Originally posted by aljhoa
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So now someone out there needs to create either a video system to view such a thing, or a camera, or a very large viewing film. I'll bet that if we could see the world/universe through a lens like that it would be revealing. Whatever is creating this effect, it probably isn't vacuum polarization like I first thought, but rather it might be an interaction between the HV field (above) an which might be creating an expansive dielectric field formed by repulsion off the HV field due to the spinning magnets. That idea however doesn't sit well though because now I'm just using dangerous arm chair ideas. We need some real evidence to get er figured and if we could see where the magnetic and dielectric fields were that would probably help a whole lot.
Anyone else have some ideas about what might be taking place? Another thought just hit me and why, or has, anyone thought of putting some insects in front of magnetic viewing film?
Should be able to see a dielectric field if they are generating a dielectric resonance I would think.
A billion dollars over the next 10 years and I think I might be able to accomplish at least one of these ideas: Who do I see about funding, and how do I make this seem like it's related to proving black holes and or global warming? Maybe this is evidence for gravity waves. Maybe we should all pool together and claim we are a free enterprise research group. Seek funding under some snappy name like say Gravity Quest, or maybe The Pod Peoples Research Association ~ Just tossing out ideas.
