One of the biggest mysteries of 9/11: "toasted" cars up to nine blocks away from towers. Many cars had the engine compartment burned out and the engine blocks melted. Almost all cars have cast iron engine blocks (magnetic)
Only footage of first plane hitting North Tower (CENSORED by Youtube)
Many vehicles inexplicably overturned as well along with numerous other improbable or entirely unexplained forms of damage.
Strange Fires in Northern California
Examine the photo's for yourselves. Do these burned building make sense? Or do they make sense in another ways like financially similar to the questions raised about the Twin Towers?
Strange Fires in Northern California
California Fires

Santa Rosa McDonlds

Global Warming huh?
Obviously there was a fire along the boarder of the highway, but folks that's not uncommon and brush fires like that don't typically burn down buildings a half block away, not to mention how did the fire cross the highways in the first place, let alone if there even was a fire on the other side. Please, who are they kidding, a freaking freeway that's about a million times better than any fire break made by dozers in forest fires. You're not looking at nature here people.
This is why we have to get this figured out because rather obviously the people in control have no qualms about using this technology to whatever ends suits them.
Only footage of first plane hitting North Tower (CENSORED by Youtube)
Many vehicles inexplicably overturned as well along with numerous other improbable or entirely unexplained forms of damage.
Strange Fires in Northern California
Examine the photo's for yourselves. Do these burned building make sense? Or do they make sense in another ways like financially similar to the questions raised about the Twin Towers?
Strange Fires in Northern California
California Fires

Santa Rosa McDonlds

Global Warming huh?
Obviously there was a fire along the boarder of the highway, but folks that's not uncommon and brush fires like that don't typically burn down buildings a half block away, not to mention how did the fire cross the highways in the first place, let alone if there even was a fire on the other side. Please, who are they kidding, a freaking freeway that's about a million times better than any fire break made by dozers in forest fires. You're not looking at nature here people.
This is why we have to get this figured out because rather obviously the people in control have no qualms about using this technology to whatever ends suits them.
