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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • Ok I should warn people that sometimes I say something without really thinking it through and here is one possible example;

    "The whole idea here is to reverse the natural gravitational spin vector which takes place in matter due to the same forces."

    Not too sure that's entirely correct or even remotely correct.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
      Ok I should warn people that sometimes I say something without really thinking it through and here is one possible example;

      "The whole idea here is to reverse the natural gravitational spin vector which takes place in matter due to the same forces."

      Not too sure that's entirely correct or even remotely correct.
      I get how you deal with words
      you are not bothering me at all by doing that


      • About Alexey device and triangle ships...

        Hello Gambeir -et Al- and great work here, like always!

        I have, somehow the idea that in the Alexey Machine we will find the very "BASICS", which generates that Gravity Counter Field effect, however, it is still not perfectly he has said himself. But undoubtedly it is a major step of advance on these fields.

        Once this small device gets exploded in operation to a max operating capability...then it would become a very solid and compact "gravitational engine"...

        Now if we ANALIZE a simple and plain UFO, disc shaped, with spherical all info we have on the architecture/structure of them...we realize it's "power source" including a sort of center Tesla Coil plus all drivers are located in that spherical center or "column" which gains in height versus the rest of the flat disc shape.

        The HV DC spinning Electric Fields as well as the center static HV AC disc could be easily done in a DISC-RING GEOMETRY, allowing the room at center for all the TC like plus power source and drivers.

        Now on the Triangle shaped UFO...let's condense in a simple Alexey device, without Power Source...but just looking at it as one (1) Gravitational Engine...then the Triangle ship is like a 3 wheel drive system, having 3 gravitational engines with room for a greater power supply-drivers-controls room... at triangle center... and so, the maneuvering on advance, lift, reverse, etc being given by the driving forces applied to each independent engine....

        I recently watched a triangle UFO video a guy took while driving at night...craft was just "cruising" at low speed...but guess what? was moving, not with one single engine in front...but with the two aligned in fwd motion...

        I will try to find video and link it here later.

        here is the video:

        What do you think?

        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-09-2018, 02:14 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
          Hello Gambeir -et Al- and great work here, like always!

          I have, somehow the idea that in the Alexey Machine we will find the very "BASICS", which generates that Gravity Counter Field effect, however, it is still not perfectly he has said himself. But undoubtedly it is a major step of advance on these fields.

          Once this small device gets exploded in operation to a max operating capability...then it would become a very solid and compact "gravitational engine"...

          Now if we ANALIZE a simple and plain UFO, disc shaped, with spherical all info we have on the architecture/structure of them...we realize it's "power source" including a sort of center Tesla Coil plus all drivers are located in that spherical center or "column" which gains in height versus the rest of the flat disc shape.

          The HV DC spinning Electric Fields as well as the center static HV AC disc could be easily done in a DISC-RING GEOMETRY, allowing the room at center for all the TC like plus power source and drivers.

          Now on the Triangle shaped UFO...let's condense in a simple Alexey device, without Power Source...but just looking at it as one (1) Gravitational Engine...then the Triangle ship is like a 3 wheel drive system, having 3 gravitational engines with room for a greater power supply-drivers-controls room... at triangle center... and so, the maneuvering on advance, lift, reverse, etc being given by the driving forces applied to each independent engine....

          I recently watched a triangle UFO video a guy took while driving at night...craft was just "cruising" at low speed...but guess what? was moving, not with one single engine in front...but with the two aligned in fwd motion...

          I will try to find video and link it here later.

          here is the video:

          What do you think?

          Thanks for the encouragement and kind words Ufopolitics.

          What you've said is right and your thoughts are supported by the history and artifacts which are known. At present all of the recovered artifacts relating to your idea are unrecognized. Around 2013 we had a series of space debris raining across the planet. There was a site where one of these had been X-rayed but a lot of this stuff has disappeared. It might still be out there but I can't locate it. Such an image today might be useful but I think we have a good idea what's involved right now. Maybe these are rocket parts and maybe they isn't ~

          I'm not sure this is what you had in mind but I think these are not what people have been lead to believe and that they are rather related to the system which Michael Schratt shows.

          Earth: NASA is investigating a mysterious "space ball" that crash-landed in a remote area of Namibia.

