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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • Gambeir
    Ok, well maybe...
    Or ..."Ever get the feeling the staff want to kill you?"

    Umm...well they have tried a couple times in the past: I thought maybe they had given up.

    That's the problem with this new format; the outside links don't show up for non-members nor photos.

    Now seriously

    More seriously

    We are being watched and I'm pretty sure it's not aliens watching either.
    My question is what are they watching for?
    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-10-2020, 11:14 PM.

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  • aljhoa
    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
    We know the ether is essentially unknown,


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    Last edited by aljhoa; 05-09-2020, 03:49 PM. Reason: 110,372 views

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  • Gambeir
    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    here is Similar topic on an Open source forum ,comments from member "nix85"


    Chet K
    also you should read this ..
    if you propose an Open source build in "your" 2020 builders section there ?

    Could be very interesting indeed.and also have topics on your other interests "managed" in separate threads.

    you have been at this long enuff to have _street Cred_ with open source community
    and would get support there...[IMO

    also seems I can no longer remove unwanted posts here ?[mine at request of OP]
    will diminish or remove any unwanted content as always.
    Ok, well I haven't forgotten the thread. I've been considering how to go about doing some simplified experiments. The idea here is we have to crawl first, walk later, so that sort of logic is necessary if you want to formulate reasonable experiments to conduct. We have to simplify and reduce so that basic ideas become solidified before we can progress to others.

    From the very beginning of this thread the idea's surrounding anti~gravity have been extremely complex and involved lots of energy, and yet look at a rubber band powered balsa airplane; can it really be all that much more complex than aerodynamics? If we can make a rubber powered wooden model defy gravity using the air around us then why should this be any different? It's not logical that it should be any more complex; not really.

    Therefore let's review what we know and with the hope that this will allow some simple ideas to be formulated, and which can be put to experimental tests, and which will then either validate or invalidate those ideas; hopefully there's others out there whom are thinking on this topic and doing some of their own experiments.

    We know the ether is essentially unknown, but we do know a couple things about it, one, it is hyper~spatial and as such cannot be interacted with under normal conditions, but we can see it, whatever it is, using a magnet and a ferrocell lens. Second, we know It's not a physical particle, nor is it something visible except in it's condensed form, but it is out there all around us as far as we know because magnets must work everywhere, even in space evidently.

    A magnet creates a pressure field and a vacuum field. It has an accretion disk vacuuming in surrounding ether and then ejecting it outwards only to be taken back up and recycled once again. We also understand that accelerating the magnet will aid in spinning up the accretion disk. Now consider the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube in this matter as a kind of analogous tool to understand the operation.

    We have to think about the way this is working in a magnet. The Hilsch tube is an analoguous tool to use. In the tube we have pressure being injected as opposed to a magnet where the ether is being vacuumed in. The Hilsch tube isn't recycling anything either. It's maybe a bit more like a galactic jet, but we have two vortex's being ejected, one out either end and with a kind of polarity in that one is hot and one is cold. Also, do I really need to draw your attention to the form of the control valve and it's relationship to a pyramid, tetrahedron, cone, or prism.


    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-09-2020, 01:06 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    Since the issue is now a question, one of how to create a vacuum, what next follows is determine what the vacuum is? Now, me being me, my first thought about the sort of vacuum we are interested in creating is not the same as say a vacuum from a vacuum cleaner, even if it has some of the same qualities, which is to say my idea of what we are after isn't a defined by a lack of supposed atoms or particles. Naturally my thinking is about a vacuum in terms of magnetism or the dielectric field and really in my mind the issue of so called particles bears no part in the issue at hand. However this is hardly the case for other definitions of what constitutes a vacuum.

    Richard Feyman and John Wheeler were trying to explain the materium using flawed hand me downs and lacking real tools. I'm not sure how far I can blame them for what exists as quantum physics. The reason is there are parallel's to this in American History during the age of spiritual revialism. Every time I consider quantum theory I'm reminded of the life of Rev. Jonathan Edwards, whom remains most famous for his hell fire sermons, such as; "Sinners in the hands of an angry God.

    When your own introspective thoughts are your only tools, and when that tool is the only thing which can provide answers, then the only answers that can come out are those inside the mind and which is to say; you cannot expect that the outcome is necessarily reflective of reality. Maybe if Richard Feyman and John Wheeler had a ferrocell lens we wouldn't be locked in another age of spiritualism disguised as a science and where the preachers of this age are no less prone to delusional constructs as were those of another age, but regardless of the flaws the real problem is a for profit educational system, and that is to blame more than any single individual, because a complex explanation is an exploitable avenue for the educational business model, and simplicity does not lend itself to student loan debts.

