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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • #91
    SIMPLE EM Gravitational Craft via Joe Newman


    Please excuse my absence the past month or so on this thread, work has been very demanding lately. I have been following the posts and LOVING all the info, THANK YOU & ALL WHO HAVE BEEN CONTRIBUTING. There is truly a wealth of knowledge here already and I know we're all on the crux of about to be experimenting YAY!!!

    Last week it hit me that I should share this section of a Joe Newman video that I had seen a long time ago and I recall him explaining how he made a SIMPLE em craft.

    Helium Balloon, 30ga copper wire wrapped around the outside of the balloon until it has weighted the helium balloon to the floor, then punch in a 250V battery and it will rise, switch polarities on the battery and cables it will then turn 180*, pulse the battery into the coil and it hovers, disconnect battery and it falls to the ground.

    This is a very simple experiment anyone can do and I plan on doing it once I get enough 9V batteries to run them all in series.

    The section in the video links below describing this is from 26:00 - 34:00 minutes into the video.

    For those of you who prefer to use Startpage Videos and not YT, search:
    "New Energy Series: Joseph Newman 3/5"

    Otherwise, here's the YT Link:

    "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


    • #92

      @ Gambeir, just a comment, I believe you're going way out into left field on this one. Stay simple. Look @ the drawing. There are three principles in use for the operation of this device, the disc/large coil interaction, the central tube, and the caps. I believe there are some objects that you can't see in the drawing due to its perspective that give away the operation of the disk/large coil and if you've been into ufo/free energy research you've come across a website that explains its operation in detail. The best method for construction of the caps is on a site that you recently posted a picture from and is currently under patent. The operation of the central column i'm not really sure about, but i believe its a conductive path that also serves as a counterbalance.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
        I am testing the magnet spin lift by toppling the field axis end over end with a diametric tube magnet glued sideways to the axle of a synchronous wash tube pump motor; As Jerry Bayles does with his axial polarized disc. The field spirals outward along the "A" vector.

        The "A" vector in this schematic below, is in the center of the poles along the axis of symmetry. The schematic makes it clear that the "A" vector is the portion of the magnetic field that is PROJECTING AWAY from the source!
        Thanks, I reviewed the thread yesterday and saw you had explained that.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • #94
          Originally posted by phoneboy View Post
          @ Gambeir, just a comment, I believe you're going way out into left field on this one. Stay simple. Look @ the drawing. There are three principles in use for the operation of this device, the disc/large coil interaction, the central tube, and the caps. I believe there are some objects that you can't see in the drawing due to its perspective that give away the operation of the disk/large coil and if you've been into ufo/free energy research you've come across a website that explains its operation in detail. The best method for construction of the caps is on a site that you recently posted a picture from and is currently under patent. The operation of the central column i'm not really sure about, but i believe its a conductive path that also serves as a counterbalance.
          Sorry, ya should know my nature is to wander all over and then come back. Yes, in some respects you're probably correct. The issue seems to be that we/I don't yet understand the dynamics of what's taking place. I'm still guessing and not yet testing, but take the central column as the first problem. It took me a long time to realize the connection it must have to vortex's, that it was a sort of tornado like device. Now back on the first page I was sure it was this tornado in a tube thingy which was creating a Townsend discharge and liberating energy. The problem for me is that doesn't match what the abductees have described. They have described a silvery grey material flowing in a clear tube in twisting counter rotating spirals. I hadn't thought about a magnetic ferrofluid and so looking at it now I have to think this is the material, and so now what's it doing, how is it being utilized? Is it generating power? See it's not that simple to know because we don't have anything I know of that mimics that kind of machine in any way except pumps. Typically very high pressure pumps utilize that kind of intermeshing twisting. So, the central column is still is bit mysterious but it's not a nuclear power plant. It's something else. It's not something which we are familiar with if we go off the abductees reports of what it looks like and that's what I am going off of. It's pretty much all there is to go off of.

