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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
    been trying to send you a message for a while now, and seem to be totally blocked on the internet from doing so
    so here is yet another try.
    this was meant to be a PM last week, but being that I can finally post anything, guess I will try here

    the smith science is pretty clear about all this, and logic seems to match pretty well
    to get over gravity you have to make a time field , likely a shaped one
    just like regular gravity, you need the time field to be slower on one side of you than the other.
    now to make this field is not so straight forward
    you have 3 field forces, any 2 can make the 3rd assuming you get the format correct. for example, a car alternator converts spin and magnetic to electric (all at 90 degrees to each other)
    so how a time field is actually created is you need a magnetic field, a regular magnetic field. next you need to spin it (not with the field lines as it is not possible). physically spinning magnets works. lots of other physically spinning things should do it
    the asymmetrical capacitors do it partially by the magnetic field that is crated from the inrush of current when charging them (this is why the K factor and voltage matters so much, each of these factors increase the current needed to charge it)
    now if you want to do a virtual spinning it get harder.
    if you try switching the magnetic fields, the fields integrate, so you don't get a spinning magnetic field, just one that changes in magnitude in place.
    the way it is done is to take a regular magnetic field and then switch it with an electric field, this using of the electric field to move the magnetic prevents the fields from ingratiating. and that gets the magnetic field to spin (creating the time field).
    so the wires on the drone have to be high voltage that is switched in a spinning pattern. and it's magnetic field is just a big magnet in the main body, lots of ways they could have made the magnetic field, and not critical either.
    as to the cloaking,
    now the question of how do you choose what value of magnetic field to spinning speed. stronger or faster, either combination can get you the same lift. (someone had said that the aliens can cloak, but they don't like to because it makes the craft slower)
    my guess is that the faster the spin field the more interesting things get.
    when you exceed the speed of light on the outer rim, my guess is that is when the cloaking happens, my guess is that regular light can't get to you then. might be some other effect, but I bet that point something fun happens.
    I say all this because smith had an idea that he called unity, and it was half way between zero and infinity, he called unity a fulcrum that a few things depend on. and that got me thinking
    the ARV makes its magnetic field with a giant coil that is powered with a homopolar generator, and one that has its electrical output fed back to the magnetic coil it uses, this is one of the few things that can actually make an infinate magnetic field (with a finite amount of current, so it is possible to physically build it). so how many gauss is halfway to infinity ?
    now you can spin the disk to get the power, or you can spin the pickup contact on the outer rim of the disk, but I bet it is easier to spin the disk. either way, it is this mechanical energy of the spin that is put into the magnetic field.
    so once the electric energy is put into the capasitors and spins the magnetic field, the ARV gets its power by collecting electricity using magnetic coils that are labled oxygen tanks on the drawings (ther emay be oxygen inside tanks in the center of the coils as well)
    the coils get the power from the spinning magnetic field, so I suspect that this is how tesla figured it out, he was trying to figure out where the extra power in his coils came from.
    now the magnetic coil (labled antenna (because it is transmitting)) is smaller than the capacitors, and if you look at how the magnetic flux will spread out as it gets further from the coil, the larger size makes sense, it also shapes the time field to make the time field stronger over the top of the craft.
    this leaves the central core of the ARV as space to put the high voltage generator, the large vaccume picture tube (likely mucury vapor to deal wtih the power) sort of switch for the high voltage, and at the top end of it, the batteries to start it, voltage regulators to convert the power from the pickup coils to run everything and charge the batteries, any computers it needs, the motor for the spinning disk, control circitry, and whatever else hardware you need in there.

    the use of the expanded crystals is for the standard electrogravics for the steering control to be more effective (and also they are lighter).
    and the bismuth coated copper spheres (welded into flat sheets) are just to reduce weight of the metal in the capasitors
    a few leaked things show that they were trying to reduce the weight of pervious designs so that it would get off the ground, and this design clearly optimizes this weight savings

    after laying all this out, it is pretty clear that you don't need all the fancy weight savings or steering control to make extra power.
    might even be able to get away with doing it with physical spinning magnets

    does it make sense ?
    and by the way, I have seen the experiments you linked to, may have failed to mention that before
    Does it make sense? Let me explain what I understand so far: Wilbert Smith left us a methodological (scientific) process to use as a tool to examine the "Nature of Reality." He left us an unfinished but profound piece of work that is largely unrecognized. This so-called book; "The New Science," is unrefined by today's standards. The tool Wilbert Smith uses to define the concepts which form our reality he called the "Quadrature Concept." He doesn't show an illustration of the concept, nor does he explain it, instead you are left to figure out what it is by careful reading, then re-reading. He may have done this on purpose.

