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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
    Skip to 43:15 and freeze the frame. Two people filmed this at the same time. Really it's quite amazing how similar the underside is to the CARET Drones, and then it has a similarity to the Alexey.

    Hello Gambeir, Hello Turion,

    Gambeir, that video of that UFO looks so "clean" to believe it is real...
    Now, seriously, look it up again, doesn't it just lookalike an Upside-down Wheel cover?, seriously, it has Six(6) holes at center for six Wheel Studs, then Five(5) Air vents to cool off the brakes...
    On Top, I see an Old 1950's GM Center Bubble Chromed Hubcap, I bet, if we could see the top, it will read "BUICK"...
    Now, at center, note like a cut off center CGI FX Effects, it is easy to cover the rest of the shaft with green tape, then film it with Alpha Background, also green...the sky is just a background 3D Layer added with "opacity" blend.
    Learn Adobe After-effects, is awesome!!

    Did not try to disappoint you guys at all!!, LOL, sorry!!

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-31-2020, 05:29 PM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • The "Truth"?
      Yes, it is definitively there...
      The "Good thing" is that we will find it ALL in "one", mean everything...
      The "Bad Thing", They won't let you do it, why?, because it is NOT only about "Free Energy" and "Antigravity"...there is more to it, and yes, it could be very dangerous in the wrong hands.
      You will need to "see" how Magnetic Fields will affect HV Electric Fields to make a "spin" out of a Straight "Accelerated Electron Beam"...generating a very nice 3D Spiral Effect...and that was just the "Elementary Class # 1"...

      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
        There is sooooo much we do not know, and that our "current" model of physics cannot explain.

        "Given the large number of alternative possibilities, including many that are more likely than a parallel universe with anti-physics, more research is needed before any concrete conclusions can be made.
        Our ruling: Partly false

        We rate this claim PARTLY FALSE because it is mostly unsupported by our research. It is misleading to say that NASA has found a parallel universe. While it is true that the ANITA observations may prompt a revision of the Standard Model, it is false to claim that the existence of a parallel universe is the explanation for those observations. The studies referenced in several viral articles do not claim that a parallel universe with reverse physics was discovered either. While it is possible that our universe has a parallel “antiverse,” that is far from the clear explanation for the abnormal neutrinos."
        Yes, the purpose of this thread is to recognize how little we do know and then to recognize that what we know is not the same as what others know; the video shows a machine technology; We have a divided civilization which is unlike any other previous kind of division. This is God like enabling power. It is power far too dangerous to be placed in the hands of a few.

        We must acknowledge that another parasite civilization now exists; where some have all knowledge. No other conclusion is possible. That's what that video shows. You are being watched, monitored, recorded, herded, and otherwise re~classified. To conclude anything else is be delusional. That is clearly a physical man made object using a propulsion system of as yet undetermined nature and that's all it is.

        There will be no help from those whom do hold this knowledge. To think otherwise is insanity. To even think that a petition for "Disclosure" would do anything would be like the prisoners of Auschwitz petitioning Himmler for release. Unless we are able to ourselves solve this, then, our days as free human beings are numbered.
        Last edited by Gambeir; 05-31-2020, 06:28 PM.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • This video shown above was located through scriptural physics.

          I had not seen this footage previously and scanned through the video before coming across this specific UFO. From what I can see this is a drone. Said by the observers to be about the size of an SUV. It appears to me be essentially an inverted bowl and using hypersonic sound waves for propulsion with some sort of fin like attachments around the lower edges which act as control flaps. In other words, looking at a still frame from 44:15 seems to show that the entire vehicle is almost entirely hollow/empty with the bowl acting as either a reflector or otherwise producing a coanada like effect. Of course it could be doing both.

          In many ways this resembles Jean~Louis Naudin's Coanada effect flying saucer.

          Turion's post here on the Alexey Saucer might be cross applied in unconventional ways. Perhaps by employing microwave driven ultra sonic sound waves in some similar fashion as described in Turion's post.

