Originally posted by aljhoa
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For entertainment purposes in the meanwhile I offer this historical sketch.
1850 - Many assorted light bulbs are being developed; none very successfully.
1860 - Maxwell's theoretical mathematical models predict radio waves.
1866 - Mahlon Loomis attaches wire to two kites, one detecting the other, and thereby demonstrated wireless telegraphy was possible: Almost no one notices.
1880 - Thomas Edison finally bumbles his way to a somewhat practical light bulb with carbonized bamboo for filaments.
1871 - The Coming Race is published anonymously in England. Also published as; "Vril, the power of the coming race."
1871 - Darwin's secondary book is published: "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for life."
1884 - William Henry Preece coins the phrase "Edison Effect" to explain thermionic emissions in Edison Light Bulbs.
1886 - Heinrich Hertz experiments prove the existence of Maxwell's theory of electromagnetic waves demonstrating radio waves reflected off objects.
1893 - Tesla demonstrates wireless power transmission before audiences.
1895 - Alexander Stepanovich Popov creates a lightning (radio frequency) detector he calls a coherer; Hertzian wave detector.
1896 - Marconi receives the first radio patent (British Patent) for a wireless telegraphic system.
1897 - J. J. Thomson inadvertently invents particle theory with the electron to explain thermionic emissions.
1900 - Rutherford & Kapitza begin work to develop liquid helium leading to subsequent isotopes of helium.
1903 - Wright brothers Orville and Wilbur demonstrate controlled flight with an aeroplane. Takes a year before a local newspaper sends a reporter out to prove that the reports are bird sighting coming from drunks on a passing nearby train.
1904 - John Ambrose Fleming creates a vacuum tube (a diode) after identifying light bulbs could detect radio waves: "Eddison Effect"
1911 - Edgar Rice Burroughs publishes his Barsoom science fiction stories: Helium being a major kingdom on Mars.
1914 - Diplomatic incompetence, or willful intent, leads to the First World War: At least 20 million people lose their lives.
1917 - Czar Nicholas II is overthrown and put to death. Russia finally pulls out of World War One with millions dead.
1918 - World War One ends; Germany's formidable Fokker DVII Fighters being specifically mentioned in the 4th clause of the terms of surrender.
1919 - Treaty of Versailles sets the stage for mass chaos, suffering, and another global war with clause 231: Thank's League of Nations.
1923 - Beer Hall Putch Fail: General Ludendorff goose steps through police firing line. Everyone else is either arrested or shot.
1925 - Hitlers autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf is published becoming a best seller throughout Germany by 1933.
1927 - Polish radio enthusiasts Kowsky & Frost gravity nullification story appears: Later claimed to be an April Fools Day Joke.
1927 - T. Townsend Browns' Gravitator Patent featuring a dielectric substrate and rotation as a key ingredients to the propulsive scheme.
1929 - Robert J. Van de Graaffs' invents the Van de Graaff generator; remarkably similar concepts can be seen in Townsend Browns Gravitators.
1929 - Wall Street idiots destroy the global economy and plunge the world in to misery. Bankers begin land grab. Millions starve or freeze to death.
1933 - Pulp Fiction magazine features flying tetrahedrons incinerating brown skinned peoples for no apparent reason.
1935 - A Flying Saucer is photographed over Swastika Flagged Draped Berlin Germany.
1935 - Van de Graaff Particle Accelerators are invented.
1939 - Germany invades Poland: World War Two begins for Europeans.
1940 - John Randall and Harry Boot invent a cavity magnetron making portable radar possible.
1941 - Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. World War Two becomes global. Even South Americans find themselves at war.
1943 - The United States Supreme Court overturned Marconi's patent in 1943 in favor of Tesla's.
1945 - America drops two atomic bombs on Japan. Faced with the possible loss of the mainland home islands, and with some minor ones already in the hands of the Red Army, Japan finally concedes defeat. At least 60 million persons lose their lives in WWII.
1945 - Allied forces run wild carting off people, planes, rockets, and whatever else can be looted from liberated lands under the guise of national security.
1946 - Percy Spencer receives patent for microwave cooking device.
1947 - First Wave of contemporary UFO sightings begins https://www.ufoinsight.com/the-1947-...-a-case-study/