          Hmm...Mars: We can ignore these

          Texas: 2013 Three Space Balls.
          Is It Space Junk? Texan Electrician Finds Mysterious Sphere in his Backyard
          Identifying Space Debris: Further Adventures in East Texas

          New Zealand space balls had everyone fooled |

          Michael Schratt

          Illustration by Michael Schratt at the below site.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 10-11-2018, 04:49 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • And then we have these: Stone Sphere's across the planet from the ancients.
            What were they trying to replicate or are they replications at all?

            Costa Rica


            Nothing to see here, just round natural rocks, stupid native's who worshiped boulders and junk rocket parts, move along ....moooo..
            UFO - Ufology - Space Balls
            Last edited by Gambeir; 10-09-2018, 06:07 PM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • This may seem a tangent which is unrelated but in the end I think you will perhaps see that it has a purpose which relates back to the theme of this thread and to the previous posts. This is not a rant. It has a purpose. I've been watching this develop for a long time. There's something happening in your own back yard. Someone or something is literally building a fort in your back yard, you just don't yet know it and that's the rub: why is he hiding the fort in the back yard?

              I didn't start out wanting to write the following but having now run into stone boulders, and equally important concern of their purpose also brings us to what else is going on around them, and that then brings us right to the door steep another big question which is directly to related UFO's. The places they evidently enjoy vacationing in, which seems to be parks/public lands and non-public off limits world wild life heritages and vast un-inhabited lands of the North and the oceans themselves. So now in some sense we have UFO's tagged to un-inhabited land, and which then seems to have a cross correlation to the theft of public lands or even the lands of nation states in some cases. Some of this involves artifact recovery.

              The way our world works is that the really important stuff is cloaked behind the most seemingly innocuous organizations. Organizations "With Good Intentions" but who are unknowingly being employed to provide the hands of evil with the personnel, money, and commitment to a cause which isn't what they think it is. They are undoubtely not being run by evil people. Quite the opposite. I don't want anyone thinking these are necessarily bad people or bad organizations. There is something going on. Something which I do not understand fully but which is not good. I'm an American living in America, but you can be anyone living anywhere on this planet, the concerns have no borders. Start by noticing that un-elected bodies of appointed committees have been expropriating public and private land under the guise of quote:"protecting it." Un-elected bodies inside governments inside of governments: All with police powers. This is not a good thing and again this is a global issue.

              The way evil works is to put good intentions to evil use. This is it's greatest joy. Nothing brings greater joy to evil than to use good people for bad ends. Evil is never more successful than when it has employed the fanatical crusader bent on doing good, unknowingly for the hands of evil, and the most fanatical do-gooders are always the young.

              *First our so called elect took public lands and put illegal taxations on lands which are public property. No voting required. Having provided the means to lawfully steal, the changes desired are being made to these lands, and the changes create private property through bureaucracy. This change to public property is being implemented under the guise of saving them from the public. We have to see this not just as theft but as a purpose. Everywhere you look they are literally cordoning off where on these lands you can actually go, providing for example raised walkways, specific paths you are allowed to take and of course you must notify the officials in charge where you are and where you're going. Mostly for your own safety right? That's not a joke though, it's just that you probably don't realize what the real dangers might be. It was noted in the incidents involving the Big Basin Drones that those machines seemed to favor public lands/national park, and that they seemed to be looking for something. Guess what they looking for, do you think it could be You?

              Stealing public lands has a historical reference from England where self appointed rulers enacted laws closing off public lands which people formerly had used to provide themselves an independent life with their livestock. Instead of herding sheep the people themselves became the sheep being herded in to poverty, hellish slave factories, coal mines, prostitution, and crime. Almost sounds familiar huh? As soon as someone start's blabbing to you that this law, this organization, this tax is needed, then you would be well advised to put on your X-Ray Googles and consider the person in front you either an outright criminal or a gullible tool. Later you can decide if the proselytizing is just another criminal scam or if it's really something which is valid. The elect are especially adept at paving the way for evil doing their good work for you in the legislatures of our governments. Most of which evidently involves taxing you, criminalizing you, your kids, or your possessions, and then restricting your freedoms and rights.

              OK, so now I can move to the next huge boulder, this one a lot more likely to be of use than the last, and dang if that's not one fine interesting rock to examine. I got to hand it to them they have this story down to, well, down to petrosphere's.

              Following the links ultimately takes us to, of all things, condensed matter physics. Just read a paragraph and the stones take on new meaning.

              OK, so here's just a cut and paste sample of the links.