          Last edited by Gambeir; 05-31-2020, 07:08 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

            Hello Gambeir, Hello Turion,

            Gambeir, that video of that UFO looks so "clean" to believe it is real...
            Now, seriously, look it up again, doesn't it just lookalike an Upside-down Wheel cover?, seriously, it has Six(6) holes at center for six Wheel Studs, then Five(5) Air vents to cool off the brakes...
            On Top, I see an Old 1950's GM Center Bubble Chromed Hubcap, I bet, if we could see the top, it will read "BUICK"...
            Now, at center, note like a cut off center CGI FX Effects, it is easy to cover the rest of the shaft with green tape, then film it with Alpha Background, also green...the sky is just a background 3D Layer added with "opacity" blend.
            Learn Adobe After-effects, is awesome!!

            Did not try to disappoint you guys at all!!, LOL, sorry!!

            I don't disagree with what you say Ufopolitics: I can see all you say. Adobe I don't play with but I know a little GIMP and of course this is quite dated from 2015 making flaws easier to detect. However, you sneeked your post in before I got around to making a comment on this footage.

            Someone once said that fakers are likely to be visited by men in black suits or worse. That statement was pretty bamboozling to me for a long time. Suppose though you knew something, had seen it and had some idea how it worked, or at least experienced what effects the device created such as vibrations. How would you, sworn to secrecy or otherwise placed in peril, go about trying to release what you did know?

            What you say may be true but for other reasons I think it's worth looking at.

            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • Anyways, I appreciate it when you do contribute Ufopolitics and nothing wrong with saying what you think either.

              Whether real or not the machine seems to depict a real machine using a fundamentally simpler propulsion system than something like a black tetrahedron or other saucers. Possibly creating some sort of standing wave is what I was thinking.

              About half way down
              There's a non working link to a PDF by
              M. Pitk¨anen whom also runs stealthskaters. Well here is the PDF.
              "About strange effects relating to rotating magnetic systems"

              Now obviously I haven't read the whole thing. It's 107 pages long and much of it is outside of my understanding.
              There may be some who will find this interesting. Page 13 has a small bit about standing waves.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • I'm re~posting this information here for discussion.*Originally posted on the Alexey Cherkurkov thread.
                I'm thinking that because of Turions' post we now have an answer/explanation for at least the Alexey Device and the basic outline to understand others.

                Originally posted by Turion View Post

                To post some info from the book that I believe is extremely pertinent.... in 1957 a UFO followed a B-47 loaded with electronic monitoring equipment for over 1 1/2 hours. During that time the B-47 crew was able to USE that equipment to determine that the UFO was emitting powerful bursts of microwave radiation in a very narrow range:
                Frequency 2295-3000 Megacycles per second
                Pulse width: 2.0 microseconds
                Pulse frequency: 600 cycles per second
                Sweep rate: 4 rpm
                Polarity: Vertical

                Further info from "Dynamic Nuclear Orientation" by C. D. Jeffries 1963 as applied by Dr. Alzofon.. (CAPITALIZATION OF WORDS is mine)

                "the method of dynamic nuclear orientation is easy to state. A CONSTANT magnetic field is imposed on a specimen of ferromagnetic material, causing the electrons of the atoms to precess about the direction of the field with a characteristic (Larmor) frequency. An OSCILLATING magnetic field which varies at the Larmor frequency is then applied to the specimen at RIGHT ANGLES, causing the electrons to tip over and become oriented. To preserve the angular momentum of the specimen, the nuclei must ALSO tip over and become oriented".

                The "oscillating magnetic field" was supplied by square-wave pulses of microwave radiation in the vicinity of 3000 Mhz.
                In Dr. Alzofon's words... "rapid cycling of nuclear orientation acts like a pump to draw energy out of the gravitational force in the vacinity of the vehicle.

                That's it in a nutshell.
                Do you see the similarities?


                A dipolar force field propulsion system

                In consideration of the Alexey Cherkurkov Device.