          I have this gut level feeling that there's more to it and that it involves magnetics, that the most likely material inside is a magnetic ferrofluid. It's interesting because the base of the column sits inside a shallow well where the witnesses describe another smaller ring surrounding it that could be thought of as a bearing, but it's likely a magnet and there's probably another at the top and both are spinning in opposition with opposing poles. It's doing something. It's creating counterspace. It's creating a magnetic vortex. It's like a mechanical analog version of the coils that Allen posted, or of the ideas presented in the St. Clair Patents. I don't believe it's any conventional instrument/machine. I think those St. Clair Patents, and the dissimilar sized donut coils that eject the nail instead of acting like solenoids are the closest things we have that suggest to us it's behaving in a similar way. See, if that's what's going on then maybe the capacitor material isn't as critical depending on what you're trying to accomplish. Like are you just trying to lift a tank, or do you intend to go to Mars in the next 30 minutes. It's that kind of difference.

          What I explained about the levitation effects in carbon are the actual technical explanation for why these materials levitate and why one is better than the other. Although I have to say that nowhere did I find anyone whom was saying what I suggested about the electron clouds moment of force producing an inertial moment of force that results in levitation. Instead all I found was speculation that a quantum effect was taking place. So you decide I guess, but regardless it does happen; one if by magic, or two if by electron theory. No one seems to know which. So anyways, since these pyrolytic materials are artificials we can be pretty sure that didn't come about by chance, but if the electron theory is right then it's the bonding of the lattices which produces the pathways that the electron clouds take, and that then produces orbitals patterns of the electron clouds, which then create a moment of force if they are set in the right patterns, and only if they are in the right patterns. That is, these artificials do produce an inertial moment of force when placed in a magnetic field that results in lift because the electron clouds orbitals do contain a moment of force, and if arranged properly they produce an inertial moment of force. That's what you're seeing when you place a waffer of pyrolytic carbon on top of a neo-magnet. Notice there's no power involved in producing this affect.

          As near as I can determine, it appears that the cause of the levitation is induced by an unbalanced electron cloud which is the product of overlapping orbitals of planes brought on by bonding of the lattice structure, and which is shared in the both the pyrolytic carbon and the pyrolytic graphite as well as quartz. So there is a connection to precise shapes of crystalline lattice formations made up by the bonding and the end result is the production of levitation. I don't know any other way to explain it, and the use of the word quantum effect is nothing more than saying it's magic.

          Well, it's not magic, it's got be working off of physics, and given my limited expertise in that subject this is the best explanation I can do to explain what takes place. So now we know that pyrolytic carbon levitates better or sometimes where pyrolytic lead/graphite won't, and the reason is because the connections/bonds in the lattice structure of the carbon are in stratified layers, and these layers are insulated from those above and below, whereas in the pyrolytic graphite it's interconnected. In other words, when these connections are not insulated in stratified layers there's a loop back, and going round through the materials, and so there's some counter force produced. The best material is stratified in sheets of single atoms of carbon isolated/insulated from those above and below. A capacitor for all practical purposes. A gravity capacitor. Recall here that the first gravitator of T. Townsend Brown used lead, so there's the answer for the reason why he used lead, because otherwise lead would seem a most unlikely material to choose if one were going to try to counter gravity. See, ultimately I think you're right. I'm just trying to explain what's happening. I mean maybe even Allens' idea of high pressure air bottles running up the central columns magnetic vortex is about all it takes to get the thing up and floating.

          Remember here...I barely know what an inertial moment of force is....but you get the gist I hope.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 08-03-2017, 03:56 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • #95
            Originally posted by ET-Power View Post

            Please excuse my absence the past month or so on this thread, work has been very demanding lately. I have been following the posts and LOVING all the info, THANK YOU & ALL WHO HAVE BEEN CONTRIBUTING. There is truly a wealth of knowledge here already and I know we're all on the crux of about to be experimenting YAY!!!

            Last week it hit me that I should share this section of a Joe Newman video that I had seen a long time ago and I recall him explaining how he made a SIMPLE em craft.

            Helium Balloon, 30ga copper wire wrapped around the outside of the balloon until it has weighted the helium balloon to the floor, then punch in a 250V battery and it will rise, switch polarities on the battery and cables it will then turn 180*, pulse the battery into the coil and it hovers, disconnect battery and it falls to the ground.

