Originally posted by robur
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It might also be useful to keep in mind that in quantum physics the idea is that tiny building blocks make up all matter, and those building blocks are composed of tetrahedrons, and the tetrahedrons are driven/or bound by quasi-particles, which is code for the dielectric field, and by extension really means the magnetic field, but which quantumist's claim are virtual particles and which is critically important to atomistic reductionism. Whatever failings QT has it isn't without merit and exists because Universe thinks we need it. So use what you can where you can is the idea.
Also keep in mind while making your own inquiry that there is a basic rule to magnetism, and which is that the smaller a magnetized particle is, the greater it's resultant reactions will be, and translated this means that usable results most likely come from small to smaller nano-particles. So while sheets of copper or aluminum or lead or graphite can produce results, the real results come out of much smaller scales in mulitiplicative orders.
In other words, Out of Chaos comes order, or at least self alignment when acted upon by an exterior field. Which also just so happens to be of keen interest to NIH of Dr. Fauci fame. A bunch of related crap available via Dr. Fauci...probably laced with free graphene.
So now where does all this get us? Well it sort of gets us back to where this whole thread began; where in the beginning we were thinking how in the world do they get quartz crystals big enough to make the ARV work? Which we eventually discovered that they don't, and that they probably grind them up to dust, so we want them small, but that was then and this is now and they aren't using quartz crystals I'm quite sure. They use new and improved artificial PZT's powered by terfenol-d.
So if you read through the PDF by Mr. Goodfella what we have now, or my understanding rather, just by looking at the ARV, is a device which creates a very large electrical plasma field inside a super cooled central column, which exits somewhere, and creates a magnetic donut. This magnetic plasma donut is then rotating or spinning like a smoke ring and the machine is itself inside the donut and attached to the donut by a magnetic field, and this is where & why I speculated that a magnetic paint is used on the sloped sides, because a magnetic plasma would attach the machine to itself and thus be carried along inside the magnetic plasma donut. Of course the whole is working together as one complete unit and how this works maybe aligned with Alcubierre's warped space concept, but as always to make this work we have to invert the whole story literally, so reverse the whole concept of warped space and instead re-frame warped space as warped magnetism, and which is occurring inside an artificial man made magnetic space, and inside a space faring donut. I'm speculating but if this idea is even plausible then it's plausible only inside an artificial construct as space has no properties.
How to Make VORTEX RINGS in a Pool
Now just so you understand (FYI) I have been continuing my own experimental trials still using the same pie plate and tiny neo-magnets experimenting with alternating layers of copper, aluminum, and plastics. The primary purpose of which is get to where the contraption will push itself along on a level surface without any aid. The really important reasoning behind this has to do with counter~spatial propulsion, more on that can be sort of garnered by looking into what the Cult of Quantum calls a "quantum thruster."
The lesser important reason for continuing to mess with this arrangement is that I can't seem to get people to grasp the correlation between magnetic reflection and shapes as the many video's of assorted so-called V-gates can be seen around on social media, but forget using magnets to create the V-Gate and instead reverse the thinking: The V Gate is the material, it's the copper, the bismuth, the graphite. It's the reflector that creates the V gate. Doing that enables a magnetic field to be relocated to anywhere where a proper reflector creates a driving reaction, like inside, or outside in a line, or maybe in counterspace as incoherent magnetic quasi~particles.
Well so anyways I think that to drive a tetrahedron without additional electrical power would require better materials than strips of copper but my next screwing around act will include using graphite (tested with a magnet to make sure there isn't any iron in it, and probably laminated to copper or bismuth sheet. Ya see if we could get something that could just spin in a circle without using any power by being pushed off a magnetic pressure field then we would be half way to powerless energy production. Now who knows that maybe the magnets will run down but from what I've read these new magnets have very long life spans.
Anyways, my point here is that we humans get fixated and it's hard as hell to get away from what's been done and to get outside of ourselves to see something differently from another angle. If you had a way to contain a magnetic pressure field, and we do, then magnetic repulsion, ie levitation, is a matter of putting pressure between plates and jetting it off like we do with hot gases from turbine engines. So in concept the idea is straight forwards. Execution is another matter and what pisses me off about all this is that for the love of God, I'm just about the least qualified person imaginable to have to deal with this and yet where is everyone else? Well they are fixated on the past and on fairy tales of quantum physics and of Einsteinian Physics over hyperbole over gravitational fields which are themselves really little more than incoherent constructs poorly explained and even more poorly defined.
No matter what anyone else thinks, I'm just about as sure as I can be that Ken Wheeler has nailed down the explanation of gravity to the gnat's proverbial ass as non-point source magnetism, which BYW, is defined by quantum physics as specifically gravity created at a nano-scale, and which was demonstrated by Professor Laithwaite conclusively as possessing an inverse relationship to scale/size, and that means unequivocably, far as I'm concerned, that Ken Wheeler is 100% correct in saying that; "gravity is non-point source magnetism."
Quantum physics has not figured out that if by defining gravity as happening at a so called quantum level of quasi-particles there still needs to be the same defining definition as to cause and effect that Ken Wheeler has modeled otherwise you simply have an incoherent field of quasi particles everywhere, which is what they do say, but apparently they seem to think that one thing is a myraid of individual particles with each assigned a different function.
The answer to what creates gravity already exists and is explained sufficiently well enough. All one needs to understand is the difference between what is point source magnetism and what is non-point source magnetism, or incoherent and coherent magnetism. It is that simple, and quantum physics claims about quasi-particle produced magnetism and quantum gravity are moot and completely irrelevant to any practical immediate usefulness. Indeed the whole idea seems to have been crafted by the Devil himself to impede human understanding such is the complexity and innate uselessness of the whole, but here again I have to bear in mind that whatever exists, exists because Universe sees a profit in it, and even in evil humans need to know for their own good, but it does seem like something Alien Mantids might come up with to screw with humanity, and if there is such a thing as a devil then I'd imagine that species would be good candidate's for a serious likeness to the anti-christ.
Professor Eric Laithwaite "Motors Big and Small" - 1971 (*Here in this video Professor Laithwaite demonstrates the relationship between magnetic effect and size)
You want to check out MrDelfin video's. Especially interesting to see him put magnetic viewing film over rollers on his reproduction of John Searls machine. Now like most people he has concluded that the so wave patterns revealed by the film are akin to gear teeth, which would seem to make sense given the way the rollers work on the Searl machine. However, given what we "now know" about the magnetic field and what the magnetic viewing film will show is that what he is seeing as magnetic gear teeth are in reality the pathway of the dielectric plane of inertia, so since the film is 2D you're getting an X-ray view of the dielectric field, which means that the waves he is seeing or which we seem to see, aren't waves at all, but rather a flat view of a coil which seems to show a wave. I think you may better understand by looking at some of the video's but I wanted to mention this so that you have that idea in the back of your mind. Not many living draftsmen any longer but they would see this quite easily since a drawing of a coil side on can be seen the same way. So in other words, when you do look at the video's showing a Searl type roller with magnetic viewing paper laid over it, then you will see what looks like teeth or waves, but that's the plane of intertia and since these rollers are hollow what you're getting is some coil or screw like induction coming into the rollers.