    It's taken quite a bit of careful reading to decipher what Smith is blathering about when he's tossing around this term of the "Quadrature Concept." So for those whom are planning on reading Wilbert Smith's book this "Quadrature Concept" is a way of visualizing creation. It is merely a line with another line perpedicular interesecting the first at 90 degrees. This forms a cross, which then has four parts, or a quadrature. This is what Smith means by the "Quadrature Concept." Once you got this idea in your head you can begin to read Smith's writings. Otherwise you're plagued with questions about what he's talking about. It's a big mistake that needs to be corrected with a notated edition.

    So the Quadrature Concept is just a visualization shaped like a cross. It has a horizontal line and a vertical line. Understand that alone would help greatly in reading Wilbert's writing. This cross then forms four Quadrants, obviously, and in each quadrant there are three concepts, forming 12 total concepts.

    In reading Smith's writings it becomes evident that the true understanding of what the representation of the cross defines is unknown. It isn't a religious icon, though it is that as well, for it cannot help but to become a religious icon, because the icon defines reality. The Iconography of the Cross is of course ancient with many forms repeating through time. You cannot help but feel or sense that Wilbert Smith stumbled upon a lost understanding that was encoded in the cross in the hopes that by religious faith this understanding would survive time.

    Wilbert Smith's own experimental work resulted in gravity control not replicated until the middle 1990's by Dr. Eugene Podkletnov. Smith had already shown that by spinning magnets on a wooden disc, a controllable and measured + or - 1% alteration in the gravitational weight was achieved in 1960, and this is where Eugene Podkletnov arrived once more in 1996, or some 36 years later!

    Wilbert Smith's work is clearly a visualization inspired by his personal beliefs, and in that there is almost certain be an understanding which has come down to us through time primarily as the holy cross, but by no means the only form of a cross. His writings, which were unfinished, could be refined and explained in a more comprehensible way in my opinion. Right now, the over-all concept forms a working hypothesis that may lead to a theory which can be applied as a working methodology to refine the nature of reality.

    I will say this though: It appears to me that Smith's work does form the basis for scientific thought processes which seem to underpin the science of officially denied technologies which this thread is all about. So Spacecase0 does what you've said make sense? It's too soon for me know, to completely agree, but yes, on the whole it does. I know enough about Smith to gather the gist, but I need to really study what he has left us. Right now I'm working my way through his writing. Nibbling bits at a time if you will. I hate to use the term biblical, but what he is saying requires a form of a bible study kind of thing.

    Lastly, I've debated about posting this video. It's a boys choir singing "Nella Fantasia." It is a song sung in Italian based on the theme "Gabriel's Oboe" from the film The Mission. However, Universe knows I'm thick as a brick and so, ever so oddly, I stumbled into this video. I don't think the message was accidental. With so many versions of this song why then is this one with wooden crosses and children popping in to my reality? The composer is one of my favorites, like Universe would know that right? So then this video pops in to my world and catches my attention, this happens when I'm all wrapped up in Wilbert Smith and his cross Quadrature business. Yet I'm questioning Smith's own Christian faith as a corruption to his reasoning ability while he was seeking answers about the nature of reality. I'm thinking that if Smith is right then the cross is an ancient encoded icon of a lost, corrupt, and willfully obscured understanding about the nature of reality. I guess Universe decided it needed to validate some of these thoughts.

