Originally posted by Sputins
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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle
did you think about running the ultrasonic off of the tesla coil primary drive circuit ? maybe a capacitor voltage divider to drop the voltage low enough ?
at least if the frequencies have to match, they will be in phase as well
so I have been thinking about what to build to test ideas
looking to things like the electrostatic lifter or the TT brown thing
and then looking at what gravity likely is: and unequal spin field also stated as a difference in a motion electric field.
seems like you would want to shape the field to match ideas like that
so I will try for a small field one polarity and a large field the other polarity. so 2 disks, one much larger than the other.
seems as if everyone that has tried it says that electrically switched magnetic fields work, so I will calculate it VS physical spinning magnets. and whatever one looks like it will have a stronger field I will build.
Originally posted by Sputins View Post
So I’ve decided to model mine now after Alexey’s version-3 which has two rotating discs, both with magnets…
I’ve completed building the two discs. The thin Al metal with the hammered bug-wing finish is very soft even with the best efforts to keep it flat, there is some slight wobble still, but I’m pretty happy with how the first two came out. (If it turns out that the bug finish isn’t needed, then something more robust would be better). I also need to lathe up the insulating bushes that fit the motors and attach to the spinning discs. I’m also looking at the supporting discs to mount the motors and such, with motors and other parts on order, being sent.
Hello Sputins,
Glad to see you are progressing with build!!
On the too soft spinning discs material, plus your previous comment about brush riding it roughly due to uneven surface...I suggest you could add a second FLAT Aluminum disc attached on the side where motors are...and so brushes would be riding on its smooth surface.
That would give strength to discs as well.
I believe on a device like this, that other options could be tested...it is always good to make everything bolted on and easy to remove and replace.
Good luck and success on your build
Edit; On the Piezo electric and ultrasound..I would order one of those Car Air fresheners based on ultrasound...they have everything and are 12V and very low amperage.
Then you could read its frequency at 12V...and drive your Tesla Coil at that same freq...they BOTH must be in resonance!
If this WHOLE thing is a Hoax...then you have a heck of an EXOTIC air freshener...
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 09-20-2018, 12:05 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostRegards
The .pdf states this below:
"The ultrasonic transducer (piezo element) delivers ultrasound around the entire plate. Kacher gives a high-frequency impulse. They need to be adjusted to get a resonance. In addition, you have to adjust the voltage (plus or minus on external drives)".
I don't think that a direct quote from Alexey however? - But whoever wrote the pdf?? (Talks about him in the third person).
But it does not directly say the ultrasonic transducer is in resonance with the Tesla coil, as such, (that i can see), just that it is adjusted to get A resonance with the device. (Perhaps a resonance with the disc structure / frame itself or the resonant frequency of the rotating magnetic field, or something else?
Likely the Tesla coil shown in video, just going by the looks of it, size etc. probably has a resonant frequency of near 500kHz as a minimum, which is far from the 40kHz of a standard ultrasonic transducer. Unless it is some lower harmonic of the Tesla coil frequency?
I can get the ultrasonic transducers from ultrasonic cleaning water baths easy enough, perhaps even for free,but the frequency range at which to drive it at would be the question and the electrical parameters needed to drive it are yet to be known..
Maybe with the double counter rotating magnets the ultrasonic transducer may not be needed at all?
If this all becomes a failure, I can use the parts to make a nice fan forced mozzie zapper I recon!"Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD
Some Facts...
Hello Sputins and all,
Well, I particularly like the #2 Model...it is actually -and so far- the only one proven to get off the ground...Indoors plus Outdoors.
And ALL PSU it requires is a 12V car battery which supplies to ALL Circuits involved...as shown on outdoors video.
Now, the #3 Model (which btw we have NOT seen working)...have two AC INDUCTION MOTORS, which IMHO should be around 120V AC ea...
Just saying...that I consider #2 Model a more direct way to success plus simpler to build.
