnet around a gadolinium flux gate (The same size as the diametric cylinder rotor magnet), with two neo cylinders at 90 degrees that would allow the magnet wraps to generate current both as the gadolinium shunted and grew magnetic too.

                      We would need two gadolinium flux gates plus two horseshoe EM's and four Neo cylinders wrapped with copper output coils and two cross bar magnets at each end.

                      This would give us four horseshoe magnets; Two electro at 90 degrees to trigger the flux gates and two PM horseshoes connected on each end. This entire apparatus would rest in a temperature controlled enclousure.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-21-2018, 04:48 PM.


                      • Stator and rotor

                        The gadolinium "Flux gate cylinder" should be the same size as the rotor and fit inside the electromagnet stator the same way:


                        • Stator and peltier module

                          The Peltier module coupled with powerful PM's can speed the frequency up:

                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-22-2018, 05:10 PM.


                          • Arduino

                            The Arduino board and temperature control circuit can regulate the temperature of the gadolinium cylinder to within a 1/00th of a degree centigrade.

                            The temperature of the gadolinium needs to be raised by both the permanent magnets and the EM stator to a point above the currie point of 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

                            The Peltier and Arduino circuit can cool it to the exact temperature, then the power and pulse width to the EM coil can be adjusted. The duty cycle would control the output duration. A signal generator would help do this job.


                            • Centigrade in 1/00ths.


                              • Hallbach ring and toroid gadolinium

                                Wraping a gadolinium toroid and encirling it with a Hallbach array and sandwiched by Peltier moduels would both trigger and collect output through
                                an SPDT switch.
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-25-2018, 02:34 PM.