            This is a very simple experiment anyone can do and I plan on doing it once I get enough 9V batteries to run them all in series.

            The section in the video links below describing this is from 26:00 - 34:00 minutes into the video.

            For those of you who prefer to use Startpage Videos and not YT, search:
            "New Energy Series: Joseph Newman 3/5"

            Otherwise, here's the YT Link:

            Thanks ET,

            Looks like your timing here is right on cue. Just listening to Joe now. This is some clear thinking. Probably some of the clearest thinking I've heard in a very long time: Says something in my opinion.
            Telling us there's something in the magnetic field that's already moving at the speed of light, and the conductor is able to deflect a part of that unknown energy to produce the subsequent reaction which
            is an electron moving at the speed of light. Love this analogy btw; "that's like saying I can take a fence post and touch a rock and that rock is gonna take off at the speed of light, and I know that ain't gonna occur."
            That's some pretty sound reasoning he gives in the first 6 minutes alone. I'm in complete agreement with Joe when he say's the energy in a magnetic field is a gyroscopic particle.
            Last edited by Gambeir; 08-03-2017, 04:49 PM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • #96
              Gyroscopic Particles & Electron Flow

              Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
              Thanks ET,

              Looks like your timing here is right on cue. Just listening to Joe now. This is some clear thinking. Probably some of the clearest thinking I've heard in a very long time: Says something in my opinion.
              Telling us there's something in the magnetic field that's already moving at the speed of light, and the conductor is able to deflect a part of that unknown energy to produce the subsequent reaction which
              is an electron moving at the speed of light. Love this analogy btw; "that's like saying I can take a fence post and touch a rock and that rock is gonna take off at the speed of light, and I know that ain't gonna occur."
              That's some pretty sound reasoning he gives in the first 6 minutes alone. I'm in complete agreement with Joe when he say's the energy in a magnetic field is a gyroscopic particle.

              Yes, I too have always loved Joe's sound logic and reasoning, it's one of the many reasons he was such a great man and wonderful inventor with a genuine heart. He was incorruptible!!!

              I too agree in the concept of the gyroscopic particle. I've read much of Joe's work and agree with nearly all of it. Joe was in the US Air Force so it's interesting that after his many years of research that he would land on a theory related to a gyroscope. Makes complete sense to me and I have always seen the Earth and other celestial bodies (other than the Moon) operate in this capacity. THE ANSWERS ARE IN NATURE

              However, I do not believe in E=MC²
              Not that my opinion matters, or that I am an "expert," solely off of intuition and historical research. Einstein was brilliant but he was compromised and sold out to the powers that be so for that I have little to no respect for him. Both Professor Eric P. Dollard and Professor John Bedini (God Bless Them Both) are very adamant that Einstein was tasked with swaying the research in physics and electrical theory away from Aether, Tesla, Steinmetz, etc. There are others that assert this claim as well.

              ***Moreover, I do not believe in electrons or energy particles traveling at the speed of light - I believe that they are instantaneous or more appropriately, omnipresent. Check out the video below at around 28:00 - 30:00, I believe we're working with Longitudinal Waves. They give a great example with the jump rope of how to visualize this.***

              Although Professor Bedini did not use the term gyroscopic particles, his Lab Notes of how he sees magnetic fields are in a similar fashion, you'll enjoy these Gambier
              January 1991 lab notes, a.png

              January 1991 lab notes, b.png

              January 1991 lab notes, c.png

              In regards to electron theory, listen to what Professor Eric P. Dollard has to say about that:

              44:50 to 46:50, THERE IS A LOT OF GREAT STUFF throughout this entire lecture from both Professor EPD and Chris Carson. Chris Carson was slowly killed off by an induced brain tumor and it did kill him.

