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Faraday Disc 2.0

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  • #61
    Originally posted by lotec View Post
    Hi Ufopolitcs

    I'd love to get my eyes on something like that. For someone like me that sounds like a difficult read and would take alot of digesting, but it would be worth it!

    Thanks again,
    Hello Lotec,

    Well, all the work from Maxwell on Electromagnetism is available on pdf's...

    His First Book, which actually was trying to explain, by bringing some sense to Faraday's interpretation on his discovered phenomena was called:


    And I added a direct link to it, basically it is there where He starts to unveil the MAGNETIC VORTICES on the second part of the same book:


    On this Part II, he start applying the CURL CALCULUS to determine Magnetic Force.

    If you want better to start based on a nice COMPILATION of ALL THREE of Maxwell's works...where all his three papers are analyzed thoroughly, then read:



    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • #62
      Thanks, that just went to the top of my reading list

      Last edited by lotec; 10-11-2017, 12:25 AM.


      • #63
        "The Lorentz Force Flaw"

        Here is a fragment from the Coriolis Effect Book by Frederick Frances Tombe from Belfast, North Ireland on 2011...Not Andrej which I have cited before, and he is from Eastern Europe...However, both authors coincide incredibly fine about final conclusions...


        Maxwell’s fourth equation originally appeared as equation (77) in Part II of his 1861 paper, and it takes the form,

        E =μv×H− ∂A/∂t−grad (Electromotive Force)(D)‡

        Maxwell called the vector E ‘electromotive force’, but it actually corresponds to the modern day ‘electric field’, and not to the modern day electromotive force which is in fact a voltage.
        The first of the three terms on the right hand side, μv×H, is the compound centrifugal force (Coriolis force) that acts on an element moving with velocity v in a magnetic field.

        The solenoidal alignment of the tiny vortices causes a differential centrifugal pressure to act on either side of the
        element when it is moving at right angles to the rotation axes of the vortices, and this causes a deflection in the path of motion. The second term involves the electromagnetic momentum A, nowadays referred to as the magnetic vector potential, and it comes from the torque producing effect, E= −∂A/∂t, which appeared as equation (58) in the 1861 paper. As well as describing electromagnetic induction in a time varying magnetic field,
        E= −∂A/∂t also provides the bridge which links the two curl equations, (B) and (C), in order to derive the electromagnetic wave equation[2]. We can therefore deduce that Maxwell’s displacement current was ideally supposed to be connected with a fine-grained angular displacement in the tiny molecular vortices. The second term, −∂A/∂t, just like the first term, μv×H, also represents a centrifugal pressure, but in this case the pressure is transmitted by angular acceleration through the sea of tiny vortices in the form of electromagnetic radiation[3], The third term is just an electrostatic term, where  refers to the electrostatic potential.

        If we take the curl of equation (D) we end up with curl E= −dB/dt, which is unfamiliar because of the total time derivative. If however we ignore the μv×H term in equation (D), since it is not used in the derivation of the electromagnetic wave equation, and then take the curl, we end up with the familiar partial time derivative form, curl E= −∂B/∂t. Heaviside referred to this partial time derivative curl equation as ‘Faraday’s Law’. Strictly speaking, it is not exactly Faraday’s law because it doesn’t cover for the convective aspect of electromagnetic induction that is described by the μv×H force. The equation curl E= −∂B/∂t appeared as equation (54) in Maxwell’s 1861 paper, and it also appears in modern listings of Maxwell’s equations.

        Interestingly because it doesn’t cover for the μv×H force, modern listings have to be supplemented by Maxwell’s equation (D) from the original list. And even more interesting still is the fact that Maxwell’s original equation (D) is introduced in modern textbooks, under the misnomer of ‘The Lorentz Force’, as being something extra that is lacking in Maxwell’s equations, and which is needed as an extra equation to compliment Maxwell’s equations, in order to make the set complete, as if it had never been one of Maxwell’s equations in the first place!

        Maxwell in fact derived the so-called Lorentz force when Lorentz was only eight years old.

        Using the name ‘The Lorentz Force’ in modern textbooks for equation (D) is somewhat regrettable
        , in that it gives the false impression that the μv×H expression is something that arises as a consequence of doing a ‘Lorentz transformation’.