              The spheres range in size from a few centimetres to over 2 metres (6.6 ft) in diameter, and weigh up to 15 tons.[2] Most are sculpted from gabbro,[2] the coarse-grained equivalent of basalt. There are a dozen or so made from shell-rich limestone, and another dozen made from a sandstone. They appear to have been made by hammering natural boulders with other rocks, then polishing with sand. The degree of finishing and precision of working varies considerably. The gabbro came from sites in the hills, several kilometres away from where the finished spheres are found, though some unfinished spheres remain in the hills. They are used for decoration.

              Most of the Stones are made from Gabbro. OK so lets just see what that is.

              Well first off it's phanerite, which means;
              A phanerite[1] is an igneous rock whose microstructure is made up of crystals large enough to be distinguished with the unaided eye.

              Which is the opposite of Aphanite obviously.
              Aphanite, or aphanitic as an adjective (from the Greek αφανης, "invisible"), is a name given to certain igneous rocks that are so fine-grained that their component mineral crystals are not detectable by the unaided eye[1]

              Porphyritic is an adjective used in geology, specifically for igneous rocks, for a rock that has a distinct difference in the size of the crystals, with at least one group of crystals obviously larger than another group.[1]
              Last edited by Gambeir; 10-11-2018, 04:55 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • OK, is ya are all educated now?

                Now here is something I ran in to. I have not yet tried to replicate this myself. I'm going out on a limb using it, but I don't think I've ever seen this idea forwarded by anyone, and the most amazing idea is actually asked afterwards in the comments by someone regarding the relationship between the Earth and the Moon.

                If any of you replicate this say so. It's cold and wet outside and I only have two hands myself. Like I say I'm really going out on the limb posting this so it could be complete garbage. It looks like you need a cut stone to do this or two that have flat spots.

                If there is anything to this the implications are mind bending.

                Take a look my dear mud dwellers

                Last edited by Gambeir; 10-09-2018, 09:37 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                  Anyways~ So yea, spinning mass ... none of which I can claim to have done myself.
                  Ride of Your Life - Electromagnetic Aether/Superfluid



                  • Absolutely~ Cool find
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • This is more in line with what I thinking. A standard Alexey with the addition of pyramids/tetrahedrons. Joe Parr said the pyramid/triangles enter hyper~space when they reached a resonance with the magnetic field.

                      So this addition might be tried by attaching a triangular shape to the HV plate. Joe used copper cut triangle but later said that he discovered it didn't matter what they made from. We now have a number of machines which involved hyper space or the creation of an artificially induced hyper spacial bubble: Those of John St. Clair in his patents, The McCandlish ARV, Joe Parr's which were real working machines, images of Black Triangles, and now the Alexey.

                      Last edited by Gambeir; 10-10-2018, 05:11 PM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • By suggestion of Gambeir moved from the topic An Inquiry into Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replications to this thread. It is about how Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs can work.

                        Hi guys! Imagine that the upper and lower disks are like millstones.

                        And between them is the middle fixed disk...
                        What will happen on the surface of the middle disk?
                        More precisely than what is happening on its upper surface differs from what is happening on the lower?
                        I think only the middle disk is lifting up.
                        The other two only make different conditions of something (electrons movement maybe) on the lower surface of the middle disk and on the upper surface of the middle disk. This difference of conditions works like the power of Archimedes and the disk just pops up like a wood in the water. We still do not know how the power of Archimedes actually works. Forget the standard explanation. What is realy causes it? There are a lot of problems in this field, for example, why does a funnel form in the bathroom when water is drained? Maybe Alexey's device will begin the understanding of this process. Forgive me my english if i was not correct. Google translate helps me...


                        • By suggestion of Gambeir moved from the topic An Inquiry into Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replications to this thread. It is about how Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs can work.

                          Originally posted by Gambeir
                          Your English is fine. However I think you're probably not right about that but the ideas are interesting and I'm glad you took the effort to post them. Shows you're thinking for yourself. Certainly something we can put in the stock pile. I feel we have a fair idea what is taking place based on both conventional physics (Einsteinian) and un-conventional Aether Theory. Here's what I think at present. It's probably completely and laughably wrong but this is what I'm rather wildly hypothesizing is the reason this machine works.

                          The machine either is, or may be doing one or more of the following.
                          1. It's producing a charged sheath vortex with an outer sheath containing positive ion charged air molecules, and with an inner sheath of negatively charged air molecules. Similar to a tornado. This is a product of the spinning magnets whose polarities are negative on the bottom and positive on the top. The positive charge is more energetic and will surround the negative charge constricting it as it spins Earthward. The Earth is a ground and the nature of the negative charge is be repelled by the ground but when it is forced to contact it is at a fine point and this is partly why the tornado has this cone shape to it.