    So anyways, I'm going to post this because this is what Universe does. Universe get's what it want's and what it seems to want right now is more awareness. It seems that is is quite done with the misapplication of power which is working against it's own desires, and so it's doing things now to actively end the existing paradigm that's ruling over us humans, for we are all consciousness of Universe, and the would be kings want un-consciousness to rule with. The powers that be have taken a path in opposition to the desires and aims of Universe. What could possibly go wrong huh? So anyways, for me it was all here, it's all here in this video is my point: 2,000 years of Christianity, past and future represented by the cross and by children, along with the Quadrature, and above it all, like an eagle soaring overhead is the music which is about a Utopian dream world we all seek.

    The music was written by Ennio Morricone. It's sung here by the Paris boys Wooden Cross Choir while in Korea. I've included the translated words.
    Ennio Morricone | Official website

    "Gabriel's Oboe" Nella Fantasia.

    In my fantasy I see a just world.
    Where everyone lives in peace and honesty.
    I dream of a place to live that is always free.
    Like the clouds that float.
    Full of humanity in the depth of the soul.
    In my fantasy I see a bright world.
    Where each night there is less darkness.
    I dream of souls that are always free.
    Like the clouds that float.
    In my fantasy exists a warm wind,
    that breathes into the city, like a friend.
    I dream of souls that are always free.
    Like the clouds that float.
    Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.

    Last edited by Gambeir; 02-13-2018, 03:51 AM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • To keep people following along here informed; I was able to contact John Iwaszko whom graciously replied to an email I sent asking if he could spare some time to look over the ideas presented in the thread.

      He also has a new website which has links to all his material.
      Posts – AurumSolis Technologies

      So that's it for the moment.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • I had never made the link between the cross and the Quadrature Concept...
        the second time I read about the Quadrature Concept I got it (I re read it immediately because I did not understand it the first time, and smith's book is not one were you skip something and have the rest mean anything),
        the Quadrature Concept is how a consciousness explores reality in order to make sense of it. (he even tells you this)
        the idea is how do you identify something new ?
        turns out something new has to be at 90 degrees to the last thing...
        after reading the first few dimensions I got how the pattern went (line, area, volume. most people have no issue with the first 3, the next past 3D space is movement, and movement is usually spinning, next is a divergent spin (think tornado movement), this is also known as electricity. the next 90 degrees is the curl effect of electricity = magnitism, and it just keeps going like that ...)
        had never occurred to me that others reading it did not understand the idea.


        • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
          I had never made the link between the cross and the Quadrature Concept...
          the second time I read about the Quadrature Concept I got it (I re read it immediately because I did not understand it the first time, and smith's book is not one were you skip something and have the rest mean anything),
          the Quadrature Concept is how a consciousness explores reality in order to make sense of it. (he even tells you this)
          the idea is how do you identify something new ?
          turns out something new has to be at 90 degrees to the last thing...
          after reading the first few dimensions I got how the pattern went (line, area, volume. most people have no issue with the first 3, the next past 3D space is movement, and movement is usually spinning, next is a divergent spin (think tornado movement), this is also known as electricity. the next 90 degrees is the curl effect of electricity = magnitism, and it just keeps going like that ...)
          had never occurred to me that others reading it did not understand the idea.
          I think Smith's concept of the Quadrature is derived from Quadratic equations but he never say's this specifically.

          It would have been helpful had he begun by explaining a mathematical foundation underpins his line of reasoning and to name it if that was the case. Otherwise he seems to be making great leaps in logic. You're probably not seeing this because of who you are. You have a foundation that enables you to see what he was talking about without having to think about it, and this is an education in mathematics.

          You have to understand that in my time even algebra wasn't taught in public schools. It wasn't a requirement, and even with what little attempts there were to communicate learning, it was done under impossible conditions. I was thrust from a small grade school into a junior high with over 2,000 students, with a math and science class of over a 150 kids in a giant room with three teachers, all wandering aimlessly about. The only thing I learned in the super max prison complex was self defense and hand to hand combat.