UfopoliticsPrinciples for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by sinergicus View Post[....]
I set the materials I had assembled on the bench. Using a 24-inch plywood base, I drilled a hole halfway through the center. In the hole I placed securely the carbon rod of a broken flashlight cell. Next I obtained a large nail of like diameter and wound the nail with 50 turns of very fine copper wire. When I had slid the finished coil off the nail, the unwound ends of wire remaining measured about eight or 10 inches. I soldered two extra connections: one from the top and one from the bottom; two of the ends were connected to a small pen flashlight battery. I stapled some of the wires to the plywood base to hold the assembly in position.
Next I took the small brass cap off the larger flashlight battery cell and glued it in the exact center of a 10-inch aluminum disc, which had been put on the jig-saw and placed in a balanced position directly on top of the carbon rod. I do remember definitely that four ends of the wire pointed at the edges of the disc directly opposite each other in the form of a cross, and approximately one-eighth of an inch from the edge of the disc. All of the equipment was set up in accordance with an imaginary shape of a pyramid.
Then I made two connections at the bottom of the apparatus, which apparently completed the circuit—for the disc immediately was en*veloped by a bluish, spinning light! Then, to my utter amazement, it rose from the platform, crashed through the 12-foot ceiling, which was made of aluminum paper, apparently bounced off the peak roof and then came down again through the same hole through which it had made its ascent!
It crashed with more force than the weight of the aluminum would normally permit, almost completely destroying itself so far as recon*struction of that particular model was concerned.
I was so surprised and shocked I sat down in complete silence and thought for several minutes.
UfopoliticsPrinciples for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostIsn't it a very similar deal we are seen here?...except that was back in 1956...Howard Menger book...
I took some scrap paper and quickly sketched out the whole description as far as I could make sense of it, but it is difficult to tell what is going where.
For example;
"I had slid the finished coil off the nail, the unwound ends of wire remaining measured about eight or 10 inches. I soldered two extra connections: one from the top and one from the bottom; two of the ends were connected to a small pen flashlight battery. I stapled some of the wires to the plywood base to hold the assembly in position."
To what has he soldered two extra connections: to the coil of wire? Are there two connections at each end of the coil & creating 4 points, as seems indicated later on, with 2 being positive and 2 being neg? He says he soldered 2 extra connections, one from the top and one from the bottom, but the top and bottom of what?
I think taking what we now understand and working with this it's possible to conclude it is a partial description but could be massaged in to a more meaningful and potentially realistic explanation. To begin with this isn't a real description of a levitating disc, but it is a jumbled recollection and which has important clues to such a device, and so I cannot conclude any intelligent helpful aliens brought him this information. Pretty sure if that were the case he would have had a considerably clearer recollection that what he did have.
I have to conclude the poor guy was part of an early mind control program. One which has had a very long agenda and which was and still is aimed at convincing people that UFO's are alien machines. Ultimately this having to do with maintaining another long term project of upholding Einsteinian Physics and delaying for as long as possible a return to rationality and the theories which predated Einstein.
This is an extremely interesting story and the fact that he could never replicate the machine, nor recall how he had built the first machine are serious indictments, ones which strongly suggest his recollections of a supposed success were from a demonstration he witnessed, and almost certainly while being subjected to some form of interrogations and programming.
He had to be shown some kind of levitating machine but since no accepted physics can explain how this device would work he himself could never make enough sense of it to replicate the machine. Nor was he ever intended to be able to do so. The whole idea was to have him believe an alien had shown him how to do this with simple materials.
I think there's some similarities to the Mascart /Blaze Lab's Experiment 10, and there may be some useful hints we ourselves can pick up on. Those might include simple carbon rods for rotational electrical connections as well not forgetting that induction in coils of wire create a magnetic field, which would be useful for re~orienting the dielectric field. As such one might think of these as gearboxes or differentials transferring the direction of drive power to another direction.