    The system could take and adapt and rework Ken Wheelers material in to quantum physics, and it could rework Feyman, but it won't because there is no profit in simplification, and let's face it, truth went out the window the moment dollars got involved.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-04-2020, 08:34 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    The issue before us is how to create a vacuum. Recall the previously cited patent claimed to access a quantum field, which is then further claimed to be a vacuum, and is further said to be accomplished by inducing a high frequency RF/Microwave vibration.

    Pressing forward we note that the primary propulsion system is based on the simple concept of a vacuum. What we can rationally deduce is that any vacuum is itself the product of creative innovation manipulating a dielectric medium. In which case a vacuum would arise out of a turbulence that produces vortex's, and these vortex are intentionally created in man made machines, and in nature as the normal natural outcome of crystalline lattices.

    A rational person would conclude that since the production of vortex's are an important and critical area of study in aviation that there might then be a logical connection which can be traced and which, if followed, lead from the past to the present, and so there is such a path to trace.

    Note of the construction of the vortex clouds in this extremely enlightening photograph.

    Applied Area Rule Convair F-106 Delta Dart Interceptor

    "Flow visualisation of jet screech. One observes the stationary shock waves due to steady expansion-compression oscillation of the jet. Cylindrical acoustic waves are emerging from the intersection of the shock with the shear layers. The waves on either sides of the jet are in opposite phase." (Source)

    The discovery and prediction of vortex flow aerodynamics
    *Note here that the area rule is the applied solution to a problem: The problem of vortex lift, which the F-102 demonstrated as incapacitating induced drag, with the design itself arising out the Lippish P-13 design with it's 60 degree delta wing configuration. One Lippish P-13 was inventoried as recovered Nazi Aircraft. It's whereabouts are unknown. Especially interesting due to the projected use of an innovative coal dust powered ram jet motor.

    FALACO SOLITONS Cosmic strings in a swimming pool

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    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-03-2020, 12:09 AM.

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  • Gambeir
    Here I did an auto`translate of the critic's opinion.

    Всё-таки железяка подвешена на леске сверху! Поначалу не понимал, как он прокручивается всем телом. Но, как точно подметил пользователь IVS (комментарий закреплен), лески две! На 0:44 четко видно как он просовывает руку между лесками, а когда снимает аппарат на 0:56 - вынимает руки. И создается иллюзия, как будто он водит руками над аппаратом, но на самом деле внутри между двумя лесками.

    Still, the piece of iron is suspended on the fishing line from above! At first, I did not understand how he scrolled with his whole body. But, as the IVS user accurately noted (the comment is fixed), there are two fishing lines! At 0:44 it is clearly visible how he pokes his hand between the fishing lines, and when he removes the device at 0:56, he takes out his hands. And an illusion is created, as if he was moving his hands over the device, but actually inside between two fishing lines.

    Все очень просто. За кадром стоит некая мачта-журавль, на ней висит горизонтальная планка длиной равной ширине диска, за оба ее конца и подвешен аппарат на двух лесках для большей устойчивости. Вначале ролика также видно по характеру движения, что он ее именно поднимает. А леску не видно так как был хорошо выбран ракурс съёмки и достаточное удаление от места действия. Сколько я не увеличивал видео в редакторе, так и не смог разглядеть леску, т.к. разрешение и детализация оригинала не позволяет ее зафиксировать в принципе. Наивным зрителям он объясняет это якобы глюками камеры на близком расстоянии, и даже шлем космический придумал для пущей убедительности.

    Everything is very simple. Behind the frame is a crane mast, on it hangs a horizontal bar with a length equal to the width of the disk, both ends of the mast and the device is suspended on two fishing lines for greater stability. At the beginning of the video, you can also see by the nature of the movement that it raises it. But the fishing line is not visible since the shooting angle and a sufficient distance from the scene were well chosen. How much I did not increase the video in the editior, I could notmake out the fishing line, because the resolution and details of the original does not allow it to be fixed in principle. He explains this tonaive viewers by citing glitches of the camera at close range, and he came up with a space helment for greater convincingness.
    Итог - развод на донаты наивных хомяков. Удивляюсь только, как люди ведутся, ведь уже и леску саму видели на прошлых видео, и все равно проглатывают ложь полными ложками, ещё и повторять ринутся угрохав кучу времени и средств. Ну и козел же этот Леша. Не знаешь как и назвать таких людей..