          You might find that hard to believe, but it's the raw truth, and besides that, I seriously doubt that most of the adults in the general population could have solved any algebraic equations in the 1960's. So math just wasn't there as an educational concern and what little was available couldn't be taught in an insane asylum because that's what public education was where I lived. It was an incredibly brutal and savage environment. William Golding didn't need to ship wreck a bunch of kids to write "Lord of the Flies." All he needed to do was have a school bus dropping them off at Sacajawea Junior High. Christ almighty what a hell hole that dump was. I'm not the least bit surprised that kids are today taking matters into their own hands since the adults are too stupid to recall the wonder years inside a super max.

          So anyways I digress, but mathematics has long claimed to be the language of God, so there's a connection between the concepts and this line of thinking about the voice and designs of the Almighty. Smith of course never put's anything in religious terms and only makes a few references to suggest they exist or may have served as inspiration in some way.

          Overall I understand what he's doing, but it wasn't obvious to begin with, and I just think it could be done better and more clearly. Of course we don't have Wilbert with us any longer. Anyone who really wants to use what Smith left is going to have work to get it. Hence my reference to a bible study kind of thing...snort
          Last edited by Gambeir; 02-16-2018, 07:39 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


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            Here's an update. Mr. Iwaszko graciously took time to bring some greater understanding forward. It now appears that despite the seeming plausible explanations for the ARV which I have previously contrived, there is a major problem, which is that evidently there is no vacuum polarization, at least not as conceived which provides an anti-gravity effect.

            Iwaszko's papers and his patent can downloaded a from the first link. You have to join to gain access to the papers and patent. Simple to do.
            John's patent cites two papers I've previously seen, both casting doubt on vacuum polarization as the causative effect for what has previously been called the Biefeld Brown Effect.

            Biefeld-Brown Effect: Misinterpretation of Corona Wind Phenomena

            Force on an Asymmetric Capacitor by Thomas B. Bahder and Chris Fazi

            (Deleted content)

            See the first link for John's Patent on "untethered ion propulsion aircraft" We now return back to the 1960's and dreams of commuting to work by ionocraft.
            Last edited by Gambeir; 02-21-2018, 10:09 AM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • So now it seems that there is reason to think that despite what I previously posted, and despite the other academic papers, there is are still unexplained behavior in Quartz. This means the so-called vacuum polarization, which may not exist, does not invalidate the existing hypothesis of how this machine works.

              Evidently the materials, which are specific in nature, do react to an electromagnetic field inexplicably. So now the revised understanding means that the hypothesis of vacuum polarization is probably inaccurate, if not voided, but this by itself does not void the physical experimental tests on real world materials. This only means we don't yet understand why a specific type quartz reacts as it does, so the hypothesis of why the material does what it does is invalidated, and which leaves us to re-evaluate what is taking place theoretically, whereas the factual operating principles remain unaffected in so far as what has been contrived here in this thread.

              This is a relief and it's the best I can do right now. Evidently materials are going to be critical and since we are not sure what is taking place we have limited knowledge.
              By we, I mean us little people, that is we have only the information leaked to us.
              Last edited by Gambeir; 02-21-2018, 10:22 AM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Anyone still interested in this thread should register and download John Iwaszko papers;

                Specifically you want to download this paper: "Meteorite/Tektite Identification Tests, introducing a new simple Magnetic susceptibility test & ordinal magnetic scale. Linking electromagnetism with optics and gravity"

                In this paper he discusses basic ideas surrounding the accretion of matter in space as related to Telsa's observation that gravity is a shadow, which will become more clear once you read the paper. It is unclear what precisely a quartz stone has as a quality that enables it to behave as it does when charged or uncharged, but it seems related to the lattice structure of the mineral, and the flow of energies through this arrangement; it's interenal crystalline formations which appear to be the key to their behavior. John discusses the magnetism and reflectivity of various rocks in his paper and shows you how to build a cool tool for doing your own magnetic measurement's on stones. Keeping in mind here that light is energy, and that polarized rays should pass electromagnetic energies through the geometrical lattice connections at the points where the materials lattice meets. Simple logic should say that polarized fields meeting at geometrical points produce a resultant action.
                The Quartz Page: Physical Properties