                          Because the magnets are in rotation they induce a slowly expanding energy field which is now carrying the electric potential outwards and which is further energized by the production of a cold plasma. Eventually forming a plasmoid shape which in a high energy system could become an airborne bolide capable of self support and harboring protective qualities from radar wave interception.

                          2. The asymmetrical arrangement of the lower plate with the magnets, as compared to the overhead AC High Voltage Plate, helps to pull hyper-space/counter space in around the machine and the vortex tubes. A higher speed electro-magnetic system may alone suffice if cycling at high frequency and with high energy. The effect lowers the speed of light in the local area, enabling hyper velocity travel and altered energy requirement.

                          3. While this is taking place the rotating magnetic field, spun by the lower plate, is transmitted directly through the Alternating Current Potential of the High Voltage Plate which induces Coriolis force upon the spin states of the High Voltage Plate's Electrical Charge. Thus the rotating magnetic plate is actually a wireless DC circuit crossing through air and matter while being put in a rotation. I think that this is the primary critical feature and which manages to induce enough of an alteration in the spin states of the AC High Voltage Field to produce a vectored thrust away from Earth which is greatly enhanced by the now altered space time which surrounds the vehicle.

                          4. The most likely reason this machine works is because it is capable of creating an artificial space time, effectively replacing the surrounding space time, and thereby the power requirements are greatly changed so that subtle changes in the vectored thrust of the High Voltage AC fields electrons are sufficiently powerful enough to create a vertical lift.

                          5. The upper plate is providing a surface for the positive ionized air molecules which do create a positive effect. However, it's really the top most part of the machine, the supporting top plate which is doing this and that covering should be dome shaped to enhance the effect.
                          Gambeir, Thank A lot for the welcome!
                          I must say that I am pretty mediocre opinion about Einstein and other similar theories with hyper-space, time shifts and the like vice, which do not introduce any practical clues for reality, but only exist in their speculative space. What you describe can certainly be, any phenomenon can be described in an infinite number of ways. But you need to cling to something really working in practice. If there is nothing like that, You need to look for the most likely option, which in terms of technology can only be an option, from the point of view of technology, there can only be an option where the greatest influence of force factors is seen, those factors that are weak should be discarded and then one can come to the basic phenomenon from the point of view of force interactions. About the creation of a charged sheath vortex with an outer sheath containing positive ion charged air molecules, and with an inner sheath of negatively charged air molecules. Something interesting can happen here only near the surface of a disc with textured aluminum. Pimples of textured aluminum can create turbulence in the air. As for the air vortex, I am only talking about the air vortex, it is possible that there may be some other kind of vortex inside the surface of the Fermi disk, electrons in the crystal lattice of the disk can create a kind of vortex, but the whole air whirlwind around the discs is so weak that it seems to me to be neglected. We can only consider its effect on the turbulence around the pimples of textured aluminum, small swirls around them can be quite strong.
                          From this point of view, the strong fields will be only inside the disks, in the aluminum itself. For example: what happens to the electrons in the central disc? They are affected by the Lorentz force, centrifugal force, and also the force of inertia tends to leave them in place. Add to this the influence of statics constantly injected into the central disk by means of kacher. And yes, even in the memory of the electric field, which is created by the two remaining disks. What happens in the central disk? This is the strongest part of the whole experiment from the point of view of force interaction. About the dome shaped to enhance the effect. The piezoelectric speaker may well shake the disks, at the micro level of course. And it can quite create whimsical combinations of different forms. As for the textured aluminum disc, there is no need to create anything there, the effect can actually increase there. Each pimple is a kind of dome. And here's the question: what will happen if we move such a dome forward? A spiral current will immediately appear around the dome. When you stir the tea by the spoon it appears the funnel. These are inverse things. You can take for example a cone to immerse it under water and drag it forward. There will be twists around the cone. And this phenomenon is pretty strong. This is point of view from the strongest phenomena in the device, they must be borne in mind and combine somehow. As for the weaker phenomena and official speculative theories, then it seems to me that they need to be discarded. I apologize if you somehow belong to the official scientific community. I'm just an engineer, and I have to do something real, and in my work around there are a lot of scientists who don’t know Nichrome and give instructions in the style of the theory of relativity. Try and do what they want. Well, our scientists have a kind of privileged caste. It is more about money and status than achievements. Therefore, in our country it is precisely this attitude towards scientists. Well, respectively, to their theories do not correlate with practice. All these time shifts... In short, we perceive only what you can check for yourself. I apologize again if I hurt You...


