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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Thanks SO MUCH Sinergicus for all this info, I particularly find it fascinating!!!

    Still reading the book...have not gotten to the Motor part yet...

    But based on the way the polarity is set on that seems almost impossible to make it with the basic coil winding magnetization procedures...
    I have been working in my head a way to do is COMPLETELY ASYMMETRICAL!!

    And we all know that polarity in magnetic fields ALWAYS look for SYMMETRICAL STABILITY related to the FERROMAGNETIC MASS where is set.

    I have been thinking it could also be done in two parts...

    I will make a drawing and send it to the Chinese Manufacturers...if they can not make it...well...then we will have to figure it out ourselves.

    I see Howard himself was selling this small motor...

    I just hope He did not have a tragic and mysterious death on his early stage in life...


    You are welcome Ufopolitics.... someone else have another opinion about polarisation of spining magnet is a picture with polarization suggested : ..we should try this also ...


    • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
      You are welcome Ufopolitics.... someone else have another opinion about polarisation of spining magnet is a picture with polarization suggested : ..we should try this also ...
      "One of my latest experiments involved a thing people have called impossible—a "one-pole magnet." The minute someone says some*thing is impossible, I am presented with a challenge, as I was in this case.

      Does a magnet with only one pole refute Newton's third law of mo*tion, which states that every force or every action produces an equal or opposite reaction? Whether or not it does, many witnesses saw me demonstrate the "one-pole magnet" during a recent lecture, sponsored by Dr. Alfred Smith of The Space Seekers Society in Philadelphia."

      Interesting because this all seems to have to do with Merger gathering a significant insight to the potential properties of a magnetic monopole. Here's rex research pdf of Merger's plans for his motor BTW.

      Your Image

      Google Patent Search for Dysprosium Titanate Crystal * Note; you can just type in what you're looking for in the search box to look for other things.
      a single crystal of Dysprosium Titanate

      Nokia Bell Labs: date 1959-10-29
      Barium titanate single crystals

      So for a long time people have been searching for a magnetic monopole as predicted by Paul Dirac in the 1930's.

      The long story short here is the general conclusion is that monopoles exist by way single crystals of certain elements. See the attached papers.

      The implication I'm taking out of all this, so far, is that this idea of polarized universes is one where we live in one pole and there is another side out of which the other pole comes from via a tunnel. What is glibly referred to as a quantum tunnel (meaning minute/tiny) and here is the reason for the reference to Falaco Solitrons in pools of water as a visual aid to understanding this transfer of matter from one Universe to another. That one being our Universe, or our reality.

      Now the dividing line between the two might be seen as a bloch wall, or a diamagnetic field, and which is at a right angle perpendicular to the magnetic flow. I say this because if you look at the Schappeller Device I believe you're actually looking a qudrature of energetic fields, and which I also believe may have a diamagnetic plate running through the middle as well, still studying this device.

      In the Schappeller Device there appears to be a quadrature of magnetic fields with N/S with a space between the next N/S and then flowing around the middle of each field is evidently a diamagnetic field conductor, and again with both magnetic fields. So now I believe this is getting into the ideas of Wilbert Smith's regarding energetic forces of quadrature fields of energy and how these fields can create a so~called tensor field which modifies the surrounding topology, or space, and this is something Smith speculated on regarding certain areas where aircraft had been lost more routinely than in other areas, as well as with how Ufo's operate.

      I'm just sure I've got this all botched up so don't rely on any of it. Spacecase0 or Ufopolitics might find there needs to be some corrections.

      Now if we go way back in this inquiry then what is emerging is this evolving understanding about electrical charge propulsion, and with the idea that after Townsend Brown's work there comes a realization that crystals originally were seen to produce a so~called vacuum polarization: A supposed case where powerful built up charges existed on either side of a supposed dielectric field and whereupon, at some point of energetic charge, there was a breakdown in the dielectric causing a motive force in the positive direction.

      With this notion of a quantum sea of energy, with quanta popping in to and out of existence, and with Paul Dirac's prediction, then the understanding has dawned that magnetic monopoles must be coming from the other side of a quantum field of energy. I think I have the gist of that about right. Not really sure, but that's my vision of the whole mess. At any rate, so at some point someone realized that there's a correlation between crystals and their molecular structure, and that somehow there was some kind of relationship going on that wasn't understood. So finally what appears to have happened is that it was theorized that temporary magnetic monopoles were being formed, and so vacuum polarization may not actually be what everyone had supposed it was. However, the driving force of the monopole field was still basically a one shot deal, same as it ever was, where once the breakdown occurred then the crystal had to be recharged to another point of breakdown, which of course is going to generate a lot of heat and so it's problematic. Thus the drive is now to make material which will itself create a monopolar field at the molecular level, which has been done but with numerous complexities.