              "Electrons have nothing to do with the flow of electricity. Electrons are the rate at which electricity is destroyed. Electrons are the resistance. The waveform of electron flow is the same waveform produced when you slam on the brakes and you hear that horrible screeching sound. It's not a nice harmonic sine wave. It's a very bitter horrible sound of energy dissipation and material flying everywhere. Electricity flows in the space between the wires, this has always been known my electrical engineers."
              -Professor Eric P. Dollard

              Search on Startpage Videos: "Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson"

              OR see below


              I know what Joe presented isn't exactly what you're going after, but it is an EM Craft and has the ability to do massive work and it is a very simple design that we could get started experimenting with shortly upon securement of many batteries, cable, helium, and balloons. It seems it would be easy to scale up to a larger 6' diameter crafts and that could EASILY propel the weight of one many (likely more), then all one would need is a proper (highly efficient) motor with large blade fans. There should be VERY LITTLE resistance in propelling this craft through the air. Granted, in it's original design it will not travel interdimensionally or otherwise, but all one would need to do is have counter rotating magnetic fields now you're getting into some really trippy stuff, especially because the EM levitation is already worked out with the helium, cable, and high voltage.
              Last edited by ET-Power; 08-03-2017, 07:09 PM. Reason: typo + addition of speed of light
              "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


              • #97
                Originally posted by phoneboy View Post
                @ Gambeir, just a comment, I believe you're going way out into left field on this one. Stay simple. Look @ the drawing. There are three principles in use for the operation of this device, the disc/large coil interaction, the central tube, and the caps. I believe there are some objects that you can't see in the drawing due to its perspective that give away the operation of the disk/large coil and if you've been into ufo/free energy research you've come across a website that explains its operation in detail. The best method for construction of the caps is on a site that you recently posted a picture from and is currently under patent. The operation of the central column i'm not really sure about, but i believe its a conductive path that also serves as a counterbalance.
                Phoneboy, thanks for speaking up and saying how you feel. It's now been a couple days and I've gotten to digest this more. I think I gather what rubbed you wrong: That the idea of a working hoverboard seems too far fetched? Is that what it is? Where I'm at on this is speculative: That there's connections from our modern material like pyrolytic graphite that link back to the original material, which supposedly is herkimer quartz, but of course a diamond is pure carbon and quartz is a silica. Do I know what the connections are? No I don't. My premise is that they do exist. Probably when I do make the connection, or find the information, I will be once again find myself laughably once more playing the fool as it will be so obvious, or obviously wrong more likely, once it is recognized or discovered by others. Universe has a perverted pleasure in making me the butt of it's jokes. A fact I have to live with. Small payment for my crimes I suppose. I'm sure that my explanation for how things work are quite laughable, but ultimately it isn't important whether I'm explaining things correctly, rather it is more important that what I'm bumbling around with causes people to look at the connections and draw their own conclusions. The idea here is there's just got to be a connection between how and why the original material was used in the ARV and what we now have today.

                Think of the logical reasoning here by referring back to my previous explanations about how it's easier to explain how a Cessna works than it is to explain how a Wright Brothers flyer works. A Cessna has a hinged cutout called an aileron, and a Wright Flyer used wing warping control. Nobody in their right mind uses wing warping and not many continued to try after it was realized a simple hinge would produce the same result. Today aviation isn't even considering hinges any longer. They are looking at plasma control surfaces.

                Wikipedia has this to say about quartz; "Quartz is a mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms in a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon–oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO2." - "Quartz crystals are chiral, and exist in two forms, the normal α-quartz and the high-temperature β-quartz."

                The important part out of this seems to be that quartz has the property of chirality.
                "Chirality /kaɪˈrælɪtiː/ is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science."
                Last edited by Gambeir; 08-04-2017, 04:14 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • #98
                  Originally posted by ET-Power View Post

                  Yes, I too have always loved Joe's sound logic and reasoning, it's one of the many reasons he was such a great man and wonderful inventor with a genuine heart. He was incorruptible!!!

                  I too agree in the concept of the gyroscopic particle. I've read much of Joe's work and agree with nearly all of it. Joe was in the US Air Force so it's interesting that after his many years of research that he would land on a theory related to a gyroscope. Makes complete sense to me and I have always seen the Earth and other celestial bodies (other than the Moon) operate in this capacity. THE ANSWERS ARE IN NATURE

                  However, I do not believe in E=MC²
                  Not that my opinion matters, or that I am an "expert," solely off of intuition and historical research. Einstein was brilliant but he was compromised and sold out to the powers that be so for that I have little to no respect for him. Both Professor Eric P. Dollard and Professor John Bedini (God Bless Them Both) are very adamant that Einstein was tasked with swaying the research in physics and electrical theory away from Aether, Tesla, Steinmetz, etc. There are others that assert this claim as well.

