I believe a momentous insight has just taken place in understanding the enabling technology behind true gravitational control technology. The following is connected to the previous post on the article in Nature about the creation of a magnetic worm hole. All shall be revealed as they say. Make sure you've gotten a gist of the magnetic wormhole invention reported in the Nature article and then read this 1951 account of Ufonauts begging for water in South Africa, and then the post from Thomas R. Morrison (physicist).
So first this account which I've reproduced. Source link.
Spring 1951
South Africa: Near Paarl Cape Town,
H M a British instrumentation engineer, had driven part way up a mountain called the Drakensteen, 7 miles from Paarl, and was just turning back when a man appeared, waving his arm to stop the car, and asked "Have you any water?" H M had none. "You see, we need water!" he said. H M offered to take him to a stream; the man asked if it was far away, and on hearing it was only 1/4 mile, got into the car. H M offered an oilcan as container for the water, "That will be all right," said the man. When they got back, the man pointed toward the mountain, into the area darkened by its shadow, saying, "There, please, there!" So H M drove into the shadows, and discovered, about 100 yards from the road, a lenticular object with squarish windows around its circumference, standing on 2 broad feet. It was 35-50 ft in diameter & about 13 ft high. Between the supports legs a flight of steps led up to a lighted opening. The man then invited the dumbfounded H M to enter the UFO, and with a "friendly gesture" persuaded him to do so. Standing in the doorway, he saw that a circular bench, or couch, ran all around the circumference; in the center was an array of about 8 3 ft hand levers projecting from a rectangular aperture in the floor, each ending in a sort of "fork" like that of an old hand brake, and beyond these was an object shaped something like an upright piano perhaps an "instrument panel," though no dials or instruments were visible. The white light came from no visible source. In the UFO were 4 more men, one of whom was lying on the couch; H M's companion explained that he "had got burnt in a slight accident." H M was not permitted to approach him. All the men were short, 5-5'3" tall, and wore belted beige laboratory gowns extending below the knees, with trousers and shoes visible below. They totally ignored the witness. H M's companion gave them water; on being asked if they needed a doctor, he said no. The he asked if H M had any questions about the craft. H M asked where the engines where; he replied "We don't have any engines." Pointing at the levers, he said "We nullify gravity; that is how we rise." Asked how this was done, he answered that they used "a very heavy fluid" which circulated in a tube at near light velocity, creating a magnet. H M said such a speed was impossible. "No, it is simple," he replied, "when the fluid is leaving the tube, it is already entering the other end, thus its relative speed is infinite." H M asked where they came from; he pointed at the sky and said "From there;" to more specific questions he would not reply. After 15-20 minutes of conversation, the man pointed toward the door and invited H M to leave, which he did. About 45 minutes had elapsed since the man had first accosted him. The next day he went back to the spot, and found some "very strange marks." H M's interlocutor seemed older than the others, perhaps over 40. The men's bodies and faces were normal (perhaps with somewhat pronounced foreheads), their hair short and chestnut colored, none showing any traces of beard growth. Their hands seemed delicate, like women's. The witness told this story to the investigator in 1977, while in Spain, doing work for a Spanish firm. He had never divulged it before.
Source: Albert Rosales Humanoid Catalogue, 1951, entry #20; citing Humcat 1951-12 and Juan Jose Benitez, “The UFOnaut’s Plea for Water” FSR Vol. 24 # 2, pp. 3-6.
Posted by Thomas R. Morrison
"In 1963 Robert L. Forward published a brief but fascinating paper called "Guidelines to Antigravity" that took this concept one step further, and proved that antigravity is a real physical phenomenon. Which is probably why it was almost completely ignored by mainstream physics, when it should have been hailed as a momentous discovery. His idea was very simple and absolutely convincing, and it goes like this:
If we wind an electrical coil around a hollow toroidal form (a toroid is shaped like a donut), and send an increasing electrical current through that toroidal coil, we create a dipolar electrical field: on one side of the hole of the toroid we find a positive electric field, and on the other side we find a negative electric field. The same principle applies to gravitation - if we replace the electrical winding with a hollow pipe and run a very dense fluid through it at an increasing (or decreasing) rate, we create a positive gravitational pole on one side and a negative gravitational pole on the other side.
In other words, a body of matter placed near the negative gravitational pole will be repelled away from the toroid - we've created an antigravitaitonal field."
I'm hoping you people are connecting this up. I wanted to bring this out ASAP as the potential implications are profound. The information implies that by feeding one magnetic worm hole into another a gravitational field can be created by means of cycling super~cooled super~fluids through an interconnected system of spiral tubes. I don't need to tell you this is a very good description of what abductee's have reported.
It further now appears that we have a situation where in 1951 a witness described this exact arrangement of a gravitational control scheme involving super~fluids circulating through tubes, passing through from one electromagnetic worm hole in to another and which was being operated by humans. This also probably explains what was reported about the ARV by the witness. That on approaching it was much cooler than the surrounding air.
Seriously I think this is a profound insight with profound implications.
After reading the story from South Africa I cannot help but think this construction worker was probably talking to this guy!