                          • Originally posted by Bugfly View Post
                            By suggestion of Gambeir moved from the topic An Inquiry into Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replications to this thread. It is about how Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs can work.

                            Originally posted by Bugfly View Post
                            Gambeir, Thank A lot for the welcome!
                            I must say that I am pretty mediocre opinion about Einstein and other similar theories with hyper-space, time shifts and the like vice, which do not introduce any practical clues for reality, but only exist in their speculative space.
                            Yes, well I am in agreement with you. Einstein's ideas are a vast departure from pre-existing ideas about the Aether. Einsteins ideas about the way things work have value but are not accurate. I wouldn't go so far as call his ideas garbage but I would approach them with caution.

                            The older I get the more I know I don't know. I'm not a scientist: I'm not anything any longer. I'm retired and so I sort do what a researcher and scribbler with minor academic training in methodologies of criminal investigation might do when they have nothing else better to do. Mainly I tend to cause problems. It's what the retired do in America. Most do it just because that's all they know how to do, but I do it with meaning and a focus, so hopefully in the end it won't all be pointless.

                            Now a scientist is someone who does real world experiments and validates their ideas through real world demonstration of physical observable facts. We have scientists here on this forum, it's just that they themselves don't know it, but they are real scientists nevertheless.

                            The main thing is that when we are on this topic of how this device works what I do is to use all the tools in the box. Now this business about light speed being reduced comes out the patents of this guy named John Quincy St. Claire.

                            Who is Inventor John Quincy St. Claire?

                            This is pretty interesting if you know enough about British History and the origins of law enforcement. The term Sheriff comes down to us originally by way of the King's tax collector, known as the Shire's Eiff/eff. This man had at his disposal 100 good men, for tracking down highwaymen and other bad men, and for of course collecting taxes for the King. There's a small title of little nobility granted by a Baronage to the name in ancient history.

                            See these patents.

                            Originally posted by Bugfly View Post
                            What you describe can certainly be, any phenomenon can be described in an infinite number of ways. But you need to cling to something really working in practice. If there is nothing like that, You need to look for the most likely option, which in terms of technology can only be an option, from the point of view of technology, there can only be an option where the greatest influence of force factors is seen, those factors that are weak should be discarded and then one can come to the basic phenomenon from the point of view of force interactions.
                            Yes, that's correct, one can describe things one way without being right even though it may seem correct, and again you are correct in that this is primarily what todays self described scientists do.

                            This really goes directly back to the perversion of knowledge under Einstein.

                            Originally posted by Bugfly View Post
                            About the creation of a charged sheath vortex with an outer sheath containing positive ion charged air molecules, and with an inner sheath of negatively charged air molecules. Something interesting can happen here only near the surface of a disc with textured aluminum. Pimples of textured aluminum can create turbulence in the air. As for the air vortex, I am only talking about the air vortex, it is possible that there may be some other kind of vortex inside the surface of the Fermi disk, electrons in the crystal lattice of the disk can create a kind of vortex, but the whole air whirlwind around the discs is so weak that it seems to me to be neglected. We can only consider its effect on the turbulence around the pimples of textured aluminum, small swirls around them can be quite strong.

                            From this point of view, the strong fields will be only inside the disks, in the aluminum itself. For example: what happens to the electrons in the central disc? They are affected by the Lorentz force, centrifugal force, and also the force of inertia tends to leave them in place. Add to this the influence of statics constantly injected into the central disk by means of kacher. And yes, even in the memory of the electric field, which is created by the two remaining disks. What happens in the central disk? This is the strongest part of the whole experiment from the point of view of force interaction.
                            Understanding cyclonic action with electrical charge theory is not a normal practice. It isn't for example something common to weather knowledge or aviation science. It isn't even widely known.

                            Still I understand what you're saying. We may address this idea further and more specifically as we progress.

                            Originally posted by Bugfly View Post
                            About the dome shaped to enhance the effect. The piezoelectric speaker may well shake the disks, at the micro level of course. And it can quite create whimsical combinations of different forms. As for the textured aluminum disc, there is no need to create anything there, the effect can actually increase there. Each pimple is a kind of dome. And here's the question: what will happen if we move such a dome forward? A spiral current will immediately appear around the dome. When you stir the tea by the spoon it appears the funnel. These are inverse things. You can take for example a cone to immerse it under water and drag it forward. There will be twists around the cone. And this phenomenon is pretty strong. This is point of view from the strongest phenomena in the device, they must be borne in mind and combine somehow.
                            Excellent points to consider.

