Originally posted by Allen Burgess
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You're on target thinking wise based on more recent discoveries of additional information that I located in the last 2 days.
Anyone following this thread should be advised to also follow Allen's thread on the dollar store flying saucer challenge!

This image is posted on his thread as well. It's from edav

“Eizelement” is not the full word but in German this stands for “Magnets”
You should be seeing at least half of a dual sheathed tornado in cross section with this image from Victor Schaubergers' Repulsin design.
For those who care, the fine folks at Ultralight America did some significant work on "Spin Wave Repulsin Technology” pioneered by Victor Schauberger.
From the first page in their investigation in to creating an Electro Dynamic Air Vehicle - EDAV
The EDAV is an Electro-Aero-Dynamic vehicle and uses two effects:
1.) The Coanda Effect, a pure aerodynamic effect based on the Bernoulli’s principal.
2.) The Electro Dynamic Effect: The high speed vortex in the vortex chamber produces an electric charges separation effect called “The Diamagnetic Effect”.
Start Here: edav
*Note: This is a Superior Piece of Investigative Research. Well worth anyone's time in my opinion. I am not going to try to replicate here what has been already accomplished and by people whom understand aerodynamics expertly, and who've gone much further with filling in a complete understanding of what Victor Schauberger's Repulsin is about.
"A lot of individuals have written concerning the design of the waveplates and Part 3 discusses the design with much detail. But I will include the following writings from Victor’s book to again verify the design. As the pages of the book show designs of waveplates, certain individuals who have no understanding of physics follow the saying “Monkey See, Monkey Do”. So if you build your waveplates like the ones shown in the book, then your doing exactly what others want you to do and your achievements will be a waste of time and money. The U.S Navy would never have let those pictures of the implosion motor be taken if the motor really worked. That particular motor was in the junk pile in Prague, left by the Russians. They got there first and had removed all pertinent data and information associated with the Implosion motor developments. Design and build by the information that has been given in my writings and your results will be fruitful."
NOW...L00K Here..***Blink...blink...

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Spin Wave Technology for Mag Lev's.
Power Point
If you are a Rich person I may forgive you, but only so long as you buy their book, and then copy it for sharing. $490.00 from Jeff at Amazon: More money, more money, more money...Oink!