Good Job Sputins: One never knows the motivations of individuals, but if this turns out to be a fraud than we can at least make one more check mark off the idea's list, it won't be a total wash in that case. Also thanks for the screen shots as well: Those are helpful. I've got to send an email off to John Iwaszko about this whole thing and see what he thinks. If Ufopolitics or anyone else knows Ken and could do the same then we might have some other input which is also valued. I'd be especially interested in hearing what Ken Wheeler thinks, but also what you and everyone else thinks.
Keep in mind this is only like day two of even knowing about these video's, but off hand I have a sense there's likely something to this. I see a lot of tornado electrodynamics and Wheeler Physics whizzing about in this contraption. Keep in mind I haven't sat down and mapped this out with a pencil on paper nor had time to go over it even if I had. That method will show where unexplained and possibly fraudulent errors might lie. Nevertheless, lets take a quick once over on the design theory.
Analysis: Tornado Dynamics of charged electrical fields.
The machine is spinning two plates in opposition (A known proven method of weight reduction). These plates are also carrying with them the dielectric fields of counter~space formed by the magnets. The magnets dielectric fields act upon counter~space inside of our surrounding space, and to twist out of space a counter~spacial helix forming a dielectric river of condensed threads. To accomplish this and to assist this creative process the plates carry the negative charge field associated with counter~space. In reality though the negative field is counter~space.
Each plate carrying a negative charge field is moving in opposition. This is consistent with the outflow and inflow of a cycling dielectric field as outlined by Wheeler. In this case you then have a model of dielectric counter~spacial field flow of a magnetic field.
My understanding of what I think is happening is that our surrounding space is a positive charge field, and counter~space, for the dielectric field, is the negative space: I see this as a cycling from interior to exterior and thence back repeating this flow cycle. That is to say the idea of charge polarity is an illusion produced by the cycling of a dielectric plane coming out from a counter~spacial field.
The anterior force of space, or the positive field as we know it, is the apparent exterior field of the dielectric fields own cycling flow and passing to the outside where we recognize it as a positive charge field. The so~called positive charge field is more energetic because it's in our space naturally enough, and therefore it does contain as well as constricts rivers and threads of counter spacial dielectric matter, or what we recognize as the negative charge field: In truth though, as shown by Wheeler, this is a cycling field of energy flowing from one point out of counter~space an then again back in: It is one and same. However, with this understanding we can then explain affixing a negative charge polarity to the plates with the attached magnets, and whose own dielectric fields is then used to assist or coax out of the surrounding space a dielectric river of threads to form a helical dielectric field which is then pulled from the interior of our own surrounding spacial plane of reality.
With each helix going in two opposite directions we have the same pattern flow as demonstrated by Wheeler of the magnetic dielectric flux field. These now being more like rivers of dielectric space whipped in to a helix. In tornado dynamics these would form the interior tube of the twister which is a negative charge field, or the counter~spacial plane itself.
The positive polarity (such as we still call it) is a more energetic charge field, it's attracted to the so~called negative charge field because it's trying to absorb the dielectric counter~spacial reality back once more in to it's own self where it is positive that negative counter space should remain.
The end product in a Tornado is a double sheathed tube of counter flowing charges. In other words a model of a magnet or the flow of spacial energy fields.
The pinched vertex lines of the tornado tube is the product of the spacial field being a positive charge field of space moving and pinching the counter~spacial field in a centripetal exterior vortex contraction, and which is induced by the mutual attraction of the spacial to reabsorb the conter~spacial negative plane; a spacial plane which originates on the surface of earth in this case.
*Now the HV should be transmitted by wireless. See the video I posted by John Iwaszko on wireless power transmission.
Can't help but recall that McCandlish said he thought the ring surrounding the crew compartment was an antenna.
Keep in mind this is only like day two of even knowing about these video's, but off hand I have a sense there's likely something to this. I see a lot of tornado electrodynamics and Wheeler Physics whizzing about in this contraption. Keep in mind I haven't sat down and mapped this out with a pencil on paper nor had time to go over it even if I had. That method will show where unexplained and possibly fraudulent errors might lie. Nevertheless, lets take a quick once over on the design theory.
Analysis: Tornado Dynamics of charged electrical fields.
The machine is spinning two plates in opposition (A known proven method of weight reduction). These plates are also carrying with them the dielectric fields of counter~space formed by the magnets. The magnets dielectric fields act upon counter~space inside of our surrounding space, and to twist out of space a counter~spacial helix forming a dielectric river of condensed threads. To accomplish this and to assist this creative process the plates carry the negative charge field associated with counter~space. In reality though the negative field is counter~space.
Each plate carrying a negative charge field is moving in opposition. This is consistent with the outflow and inflow of a cycling dielectric field as outlined by Wheeler. In this case you then have a model of dielectric counter~spacial field flow of a magnetic field.
My understanding of what I think is happening is that our surrounding space is a positive charge field, and counter~space, for the dielectric field, is the negative space: I see this as a cycling from interior to exterior and thence back repeating this flow cycle. That is to say the idea of charge polarity is an illusion produced by the cycling of a dielectric plane coming out from a counter~spacial field.
The anterior force of space, or the positive field as we know it, is the apparent exterior field of the dielectric fields own cycling flow and passing to the outside where we recognize it as a positive charge field. The so~called positive charge field is more energetic because it's in our space naturally enough, and therefore it does contain as well as constricts rivers and threads of counter spacial dielectric matter, or what we recognize as the negative charge field: In truth though, as shown by Wheeler, this is a cycling field of energy flowing from one point out of counter~space an then again back in: It is one and same. However, with this understanding we can then explain affixing a negative charge polarity to the plates with the attached magnets, and whose own dielectric fields is then used to assist or coax out of the surrounding space a dielectric river of threads to form a helical dielectric field which is then pulled from the interior of our own surrounding spacial plane of reality.
With each helix going in two opposite directions we have the same pattern flow as demonstrated by Wheeler of the magnetic dielectric flux field. These now being more like rivers of dielectric space whipped in to a helix. In tornado dynamics these would form the interior tube of the twister which is a negative charge field, or the counter~spacial plane itself.
The positive polarity (such as we still call it) is a more energetic charge field, it's attracted to the so~called negative charge field because it's trying to absorb the dielectric counter~spacial reality back once more in to it's own self where it is positive that negative counter space should remain.
The pinched vertex lines of the tornado tube is the product of the spacial field being a positive charge field of space moving and pinching the counter~spacial field in a centripetal exterior vortex contraction, and which is induced by the mutual attraction of the spacial to reabsorb the conter~spacial negative plane; a spacial plane which originates on the surface of earth in this case.
*Now the HV should be transmitted by wireless. See the video I posted by John Iwaszko on wireless power transmission.
Can't help but recall that McCandlish said he thought the ring surrounding the crew compartment was an antenna.