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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
    the drawings you post are not to far off from what I am thinking,

    so I hope I am getting close to a hardware test (i have one pulley left to build).
    I am fairly confidant that the field needed is a vertical cone shaped magnetic field that is vertically spun
    Seems like every time I get close to actually working on an idea something crops up to block me so I know the feeling well.

    Also agree with the vertical cone shaped magnetic field.

    Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
    the hard part seems to be to get the magnetic field to spin while having enough field strength
    Yes, recall too that the Alexey also took some time get this going as well. In thinking about this, recall that oxygen is paramagnetic, and perhaps it is that the surrounding atmosphere needs to come under the influence of a rotating magnetic field in order to for it to begin acting as a vortex moving inwards to the collector/accretion disk or other arrangement.

    Also, neither the Alexey nor other UFO's are creating a tornado effect: There's no evident dust devils being thrown up. So it's not the air itself which is being driven by this system. It must be as you say; a magnetic vertical cone.

    Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
    so I am trying something that looks like what the ARV could be set up to do.
    I have a large electromagnet with a physically spinning high magnetic permeable segmented disk in the middle of it on the same axes. I also have a smaller diameter magnetic coil set some distance over the top of the other coil.
    this should make a vertical cone shaped magnetic field that is spinning on a vertical axes.
    It seems to me that idea is worthy. Right now I'm thinking the magnetic permable disk might be served by having a dielectric material sandwiched between two plates. I'm thinking that once you get the surrounding atmosphere to cooperate, the ions in the air itself hold charges, which if drawn in to a dielectric could be collected by polarized plates. This fits with the drawing of the ARV's bottom plate as well and the reference to quartz as the dielectric material. That is a very conventional explanation but in reality is probably entirely incorrect, as the reality is much more likely to be that the dielectric counter-spatial field is what's producing the electrical potential in the dielectric and the whole idea is to get this thing acting like a kind of galactic vacuum cleaner that then powers something akin to a pulse jet motor.

    In this HD UFO image you can clearly see what appears to be bubbles above and below the machine. There appears to be ring forms being broadcast downwards beneath the vehicle as if pulsed magnetic donuts, and forming as you say a vertical cone. (HD Image Here) Click on the image to study it in detail. Notice the blue light trail as well.


    Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
    Low RPM tests with a week magnetic field did not get me anything. but everything tells me that I need much higher speeds and to be able to turn up the magnetic coils way higher.
    the issues should be solved here somewhat soon.
    if that does not get me any results, I will try to make the magnetic field with a moving electrostatic field. the issue I have with that method is that I am not positive as to how to set the magnetic polarity and shape it with that method.
    Well it does seem like there is correlation to the RPM of the motional magnetic field and the results as opposed to simply applying greater magnetic field strength. I would be patient because if the Alexey is real what it seems to suggest is that it takes nearly a hour of spinning before any effect begins to be observed. It is interesting that the Alexey did not require much power.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 07-08-2019, 07:35 PM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • So now I believe that one of the keys to understanding the operation of these machines is contained in an appreciation for the term "Phase Shift."
      However, if you take a material which reacts to the magnetic field, as aluminum does, as graphite does, and then send it running down a track, logic says that with increase speed there will be increased reactive effects. In other words, a motional magnetic field applied to a design can produce a dissymmetry in the magnetic fields, and I believe that is what you're seeing in the HD image of the UFO released by the CIA shown in the previous posts.

      If these ideas are correct and illustrate one of the basic principles behind the operation of these machines then there is plenty of room for improvement.
      An airplane is an airplane, and it doesn't matter if it's a Convair F-106 Mach 2 capable all weather interceptor or a Wright Flyer, they all work off the same principles.

      By "Phase Shift" we are talking about a shift in the polar fields of the magnet, meaning one side larger than the other, and so naturally then one might ask how to accomplish this.
      Last edited by Gambeir; 08-22-2019, 11:54 PM.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • * Just a note on

        So there's something definitely going on with this and I think it's caused by a phase shift brought about by the dissymmetry of the magnetic shape.
        Last edited by Gambeir; 08-22-2019, 11:39 PM.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • From time to time I check in with the National UFO Reporting Center. You would also be well advised to keep tabs on this topic by visiting and supporting that site.
          National UFO Reporting Center

          There are several recent reports filed which I'm sure some will find highly interesting.