The whole manner in which the account is told, the invitation in to the machine itself, then asking if the guy had questions,
the pointing at the sky. I think that one specifically. Seriously I have this gut feeling that the guy was probably talking
with Wernher von Braun himself!
So first this account which I've reproduced. Source link.
Spring 1951
South Africa: Near Paarl Cape Town,
H M a British instrumentation engineer, had driven part way up a mountain called the Drakensteen, 7 miles from Paarl, and was just turning back when a man appeared, waving his arm to stop the car, and asked "Have you any water?" H M had none. "You see, we need water!" he said. H M offered to take him to a stream; the man asked if it was far away, and on hearing it was only 1/4 mile, got into the car. H M offered an oilcan as container for the water, "That will be all right," said the man. When they got back, the man pointed toward the mountain, into the area darkened by its shadow, saying, "There, please, there!" So H M drove into the shadows, and discovered, about 100 yards from the road, a lenticular object with squarish windows around its circumference, standing on 2 broad feet. It was 35-50 ft in diameter & about 13 ft high. Between the supports legs a flight of steps led up to a lighted opening. The man then invited the dumbfounded H M to enter the UFO, and with a "friendly gesture" persuaded him to do so. Standing in the doorway, he saw that a circular bench, or couch, ran all around the circumference; in the center was an array of about 8 3 ft hand levers projecting from a rectangular aperture in the floor, each ending in a sort of "fork" like that of an old hand brake, and beyond these was an object shaped something like an upright piano perhaps an "instrument panel," though no dials or instruments were visible. The white light came from no visible source. In the UFO were 4 more men, one of whom was lying on the couch; H M's companion explained that he "had got burnt in a slight accident." H M was not permitted to approach him. All the men were short, 5-5'3" tall, and wore belted beige laboratory gowns extending below the knees, with trousers and shoes visible below. They totally ignored the witness. H M's companion gave them water; on being asked if they needed a doctor, he said no. The he asked if H M had any questions about the craft. H M asked where the engines where; he replied "We don't have any engines." Pointing at the levers, he said "We nullify gravity; that is how we rise." Asked how this was done, he answered that they used "a very heavy fluid" which circulated in a tube at near light velocity, creating a magnet. H M said such a speed was impossible. "No, it is simple," he replied, "when the fluid is leaving the tube, it is already entering the other end, thus its relative speed is infinite." H M asked where they came from; he pointed at the sky and said "From there;" to more specific questions he would not reply. After 15-20 minutes of conversation, the man pointed toward the door and invited H M to leave, which he did. About 45 minutes had elapsed since the man had first accosted him. The next day he went back to the spot, and found some "very strange marks." H M's interlocutor seemed older than the others, perhaps over 40. The men's bodies and faces were normal (perhaps with somewhat pronounced foreheads), their hair short and chestnut colored, none showing any traces of beard growth. Their hands seemed delicate, like women's. The witness told this story to the investigator in 1977, while in Spain, doing work for a Spanish firm. He had never divulged it before.
Source: Albert Rosales Humanoid Catalogue, 1951, entry #20; citing Humcat 1951-12 and Juan Jose Benitez, “The UFOnaut’s Plea for Water” FSR Vol. 24 # 2, pp. 3-6.
Posted by Thomas R. Morrison
"In 1963 Robert L. Forward published a brief but fascinating paper called "Guidelines to Antigravity" that took this concept one step further, and proved that antigravity is a real physical phenomenon. Which is probably why it was almost completely ignored by mainstream physics, when it should have been hailed as a momentous discovery. His idea was very simple and absolutely convincing, and it goes like this:
If we wind an electrical coil around a hollow toroidal form (a toroid is shaped like a donut), and send an increasing electrical current through that toroidal coil, we create a dipolar electrical field: on one side of the hole of the toroid we find a positive electric field, and on the other side we find a negative electric field. The same principle applies to gravitation - if we replace the electrical winding with a hollow pipe and run a very dense fluid through it at an increasing (or decreasing) rate, we create a positive gravitational pole on one side and a negative gravitational pole on the other side.
In other words, a body of matter placed near the negative gravitational pole will be repelled away from the toroid - we've created an antigravitaitonal field."
I'm hoping you people are connecting this up. I wanted to bring this out ASAP as the potential implications are profound. The information implies that by feeding one magnetic worm hole into another a gravitational field can be created by means of cycling super~cooled super~fluids through an interconnected system of spiral tubes. I don't need to tell you this is a very good description of what abductee's have reported.
It further now appears that we have a situation where in 1951 a witness described this exact arrangement of a gravitational control scheme involving super~fluids circulating through tubes, passing through from one electromagnetic worm hole in to another and which was being operated by humans. This also probably explains what was reported about the ARV by the witness. That on approaching it was much cooler than the surrounding air.
Seriously I think this is a profound insight with profound implications.
After reading the story from South Africa I cannot help but think this construction worker was probably talking to this guy!
The whole manner in which the account is told, the invitation in to the machine itself, then asking if the guy had questions,
the pointing at the sky. I think that one specifically. Seriously I have this gut feeling that the guy was probably talking
with Wernher von Braun himself!