                See: "Nature of excited states.
                "The method of excitation can be from a source of ultraviolet radiation as from a lamp or laser having a photon energy equal to Planck's constant (h) times the frequency,"

                "the inventor of the present application published an article entitled "Electromagnetic Propulsion Without Ionization" which appeared in the AIAA/SAE/ASME 16th Joint Propulsion Conference which was held on June 13, 1980 to July 2, 1980 in Hartford, Conn. The paper presented at the above-described 16th Joint Propulsion Conference disclosed the concept of electromagnetic propulsion without ionization. Specifically, the paper disclosed that when an alternating electric field is applied to a polarized or polarizable material(*Includes Aluminum), the dipole of the material can be made to rotate at high frequency. If an alternating and synchronized magnetic field is supplied at right angles to the electric field, a Lorentz force is generated which propels the dielectric fluid without the necessity for ionization and the consequential energy losses arising from the ionization process. The thrust so generated is proportional to the polarization, the frequency of the dipole rotation, and the magnetic field strength."

                Last edited by Gambeir; 06-01-2020, 07:15 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • What have I lost everyone now? This business is about gyroscopic precession or spin states.
                  What creates these spin states in the first instance is likely important down the road.

                  That the Alexey works at all shows that the over~all arrangement must not be super critical because the Alexey device does not have a magnetic field operating at right angles to the AC charged aluminum plate and which is synchronized with the AC frequency. It simply has a magnetic field operating at a right angle with an additional DC charge. In addition it does not have a synchronized alternating magnetic field as depicted in the experiments of Joe Parr. Instead it simply has a alternating magnetic field: There's room for improvement.

                  The Alexey device does have an aluminum plate which absorbs far UV and which is charged with AC and is a polarizable material. It does have spinning magnets supplying an alternating magnetic field at right angles. It does have an applied polarization to aluminum plate through the movement of the magnetic field across the surface of the paramagnetic material with the DC current.

                  When the device does accidentally fall into a nuclear magnetic resonace then "thrust so generated is proportional to the polarization, the frequency of the dipole rotation, and the magnetic field strength."
                  Last edited by Gambeir; 06-02-2020, 03:31 PM.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                    thrust so generated is proportional to the polarization, the frequency of the dipole rotation, and the magnetic field strength.

                    Part 3: Eric Laithwaite's Reality-Defying


                    Last edited by aljhoa; 06-02-2020, 04:49 PM. Reason: 110,979 views


                    • Thanks alijhoa,

                      Now ya know we are on the right track when you can look at the Sonnerad with a new understanding of what it is really about.

                      The Sonnerad is almost certainly an image of an encoding wheel combined with the symbolism of a pulsed square wave.

                      The way the Alexey device works is about as primitive as the first attempt at arming an airplane with a machine gun. Roland Garros fitted a French Built Morane~Saulnier with a metal defelector plate to kick aside bullets which otherwise would have hit the propeller. This arrangement sort of worked but of course naturally it eventually came to pass that the propeller was destroyed one way or other. The Germans employing Anthony Fokker were quick to improve on this system by fitting a cam which interrupted the trigger mechanism so that there was no possibility of the machine gun firing a bullet that would hit the propeller. We call this an interrupter gear/cam.

                      In the Alexey Device we basically want the opposite. Our object is to hit the propeller at precisely the right time: Altogether a more difficult proposition and with a square wave impulse. Ideally we want this happening in sequence so that there is a push pull effect and hence the desire for perpendicular alternating magnetic pulsations which are sequenced to interdict the alternating field of the charged plate in a productive manner and thereby increasing the force propelling the nuclear spin state.