          Just a little ways down you should read this report filed by a gentleman now dying and who has nothing to lose. Full text published on the linked page.

          Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, March 01st, 1978, @ 10:00 a.m. (Eastern)—An adult male describes witnessing a disc-shaped craft, with USAF insignias affixed to it, sitting in and Air Force hangar during a conducted tour of the base by a group of young AFROTC cadets. We post below the complete text of the gentleman’s written report, which does not yet appear in our database of cases
          * Go to the link to read this account and others. Highly recommended.

          Also from a Nurse in North Seattle.

          Last edited by Gambeir; 07-12-2019, 08:05 AM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • Viktor Schauberger's sketch of the Jense flight machine (JFM-Jenseitsflugmaschine) is our first real clue as to how to manipulate the ether (*counterspace).

            It is of extreme importance to me to make note that none of this would really have been possible without the mind of Ken Wheeler whose work has enabled a revived understanding of the simplicity of nature, and which happily coincided with the invention of the ferrocell lens. There is no doubt that the freely given book produced by Ken Wheeler is very likely the single most important text written in the last century and quite possibly ever.

            Now having said all that with regards to the importance of Ken's work, what you should see in the JFM-Jenseitsflugmaschine, or otherworldly sketch, is a division between magnetic polar fields which is created by dividing those polar fields through use of a center plate to be precise.

            The whole basic operating scheme lies in understanding magnetism as a product of the ether, and then in figuring out how to create two magnetic bubbles which are asymmetrical magnetic fields, and I do believe it really is that simple of an idea in concept. Executing this concept is another matter and since the criminals holding this information secret will not assist then we have to do it ourselves. I can't do this alone, nor should I, nor should you.

            To divert this inquiry for a moment, and so that you can be sure that we and others are on to something with this whole entire hidden history of Nazi Saucer Technology, you can be 100% absolutely positive of that when a Toy Plastic Model creates a "****storm." *Note here that I admit I'm fond of that term because Richard Nixon used that term in private. It's not a term I had ever heard until the Nixon Tapes and records became public.

            Ironically the same model company that created the last toy plastic model "****storm" is now also responsible for the second coming "****storm." This last one over the release of the Haunebu II plastic model kit. Revell Models is famous for having created the first "****storm" when it created a plastic model of the USS George Washington. A Nuclear Powered Posiden Missile Submarine of the early 1960's. That "****storm" resulted in a raid on Revell by government goons. Interestingly the pretext for that action was to protect state secrets, while this action was caused by the lying mass media fanning the flames of hate saying these models glorified fascism. How I can't imagine since Revell might be successful but is nowhere near the likes of Exxon Mobil. One can only imagine this was all constructed to protect what is now manifestly obviously a deeply concealed truth.

            I think that Revell is going to have the last laugh because all evidence proves conclusively, and without any doubt whatsoever in my own mind, that these Vril Saucer were real and operational. Time and independent experiments will validate this without any doubt whatsoever in my mind and the reason for holding that belief begins with otherworldly sketch of the JFM-Jenseitsflugmaschine.

            So now, hopefully, and I pray to God Almighty for your sakes and those of your own kids, that it should "now" be apparent and manifest that to create a repulsion vehicle you have to create a kind of asymmetrical magnetic field. That's what the otherworldly sketch of the JFM-Jenseitsflugmaschine is all about.

            That illustration depicts a basic model which is somehow vacuuming in the vacuum of the surrounding counterspace, and which is this very second flowing straight through your own body, making life possible, making the 3D reality your conscious mind knows a hard physical fact which is created by expanding matter into a three dimensional form, and producing magnetism and electricity which are the fundamental basis of contemporary so-called modern life. Although even I must admit one has to wonder how modern considering what some Nurse reported to the National UFO Reporting Center, but hey there are no aliens so she has to be mistaken.