        A Lorentz transformation is an unfortunate product of Hendrik Lorentz’s misunderstandings regarding the subject of electromagnetism, and these misunderstandings led to even greater misunderstandings when Albert Einstein got unto the job. Neither Lorentz nor Einstein seemed to have been aware of the contents of Maxwell’s original papers, while both of them seemed to be under the impression that they were fixing something that wasn’t broken in the first place. In doing so, Einstein managed to drop the luminiferous aether out of physics altogether, claiming that he was basing his investigation on what he had read in the so-called ‘Maxwell-Hertz equations for empty space’! But whatever these Maxwell-Hertz equations might have been, they certainly can’t have been Maxwell’s original equations.

        This is a tragic story of confusion heaped upon more confusion.
        The aether was a crucial aspect in the development of Maxwell’s equations, yet in 1905, Albert Einstein managed to impose Galileo’s ‘Principle of Equivalence’ upon Maxwell’s equations while ignoring the aether altogether. The result was the abominable product which is hailed by modern physicists and known as ‘The Special Theory of Relativity’. Einstein himself knowing that something wasn’t right with his special theory of relativity, attempted to make amends in 1915 with his ‘General Theory of Relativity’. But he only made things worse by virtue of spiking Newton’s law of gravity with his toxic special theory of relativity. In later years, judging from his Leyden speech in 1920, Einstein realized that the aether was indeed needed after all, but by this time it was too late, because he already had a following.
        All of the above work...simply and very briefly, makes us ALL understand as of why...we still can not understand simple electromagnetic Natural phenomena (like a so simple HomopolarGenerator) due to our vast limitations on the knowledge acquired from this "Master's of Modern Sciences" as are STILL considered, Hendrik Lorentz and Albert Einstein.

        After all this time has passed... we realize we have been guided by FRAUDS, Kopy Katz, which tried (and unbelievably, successfully achieved!!!) to "make believe" the whole World that all Lorentz Transformations as "Lorentz Force" were part of a "victorious work" of great years of research and "re-arrangement" (understand as a "Patch-Repair") of Maxwell Equations...But, with even MORE AUDACITY...Lorentz "decided" to broadcast to the World...that Magnetic Fields were NOT Rotational, nor had any Vortexity within their structured Spectrum...when in the first place he had no idea about the Real Maxwell Theories nor Equations!!

        ...and so came "One Stone" (german translation for Ein-Stein) to this "Fairy Tale" and based on a Flaw built his BS SR...

        Amazing!!...and understand why Andrej call it a "LOST CENTURY"...


        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-10-2017, 02:56 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • #64
          The Symmetryof Darkness...

          Five years ago (2012) I uploaded a video:



          And if you just watch the "Intro"...will realize that all I have written previously (about Maxwell-Lorentz Fraud)...was expressed in it...

          But a deeper look takes Us at "who FINANCED Lorentz?

          Where the MONEY CAME FROM to Finance such absurdity?

          Simple, J.P. Morgan and Edison...

          But NOW, reviewing my own work from then...I realized the FULL -BIG SCREEN- MOVIE altogether...


          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • #65
            I have attached a diagram of a build that I have started. Brushes and slip rings not yet included. I wouldn't describe it as a technical master piece, or being precisely to scale, but hopefully it is clear enough to show the general idea.

            Amazingly enough, between what I have had lying around, and what can be got from the local hardware store, and a very likable local metal fabricator, I have scrounged together the more critical components, that wouldn't exceed 1mm tolerance of what I would ideally like. This is an acceptable compromise, and I think the rest can be bodgied to make a reasonably balanced enough assembly.

            The idea here is to bolt it all up nice and tight and spin it up with a dremmel, (absolute rotation) so that I can get some baseline facts that have been bothering me as to the magnetic spin issue, and whether or not the conductor needs some relaxation/reorganization downtime or not. (All in front of my own eyes.)

            With this information I can look into the viability harvesting the Earths magnetic field or not depending on the outcome. Not being a scientist or a mathematician, I can only approach things intuitively. The magnetic field seems pretty weak in any localized area, but they say that it is wizzing by at over 600 km/h. To me that = (I don't know how many of these are required to obtain usable power, if they can be gotten to work.)