                      BTW, who now still thinks Joe Parr wasn't investigating how this works and why? What's in
                      Antarctica? Nazi flying saucers, lost alien saucers, or technology from a previous civilization? I'm gonna put my money on the cult of the Black Sun considering Admiral Byrd's and General Douglas MacArthur's loose lips.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 06-02-2020, 06:10 PM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Couple what is possible from these kinds of experiments with an inexhaustible energy source, and flying saucers don't seem that far from the mainstream now do they?
                        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                        • I15-70-positron.jpg

                          Originally posted by Turion View Post
                          Couple what is possible from these kinds of experiments with an inexhaustible energy source, and flying saucers don't seem that far from the mainstream now do they?
                          There's just so much to dig through and with so much confused data that the de~facto effect is retardation. I arrived at almost the exact same concept as explained in the patent some time ago unaware that the explanation given by Dr. Alzofon is nearly identical to my own conclusions, and his own are identical to those in the cited patent and whose conceptual origins apparently date as far back to 1963: Apparently it's been there in the open for a very long time.

                          Now of course fortunately for most of you reading this you weren't alive in 1963, but I was, and the odd's of being made aware of such an idea were about as likely as finding publisher's clearing house at the front door with the grand prize.

                          Considering the Alexey device, deductive logic retrospect.... the only way to make sense of a device like the Alexey is by collision of intersecting energies. Thus, by route of simplistic logic, and employing these ideas of electrical energy and magnetic force, then it only makes sense that if you have an alternating electrical field shifting back and forth in a fixed plane, and which is an electro~magnetic energy source that is also perpendicular to a rotating DC field whose magnetic polarity is fixed and which is also a magneto~electric energy source, that at some point the polarities of opposed energies will collide; those of the rotating magnetic DC will interdict a same polarized AC field resulting in a subsequent forceful outcome; one direction or the other. In this sense the effect is akin to the Garro's machine gun deflector plate where once in while you can get the timing sequenced so that every other couple bullets hit the deflector plate.

                          This means that if the Alexey Device were to have a rotating magnetic DC charged plate which was timed with the alternations of the AC field the potential thrust would undoubtedly be vastly greater, maybe so much so that this would have been another mystery as it might have simply launched itself in to the unknown heavens to be lost forever, much like others have had happen, and if instead of a one lung system wherein only one polarity is being used for this propulsion technique (*which is why it does work at all) it was designed so as to invoke a synthesized synchronized system whereby both polarities were being employed, which is what is described by Dr. Alzofon, then that outcome would be still greater.

                          Again the Sonnenrad Black Sun Disk is manifestly a square wave encoded timing wheel: n'est-ce pas?

                          The perfidious of the whole world of physics as we know it may or may not be the result of intent. Although it's very hard to think that what we have today is mere chance, but that idea would fit nicely with public indoctrination's that historical development is a case of mere happen chance events: A concept which I'm sure would not serve many a detective very well, nevertheless, what does seem clear (right now) is that we have to re~evaluate these ideas which have formed the backbone of the cult of bumping particles otherwise known as physics and which we presently entertain as knowledge.

                          Nature must work from the simple to the complex and not the other way round. I agree with Ken Wheeler in this regard and believe we have misread the scriptures of Mother Nature rather badly.

                          It seems self evident to me that the ether moving through matter can create specific vortices, and these vorticies have been interpreted incorrectly as independent particles, but which have arisen out of interactions with the dielectric field of the ether, with the ether now being re~defined as quantum energy, and from this idea of quantum energy there has now come dark energy as an adjunct to this idea that quasi~particles, rather than a dielectric field itself as the ether which creates the mysterious energies of so called quasi~particles, and which manifest themselves (*for unexplained reasons in quantum theory) with some choosing to stay and become particles of matter, whist others decide to leave and to vanish back in to this quantum realm.

                          This is an absurdity and quite frankly an insult to intelligence.

                          Physics does appear to be a perfidious re~construction of the otherwise commons sense logic of what could more logically be understood as etheric dielectric interactions instead of the quantum field, and which has since been made more mysterious with the introduction of this idea so~called quasi-particles arising out of dark matter and dark energy. Because of the way crystalline geometric shapes work to create energy a more logical and sensible approach is to see the so~called quantum as a dielectric soup and out of which comes the ether dancing with matter and spinning itself into endless spirals; etheric vortex's whose specific relationship is given by the forms and shapes of matter itself. That's really what is being demonstrated by piezo-electric matter whose crystalline geometry defines the nature of spin states which ether creates as it interacts with the crystal formation. These spin states that the ether creates interacts with other energies, such that when an invisible ray, like say a gamma ray or an Ultraviolet ray passes, then those kinds of rays can "excite" the spin of vortices which we have defined as nuclear in nature. There's a sense to this as well since the velocity of magnetism is instantaneous and rays arising out of the ether are by natural order coherent dielectric energies.