            Now before I launch into something worthwhile and possibly significant I want to point out for one last time that Jet Planes began with bamboo, tissue paper, and rubber bands. Bamboo because no one put two and two together enough to realize that South America had balsa trees in the 1890's, which is the ideal and prefered material for model airplanes. Therefore, just because you don't have the ideal materials doesn't mean you cannot build the basic concept of how something might work. Toy's and toy experiments are not to be triffled with as petty and dismissed thoughtlessly, at least not if you have an ounce of sense, and that is why I also posted the story about the trials and tribulations of the Revell Model Company, because this understanding is not missed by the ruling powers that be. That *Sh*t Storm was entirely organized to remove this toy from the creative minds of the youth whom gravitate to idealistic goals and whom establish life long objectives early in life. The very last thing the rulers want is them making models of UFO's and then spending the rest of their lives trying to make a real one! The war on Revell had absolutely nothing at all to do with Nazism and everything to do with the creativity of our species.

            You can be sure that where there is smoke there is fire.

            Now, while I consider my next babbling post consider this next illustration which inspired me.
            Source: Haunebu and Vril Engine Diagrams

            A useful and good source to consult.

            Haunebu and Vril Engine Diagrams
            Last edited by Gambeir; 07-13-2019, 04:12 PM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • In our next post let us consider what the good folks over at Proton Aerospace have to say, but first take time to look at the photo's and other information available on that site. They have done a great deal of research and collected what amounts to a super superior website dedicated to this mission, and encompassing a wide range of focused and valuable information together with their own thoughts. They deserve to be recognized for their hard work.

              Haunebu Photos
              My personal favorite screw you new world order taxation law makers.



              DID THEY SPIN AND WHY?

              OK, done your homework yet? >

              Two things in the design of the Thule Gravity Engine stand out in my mind. One, it employ's so-called gyro disk's, spinning in opposite directions, and two, there are two different sizes in this so-called gyro-disk's. Meaning the tetrahedron shapes are of different size. Notice that? In fact I'm not even sure the upper tetrahedron's even rotate at all because there's a counter rotation propeller underneath this drawing, which is a typical cheap work around to countering rotational torque. This strongly suggests that only the lower and larger tetrahedronal disk's spun, or could spin with a variable speed, the other top disk being set or set to a constant speed of rotation when in operation is much more likely.

              Refer back to my own little experimental test rigg. What do you think is going on with that toy, and why would you then use different sized tetrahedronal shapes unless, of course, your goal is to like to create some kind of dissymmetry?

              Are you people listening or not? Jus asking...snort~

              Ok, so now you should be getting a sense of what's going on with this stuff. One, you're like feeding an asymmetrical field in from the bottom tetrahedron, and you're like also feeding in another asymmetrical field from the top tetrahedronal shape which is smaller too, and in addition you've attached both to two different rotating plates (gyro-disk's), with both gyro-disk's capable of being spun in opposite directions. With this arrangement you can now control the amount of energy being feed into a whole that's divided in half. Speeding up one half and slowing down the other is obviously the primary gravitaional control platform. Now are you getting the gist of this machine or not?
              Last edited by Gambeir; 07-12-2019, 11:12 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Now of course I'm not saying this correct, but I feel it is closing in on the magnetic field propulsion system. You might say it's food for thought. A lot left to think about how this is all put together as a working device, but the parts are making sense in broad terms. Generally speaking, negative and positives are polar ends of the magnetic field, and not to be confused with electrical terminals. The Schappeller Device is evidently divided unequally, apparently to assist in creating an un-equal asymmetrical magnetic field, more on the Schappeller Prime Mover later but it is a power plant, hence the term prime mover.

                The drawing/sketch takes some thinking or experience with blueprint reading. It's probably best to think about this in terms of the magnetic field as described by Wheeler although magnetism and electricity are the same energy source and the Karl Schappeller Device is a known and studied device, not a fictional construct by any means.

                * Also, if you know what the symbols represent then please let me in on the secret. Right now I think they are Sumerian but haven't had time to look, if they are mathematical/electrical let me know. Any information or ideas on those is valued.

