Originally posted by thx1138
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It's very useful to have in this form.
I have read Ed Leedskalnin's book on magnetic current. It's been a while though. Some very clear headed thinking however.
" the central column is not a supercharger for the power source but, in fact, in conjunction with the flywheel, is the power source."
I certainly agree that it could indeed be just that.
"and that it contains helical “ropes” of mercury surrounded by plasma that appears to be “silvery grey material flowing in a clear tube in
twisting counter rotating [helices]“ when viewed from outside that tube."
I discounted mercury simply because I couldn't understand how it could be organized to produce the required spiral forms. However the rotating plasma fields as shown by Antigraviticsystem1 could usefully explain how to accomplish this.
I also looked at Tokamac nuclear fusion reactors. I concluded this is a silly way to try to reproduce what nature does naturally with space born bolides. The problem with Tokamac's is they are trying to contain the plasma inside a metal donut with magnets, instead of re-producing a magnetic field from the inside like a plasma bolide. In a space borne bolide there is a hole in center of the bolide and which is creating the magnetic field just as Ken Wheeler describes the magnetic field originating out of the precise center of a magnet, and so a bolide is evidently a space borne magnetic plasmoid which is maintaining/creating its electromagnetic field by following a dielectric ray. In a bolide it's the magnetic field that's holding the plasma in a magnetic ball and which is all taking place from the center of the bolide. The center of the bolide has a holed column area, which I think is where the dielectric ray passes through, and which would then be creating/powering the magnetic field which holds the plasma fast to a spherical form. It's likely that the more intelligent path would be forego the idea of containment in the immediate area and instead recreate a free standing reactor, possibly placing it in an orbital platform, and then beam the power to earth via microwaves. Like I need to tell them that huh? This just proves that the whole thing is a money pit which isn't designed to work, but form an excuse to funnel tax dollars into corporate energy pockets. They know as well as I do how to it right. They just don't want to do it right is all. They would rather steal our tax dollars and then claim they are trying to make a minature sun in a tin can. Now I searched that stupid Google for an image of a plasma bolide, but google has been quite active scrubbing information and I cannot find one single image of a plasma borne space bolide of any kind, and I know that about a year ago this wasn't a problem.
Super Conductivity
You're also right about the time frame. Super conductivity was known long ago. It was clearly information the Nazi scientists would have been aware of, but I imagine there's a work around to this problem of superconductivity that's hiding somewheres which would work for the time period. We just don't yet know what it is because we haven't yet thought of it, but it's likely there and it's likely that something enables a similar or good enough result, but regardless the scientists of that epoch knew about superconductivity and how to accomplish it. Now more recently the infamous "they" have been following along here, to accomplish with light, what we are basically blathering about and while trying to explain to our own selves how mercury or ferrofluids might have been used in an early machine.
Now my mind is being taxed by time here, but in the early stages of researching this machine I also found that you can follow a sort of pathway wherein the first attempts to do away with all this complexity came about by way of lasers. Matter and energy are one and the same and so the idea was that by feeding high powered light (laser beams) through a circular tube you could effectively do away with all this stuff we are talking about. Initially they were trying to use mirrors to form a circular path for the laser beams to follow, but the diffraction lead to too much loss evidently, and so now they have focused on optical cables which can withstand high energy beams. Now that too proved unfeasible and so they have evidently reverted to using a magnetic field to contain or guide a charged particle field into circular paths. Whatever they have done is probably along these lines since the video's of the TR#B show these orbs of light on the corners and in the center with the entire craft becoming enveloped in a ball of brilliant light just as it takes off at hyperspeed. It doesn't vanish, it just moves out at ultra high speed. So the enveloping of the craft in a ball of brilliant blinding light is likely the result of significant increase in energy input to the particle field which is likely also a circular ball shape like a bolide, but in any case it's some kind ring shape. So ya know, that's how they are creating this gravitational field now, but the discussion over the ARV is still necessary to understand things like power, how this all works, the other parts involving crystalline patterns and so on and so forth.
On the Disc in center of vehicle.
"I think that “flywheel” which everybody sort of ignores is the key
to this vehicle. I don’t believe it is drawn correctly either."
Now the disc is a problem child. I'm with you on this one. Believe me, I've bounced this all over.
Ultimately I think you've explained this brilliantly.
"It could be some type of unipolar generator disc but a more interesting prospect is “An angularly accelerated superconductive ring
induces non-Newtonian gravitational fields in its neibourghood.” Mark’s use of the term “flywheel” implies rotation. So the
flywheel could be a combination of an angularly accelerated superconductive ring that is a unipolar generator, the thing making it a
ring rather than a disc being the hole in the center for the central column which it surrounds. Note in the description of the solar
circuit, “The sun acts as a unipolar inductor…”
Makes a lot of sense: "a moving mass generates a gravitomagnetic field>a superconductive gyroscope is capable of generating a powerful gravitomagnetic field, and is therefore the gravitational counterpart of the magnetic coil."
" It is well known that a rotating superconductor produces a magnetic field proportional to its angular velocity. "
It’s not clear to me if the “angularly accelerated superconductive ring” could be a stationary superconductive ring with an angularly
accelerated rotating magnetic field and produce the same result.
Here I agree that the bottles are also for the production of super-cooling, and I think you bring a dang interesting idea forward here. Suppose we just cool the disc and then fire the electromagnet off in sequence creating a spinning electromagnetic field. Isn't that the same thing? I think you've solved the center disc problem. I think you've explained it. Less complexity is better and I feel this would accomplish the same thing. Just guessing of course, but I see shades of John St. Clair's bobbin going round about.
Will re-read this again and ponder the ideas about effects.
Thanks for the work. Dang interesting idea there about the disc I think.
See, I just know there's a work around. There's always a solution somewhere.