      So now one version of reality out of all this is that the obvious implication is that we live in a monopole universe ourselves. I would say that sort of notion is one which might be drawn from John St. Clair's patents. *I personally kind of like this notion but have no real idea if it's at all accurate.

      This version of reality might then logically imply that the wall which divides us from another universe is akin to a bloch wall or a diamagnetic field: Something like that. So tiny wormholes might then allow the bleeding through to our reality which are, in fact, tiny quantum monopoles made up from the opposing polarity. Thus, a means to cause propulsion by magnetic attraction would exist if this is accurate, and this seems to be one of the primary ideas behind John St. Clair's patents.

      Keep in mind this is just one version of how reality might work magnetic wise.

      However whatever monopoles which may exist elsewhere are very tiny and composed of bits of so called quanta. The same bits supposedly popping in to see if they can hook up with someone in hurry before fleeing back to their own universe. As a result, the idea now seems to be that a single crystal of the right material enables the formation of magnetic monopoles. Though why this happens is evidently not clear at all so far.
      Last edited by Gambeir; 08-24-2018, 10:00 AM.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
        You are welcome Ufopolitics.... someone else have another opinion about polarisation of spining magnet is a picture with polarization suggested : ..we should try this also ...
        Thanks again Sinergicus!

        I slightly disagree with the 3D color model...the horseshoe magnet IS NOT RIGID by three points as it shows...look again at original FULL PDF on Gambeir post...the U magnet has ONLY TWO AXIS, one VERTICAL plus just one horizontal, which have a return spring...therefore U magnet kind of SWINGS/SWIVELS/PIVOTS right-left on its VERTICAL axis and moving on a Horizontal plane.

        I assume this swings are due to the magnetic interactions with disc magnet...therefore, U Magnet opening must allow enough room to swing without touching disc magnet.

        If you notice on the color diagram, the U magnet's have two horizontal axis, which DEFINITIVELY would make it firmly not work this way!

        HOWEVER, I do agree with disc poles on color makes more sense, it seems Howard's draft was done by someone without magnetic poles distribution skills...or simply he "painted" pole letters on wrong areas...this makes disc to have two momentum of magnetic interactions...we have to test it to find out how it works.

        Furthermore IMHO, .I believe this small motor works based on a kind of "clock sync"...which means that the three brass balls alignment must be done based on the magnetic interaction between disc-U magnets.
        When two balls are on the front side (aligned with U mag), they will force shaft to spin down by gravity...and this physical momentum is USED to brake magnetic stabilization tendency...

        So, I wouldn't use a flywheel instead of the 3 balls at 120°...I have seen some doing it...and unless you counterbalance wheel to do the 3 balls will not work...besides being too heavy.


        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-24-2018, 12:51 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Opp's, I see Blink...blink...that Sinergicus had actually posted the link to the PDF from Rex Research previously. Sorry about that, maybe a little tired and ran right over that fact.

          A ceramic bearing would be a good idea for the horseshoe magnet and would give this swinging side to side a considerable improvement. This is a clever arrangement which could be improved on. It doesn't claim to be perpetual motion either, but it could be a good starting point to mess around with. I also agree with Ufopolitics that using a disk instead of the balancing ball arrangement would be easier to construct and as well as easier to balance and to balance more accurately.

          Two pieces of wood cut in to circles could form a vise to hold counterweights that could be finely tuned. It's much easier to balance a whole plate instead of three arms. Balancing RC Helicopter blades is a good place to go explore in this area of balancing spinning objects.

          To change this design I would look at a way of introducing diamagnetic material like pyrolitic carbon, or just plain old lead carbon lead from a pencil, so that these materials would move to act sympathetically with the polarized fields of the magnets. I'll have to think about this a little while but this is a mechanical design issue of how to best use known materials to create a result. I think there's quite a bit of room here for making some improvements; especially for mechanically inclined types. I look at this design from our perspective in time and think this is like 2/3rd's of a machine. It's missing the use of diamagnetic materials which could really alter the power of this design. You've got a three handled, three position gravity balancing wheel, and a two polar magnetic field, but where is the diamagnetic field in all this to complete the triad?

          The machine is relying on gravity acting on the brass balls to break the magnetic field of the joined magnets just after TDC (top dead center), and this is where the balls reach a specific point where gravity and their weight can accomplish this task, but at some point a propulsive effect from a diamagnetic material, or an interdiction of such a material might make a considerable improvement to the force this machine could generate, and so that it isn't just relying on gravity and dead falling weight for propulsion. The magnets become exhausted because they are forced to hold tension to a breaking point. To extend or improve on the machine requires a means to reduce or eliminate the tension on the magnetic fields so that they act more like off on switches instead of just being stuck in the on position until their fields are stretched to the breaking point.