                * Also remember Joe Parr~ Remember he was working on classified information/civilization/alien in the Antarctic and ends up sitting on top of the Great Pyramid, evidently the only guy to spend the whole night up there BTW. Your spider sense's should be tingling. Joe Parr's Pyramid Gravity Research
                Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association

                Last edited by Gambeir; 07-13-2019, 09:13 AM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • was dreaming about this topic, and it will not let me sleep well till I post this. the dream also tells me that I need to get a new keyboard for my computer...

                  here is why you would want the counter rotating magnetic fields.

                  let us for a moment look at the electrostatic lifter.
                  it moves to the smaller plate when charged (polarity does not matter unless you have ion wind, but ion wind is a small percentage of any movement).
                  let us for a moment not worry about why it does this, but look at it from a more mechanical way.
                  just when you start to get useful thrust out of an electrostatic lifter, the air breaks down and it arks across it, so it is quite limited in what it can do.

                  now let us solve this from a purely practical point of view.
                  a rotating magnetic field will induce an electric field over a volume.
                  and when you do that, it induces it on everything, conductors, insulators, whatever, so there is no chance it will ark over.
                  the way we do this is to use a large magnetic field (as in the large coil at the middle of the ARV), and a spinning segmented disk made of a high magnetic permeability material. This induces a voltage over the local area. now you might not get a good effect out of just that, but then again you have not yet made the equivalent of the electrostatic lifter. So you have to add another electromagnet that is a smaller diameter, you keep the polarity of the smaller one the same, so it necks down the magnetic field at the top. Now add a smaller spinning segmented disk (inside the smaller magnetic coil) that is spinning the opposite direction so that your induced electric field is the opposite polarity.
                  this gives you the exact format of the electrostatic lifter, and it does it in a way that will not ark over, therefor you can get all the movement you want as long as your fields are strong enough.


                  • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                    was dreaming about this topic, and it will not let me sleep well till I post this. the dream also tells me that I need to get a new keyboard for my computer...

                    here is why you would want the counter rotating magnetic fields.

                    let us for a moment look at the electrostatic lifter.
                    it moves to the smaller plate when charged (polarity does not matter unless you have ion wind, but ion wind is a small percentage of any movement).
                    let us for a moment not worry about why it does this, but look at it from a more mechanical way.
                    just when you start to get useful thrust out of an electrostatic lifter, the air breaks down and it arks across it, so it is quite limited in what it can do.

                    now let us solve this from a purely practical point of view.
                    a rotating magnetic field will induce an electric field over a volume.
                    and when you do that, it induces it on everything, conductors, insulators, whatever, so there is no chance it will ark over.
                    the way we do this is to use a large magnetic field (as in the large coil at the middle of the ARV), and a spinning segmented disk made of a high magnetic permeability material. This induces a voltage over the local area. now you might not get a good effect out of just that, but then again you have not yet made the equivalent of the electrostatic lifter. So you have to add another electromagnet that is a smaller diameter, you keep the polarity of the smaller one the same, so it necks down the magnetic field at the top. Now add a smaller spinning segmented disk (inside the smaller magnetic coil) that is spinning the opposite direction so that your induced electric field is the opposite polarity.
                    this gives you the exact format of the electrostatic lifter, and it does it in a way that will not ark over, therefor you can get all the movement you want as long as your fields are strong enough.
                    Clues here; Welcome to PROJECT 1947
                    There is a consistent trail of materials along with pointer clues as to the placement on the vehicle/s. I came across this site and information several years back. It was mysterious information back then, but today I'm able to read through this with a greater understanding of what these materials are, and therefore for what purpose.

                    Keeping in mind that each analysis is taken from fragment of a material vehicle in specific epoch's of time also gives a sort of historical oversight to the development and or alternate test vehicles from which these fragments were collected.


                    There are a couple from the Roswell area which I think are revealing. In one case the same is described as very brittle, and composed of an epoxy resin with a quartz filler and painted “black” one one side and a “red" on the otherside. Gee....ya think?

                    Another report coming from an anonymous source and mailed to Art Bell and Linda Moulton Howe, purportedly also taken from the Roswell Crash, is also interesting with one sample with a 99% aluminium content and of normal density.

                    Two other small pieces said to have been part of the outer hull of the destroyed vehicle were however quite a bit more complex.
                    "Conclusions: shiny side contained greater than 95% magnesium; 2-3% zinc, layers – Mg and small Zn separated by thin layers of high bismuth content. Thin, wavy layers of bismuth 1-4 microns thick; the Mg/Zn layer was 100-200 microns thick. 26+ alternating layers."
                    Last edited by Gambeir; 07-18-2019, 11:32 PM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • *Source
                      Joel McClain & Norman Wootan: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ~ Collected Papers
                      Joel McCLAIN & Norman WOOTAN

                      The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier

                      The Rule of Nines: Resonant Geometry and the Zero Point

                      Joel McClain

                      "Nest two tetrahedrons and you have the keys to the universe."