                So what I think John is suggesting, and which I'm conjecturing, is that polarized light rays interact with an accumulated charges in matter to produce a magnetic field. If the materials lattice structure is of a particular geometry and it's subjected to an electrical charge this then interacts with the atoms of the lattice structure and produces a resultant vector by disturbing the orbits. Rather than accept conventional explanations for why materials such as pyrolitic graphite responds to a laser light, one might suspect that the light passing over the carbon coveys it's polarized field through the lattices which reacts similarly, resulting in a thrust force or an attraction force: One or the other. Further, one might suspect that these materials have been engineered on the basis of an alternative understanding of their potential. One might suspect that the resultant of these actions, that is the interactions between energies moving through a specific geometrical pattern, which is the lattice structure, may then be producing a coherent field.

                This idea may be supported by some extremely complex and baffling work done by a woman calling herself "Idea Girl."

                See an image here of a hypothetical tetrahedron formation exposed to laser light. You will note that this pyramid like formation is a repeating theme. It's probably not by accident that is the case.

                This paper is on the ability of a pure quartz to transport Helium atoms in quartz. Which has to do with superfluidity and superconductivity.

                "Kalashnikov et al. (2003) argued that only metastable helium atoms in the triplet state are able to move through defect-free quartz crystalline lattice. These results are in conflict with the Funk et al. (1971)"

                This seems to suggest that the importance for helium transport could be aligned with this notion previously laid out about Kapitza's Spider and the Superfluidity of space. While the following paper was done to show the similarities between Heliums' states and superfluidity and superconductivity using the simplest model of BEC (Bose Einstein Condensate) and by using classical experiments such as Kapitza’s spider.

                The intro begins with this;
                "New approaches to the issue of superconductivity enable to treat Cooper pairs as bosons. In this meaning phase transition from the normal to the superconducting
                phase is treated as the Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC). Analogy between superconductivity and superfluidity is usually demonstrated with a 3 He phase transition to the superfluid state where the two fermions have to create a boson to undergo the phase transition. The simplest model can be illustrated with the classical experiments which show the low temperature behavior of 4 He. Presented experiments are a set of a few famous low temperature effects observed in 4 He: λ transition, fountain effect and Kapitza’s spider"
                Last edited by Gambeir; 02-23-2018, 08:02 AM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                  "New approaches to the issue of superconductivity enable to treat Cooper pairs as bosons. In this meaning phase transition from the normal to the superconducting
                  phase is treated as the Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC). Analogy between superconductivity and superfluidity is usually demonstrated with a 3 He phase transition to the superfluid state where the two fermions have to create a boson to undergo the phase transition.



                  • it seems as if the nature of reality is an issue with understanding the hardware
                    if I tell someone they need a magnetic field they seem to know what that is. they can buy a magnet at the store, so they think they understand them.
                    yet if I talk about a time field everyone seems totally lost.
                    so here is something that might help with the understanding

                    reality needs an observer. ( Quantum Weirdness Just Got Weirder: Reality Needs an Observer | Unknowncountry )
                    and there is a reason that reality needs an observer.
                    reality is an invention.
                    consciousness invented the idea of reality, and then started making realities to live in
                    just look at the dreams you have at night, you create your own custom reality. it is more fluid than the one you are in now, but they are fundamentally the same, physical constants change for various reasons. but the base workings are all the same.
                    having a reality that is shared with so many others changes things, and this place is shared with so many others.
                    the astral realms are also shared, but they are more fluid than here.
                    once you get the idea that reality is an invention of consciousness, it makes way more sense of all these new ideas.
                    so if we are trying to understand reality, you can figure out much of it by reinventing it yourself. and that is what smith's ideas are meant to show you.
                    edit: think of it like the invention of poetry, it has a set of rules, and it just was not around before someone came up with it.
                    Last edited by spacecase0; 02-26-2018, 05:35 PM.


                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      Kudos to you Alijhoa! I watched this film because being of Germanic descent it was a requirement.

                      So now I do recall the Helium 3 tower and making note of it, which I believe lead to find the info on Kapitsas' Spider, but ya know I'd forgotten all about it. Thanks for spotting that and bringing it here.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 02-28-2018, 12:47 AM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Fake Reality versus understanding Hardware...