          * Added this

          Not sure what I was thinking. This can't be right. This thing has got to be driving the wheel, not stopping it... What was I thinking. I did look to see if I could find a video of anyone who had built the machine but I didn't find any so far.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 08-25-2018, 08:45 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
            Thanks SO MUCH Sinergicus for all this info, I particularly find it fascinating!!!

            Still reading the book...have not gotten to the Motor part yet...

            But based on the way the polarity is set on that seems almost impossible to make it with the basic coil winding magnetization procedures...
            I have been working in my head a way to do is COMPLETELY ASYMMETRICAL!!

            And we all know that polarity in magnetic fields ALWAYS look for SYMMETRICAL STABILITY related to the FERROMAGNETIC MASS where is set.

            I have been thinking it could also be done in two parts...

            I will make a drawing and send it to the Chinese Manufacturers...if they can not make it...well...then we will have to figure it out ourselves.

            I see Howard himself was selling this small motor...

            I just hope He did not have a tragic and mysterious death on his early stage in life...


            something that you may not know,
            in the Edward Leedskalni experiments, he has you bend one end of a wire magnet at 90 degrees. now make a compass out of it, make 2 of them, a matched set, one for each pole.
            they will not point to the same direction. he says that this shows that the north and south pole of the earth are not on opposite ends of the earth.
            but it strikes me as a useful test setup for if you are going for monopoles or some version of separating them out


            • another tech about UFO-space craft

              Hi few years ago , I found a blog about some experiment that was made by an young malaysian physicist... he made research in anti gravity technology ...few years he tried to understand and replicate somehow grebennikov bug chitin anti gravity plate ..after that because the lack of succes he decided to research about how to obtain antigravity effect by magnetohydrodinamicaly (MHD) principles he succeed to do it on a small scale ... he made some videos with explanations about his MHD thruster and how to make rodin coils needed for that ... his videos are no more on you tube but I saved 2 of them (most important part ) when they still was online ,and I uploaded them on my channel ...

              So here is his blog ( that was not updated from 2014 ) the comments he give more details about his system....

              Now his videos :

              coil winding :
              Last edited by sinergicus; 08-25-2018, 03:40 PM.


              • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
                Hi few years ago , I found a blog about some experiment that was made by an young malaysian physicist... he made research in anti gravity technology ...few years he tried to understand and replicate somehow grebennikov bug chitin anti gravity plate ..after that because the lack of succes he decided to research about how to obtain antigravity effect by magnetohydrodinamicaly (MHD) principles he succeed to do it on a small scale ... he made some videos with explanations about his MHD thruster and how to make rodin coils needed for that ... his videos are no more on you tube but I saved 2 of them (most important part ) when they still was online ,and I uploaded them on my channel ...

                So here is his blog ( that was not updated from 2014 ) the comments he give more details about his system....

                Now his videos :

                coil winding :
                Great stuff. I just know I saw these video's before they disappeared. At the time I really couldn't appreciate them fully. Thank God you saved them.
                Must have hit a sore spot because I just tried to add a lengthy addition and got all jammed up.
                Last edited by Gambeir; 08-25-2018, 07:27 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • a little mention

                  Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                  Great stuff. I just know I saw these video's before they disappeared. At the time I really couldn't appreciate them fully. Thank God you saved them.
                  Must have hit a sore spot because I just tried to add a lengthy addition and got all jammed up.

                  The original clips have had copyrighted music imbeded ...probably because of that they was removed by you tube i removed the background copyrighted music and I tried to put a non copyrighted music all the length of the video clips but you tube editor didn,t gave me permission to do that ...advanced tools from you tube editor was removed in 2017 ( I don,t know why because was useful editing tools ) .... because of that , the clips have music at the beginning and after that go silent....


                  • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
                    The original clips have had copyrighted music imbeded ...probably because of that they was removed by you tube i removed the background copyrighted music and I tried to put a non copyrighted music all the length of the video clips but you tube editor didn,t gave me permission to do that ...advanced tools from you tube editor was removed in 2017 ( I don,t know why because was useful editing tools ) .... because of that , the clips have music at the beginning and after that go silent....
                    background music in videos make it very hard for me to watch them, especially when there is also voice I should be paying attention to
                    I have never figured out why people add music in the first place, can only assume that it does not distract others like it does me.


                    • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                      something that you may not know,
                      in the Edward Leedskalni experiments, he has you bend one end of a wire magnet at 90 degrees. now make a compass out of it, make 2 of them, a matched set, one for each pole.
                      they will not point to the same direction. he says that this shows that the north and south pole of the earth are not on opposite ends of the earth.
                      but it strikes me as a useful test setup for if you are going for monopoles or some version of separating them out
                      I can't recall that from Ed's book but I'll take your word for it. Here's something you may not have known: Magnetic food. Yes, magnetic and levitating, what could possibly be more practical?