    The result - a divorce on donations of naive hamsters. I’m only surprised how people are being led, because they’ve already seen the fishing line themselves in the previous videos, and still swallow the lies with full spoons, they will also rush again, having threatened a ton of time and money. Well, this goat is Lesha. You do not know what to call such people ..

    So there, this is the pigeon english language google translate version of the russian critic's review of the Alexey video.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-02-2020, 01:32 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    here is Similar topic on an Open source forum ,comments from member "nix85"


    Chet K
    also you should read this ..
    if you propose an Open source build in "your" 2020 builders section there ?

    Could be very interesting indeed.and also have topics on your other interests "managed" in separate threads.

    you have been at this long enuff to have _street Cred_ with open source community
    and would get support there...[IMO

    also seems I can no longer remove unwanted posts here ?[mine at request of OP]
    will diminish or remove any unwanted content as always.
    Thanks Chet, as Aljhoa should know I was only joking. There is only one thing which resembles the Alexey that I can think of and we have been there before.

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    here is Similar topic on an Open source forum ,comments from member "nix85"


    Chet K
    also you should read this ..
    if you propose an Open source build in "your" 2020 builders section there ?

    Could be very interesting indeed.and also have topics on your other interests "managed" in separate threads.

    you have been at this long enuff to have _street Cred_ with open source community
    and would get support there...[IMO

    also seems I can no longer remove unwanted posts here ?[mine at request of OP]
    will diminish or remove any unwanted content as always.
    Last edited by RAMSET; 05-01-2020, 04:58 PM. Reason: additional new info

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  • Gambeir
    Now you would think that a pastime like fishing would make for a peaceful and thoughtful person, but evidently this is a dangerous hobby, one which is, apparently, akin to smoking crack since apparently the outcome seems to be a mental incapacitation to rational thought. We need to make fishing illegal is the only truly rational and logical answer to this problem. Maybe that will resolve the drug problem.

    Now look here, the late Boyd Bushman shoved a pair of magnets with opposed fields together and then put that combination inside a rock which he then tossed off a building. By his own account he specially selected unwitting subjects to observe, and at the same time he tossed that rock with the magnets off the roof an nine story building he also tossed another rock without magnets. It's unknown whether he specifically selected people known to be fishing enthusiasts but I'd imagine those would be the first choice as irrational thinkers seem to be the ideal test subjects for observing phenomena.

    So now the outcome is that rocks do not fall at the same rate of speed like
    Galileo imagined, at least not the ones with magnets inside them, or at least not the ones which have opposed fields and which fall slower. Now what do we call this? Magneto~resistance is what we call it, but why is he stuffing magnets inside of rocks; won't this work with just the magnets themselves?

    CARET Drones love power lines and humm tunes.

    See people need to stop it with this imaginary fishing line bull****, which tells me that there's a whole lot of people that need to do a lot less fishing and a hell of a lot more experimenting but I digress. Ok, well so anyways enough with the fishing line bull****, but ya know no one seems to have really thought too much about this and tried the experiment with just freaking magnets not stuffed inside of rocks. So why rocks then; right?

    Because dammit....are you listening now or what, and because I'm only gonna say this one time, and it is that the opposed fields of the magnets are pushing outwards creating a so-called bucking gap, and then we must realize that despite this the dielectric fields in opposition are still coherent field....and so how then are you going to repel an incoherent field with a conventional magnetic field which is coherent if you don't somehow make it less coherent? Hence the damn rocks. Now are you listening out there or what? For Christ sakes pay attention please because I'm only gonna say this once, and that is Boyd was showing us they aren't using quantum physics; they are using Aether physics. OK, it's obvious that's the case.

    Now I imagine that if you did that same thing only doing it in such a way that it was producing as spinning high velocity bucking gap that there might be even greater results, and maybe if you shoved it out through a bunch of quartz or something else it would really prevent magneto~electric induction, and then maybe the damn thing might just float like a balloon, but that's just an off the cuff dangerous armchair hypothesis and there's probably better ways to go about this anyways.

    Don't you guys remember Wheeler screwing around dropping magnets down a copper pipe and talking about skinny chicks complaining they were gaining weight whenever Ken was around? This is all about preventing induction.