                        Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                        it seems as if the nature of reality is an issue with understanding the hardware
                        Excellent post Spacecase!

                        Quite a while I did not read something like this...

                        Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                        if I tell someone they need a magnetic field they seem to know what that is. they can buy a magnet at the store, so they think they understand them...

                        ...yet if I talk about a time field everyone seems totally lost.
                        Beautifully explained!!, same way that "possessing" that magnet bought at the near store for the first time, makes some kind of FAKE REALITY (ILLUSION) which makes "THE NEW OWNER" believe he understands now "all about magnets"...and MAGNETIC FIELDS...

                        ..Then purchasing a CLOCK, (or even carrying one) could give an "illusion", a "make believe" that we all have "CONTROL OVER TIME"...furthermore, also believing they understand a "Time Field"...

                        Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                        so here is something that might help with the understanding

                        reality needs an observer. ( Quantum Weirdness Just Got Weirder: Reality Needs an Observer | Unknowncountry )
                        and there is a reason that reality needs an observer.
                        reality is an invention.
                        consciousness invented the idea of reality, and then started making realities to live in
                        just look at the dreams you have at night, you create your own custom reality. it is more fluid than the one you are in now, but they are fundamentally the same, physical constants change for various reasons. but the base workings are all the same.
                        having a reality that is shared with so many others changes things, and this place is shared with so many others.
                        the astral realms are also shared, but they are more fluid than here.
                        once you get the idea that reality is an invention of consciousness, it makes way more sense of all these new ideas.
                        so if we are trying to understand reality, you can figure out much of it by reinventing it yourself. and that is what smith's ideas are meant to show you.
                        edit: think of it like the invention of poetry, it has a set of rules, and it just was not around before someone came up with it.
                        I agree completely with all the above...We are all observers of our OWN Fake Reality.

                        Actually, the "Reality" that we are all living in due to the "purchasing" of that Magnetism Book in any store or in any classroom...which makes Us all believe we FULLY understand it...just as one example, paraphrasing yours.

                        They have make Us all swap our TRUE REALITY with concepts believed that belong to "Science Fiction"...or what some call "Fantasy Magnetism"...

                        When actually, we are all living in a created, "MAKE BELIEVE", FAKE REALITY, where we are ALL FORCED to DENY many TRUE REALITIES that according to this FAKE REALITY only exist in SCI-FI...

                        And so, we all keep assuring that Flying Saucer's, Motion Perpetual's Machines, Extra Terrestrial Higher Civilizations, Free Energy, etc,etc...ONLY BELONG TO SCI-FI...

                        And it seems we can not "EJECT", RESET FROM THESE FAKE the idea that the strongest machine ever built, capable to keep Us all "alive" and "moving, transporting" around the whole planet Earth...and so, if we ever want to keep surviving...


                        ...for all the Centuries to come...




                        EDIT: And I forgot to mention that the job done on faking all our reality has been the best and greater, ever work done by a "private group" to mankind for such long time...
                        They have gathered ALL Theories done for 200 years plus...and "make them all "fit", all "align", even if they must be "stretched out", cut, "compressed", restructured or "patched" here and there...and then some order to "comply" with their convenient agenda...
                        This job must be really admired, for the way it has been incredibly, neatly conceived, structured over such long period of time...even if it has been done for the destruction of our race and deserves a big time "applause"...bursting in an ovation...

                        Just because...we are all STILL "so well trapped" inside this fake reality...there seems no way out of it...
                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-01-2018, 02:35 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • fantasy magnetism

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          I agree completely with all the above...We are all observers of our OWN Fake Reality. ...
                          In your dreams.

                          But when you're conscious, and sane, you deal with real reality, like the rest of us.

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                          Actually, the "Reality" that we are all living in due to the "purchasing" of that Magnetism Book in any store or in any classroom...which makes Us all believe we FULLY understand it...just as one example, paraphrasing yours.