                  ***Moreover, I do not believe in electrons or energy particles traveling at the speed of light - I believe that they are instantaneous or more appropriately, omnipresent. Check out the video below at around 28:00 - 30:00, I believe we're working with Longitudinal Waves. They give a great example with the jump rope of how to visualize this.***

                  Although Professor Bedini did not use the term gyroscopic particles, his Lab Notes of how he sees magnetic fields are in a similar fashion, you'll enjoy these Gambier



                  In regards to electron theory, listen to what Professor Eric P. Dollard has to say about that:

                  44:50 to 46:50, THERE IS A LOT OF GREAT STUFF throughout this entire lecture from both Professor EPD and Chris Carson. Chris Carson was slowly killed off by an induced brain tumor and it did kill him.

                  "Electrons have nothing to do with the flow of electricity. Electrons are the rate at which electricity is destroyed. Electrons are the resistance. The waveform of electron flow is the same waveform produced when you slam on the brakes and you hear that horrible screeching sound. It's not a nice harmonic sine wave. It's a very bitter horrible sound of energy dissipation and material flying everywhere. Electricity flows in the space between the wires, this has always been known my electrical engineers."
                  -Professor Eric P. Dollard

                  Search on Startpage Videos: "Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson"

                  OR see below


                  I know what Joe presented isn't exactly what you're going after, but it is an EM Craft and has the ability to do massive work and it is a very simple design that we could get started experimenting with shortly upon securement of many batteries, cable, helium, and balloons. It seems it would be easy to scale up to a larger 6' diameter crafts and that could EASILY propel the weight of one many (likely more), then all one would need is a proper (highly efficient) motor with large blade fans. There should be VERY LITTLE resistance in propelling this craft through the air. Granted, in it's original design it will not travel interdimensionally or otherwise, but all one would need to do is have counter rotating magnetic fields now you're getting into some really trippy stuff, especially because the EM levitation is already worked out with the helium, cable, and high voltage.
                  Great post ET. I've got so much material to look at and read. Been neglecting this a bit. If only I had another 60 plus years to ding around like usual. What you posted is precisely on target: It's up to us people. Get off your butts and start moving towards a new horizon without the controlling influence of your masters.

                  This isn't just about the ARV at all. It's about re-evaluating what we are thinking and what we think we know. What technologically inclined people have been focused on has lead to a series of dead ends: Useless forms of energy using machines, antiquated flying machines, and mind inhibiting forms of education to supplement those already destructive avenues. Aviation has gone as far as it is ever going to go and whatever else it produces is utterly useless garbage. As helpful as producing wagons. Yet again I'm to believe that Boeing is making cutting edge machines for public consumption and for our military?

                  We are living in a dangerous illusion created for us. We have all the evidence and proofs needed to know this is true. Recently we lost Jim Marrs, and yet again not a single word from the criminals pretending to broadcast news about the passing of this great man, wrongly denigrated as a conspiracy theorist, and this whilst trying to keep his own nation free. We have been warned. The enemy inside the gates now resides in the living room. That's how bad it is.

                  There is another civilization. It's been there for a long time. It's fat, happy, powerful. It has these machines. It has technology we only think of as science fiction, but they have it for real. Where do you suppose they got it? They stole it, obviously, and now they tell you this stuff breaks laws, it's conspiracy theorists creations, it's crazy nonsense, but what else would a criminal say when caught In flagrante delicto.

                  There's only two ways that the situation is going to change. Either at the point of a bayonet or at the point that people abandon this absurd idea that their creativity should produce wealth and riches in digits instead of wealth and riches for their own lives and the lives that they leave behind for their own children. It's up to all of us to remake this world by abandoning the old value systems. Joe Newman, Jim Marrs, and legions of others have already blazed the paths to follow. We need only take the first steps. Your post ET is just one more proof, one more avenue, one more path: It's exactly what's needed.
                  Last edited by Gambeir; 08-04-2017, 05:25 PM.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • #99
                    Pyrolitic Graphite & Quartz


                    I knew Quartz was silica based, but had no idea it was oxygen molecules as well, VERY INTERESTING!!!