                      Forgive me if I'm a little paranoid about eating foods that may have been "treated" to make them more lofty. Let alone eating at a table which is, in fact, a Bitter solenoid type magnet.
                      Francis Bitter invented this type of magnet in 1933. Typically these are either water cooled or supercooled. Super conduction was discovered in 1911 BTW. Supeconductive levitation was achieved in 1947.

                      Diamagnetically stabilized magnet levitation


                      OK, so this then lead me off to see if anyone has done their own home building of super powerful Bitter style electromagnet. I'm sure there must be but a quick search hasn't shown any so far, and so I'm posting what I have found so far. The most powerful magnetic fields are produced by pulsed Bitter Solenoid Magnets.

                      New Developments in High Magnetic Field Research *1961 by Francis Bitter.

                      Diamagnetic levitation. *Going to have to think about this one for while.
                      Ref: B.V. Jayawant, "Electromagnetic Levitation and Suspension Systems", Publishers: Edward Arnold, London, 1981.
                      "Oscillating Fields: an oscillating magnetic field will induce an alternating current in a conductor and thus generate a levitating force. A similar effect can be achieved with a suitably cut rotating disc. The Oscillating field is a way of making a diamagnetic of a conducting body. Due to a finite resistance, the induced changes in electron trajectories disappear after a short time but you can create a permanent screening current at the surface by applying an oscillating field and conducting bodies behave just like superconducting bodies."

                      Some useful info on Bitter electromagnets/solenoids

                      Typically these types of magnets are nested, one inside another, and you can see that along with some other somewhat helpful images in this pdf.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 09-01-2018, 02:44 AM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • "an oscillating magnetic field will induce an alternating current in a conductor and thus generate a levitating force"
                        I have seen a demo of this, the conductor gets quite hot very fast when doing this.

                        something I spotted today when reading the MAGVID pdf again,
                        mathis vortex topologies are also what carl fredric krafft shows in his books, and he shows how matter are built with them. not sure how to get him that book, I don't know what forums he even checks.


                        • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                          "an oscillating magnetic field will induce an alternating current in a conductor and thus generate a levitating force"
                          I have seen a demo of this, the conductor gets quite hot very fast when doing this.

                          something I spotted today when reading the MAGVID pdf again,
                          mathis vortex topologies are also what carl fredric krafft shows in his books, and he shows how matter are built with them. not sure how to get him that book, I don't know what forums he even checks.
                          Well his orders are to check this one~ Lol
                          I'll send you a message.

                          Now I know you've been mentioning Fredric since forever, and I know I should have read them but I haven't, and so I cannot fake it. However now that you've decided now is a good time to "also" toss in the notion of matter creation, well that's got my attention...finally.

                          So now which book if you can recall?
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 08-28-2018, 07:03 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                            Well his orders are to check this one~ Lol
                            I'll send you a message.

                            Now I know you've been mentioning Fredric since forever, and I know I should have read them but I haven't, and so I cannot fake it. However now that you've decided now is a good time to "also" toss in the notion of matter creation, well that's got my attention...finally.

                            So now which book if you can recall?
                            got your message,

                            as far as I know the book is not on the internet for download anymore,
                            so I just emailed it to you.
                            for most people gmail has categories, "primary", "social", "inbox", "sent mail", and I forget the rest.
                            very often email from me only shows up under the category "all mail"
                            so make sure to look there if you don't spot it.
                            if anyone else wants it, just PM me your email address, it is 14.2MB
                            Last edited by spacecase0; 08-28-2018, 09:27 PM.


                            • Useful link to many of Ken Wheelers video's relating to magnetism and antigravity.


                              Genuine 'Anti-Gravity': Electrical theory & Field Vectors that make it MORE than possible

                              Refer now back to page 6 of this thread and the Chris Hardeman Gravity Shielding Experiment.

                              Also reposting this link to JNL Labs page on this topic.
                              The Gravity Shielding Experiment from Chris Hardeman

                              Barbury Castle Crop Formation Schematic

                              Adamski Style UFO

                              Conclusion is now that the half balls on bottom are dielectric resonator antenna.

                              Dielectric Resonator Antenna.

                              THE ENIGMA OF THE TOWERS

                              Dielectric Waveguide (Open Resonator) Models of the Corn Earworm, Sensilla: Sensilla Relationship to Infrared Coherent Molecular Scatter Emissions from Semiochemicals (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
                              PHILIP S. CALLAHAN
                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                                was unaware that had a name
                                many cell phones use these for antennas. makes them small enough not to have external antennas.
                                they are made of metal antennas inside ferrite (a magnetic ceramic)