                      "The word "rule" has several different meanings -- as a form of law, or as a form of dominion, or as a measuring standard. This text uses the word in all three contexts to define the effect of the supreme chord, the trinity of harmony, in the universe.

                      In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, independent researchers began to notice the "anomalous" effects of applying resonance to a controlled experiment. Then, as now, this area of "science" is far from the mainstream. The results of those early experiments, such as the lightning of Tesla and the motors of Keely, have been ignored both as science and as least in America.

                      Elsewhere, the work of Tesla is revered and has been "amplified" by paid research. With the creation of the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier, or MRA, perhaps history and science will have to take a second look. The theories behind the MRA are the same as those of Tesla, Keely, Russell, Bearden, King and others. The application, however, in a closed-loop ZPE device, takes a sharp turn away from effect and into application.

                      Look at either a piece of quartz or a magnet, and you are looking at trapped energy. Tap the quartz, and you will get a spark as the electrical potential of the quartz instantaneously jumps. Spin a magnet relative to a coil of wire, and electrical current flows in the wire. How do we extract the power of these materials without the attendant physical energy required to either
                      tap or spin them?

                      Matter = energy. To convert matter to energy, resonate the matter.

                      To achieve energy output which is above the energy applied at resonance, use three octaves, and there will be three harmonious notes in each octave, for a total of nine resonant frequencies.

                      These notes occur naturally when the base frequency applied is three octaves above the magnet's resonant frequency, and equal to the resonance of the quartz.

                      In this way, the potential applied to the quartz "taps" it, without the need to use physical force. The result is electrical output. Connect this output to a coil around a magnet, and the domains of the magnet, which comprise a tiny portion of its weight, and which do all of the "work" in a generator, will be forced to spin. This spin is called "virtual rotation", because it is the spin of energy without the spin of the matter.

                      However, this is only one application. How can we be sure that the "rule" applies anywhere else, much less universally? We have to go very far back in history to find the answer to this question. It involves Phi, the universal constant, and delves deeply into the construction of earth's great tetrahedrons.

                      Nest two tetrahedrons, and put them in an orb, and you have a miniature model of the earth's magnetic field. Where the "bases" of the tet's touch the orb, you have the latitudes where all of the ancient pyramids were built. The "top" and "bottom" points are the north and south poles. This shows the naturally occuring magnetic resonance of earth as an "orb" in rotation. Connect lines between the points, and you have a map of the ley lines, which were mapped very accurately thousands of years ago.

                      Models of the earth as described above have been found in the ruins of every civilization which built pyramids. Earth is, as it must be, a model of the natural harmonic relationship which exists at every level, from the universe itself to the subatomic. The relationships have been understood for a long, long time. This knowledge, and the use of the energy which it can be used to provide, was believed to be the curriculum of "mystery schools" in Egypt and Greece.

                      If you look at the lattice geometry of silicon or germanium, you will find tetrahedrons. In his famous "ring", Hans Nieper allowed the silicon of transistors to achieve self-resonance, with the result that the circuit became lower in weight. This implies that resonance may also be the key to countering the effects of gravity, or rather, the effect called gravity, for gravity is an effect, not a force.

                      Gravity is "suspended" when you cancel the spin of the energy which comprises matter by resonating the matter. By virtually rotating the lattices, the subatomic particle spin virtually stops, like a spinning object seen with a synchronized strobe light. Because gravity is a complex quadrupole effect, when you stop the spin, you lose the effect.

                      The matter which comprises the quartz and the magnet of the MRA is comprised of cube lattices, each of which is a nested tetrahedron at 45 degrees relative to the polar axis of the molecules. Together in a circuit, there is a 90-degree phase separation, which allows the resonant energy to create the needed harmonics to fully resonate both materials. This is the application of the rule of nines.

                      It is a standard, the standard of the geometry of the universe; it is the ruling law of nature; and it is the measuring tool for all electrical and mechanical interaction. If, as some have suggested, the ancient "sacred" knowledge was shared by extraterrestrials to permit the construction of the pyramids, and if, as we have seen, resonance is the key to anti-gravity as well as to free energy, then the tetrahedron has very far reaching implications."