            I also don't know what the outcome would be if they did work, in terms of mass usage, I think it is probably doubtful that enough vertical conducting, conductors could be erected to cause enough Lenze drag to slow down the Earths rotation around its axis. But if so the effect that might have on the moons orbit around the Earth, and the Earths orbit around the sun, I don't know.

            Regards lotec.

            Edit...I think Ive spotted a problem here. Flux coming from the center of the magnet will be drawn into the outer flux guide through both the inner and outer parts of the toroid in the same direction causing cancellation. I might have to go to a ferromagnetic axle. These are the only parts that I have that will work, maybe a fresh set of eyes might help. I want to get this right. Ideally I would have liked the magnet to have a narrower face than the toroid, not the other way around like it is now. Somehow I knew there would be a catch . Ill keep scrounging around. I might be able to come up with something.
            may be able to drill out the magnet, and go to a toroid made from smaller panel washers. Cheers

            Edit 2... It looks like the build using these components is off the table for now. There are only so many compromises I am prepared to make. Looking at the magnets and toroid from the front, the magnet needs to look more like the toroid and toroid needs to look more like the magnet. As long as the diameter of the front face of the magnet is bigger than that of the toroid, even the introduction of a ferromagnet axle as an inner flux guide, wont guarantee the flux will go where it is intended to.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by lotec; 10-15-2017, 02:57 AM.


            • #66
              Here is an exploded, side on, two dimensional view of a more idealized version of what I would have wanted. No inner flux guide, non ferro axle, and flux path shown in black.

              Attached Files


              • #67
                without any flux guides at all, that is what I built,
                very curious what you get out of yours
                did you say that you could not build it in your previous post ?
                if you can't, I bet the flux guides would not be hard for me to add to my test setup. (can get to things like this sometime this winter )


                • #68
                  To spacecase0

                  After posting last time, I got to thinking perhaps the flux guides aren't really necessary at all. I only really introduced them as an attempt to offset the fact, that the size proportions of the components I had scrounged up were far from ideal. Then later I realized they were probably making these problems worse. Then idea sort of stuck.

                  No I haven't built it yet, I'm not saying that the build is off the table for me for ever, but with the parts Ive got I think it would be a waste of time. Once I get an idea of how long I will be in this town, Ill know if its worth ordering them.

                  Already you are way out ahead of me on this, now you've got me curious as to how yours went. I can only guess, because experience is king, but at a guess I would think that whatever results you did get would be intensified by flux guides. If you got no reaction at all I would tend to think that there is some other issue at play, but you could try them. I don't know how intensely yours would have been repelling when you bolted them all up together, that could be a problem that there is too much incoherent flux spraying around and bending back too sharply before it can do its job. Personally I would like to relax that situation using the flux guides and a sufficiently thick toroid, before I drew too many conclusions.

                  I know it isn't good science to attempt to get around a road block by temporarily picking up a bunch of assumptions and then running with the ball to see how they play out, especially when there are so many variables at play.

                  This build assumes that the flux lines of a magnet don't rotate with the device, and theoretically can only work if this is true, unlike Faraday's generator which can work in theory regardless of whether the flux lines rotate or not, due to certain complexities created by the rotating disk and brushes.

                  Another assumption is that the geometry is sound and that currents are all being inducted in the same direction. I think this is ok, I have put it out there to be checked, double and triple checked and then checked again for good measure, so far no one has come forward and said, I can see a problem here.

                  I know I keep harping on about this, because I don't want to think that potentially good builds are being unnecessarily cannibalized for their parts prematurely, but the nature of Faraday's build opens up the possibility that the conductors need some relaxation/ reorganization down time, like a hand held squirty bottle needs to be relaxed so it can fill up with air before it can make another squirt. To test for this theory before giving up on the build, my preference would be to use a 50-50 split commutator as opposed to the continuous slip rings.
                  Personally I wouldn't start by electronically switching the conductor in and out of the circuit because it would raise the doubt in my mind that the semi conductor is still connecting them on some quantum level. It might turn out later that this may not be a problem, and the optimum mark space ratio, can be more easily determined electronically. I have read about a couple of situations where attempts have been made to electronically emulate what goes on in the commutator, and have failed.