    So you see it looks like there's more than one way to go about this and it's sort of hard to say which way the Alexey is going, but I think it's going the opposite way which I previously already explained. Now please get rid of the fishing poles in the garage if you haven't already and then unfriend any social contacts with known fishing enthusiasts. Honestly it is really the only sensible choice given the evidence. After all, fishing appears to be a gateway hobby.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-01-2020, 05:33 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    Yea, well It's a critic with nothing to support his own allegations, totally expected, we are all gullible fools don't ya know, all being taken in by a crafty old trickster, or stinking bastard depending on how you see it. I'm gonna stand by my bent beer can tetrahedrons on this and say it's real; only it's not understood. Hell I didn't understand it. Not till the other day when I destroyed the patent explanation of the dubious theory of accessing a vacuum, as opposed to creating a vacuum, and I was only able to do that thanks to Kens' explanations of how it works.

    Anyways whatever, it's not like anything else that I know of, and yet it's doing what I would expect it to do. Maybe it's Putin putting his vote riggers on another task trying to make me look like a fool. I mean that's so logical right? Just goes to show that you can show someone, even explain the physics, and still they are unconvinced. I don't know what's more complex, the explanation given for how fishing lines created an illusion, or the explanation I gave which might be simpler given the complexity necessary to devise a means to invoke magical fishing lines

    I don't see any fishing lines and never have. Besides which claims of fishing line are first and the oldest claim made by debunkers, but where is their supposed evidence, and silence because there isn't any. These are the same claims that every debunker has used over and over without any supporting evidence. The fact that they say they can see fishing lines is not evidence of fishing lines. It's a video and if there are fishing lines then I'm quite sure that any truly serious debunkers should have a field day finding frames in the video's which support that claim and so far there are zero.

    All I can say is that I can explain it and it looks real enough to me the way it behaves. I further think it would be very hard to make it behave as it does which seems to be balloon like. If there's fishing lines then find them and the only way that thing could mimic a balloon is if there is an overhead balloon with fishing lines. So yes it could still be a fraud but there's no evidence being given by anyone that supports the allegation such as frame grabs from the video's. Alternative explanations are not physical trace evidence in lieu of the observable video which doesn't display any evidence of fishing lines nor of a large overhead balloon. The machines behavior almost seems to require a balloon to explain it as a fraud. It act's like a balloon.

    Alternatively it is "now" explainable and logically so in my view. We should be able to replicate this now given what the theory tells us. The theory is not complex at all nor are the tools which should enable the theory to be put in to practice. On top of all that if we now look back upon the ARV there's a lot of things which are becoming more sensible.

    Ya scared me with that because I thought after the translation that it was Alexeys' confession, but no it's just another denier, one whom probably teaches physics at the University. Lol~
    Now on the plus side RexResearch is back so there must have been some server malfunction, and also the website Space Warp Dynamics is now kaput. You may recall I cited that website in the thread. They recently solicited suggestions due to the apparent failure to explain the antigravity phenomena but it now appears they have called it a warped wrap, which is to be expected, after all it was all based on Einsteinian Physics to begin with.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-01-2020, 05:28 PM.

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  • aljhoa
    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post

    Good for Alexey, this gives me a lot of joy quite frankly. Glad to see Alexey basically tell his critics to piss off.
    Всё-таки железяка подвешена на леске сверху! Поначалу не понимал, как он прокручивается всем телом. Но, как точно подметил пользователь IVS (комментарий закреплен), лески две! На 0:44 четко видно как он просовывает руку между лесками, а когда снимает аппарат на 0:56 - вынимает руки. И создается иллюзия, как будто он водит руками над аппаратом, но на самом деле внутри между двумя лесками. Все очень просто. За кадром стоит некая мачта-журавль, на ней висит горизонтальная планка длиной равной ширине диска, за оба ее конца и подвешен аппарат на двух лесках для большей устойчивости. Вначале ролика также видно по характеру движения, что он ее именно поднимает. А леску не видно так как был хорошо выбран ракурс съёмки и достаточное удаление от места действия. Сколько я не увеличивал видео в редакторе, так и не смог разглядеть леску, т.к. разрешение и детализация оригинала не позволяет ее зафиксировать в принципе. Наивным зрителям он объясняет это якобы глюками камеры на близком расстоянии, и даже шлем космический придумал для пущей убедительности. Итог - развод на донаты наивных хомяков. Удивляюсь только, как люди ведутся, ведь уже и леску саму видели на прошлых видео, и все равно проглатывают ложь полными ложками, ещё и повторять ринутся угрохав кучу времени и средств. Ну и козел же этот Леша. Не знаешь как и назвать таких людей..

    Show less
    Last edited by aljhoa; 05-01-2020, 02:48 AM. Reason: 110,138 views

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  • Gambeir
    If that's a correct suppostion then in considering this what you should be able to do is even simpler. You should be able to take an slab of aluminum, apply an charge, and then using some simple arrangement place a rotating plate with magnets on it beneath the plate, and at some point the plate should then levitate to some degree just so long as it's in range of the influence of the magnets.