                      __________________________________________________ ___________________________________

                      *The afore deals with the so-called magnetic resonace amplifier.
                      The Missing Fundamental Generator - Energetic Forum

                      Unfortunatey, these forums are filled with enemy agents, as if you haven't noticed how they suddenly appear from time to time, and heck that's just on this pathetic thread which, on the whole is laughable by comparison to what these guys were doing. In the case of magnetic resonance amplifier these poor souls were dealing with moles of the deeeeeep Sttttaaatte, and assets thereof which I classify as criminals. I think that the evidence speaks for itself should you review the entire episode: Stolen notes, patent ideas, certified debunking & the all important blocking off of required technology via corporate contracting with military and much more. The evidence is absolutely overwhelming of massive collusion. That alone proves these guys were too close.

                      Keep in mind that the magnetic resonance amplifier dates from about 1995 and before the creation of the ferrocell and before Ken Wheeler published his work on magnetism.
                      I cannot find the link right now but there was a considerable dialogue over the ethics of how this patent came about. The theory and ideas behind the patent should not be judged on that basis, even if that was the real intent by the handlers to smear the people by association along with the patent itself. SOP in some circles I imagine.

                      The infamous Dan Davidson Patent

                      *Refutation of overunity claims: *CIA assets & Einsteian Coneheads. *(Note) The most charming people you will ever meet are also the most dangerous people you will ever meet and don't forget it. I say that as a bona fided nobody in the field, but then again this isn't anti-gravity science, it's just historical observation and notation that some people whom are extremely likeable, also happen to have alternative motives, which happens to include but is not limited to a pantheon of serial killers. Remember that charm is a mode of operation which is a part of a modus operandi almost always and exclusively manifested as a part to a desire.
                      Stanford; home of corporate royalty which I think is rather a natural home for their minions as well: Just my opinion mind you but which is rather unfairly singled out as virtually every college and university of note is now minionized as a tool and back door. Quite frankly I'm beginning to wonder if they also aren't extremely dangerous on the whole and that's just the mind control aspect, not even bothering to address the physical risks that seem to come with a higher education on campus.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 07-18-2019, 11:51 PM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Just an update, I/we (others in combination with myself) have developed a hypothesis of operation for the Alexey/UFO Propulsion. This hypothesis is of course a result of Wheelers teachings about the dielectric field of counter space.

                        Right now I see four apporaches being taken that have cross correlations to the original understanding of how to create an antigravity propulsion system. Ken Wheeler has of course laid the foundations for how to do that. He has even created working devices which modify the the surrounding space such that a physical effect can be felt by the human hand. All credit belongs rightfull to Ken Wheeler in my opinion.

                        Now I was attempting to entertain some assistance from people well versed in conventional Einsteinian Physic, but that attempt was rebuked with the typical jibes and slanders, and as a result I will probably just post the hypothesis stating it in a very broad explanation of operation much like a prosecutor might layout the State's case before a jury.

                        Hopefully there will be people who read the hypothesis and whom are open minded and creative enough to put the mathematical formulas to the hypothesis so that humanity can move forward, assuming obviously that the hypothesis is bore out by math and empirical evidence. Which is more than I can say for present conceptions.

                        Now why would I seek out mind controlled Einsteinian Physicist's is what you're probably asking. Well because humaniy is going to have to modify the existing understanding of astrophysic's for one thing since Einstein was wrong in his assmptions about cause and effect, and also because these people are adept in the field of Einsteinian Physics and they are the ones whom are going to have adapt the new reality to the old. Unfortunately they are quite unwilling to help. In the end they don't deserve to be a part of the new reality and so I assume Universe want's it this way. Universe knows best.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 07-26-2019, 06:44 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • I want to start this off by saying that I just don't know how we could all have been so blind. Sometimes the hardest things to see are those which are right in front of you and this is probably one of those instances. This is not a complex hypothesis. It is not something a right minded person would think to patent due to the overall simplicity and that's a good thing. Before I do I would like to make a sketch to help visualize the idea. Give me a little time on this.