                          They have make Us all swap our TRUE REALITY with concepts believed that belong to "Science Fiction"...or what some call "Fantasy Magnetism"...
                          Originally posted by bistander View Post
                          You and Ken continue to promote fantasy magnetism. Show us something useful you can do with it.
                          Like my phrase I guess.

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          No, we all don't. Many of us hate the things. And did you ever notice that renewables are displacing many of the polution makers?

                          And again, I fail to see the relevance of fuel burning machines to magnetism or electric machinery.


                          Last edited by bistander; 03-01-2018, 08:08 PM. Reason: Typo


                          • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                            You and Ken continue to promote fantasy magnetism. Show us something useful you can do with it.
                            not sure who you were talking about when you quote yourself...
                            seen this ? here is something you can do with magnetism
                            Experiments: Experiment 10
                            I am going to try another version of this to test what is really going on for sure.
                            results will be posted to this thread when I have finished building it.


                            • Fantasy magnetism

                              Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                              not sure who you were talking about when you quote yourself...
                              seen this ? here is something you can do with magnetism
                              Experiments: Experiment 10
                              I am going to try another version of this to test what is really going on for sure.
                              results will be posted to this thread when I have finished building it.
                              Hi spacecase0,

                              If you click on the >icon after my handle (bistander) prior to the quote, it will take you to the source post for the context.

                              Thanks for the interesting link to the levitation experiment. The difference between that and what I referred to as fantasy magnetism is that was pretty much fully explained with conventional science and math. Fantasy magnetism is not. It simply says existing science and technology is worthless and proceeds to show swirling vortex colorful images which I see as interesting but worthless as a tool to do anything useful like converting energy or even information, the primary uses of magnetism in our society.




                              • Sorry folks, been preoccupied but I am glad to see input taking place. I'm not ignoring Spacecase0 who well knows I share many similar views. Time is innate to our reality because of the way it operates. It isn't, however, applied to convention in most instances in a logical form in my opinion. For example, when one is first introduced to the idea that magnetism produces results over time in an electric field, most are left asking what that means. Rarely is there the description that movement of a field is a flow of time, such that one can then grasp the idea that a moving magnetic field, moving being key, is the explanation for time in conventional theory.

                                This only leaves us understanding time as movement, and according to what I can grasp, the notion is that that when energy is at it's lowest state time stops. What exactly this translates into is probably something we would have to ask the dead, for they seem to be the ones most close to this state.
                                homepage WorldITC

                                I always liked Salvador Dali's work but I don't think I fully appreciated it until recently. So for that I am grateful to be reminded of the artist's whom can see and tell what science and math cannot make visual to the spatially oriented.

                                Now what's this all about?

                                Originally posted by bistander View Post
                                You and Ken continue to promote fantasy magnetism. Show us something useful you can do with it.
                                I don't know why this is an issue for you bistander. I, being a newbee here, do not understand the venom. I've looked at Ken Wheelers book, and I know others I communicate with have as well. The visual evidence alone shows the magnetic field is orbital in shape. All visual cues strongly suggest an orbital pattern. All other understanding logically supports the idea in my opinion.

                                I am an investigator and and someone who measures truth by logic and by reality of physical observation and demonstrated physical proofs. I do not subscribe to the notion that mathematics can prove anything other how to solve a numerical equation correctly. It isn't evidence of anything other than that. It only becomes evidentiary when it can prove an observed fact, but even here, when one mathematical proof exists, this does not, and cannot refute another mathematical proof which contradicts the former simply because one existed before another.

                                Two proofs may exist simultaneously with two opposing hypothesis. So we must understand that all knowledge is fluid, all truths are theories because all knowledge is fluid, and all mathematical proofs are subject to revision as a result. Now maybe there is no mathematical proofs to Ken Wheelers work, but that doesn't mean there won't be, and it's not important to me personally because the evidence is manifest. It is prima facie evidence.