                            Originally posted by Bugfly View Post
                            As for the weaker phenomena and official speculative theories, then it seems to me that they need to be discarded.
                            I don't discard too many things. I don't like to close the doors on anything. Once you do that you become blind to what might be. I do understand what you're saying and would generally agree with you.

                            Originally posted by Bugfly View Post
                            I apologize if you somehow belong to the official scientific community. I'm just an engineer, and I have to do something real, and in my work around there are a lot of scientists who don’t know Nichrome and give instructions in the style of the theory of relativity. Try and do what they want. Well, our scientists have a kind of privileged caste. It is more about money and status than achievements. Therefore, in our country it is precisely this attitude towards scientists. Well, respectively, to their theories do not correlate with practice. All these time shifts... In short, we perceive only what you can check for yourself. I apologize again if I hurt You...
                            America is exactly the same. America is more like the Soviet Union was than when Russia was the Soviet Union. Americans just don't yet realize it is all.
                            You're not going to offend me. To do that you have be trying to kill me, something a few have actually tried by the way, so far without success. I expect
                            possibly a few more attempts before the Jig is up. Lol~
                            Last edited by Gambeir; 10-11-2018, 07:02 PM.
                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • OK, well enough of this, let's talk about rocks Bugsfly. Round ones and what they say about our reality? I know you have some ideas on that so lets just discuss this a little bit shall we?
                              I have to take a power nap to recharge, but we can get in to this because I don't think these stones are just because people across the planet thought; "Oh hey, let's all carve some
                              big rocks in to round shapes like the moon, I think it was done knowing something we don't and I don't think that the global incidence of these stones is accidental. Now of course
                              one factor in these stones is their quartz crystals and another are other compounds with a crystalline composition, and of course we all know about the Tibetan Sound Levitation of stones.

                              A couple of quick toss in links for food.
                              Tibetan Sound Levitation Of Large Stones
                              Mega Geometry: Tibetan Monks and the Geometry of Levitating Stones

                              Last edited by Gambeir; 10-11-2018, 09:02 PM.
                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • At first the idea of grinding stones seemed a bit crazy, yet there was sense to it, and then there was the fact that they were stones, and of course I had been toying with the stories about levitating stones, and then I stumbled in to the video of the guy showing how to magnetize two rocks. Out of the blue comes Bugsfly's stone grinders. Well the way Universe works is to send us emails and most times we are just so mind controlled we can't see what the message is, and that's if we even realize that we've just gotten an email from Universe. Well this stone grinder business was clearly an email but what was it trying to tell me?

                                Now naturally my first thoughts about the giant stones is that they were made to levitate, and of course I thought of the normal things like horns, drums, humming tones, stamping feet and dancing to high pitched wails. None of these seemed likely, and then I found the video on the guy magnetizing stones by circling it with another stone. Ok so now we have an Alexey rotating magnetic field to play with around the giant ancient stones, so there's now more besides dancing suggestively while pulling on our hair ect, ect. So then I thought well the ancients might have known that rolling rocks around rocks could perhaps magnetize the stones and then the vibrations of the singing, humming, ect might also then play a role, but ya know there's one idea I hadn't considered and that was grinding stones. Put it all together and you now have a slightly more plausible story to tell about how to go about making giant round stones levitate.

                                I want to point something out about the Alexey Machine and that is it's using a Tesla coil, and Tesla Coils make hypersonic sounds we can't hear, and so do you think that maybe all those grinding stones supposed used to grind corn or whatever might just have another purpose? Have you seen some of those grinding bowls with their coarse surfaces? Suppose those were instead being used to transmit energy waves. Doesn't it make sense that doing that would induce a sympathetic response in another object?

                                Now with the Alexey we have these sonic sound devices, and then we have this other sound device which we haven't been paying attention to that comes out of the high frequency fields, and so now we have a High Voltage AC plate which is probably making hypersonic sound waves in addition to whatever else it may be doing. The more I think about it the less I'm convinced that a typical traditional explanation will explain the phenomena of the Alexey. Stone grinding on stone which has these crystalline formations and piezo electric qualities and so what else is it doing?

                                The Aether energy field is the counter spacial, which creates by way of disturbances in it's field the products of magnetism, electricty, light, sound, and gravity.
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 10-12-2018, 07:47 AM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