                          Before I do I want to talk about Einsteinian Physics as a mind control system, and by pointing out something for you to consider having to do with websites dedicated to the paranormal, UFO's, and Aliens, as well as right here so it's not unique but is rather all encompassing. So it turns out that Imbedded inside alien conspiracy websites are interesting controlling collections of self described experts in physics, along with truly well certified experts of Einsteinian Physics, and who proclaim to know with scientific authority what is and what is not possible. How interesting is that? Certified experts mingling with the very people they like to label as wack'0s and psesudo science. What's even more interesting is that on sites which are devoted to every manner of speculation there is one thing which is forbidden to speculate upon, and that is the nature of the Universe. If you do you're immediately attacked with every manner of CIA Military intel debasements known, and why is this you're wondering? Well because according to these experts we got it all wrapped up. We go er, everything is all figured and we prove it, nothing to see and BTW, you're an idiot questioning experts. Interesting no?

                          Remember my friends: Evil can only succeed with the consolidation of power.

                          That applies to all things. Websites included, but how do you maintain the illusion created by Einsteinian Physics as a mind control system inside a group whose own nature is spiritual and prone to being curious? You do it the old fashioned way; by assuming authority, and what is this authority you ask? Well it's mathematics of course so it cannot be wrong; isn't that so? So now we have Einsteinian Physics claiming complete jurisdiction, not just over science mind you, but as an absolutist system of mind control utilizing mathematics as the tool for this mind control system. Just think about that for a while: Even going so far now as to claim complete authority via mathematical expertise inside conspiracy websites dealing with aliens and Ufo's. Accidental? Only if you're a gullible fool it is. This is centralized power, and centralized power is the hall mark of evil. You can therefore be 100% positive that any system so pathologically obsessed is not there for no reason.

                          Einsteinian Physicist's inside alien conspiracy sites, partnered with alien conspiracy, and denying the notion that devices such as the Alexey are anything but a fraud created by strings and fishing lines. Sounds a little bit like the Inquisition huh? Well my friends It's time to wrap the strings around the balls of the high priests of atomistic science and to shove them off a brigde.
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 07-26-2019, 06:56 AM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • "My friends it's time to simplify. We know that Einstein was an idiot, that neither space, nor time, are fields or forces, and that they are nothing and can act on nothing."
                            Ken Wheeler.

                            How do you get a metal ball to levitate and fly around? The same way earth flys around in space. Schumann realized that a sphere inside a sphere can create tension. That's the Schumann Frequency. The Alexey creates an expanded magnetic sphere, while the aluminum plate becomes the dielectric center of vortex, in between which is the incoming dielectric counterspatial field.

                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • I don't think it's actually possible to understand the Alexey without understanding the true nature of the magnetic field.

                              Here's some of my own additional thoughts on the Alexey. Really though these are just my thoughts and everything needs to be crunched down. By no means do I say this is correct.

                              The Alexeys' rotating magnets I assume must create a rotational dielectric accretion disk via their own dielectric interial planes, which we know as the bloch wall, and which assists in the creation of a quasi-false mass due to the increased input of the dielectric field in to the aluminum plate. This means that the aluminum plate must now weigh more than it previously did since it is the induction of energies from surrounding space that produce weight, unless of course it's developing it's own quote gravitational field which is essentially what creates the illusion of weight. So exactly what's taking place there is unknown.

                              Because the rotating plate holding the magnets is below the aluminum plate, there is a vectoring of the center of mass, or point source, and which I think is slightly upwards and in a circular or ring like arrangement that is defined by the rotational diameter of the magnets.

                              PS: I forgot to add on that those sonic emitters we all speculated on? Well now you have the answer right? This all goes back, way back to the Vril designs, the Schumann levitator, the Marconi ball, and of course Tesla. I hope this helps. I think this description is fairly accurate and can be worked with for experimental purposes.

                              Last edited by Gambeir; 07-26-2019, 07:16 AM.
                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • I strongly recommend reading William Lyne's book; "Occult Ether Physics."

                                Of specific interest refer to page 50: This will help you gain a new appreciation for independent thought I do believe.

                                Remember that Lyne wrote this a while back, and like Steven's their descriptions are imaginations of how the ether works. We now have the full picture thanks to Wheeler and

                                Our next stop, the twilight zone where we will consider the antic's of the pissed off beach ball peoples of the breakaway civilization.
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 07-26-2019, 09:01 AM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