                                A mathematical equation is no proof of reality and cannot ever be one since it is itself a fictional construct of the mind. Humans do not decide what is true on fictional constructs like mathematical equations. They decide what's real in a court of law where falsehoods can be unmasked as fictional inventions, and wherein mathematics has more than once played a role in deceit through the course of human history. No right minded prosecutor would ever employ mathematical constructs as evidence of truth all by themselves. It is a predictor based on past behavior and nothing more. It is not evidence foretelling future behavior of the unknown, it is only capable of making a forecast of behavior based on the past. It is not a crystal ball foretelling the future. That is an error.

                                Mathematics is just like any other piece of evidence and it is far from being incorruptible because it is only a tool, and above all else it is a fictional construct, one which may be invented to support another fiction, and which is the situation that has now lead to the last 100 years of non-scientific science practicing mental masturbation so profoundly perverted that almost no one can now understand, and which has also not solved gravity nor produced anything of value to anyone, yet again this so called science of mathematics has sucked up vast amounts of capital, and for apparently no gain by anyone other than those now practicing such perversity in bastions like CERN whom claim they are unlocking the secrets of the Universe.

                                Well if that's the case why am I now 60 plus years old and still traveling on around in a damned airplane that broke ground over 80 years ago, and why am I still in a car that has been around for over a hundred years now? I got one in my own driveway that's now 77 years old I'm thinking about donating to the Museum of Flying Idiots down at the Lazy B. Hell, I know they want it because it will look good sitting next to the F4U Corsair, or towing a B0EING B-17 out on to the tarmac.

                                Yet again, I'm to believe that you're right and Ufopolitics and Ken are kooks? This when I step out the damned front door of my own house and see a back triangle sitting motionless not more than 600 feet above the tree in my own yard before zipping off and covering 10 miles or more in under one second, which is mach 48 BTW, and yet again we understand what magnetism is huh?

                                Do you realize how absurd that proposition sounds to someone like me? How absurd that sounds to everyone whose had the same experience? I'm living in the middle of fortress Washington Boeing State, surrounded by military bases, nuclear weapons, missiles, and ballistic submarines. So why not black triangles then too? I mean good lord how stupid do you think I am?

                                That's why I've posted what a level III civilization human would possess for travel, as opposed to our black triangles, because nobody is arriving here on this mud ball we call home from anywhere's else unless they have something even alot better than these antigravity ships the perverts at Boeing are using to spy on me taking a leak outside. Even a Mach 48 capable machine still isn't good enough to get here from anywhere outside of our own solar system, and who the hell would want to anyways unless they were wanted, which might explain a few things, but at any rate these machines are manifestly ours. They cannot be alien ships because they are simply still too primitive for the job. Let's keep a more open mind about what is going on around all of us, because the lies the system told me are the same lies they are now retelling kids today, it's just an updated George Jensen lie wrapped in a new brown paper bag adorned with mathematical equations saying; Thou shalt not question the Lord your God.

                                These sons-of- politicans have these ships and they have the understanding and we are all paying for this in time, money, with our lives, and our kids lives. We don't need to be upholding what we think we understand when it's manifestly obvious that it's wrong. People say to me, oh take a picture next time, well the heck with that idea. Next time, if I get another shot, it won't be with a camera. How's that for taking a shot? Perverts sitting over my house are probably the same ones over your own homes, probably stocking your kid would be my guess. Don't kid yourselves people. Anything this advanced has no business hiding behind the doors of national defense. The danger of these people holding this technology secret to themselves far outweighs any concern over national security in my opinion. We all better wake up before it's too late. Let's work together here, and whatever the truth, and whoever is right is meaningless if we all end up as slaves because we have been fooled by criminals who have gotten their hands on technology which is god like and which we ourselves do not have.

                                This is not an airplane, it is not a missile or a submarine, it is something which invalidates all existing forms of other war making machines. It can defeat all of them and it can enslave all of us. Make no mistake about that. We have already been told this in their movies. Just look at the film Oblivion to see what a robot exterminator really would be like. All research is being directed to this end. This is what AI is about in their end game plan. This is what robotics is all about. It isn't about helping us. When have these people ever helped anyone other than themselves? They live in the sky and your kids will be their slaves. We cannot allow this to happen.

                                Who are these people you ask?
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 03-02-2018, 06:26 PM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