Recall here that to change the direction of gravitational flow the transfer of motive power entails a re~vectoring of the dielectric field which is creating the illusion of gravitation, which can be accomplished by applying a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the gravitational direction.Last edited by Gambeir; 09-20-2018, 07:06 PM."The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."
The dynamics of what is taking place need to be drawn out in to a schematic of actions. I have no difficultly doing this using Wheeler's definition of counterspace, but only with any which involve quantum physics.
I ask you to reconsider the actions; magnets are the result of focused energies passing through organized crystalline forms. Those energies are extracted from an incoherent dielectric field, and drawn from counterspace, and which are formed in to a coherent field by the existence of an organized crystalline pattern of specific shape.
As the magnets spin a condensed dielectric field acts upon an incoherent surrounding counterspacial energy field. That incoherent field is dielectric and it is what causes all matter to have an electrical field, and which only then also creates a magnetic field. All matter has a magnetic field of some type.
The structure of the matter itself, it's crystalline pattern and shapes of crystalline molecular composition, these strongly influence the resulting conversion of counter~spacial dielectrical energies to form a condensed dielectrical field; a magnetic field through the biological and or other inanimate matter in question.
This counter~spacial dielectrical energy field, when formed in to a focused coherent field, which is what a magnet is, must then act as a real form upon the otherwise invisible and undetectable dielectric field that surrounds all existing matter.
Remember that the field of counter space is unacknowledged by present physics and is instead called a quantum field. Counter space is not an acknowledged field nor is it identified as a unified field by Einsteinian Physics.
There is no such thing as gravity. Gravity is not a field modality. Matter does not posses gravity.
That's what Wheeler says. I agree with him on this. Matter reacts to a counter~spacial energy field.
A coupling due to mechanical rotations of magnets must then include the understanding that natural physical forces of inertial and gyroscopic force are being applied to a formed coherent energy field, one whose nature is to dissolve back in to the counter space of incoherent dielectric energy.
That counter space of incoherent energy is fluxing at billions of times the speed the light, or some other high frequency; reverberating.
To complement that fusing job FREQUENCY is FUSED to a vibrating (dielectric ) Field.Last edited by Gambeir; 09-21-2018, 12:45 AM."The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."
so when trying to calculate how much power I can stick into a magnetic coil, it is all about current and number of turns as far as magnetic output
but the speed of the thing also matters to make this field,
and the higher the frequency you put through a coil the higher the impedance, so the harder it is to get that current into the coil.
the more turns you have the higher the impedance,
so how to get the most current into a coil for the lowest price ?
resonance is the answer
set up the coils in parallel with a high Q capacitor.
so if it is designed careful, should get about 100 times the current for the same input power.
just thought I would share that thought in case no one else thought of it.
Originally posted by spacecase0 View Postso when trying to calculate how much power I can stick into a magnetic coil, it is all about current and number of turns as far as magnetic output
but the speed of the thing also matters to make this field,
and the higher the frequency you put through a coil the higher the impedance, so the harder it is to get that current into the coil.
the more turns you have the higher the impedance,
so how to get the most current into a coil for the lowest price ?
resonance is the answer
set up the coils in parallel with a high Q capacitor.
so if it is designed careful, should get about 100 times the current for the same input power.
just thought I would share that thought in case no one else thought of it.
Was there any such thing as a High Q capacitor in 1930?
Bitter electromagnets/solenoids
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitter_electromagnetLast edited by Gambeir; 09-21-2018, 12:38 AM."The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."
Originally posted by Gambeir View PostThat understanding might be why Bitter solenoid magnets were invented.
Was there any such thing as a High Q capacitor in 1930?
"Nikola Tesla filed a patent in 1896 for a vacuum capacitor"
from here
and that is the part you are going to want to make this happen.
to bad they are a bit pricey
Vacuum Capacitors: 101 - 500pFLast edited by spacecase0; 09-21-2018, 02:55 AM.
