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Mechanical Magnetic Torque Amplifier

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  • Here's Ludic with the same 9 volt source and identical transformer vibrating an aluminum foil ball:
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-30-2018, 10:58 PM.


    • hv spark working spot spring switch.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-31-2018, 10:17 PM.


      • EV Gray

        Five Factors That Make the Gray System Work - 1) The 'Radiant Event' which is developed ... 2) increase in 'free electrons' due to avalanche ... 3) current in the circuit is recycled ... 4) high voltage power pulse delivered to the electromagnet load ... 5) collapsing EMF of the electromagnets is utilized to recharge ... (Submitted by Gary Magratten)


        • EV Gray tube.

          I reviewed the "Gray Tube" and realized that, based on my HV 10 Henry pulse test, it would work simply to ground the negative coil electrode to the 'Split Positive" of the charge battery.


          • Quote from Aaron

            "WHAT IF - you get that voltage potential to move 90 degrees perpendicular to the wire? You cause force the magnetic vector to rotate 90 degrees and swap places and no longer have the magnetic field perpendicular but an electric field perpendicular to the wire.

            The magnetic field made of magnetic particles (bi-directional magnetic particles moving in opposite directions simultaneously...S & N) turns to magnetic current over the wire when turning 90 degrees and moving over the wire, which is cold, does work like amps but has no voltage. 0 voltage but you get work similar to hot current - but kinda different effects.

            Anyway, I think it is magnetic current that moves from the grids to power the coils cold with stronger work than is predictable by the input power and so forth.

            I see this in the water sparkplug circuits as well.

            And again, when I use the comparison between the Gray circuit and the water sparkplug circuit...the gap on the plug is NOT the gap at the rods. The gap at the spark plug IS analogous to the space from the rods to the grids...draw everything out and this becomes apparent.

            Anyway, if this is ever proven to be all read it here first and I'll take credit If it is proven wrong, then just remember I posted this disclaimer above: I don't know if it is true.

            I have some evidence to back this belief but am focus on other things so I can't explore this more at the moment. Anyway, if anyone wants to look into it more, read the person that actually knows how to explain it because Leedskalnin leaves a whole lot out and also, through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world is a nail and Leedskalnin thinks everything is from the magnetic current world. It is NOT. It is simply the inverse/opposite to the electron current world. I don't mean magnetic field, literally magnetic current when it is moving over a wire. The person that does explain it as it is in my opinion is: Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles Felix Ehrenhaf
            I'd recommend copying that page locally in case it disappears.

            Moving voltage away perpendicularly from the wire instead of down the wire to force magnetic to move over wire since it switches 90 degrees is one way to get (one type of - implying there are others) cold electricity and this one is no voltage with current (cold magnetic current).

            The other cold electricity is cold voltage potential without in the Bedini circuits.

            There is another way to get cold electricity but that is something else least how to make it".


            • This schematic by McKay is represented to be Tesla's original patent which simply has an HV source charging a capacitor across a spark gap into the electromagnet coils:

              Gray's charging the run battery by discharging to the battery "split" positive with the increased voltage differential eliminates a need for a loop switch.

              Any advantage Gray's triode tube adds is on top of these two principles: One discharging a HV DC cap pulse through the coil; Two, into the positive of the run battery.

              Gray's tube may be just a "Fantazaler".

              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-06-2019, 09:15 PM.


              • Gray tube

                The battery charge comes from the hi-voltage electrode. The Gray tube merely shorts the power battery to the coil and draws power out. This is a treadmill.

                The voltage differential and charge back force to source is the real advantage to this "Sono Gafenol Battery" vibrator. Together these should have a COP of 70% of 90% or 63% over unity.

                However since the actual input is only 10% of the recoverable pulse the actual COP would be 630% over unity!
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-06-2019, 10:59 PM.


                • Flash camera circuit.

                  We can discharge the flash camera capacitor into an EM coil, pop a magnet and recharge the AA power battery by connecting the negative electrode of the EM coil to the "split positive" pole of a AA rechargeable battery through a diode. This pulse recovery loop has tested out to be 90% efficient. That leaves the magnet torque generating potential; It would only take a tiny tickler wire from the Sono-Battery to keep the self runner AA topped off.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-07-2019, 09:52 AM.


                  • Increased magnet core kickback energy

                    Quotes from Tinman from OU Research:

                    "My coil is 200 turns but only 33mm neo core"

                    "Our coils have only 200 turns,but the inductive kickback energy exceeds that of a coil of 400 turns plus-such as that of an SSG setup".

                    Timan is stating that his power coil with an axial polarized Neo magnet core is generating over twice the inductive kickback energy!

                    Inductive kickback is directly proportional to the negative inductance induced from the magnet core.

                    Tinman and Jimboot should try "Diametric Neo Tubes" inverted on the rotor for power core and attraction magnets because more Webers of flux density travels across the windings when the fields merge and elongate.

                    A ferrite ring wound on two sides would neutralize the diametric magnet fields at the face of the coil and require much less input. The coil on the extended magnet cylinder would turn into a piggy back output coil on the extended core. The output is generated by the magnet field stretching caused by the approaching rotor magnet in attraction. Tinman has his rotor magnets wound and connected to a voltage multiplier on the rotor, to harvest the contraction and expanding force field in the rotor magnets.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-07-2019, 01:10 PM.


                    • COP 2 magnet core pulse coil:

                      Compare Tinman's COP pulsing a magnet core coil and recovering flyback through a transistor, with mine through a magnet core with the SPDT switch. Identical results!

                      Tinman is calling his COP 2 when it should be 1 because he's merely doubling his input power by matching it with flyback recovery.


                      This means any power generated by Tinman's rotor torque is a free lunch; Just like the Torque from the oscillator hammer.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-07-2019, 07:53 PM.


                      • Gray pop looper.

                        We need to disconnect the negative coil electrode, connect a diode and re-attach it to the positive pole of the battery. The capacitor is concealed behind the AA. The art of light gimmickry.

                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-08-2019, 02:37 PM.


                        • Flash Mod Gray tube.

                          It would be easy to build a "Gray Tube" with the spark gap between the positive of the battery and the negative of the capacitor. Just get the screen around the gap and run the electrode to ground.

                          I bought a clear plastic tube of lip balm for the "Fugi Tube".
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-09-2019, 11:57 AM.


                          • Tinman confirmation test.



                            • Quote
                              You seem to have the same current flow values across both CVRs ?

                              No, see screenshot below, there is 4x more current (rms) flowing through CSR2 (70mA) compared to csr1 (18mA).

                              As you can see in my last video,where i swap out the CVRs for small DC motors with parallel caps,the one in CVR 2 position starts running well before the one in CVR1s position--why would that be?.

                              Because there is (like you said) more current flowing through the csr2 position.

                              In the previous video to that,i show the temperature of each CVR,where CVR2s temperature is some 4 to 5 degrees C hotter--why would that be?

                              Because of the higher current through csr2 (mine has 0.3°C higher temp., but these are 20W csr's).

                              csr sigs.png


                              • GAP power

                                Art Porter determined that transferring power to a rotor with his magnet core "Neutralization Power" coil was about half as efficient as transferring to linear motion. This is due primarily to the field dimensions of the coils.

                                Art generated his rotary motion with a flywheel.

                                Tinman's rotor reverses the sheer to push pull power ratio of 3 to 1. The power coil could be mounted next to the Gafenol tub magnet and vibrate it through a range of frequencies and amplitude varying the duty cycle:
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-11-2019, 01:55 PM.