                  I know, science can be such hard work at times, If all has failed at this point, then it might be time to backtrack and drop whatever assumptions had been made, the trouble is that not so many people report negative results, I don't.

                  Anything you want to say about your build, you've definitely got my attention.



                  • #69
                    it was clear that my magnets were in opposition, but was quite possible to fight them and get them from moving (used stainless steel hose clamps)
                    used continuous slip rings (3/4 inch copper pipe sections)
                    center shaft is cardboard tube
                    I still have it all built and intact, so modifications should not be that hard
                    and got zero volts from it (zero amps as well)
                    not quite sure how fast I spun it, but it was clear that doubling the effect would still be nothing
                    if you want a picture of it all, I can email it, but can't seem to post pictures anywhere other than an FTP site (that I no longer run)
                    and can also give a clear dimensions and details if you want that, might be better than pictures anyway


                    • #70
                      After having some time to think about it a bit more, I am leaning more toward this setup. Still I'm not 100% that canceling currents wont be inducted. At this point I'm pretty sure, but am open to opinions. I don't want to waste my time or be responsible for other people wasting their's.

                      The axle has been changed to ferromagnetic to create an inner flux guide as well.

                      Its times like these that I wish my head could swivel around on my shoulders 360 degrees. That way I could figure it out by just lying down on one side.

                      Attached Files


                      • #71
                        The fact that you have to fight them, I don't think that is ideal, but don't know if that is the real problem.
                        If you could easily go to a split commutator, that could rule that problem out, if you still got nothing at all. I don't expect you to do this to satisfy my curiosity, you should only do it if you want to satisfy yours.

                        You've given me a lot to think about, you've got me curious. If you confirm to me you have photos of your build, I will pm you my email.

                        Thanks for reporting your results.

                        Edit... It might be better if you give some dimensions instead. The things that interest me are the inner and outer diameters of your magnets, and the inner and outer diameters of your toroid wound and unwound, and if the axle is ferromagnetic and how thick it is. If that is not too much trouble. Have some things to do right now but hope to talk to you soon.

                        Edit2... It is my belief that Outer diameter of the magnets has to be smaller than the outer diameter of the toroid AND the inner diameter of the magnets has to be bigger than the inner diameter of the toroid, otherwise the flux will go to all the wrong places, and it will be a waste of time. That's why I put my build on hold.
                        Last edited by lotec; 10-17-2017, 06:40 AM.


                        • #72
                          The build is back on for now. I'm going straight to the end game on this one. Instead of slip rings I'm using a big pair of brass nuts. I am hoping to make and break the circuit 16 times per revolution. Ive made some other bits too, but I still think it is a couple more days until testing.

                          I have braced myself for the fact that these types of things just don't work, although its hard to explain why. But I still reckon its worth a go.


                          Attached Files


                          • #73
                            my dimensions,
                            toroid core 34mm thick, 78mm outside dia., 41mm inside dia.
                            toroid finished size is 38mm thick, 83mm outside dia., 37mm inside
                            magnets 21mm thick, 85mm outside dia., 32mm inside dia.

                            86 turns on toroid (evenly spaced). toroid core is foam, cardboard, and tape.
                            my center shaft is cardboard, and 2 continuous slip rings on it
                            magnets are ceramic


                            • #74
                              To spacecase0
                              I hope getting those measurements wasn't too much trouble. I'm sorry I've made a very big mistake. This idea can never work, not without magnetic shielding for the wire on the inner and outer faces of the toroid. When the flux goes into the toroid it makes current one way, when it comes out it makes current the opposite way. I thought someone would have tuned me up a bit sooner.

                              I'm really sorry, Its one thing to waste my time, but it's much worse to waste other peoples.
                              Maybe one day people can get over the counter, toroids with the shielding built in, and the person winding can thread the wire through. If it worked it would probably only need 10 or 20 turns.

                              Last edited by lotec; 10-19-2017, 12:22 AM.


                              • #75
                                Here is a really rough picture, looking down on a (proposed) toroid with inner and outer shielding built in. The wire has been threaded through the holes. This might work with the magnets in repulsion. There is probably math that uses sines or cosines to show one side of the toroid would induct more a bit more powerfully than the other.

                                I wont be holding my breath waiting to get these over the counter anytime soon.

                                Attached Files