                    I can't believe in my many years of research I've never come across pyrolitic carbon and it's applications with magnets, OMG!!!! Thank you for this!!!

                    I'm sure you've seen these videos, but here's a few:



                    This one was unique:

                    Hoverboards are much more a reality with SIMPLE SCIENCE than I had thought...

                    AWESOME & THANKS GAMBIER!!!!
                    "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


                    • Originally posted by phoneboy View Post
                      @ Gambeir, just a comment, I believe you're going way out into left field on this one. Stay simple. Look @ the drawing. There are three principles in use for the operation of this device, the disc/large coil interaction, the central tube, and the caps. I believe there are some objects that you can't see in the drawing due to its perspective that give away the operation of the disk/large coil and if you've been into ufo/free energy research you've come across a website that explains its operation in detail. The best method for construction of the caps is on a site that you recently posted a picture from and is currently under patent. The operation of the central column i'm not really sure about, but i believe its a conductive path that also serves as a counterbalance.

                      What I will say is I've considered your criticism and I am in agreement with you. Whatever the supposed rationale theory of operation behind the levitation affect of pyrolytic materials, and which I tried to explain with orbiting electron clouds, well it's crap plain and simple. It's probably disinfo; looks more and more like it's constructed out of cheat notes stolen from Ken Wheelers writing and Ufopolitics research in an exploitive way to sound more plausible. In short, the more I think about it, the less impressed I am with it. It doesn't wash as a true explanation. I just wanted to let you know that I am now in agreement with you, and you're fundamentally right about the complexity issue being wrong headed.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 08-05-2017, 06:07 AM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • I'm reading Kens' book while trying to accomplish the daily missions I have to do. So I'm far from finished but am in full agreement with Ken.

                        My question right now is pretty simple; the drawing I did of the central column is based on what Mark McCandlish has drawn from his research into what Ufo Abductees reported seeing, and which is a clear tube with counter rotating spirals of a greyish metalic like fluid inside. This tube sits in kind sump which has coils around the walls that surround the column, and then there's a metalic donut ring, perhaps a rodin coil, which surrounds the base of the center column.

                        Now it seems pretty obvious to me that this is a magnetic ferrofluid. The fluid is being rotated, or perhaps more correctly it appears to me to be mimicking the guts of a magnet; by that I mean, it appears to be replicating the dielectric field inside the very core of a magnet, just like Ufopolitcs has repeatedly said is where the field originates.

                        So now isn't it obvious that this is replicating the internal dielectrics of a magnet? It sure looks like it to me. It also looks like a rodin type winding is being used which is creating an orbital/spiral helical form which is evidently without an internal structure and is self forming, which indicates that maybe this coil which surrounds the base of the column is acting like another solenoid, a larger one, which is then acting like the larger rodin coil which Allen had posted images of, and which together with the smaller coil acts to project a nail rather than to pull it in.

                        I mean it appears to me now that this thing is replicating the guts of a magnet and is projecting the dielectric into the capacitors.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 08-05-2017, 06:10 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Originally posted by ET-Power View Post

                          I knew Quartz was silica based, but had no idea it was oxygen molecules as well, VERY INTERESTING!!!

                          I can't believe in my many years of research I've never come across pyrolitic carbon and it's applications with magnets, OMG!!!! Thank you for this!!!

                          I'm sure you've seen these videos, but here's a few:
                          Nope, this dope hasn't seen anything. Thanks,
                          That light control demo there on that quality.

                          I like the second one because it shows the guy sanding the pyrolytic. Why is this you're asking? Well because think about it. He's sanding it down so that it's light enough for the neo magnets to lift. The magnets aren't powerful enough even as powerful as they are massed together like that. So now, if someone does this save the powdered pyrolytic material. Experiment with it. I think though that a person could just use graphite from a pencil and paper, but you could try some spray adhesive and sprinkle the dust on it and try that too.