                          History and ideas past and present.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 06-03-2020, 07:19 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • Let me add to the confusion the work of someone I ran across years ago in my research into anti-gravity. Here is an introduction video for those who have never heard of him, his work, or his supposed device. Lots of info on him available from different sources.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              Let me add to the confusion the work of someone I ran across years ago in my research into anti-gravity. Here is an introduction video for those who have never heard of him, his work, or his supposed device. Lots of info on him available from different sources.
                              Faraday's tubulars + Rays + Cloud Chamber + Incoherent Dielectric + Bee's + Hive + Vibration + Bee Wax = Natures Ranque-Hilsch dielectric vortex tube? Think Bee's + electret & dielectric collectors. Something going on there because nature and bugs don't build complex geometric structures just cause they is pretty.

                              Examine the Ranque~Hilsch Vortex Tube and then your video. The hairs in the middle is what strikes me as possibly being an enabling part to what may be natures Ranque~Hilsch. This arrangement suggests to me that it might be capturing dielectric energy and then one has to take in the nature of light and what we know about colors of light influencing the so called nuclear spin states (excitation) and all this seems like it's designed to interact with the surrounding incoherent hyperspatial dielectric field. Think of a much more complex magnet is what I'm saying, and then this manipulation of the dielectric is of course a lot more complex; ejecting the dielectric out, and in hives possible out either end. Note that the linear tubes are similar in alignment to crystalline formations aligned in a magnet Other possibilities exist obviously. In the video I post the straws are plastic and hence dielectrical in nature. Would be interesting to have hexagonal straws just cause it would be cool, but who knows, Boeing uses them in composites of aluminum and resin impregnated cellulose board to create light weight strong composites.

                              At this link there's an experiment similar to the one shown in the video but involving sound. Can't find it right this second but it's there and involves effects created by placing a mass of straws near your ears from behind. Have to find that one but it's buried in Amasci somewhere.

                              Go to the 1:48 mark in this video. Notice the whole thing is plastic. I would think that there's some room here to investigate with tedious experiments where in these straws have incorporated in to each one something similar to that of Ranque~Hilsch Tube, the arrangement of which varies so consult some images, but that might produce something more significant.

                              Last edited by Gambeir; 06-07-2020, 11:09 AM.
                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • Here's an excellent reference for Vortex Tubes.

                                Here for a nice bit of historical over~site on nuclear magnetic resonance

                                See the suggested references for other significant information such as this pdf on the "Early history of magnetic resonance."


                                PS: I might also suggest that when reading these materials it's probably going to be more useful to try to re~state
                                terminology in the context of the dielectric field of counter space such that, for example, on page one of the cited pdf above, where it says "

                                That if you re~state that in your own mind and changing; "change in the quantum mechanical space quantization when the direction of a magnetic field is changed." to instead read; "change in the dielectric counter space when a magnetic field is changed."

                                Doing that will put common sense logic to work for you by enabling you to see what's really going on; that the background energy field of the dielectric is changing when a magnetic field is changed.

                                Now if you ask me that's a pretty straight forward and simple notion which is a hell of a lot simpler to understand since the magnetic is created out of the same background and thus if you change a magnetic field around then it is retroactively simplistic logic to deduce that obviously this dielectric background that does make up the magnetic is also freaking going to change. Christ almighty, can they state things any more obtusely? So anyways I hope this makes sense and you can apply the same idea to other science gibberish.

                                Course you do have to understand that what they are calling the "quantum field is really just the dielectric background which powers the magnet." Even if this is a bit simple I think doing that will greatly assist most normal non~savants to grasp what is actually going on.
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 06-07-2020, 06:25 PM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

