Hi all, i am testing another 3 battery setup, using the same 12 volt tractor batteries as in previous experiments.
This time, i'm using a dual circuit oscillator in standard joule thief format.
Some differences may be contributing to the good results i'm observing.
Such as, lower flyback voltage, capacitor buffering on output and a lower wattage being extracted between the positives, below the C/20 rate of each battery, as the 235cca, is around 13 amp/hours i think.
So far, it is getting interesting.
I have placed all 3 batteries in parallel, to equalize them.
The total voltage is resting at 37.65 volts.
This after 12 hours runtime so far, at around 7-7.5 watts average being used between the positives,
or around 90 watt/hours.
Now remember, these 3 batteries started out at 37.515 volts total and had not been used for a few weeks.
Hi all, so after letting all 3 batteries equalize half of yesterday and into this morning, connected in parallel, these are the results.
Original starting rest voltage of each battery:
A = 12.50 volts
B = 12.52 volts
C = 12.495 volts
Total = 37.515 volts
Present resting voltage after around 90 watt/hours extracted:
A = 12.52 volts
B = 12.52 volts
C = 12.55 volts
Total = 37.59 volts
Will continue the experiment.
The results keep getting more interesting.
I am finding, that it seems best to place all 3 batteries in parallel, to equalize them, after every test run or use.
This reveals some interesting things, that may not be apparent, if we only add up the resting voltages after a test run.
When we place them all in parallel to equalize, it shows us a more true state of charge of all 3 batteries and keeps any one battery from falling too far below any other battery.
As for the slowly improving results i am seeing, i think that the power being extracted from this setup, is probably within an ideal range for these size and type of batteries.
I have made similar tests with these batteries previously, in a 3 battery setup also, though i think i was drawing far too much power for these batteries.
Also, this dual circuit is different also than previous circuits, the capacitors could be helping transfer the charge more efficiently into the charge battery as well.
So i ran the dual circuit again for 4 hours this time, for around 120 watt/hours total so far and the batteries are all in equalization mode again.
And yet again, the voltages overall, are slowly climbing.
I will let it equalize overnight again, though i can see where it is going.
Two of the batteries will drop somewhat by morning and then a little more after they are disconnected from parallel equalization mode, however, they are climbing in voltage, that is for sure.
A = 12.565 volts
B = 12.57 volts
C = 12.565 volts
Total = 37.7 volts
We shall see what the voltage settles to tomorrow and after they have rested after being disconnected from equalization.
Your thoughts are very welcome.
peace love light
Heres is circuit drawing and couple pics, though i have yet to show the 3 batteries in the circuit, i will when i get a chance.

This time, i'm using a dual circuit oscillator in standard joule thief format.
Some differences may be contributing to the good results i'm observing.
Such as, lower flyback voltage, capacitor buffering on output and a lower wattage being extracted between the positives, below the C/20 rate of each battery, as the 235cca, is around 13 amp/hours i think.
So far, it is getting interesting.
I have placed all 3 batteries in parallel, to equalize them.
The total voltage is resting at 37.65 volts.
This after 12 hours runtime so far, at around 7-7.5 watts average being used between the positives,
or around 90 watt/hours.
Now remember, these 3 batteries started out at 37.515 volts total and had not been used for a few weeks.
Hi all, so after letting all 3 batteries equalize half of yesterday and into this morning, connected in parallel, these are the results.
Original starting rest voltage of each battery:
A = 12.50 volts
B = 12.52 volts
C = 12.495 volts
Total = 37.515 volts
Present resting voltage after around 90 watt/hours extracted:
A = 12.52 volts
B = 12.52 volts
C = 12.55 volts
Total = 37.59 volts
Will continue the experiment.
The results keep getting more interesting.
I am finding, that it seems best to place all 3 batteries in parallel, to equalize them, after every test run or use.
This reveals some interesting things, that may not be apparent, if we only add up the resting voltages after a test run.
When we place them all in parallel to equalize, it shows us a more true state of charge of all 3 batteries and keeps any one battery from falling too far below any other battery.
As for the slowly improving results i am seeing, i think that the power being extracted from this setup, is probably within an ideal range for these size and type of batteries.
I have made similar tests with these batteries previously, in a 3 battery setup also, though i think i was drawing far too much power for these batteries.
Also, this dual circuit is different also than previous circuits, the capacitors could be helping transfer the charge more efficiently into the charge battery as well.
So i ran the dual circuit again for 4 hours this time, for around 120 watt/hours total so far and the batteries are all in equalization mode again.
And yet again, the voltages overall, are slowly climbing.
I will let it equalize overnight again, though i can see where it is going.
Two of the batteries will drop somewhat by morning and then a little more after they are disconnected from parallel equalization mode, however, they are climbing in voltage, that is for sure.
A = 12.565 volts
B = 12.57 volts
C = 12.565 volts
Total = 37.7 volts
We shall see what the voltage settles to tomorrow and after they have rested after being disconnected from equalization.
Your thoughts are very welcome.
peace love light
Heres is circuit drawing and couple pics, though i have yet to show the 3 batteries in the circuit, i will when i get a chance.