                          But here's the thing to all this. I was thinking you could stack the paper laminating them together with varnish or diluted glue, but that won't avail you anything because the problem isn't with the material. The problem is in the power of the magnets, so the more I think about this problem, and the more I consider the center column of the ARV, what now appears is a straight forward solution to a power problem: that the center column is a magnetic supercharger pumping the dielectric into these capacitors or something like that

                          I tell ya we are all so screwed up that we can't even think straight any longer. Ya know first off I was thinking well spin the magnets, create a magnetic vortex, but that's wrong too.

                          Looks like phoneboy arrive at the right time is all I can say.

                          Nope, ya pay attention here to what Ufopolitics has shown us and what Ken wrote and bingo! What you do is to find a way to pump..yes, recall I mentioned pumps here...well you pump the dielectric field into the magnets. Supercharged magnets dudes and dudettes! Forget this supercooling mumbo jumbo. It's pure mechanical power generation....sort of...Egades! How blind have we all been? You cram air into an engine to supercharge it. You cram the dielectric into a magnet to supercharge it. It's along those lines. I can grock that idea. Why it's almost like lifting hood of my 41 dodge. Solid and tangible like the hunk of battle tested steel that it honestly is.

                          Thought's anyone?

                          PS: If this is what's going on it proves that they understood everything Ken wrote about a very long time ago.
                          In which case a Nazi Style book burning party of textbooks will be in order as dangerous mind polluting scribblings.

                          Originally posted by ET-Power View Post


                          This one was unique:

                          Hoverboards are much more a reality with SIMPLE SCIENCE than I had thought...

                          AWESOME & THANKS GAMBIER!!!!
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 08-05-2017, 06:55 AM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • In short, the center column of the ARV is a dielectric supercharger.

                            They took the understanding of the true magnetics, as shown by Ufopolitics and written about by Ken wheeler, and applied that to a rotational system which mimics the core of a magnet.
                            The design of the central column reflects a kind of geared machine such as an atmospheric supercharger, and applied that towards a means to pump/compress the dielectric into the capacitors.
                            This is precisely in line with what John Iwaszko say's is one way to increase the anti-gravitational effects of vacuum polarization in a quartz crystal.

                            It's like supercharging a magnet, or supercharging a dielectric field. If this is right it means superconduction in magnets is unnecessary to produce the necessary field strength for levitation.
                            It's a matter of pumping the dielectric into a quartz or other material such as the pyrolytic carbon. I've solicited a couple of members for their thoughts and hope others will freely speak their mind just as phoneboy did.

                            I now feel that the main secret to the ARV, and which cost Mark McCandlish so dearly and to whom I am indebted, has now finally been resolved.
                            Thank you all for your assistance already in this inquiry and in putting up with my anti-establishment rants.
                            Last edited by Gambeir; 08-05-2017, 03:59 PM.
                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • Hmmm....

                              L00k're scaring me. Am I getting through or not?

                              This! Spring 1999 Ithaca New York. Look at this crazy looking UFO.
                              Notice anything about it? Does ya see the center column of the ARV in this photo...I hope so...otherwise we are in trouble here.

                              When I saw this image the first time it totally perplexed me. Now however what it is showing me is a model of the ARV. See it.. now? This tells me that by the spring of 1999, there's someone of you people's out there in the wilds that grasped this thing and build a flying model of it! Hence, I am not the only crackpot. There's at least one other living somewhere's about the Ithaca NY area.

                              Read the article here on this image.
                              What Hillary Clinton Says About Aliens Is Totally Misguided – Phenomena: No Place Like Home

                              Now at the end of the video on vacuum polarization by John Iwaszko he lists six things which you can do to enhance the effects. One of which is to increase the dielectric permittivity (resistance to breakdown) in the quartz capacitor.

                              This center column is pulling in counter-space which is the dielectric field and injecting it into the capacitors.
                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • Forgive me for this one....but....sometimes the truth hurts.

                                Last edited by Gambeir; 08-06-2017, 06:54 PM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