I tossed this together if you want to use it to help to visualize ideas.
I want to add that in all the material which is out there across the entire internet about free energy, about UFO's and their propulsion systems, and across all bankrupted physics, there is absolutely no understanding whatever of any other physics as outlined by Stevens on the ideas which predated Einstein.
Wheeler's ideas are factually demonstrated, in my opinion, and I do not think it is possible to understand this machine without understanding some of Ken's descriptions of counter space being a dielectric field, how it interacts with matter, how it results in a magnetic field in matter, and how then that magnetism is the binding force of matter.
I think this machine meets the criteria which Ken outlines in his video on gravity. It is applying a magnetic force perpendicular to the so~called gravity field. As the poles of the magnets spin they too are acting on the HV. It's magnetic field is then being reshaped due to the RH rule and the rotation of the magnets below. I'm speculating that this spin is causing a revectoring of that HV magnetic field, and which acts further upon the re~vectored dielectric counterspace.
In the first action the magnets spin revectors the surrounding dielectric field of counterspace to a horizontal plane. In the second phase the poles of the spinning magnets might be pulling the magnetic field of the HV in to a cone, which then acts to pull the horizontal dielectric counter space up wards to form a conical re~vectoring of the intertial dielectric force of counter space.
What do you think? Off in the weeds, don't understand Wheeler well enough, what?
Last edited by Gambeir; 09-21-2018, 07:05 PM."The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."
Originally posted by Gambeir View PostI forgot about this one.
Do you have the links or any pdf explaining this above?
On the way Menger describes it is confusing...it looks like he is got coil in parallel connection with battery plus two more "connections", above-below, guessing each soldered connection have two wires each... in order to have FOUR wires in CROSS SHAPE parallel +/- aiming to aluminum disc by an eight of inch gap, guess to generate electric field...but then he writes he's got two final ends to join closing circuit...like a switch.
IMO, I believe he's got a center tapped wire somewhere, which acts as the batt input.
No wonder he could not replicate it again.
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 09-21-2018, 12:35 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostHi Gambeir,
Do you have the links or any pdf explaining this above?
On the way Menger describes it is confusing...it looks like he is got coil in parallel connection with battery plus two more "connections", above-below, guessing each soldered connection have two wires each... in order to have FOUR wires in CROSS SHAPE parallel +/- aiming to aluminum disc by an eight of inch gap, guess to generate electric field...but then he writes he's got two final ends to join closing circuit...like a switch.
IMO, I believe he's got a center tapped wire somewhere, which acts as the batt input.
No wonder he could not replicate it again.
Ah, found it for ya
Levitationsmaschine -Â*Â* ©Â* Cetin BAL - GSM:+90Â* 05366063183 -Turkey/Denizli
This is a huge site devoted to free energy and antigravity, time travel, teleportation, etct.
Here's the home page to the original source.
Zamanda Yolculuk - Giri? Sayfas?
The image itself is archived here. Shows you are not alone. People archive anything they sense might be significant.
Index of /docs/Elektronik/Tesla/Levitationsmaschine-Dateien/
Scroll down to near the bottom and look for this link. This is where I pulled the image.
A direct Tin Eye reverse seach yielded 4 results. None from the original site and so you can't count on this method as a sole means to find the source.
Often a favored way to search is to use google chrome where you can right click on any image and do an image search through Tin Eye. Most times though I use duck duck go and so I go directly to Tin Eye for a reverse image search. You can do 10 free a day which is typically more than enough, otherwise I switch to the Chrome Browser.
Another option for a wide search is call up Google/Bing Images and then do a search that way. This one below is for images on Zamandayolcluk. This doesn't mean you're going to receive all the images but it's useful.
https://www.google.com/search?biw=15...cpaKGA#imgrc=_Last edited by Gambeir; 09-21-2018, 07:03 PM."The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."