    We should be able to test the hypothesis with very little effort. Might take some screwing around to find the sweet spot as they say but theory say's this is what's going on and so we should be able to replicate the effect with miniminal effort.

    I wouldn't be surprised if there's a motive force of vibrational frequency involved that's making the Alexey seem mysterious. Could be coming from the motors themselves along with everything else he's got involved, but ya know, everything we know says that this needs an applied vibrational frequency. After thought: Heck shove an old microwave antenna beneath it as both the charge apparatus and the HF carrier.

    See if this is what's taking place then everything else is just a matter of finding the right means to make it happen on demand. *Notice that by motive force I just mean that a high frequency vibration connects to the surrounding incoherent dielectric field, which is probably critical as that is what would be feeding a vacuum being compressed at the core....if you're following> Are you?

    Not that different from the re-computed Flying Tetrahedron Patent in a way.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-01-2020, 03:05 AM.

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  • Gambeir
    Good for Alexey, this gives me a lot of joy quite frankly. Glad to see Alexey basically tell his critics to piss off.

    I have to laugh though about the seeming need to submit this to a vacuum chamber. Not sure how much that's going to prove but the whole idea that ions could lift 20lbs of scrap metal is laughable given the design, but what do I know right?

    Based off of these latest realizations I now think that the magnets, spinning as they are in a smaller orbital circumference than the charged aluminum plate, and having increased potential since they are in accelerated condition, and which Wheeler shows in video one of his series that the dielectric inertial accretion disk is accelerated and spun up with accelearation of a magnet, and as the magnets plane of dielectric inertial accretion is parallel to the HV AC charged plate that the whole of the rotation and acceleration acts upon the surrounding incoherent dielectric counterspatial field, with the result that the aluminum disk is assuming the function of an accretion disk, primarily because the aluminum is paramagnetic and so it too now also has a rotational magnetic field, one which is also coherent and which then acts as a driver acting upon the incoherent dielectric field which is comprised of the charges in the aluminum disk and that field is comprised of a HF AC field held in a charged air aluminum capacitor.

    Remember that this paramagnetic aluminum material has accquired a rotational magnetic field and so it too has an accretion disk (which migh be artifically expanded via the aluminum disk), and evidently the end result is acting as an inwards compressor to accumulate an incoherent dielectric AC field and compressing the dielectric inwards. I surmise that then may be causing a vacuum pulling in the surrounding counterspatial dielectric field and allowing the pressure of our space to act then upon the whole device.

    She runs out of juice once the HF AC field is deplented as that's the incoherent dielectric accumulator ....apparently. Seems so damned simple really but could be quite accidental given that there must be a cross correlation between the whole such that the power of the magnets, ect and so forth have an end result. Hopefully it's not extremely critical. Can't see how it could be highly critical. I think the main thing is to have a working theory and then with that you've got a fighting change rather than flying blind without instruments.

    What do you think? I think this is what's transpiring and it fit's the model. Surrounding space is being taken in, compressed and that allows the spatial pressure to act upon the mass so as to make it massless as it's all being compressed back into counterspace: Something like that just as a seat of the pants flying theory.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 05-01-2020, 03:01 AM.

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    links shared by member " X_name 41"
    Hope all is well in your part of the world.
    Chet K
    Last edited by RAMSET; 04-30-2020, 08:28 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    If you're out there some~where's and fooling around with ideas, then I think we have to revist Dr. Desalvo's site and take another look at Joe Parr's work, and then consider it in light of what we now understand, and this is because we can see that, despite his certification as an electronics engineer working for some undisclosed private contractor in Greenland and in Antarctica, what Joe appears to have been working with in his experiments was Aether Physics. Certainly doesn't look very conventional and I think this is related to the tetrahedron/black triangles. Notice that Joe Parr called this his gravity wheel.

    Joe must have either understood or theorized that surrounding space is made up of an incoherent reverberating dielectric field. We can now see that's clearly depicted in his experimental test rigs.

    The idea here is that Joe probably knew and saw some things we have only caught glimpses of, or at least some of us have, and so then if we consider that the patents previously examined are falsifications which are not actually describing the methodology of the machines true operation, then perhaps we can glean another insight by revisiting what little we have of Joe Parr's work.

    Joe Parr Gravity Wheel-X1.png
    Last edited by Gambeir; 04-30-2020, 12:49 AM.

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