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Continued Tests of the 3 Battery System

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  • Duncan
    Thanks for that David, old news or not it needed saying lest Luc diverted his attention. I Haven't had time to get into that thread David I've been pressured else where . Providing everyone's agreed and happy that modified motors are superfluous then all is well and good.
    Its my guess that Luc is going to start concentrating on the waveforms injected into those batteries and the effects produced, we can agree it really makes no difference what generates the waveform ? apart from its properties internal resistance, ect
    There are IMHO issues however, Impedance matching for minimum real power transfer and maintaining a high Q factor in a system that's constantly changing.
    I formed the opinion like you Satyam that the impulse wave is critical EPD goes into depth on this very different electricity here for anybody interested in revision
    For anyone in doubt that is an impulse wave that Luc is producing although its all relative of course
    one man's square wave could be another's impulse the time axis is arbitrary and relative.
    As EPD points out this form and type of electricity officially doesn't exist. It isn't taught, there's no text books on the library shelves to go and read. No formula and no ohms law. I also want to make it clear that there are forces that still seek to keep that information hidden. All you see are secondary effects which we try to interpret. quick tempting glimpses of what could be.
    There are some huge clues however , one enormous clue is provided by Luc almost as an aside in his resonance video – Mathematically its possible to create any symmetrical waveform from a sine wave. The sine wave being harmonic in composure and the square wave overtones. Luc points out that the square wave can be made resonant. Resonant into a crystal structure with the right Q factor and impedance matching and – Bingo. This is why the 'bad battery' played such a part. Extremely high resistance ensured a very high Q factor. As this has previously been accomplished with only two batteries you can take it to the bank that your watching – series resonance as opposed to parallel
    To hazard a guess at what's actually happening though that crystal lattice you need to look at radio theory. I say Guess because as I pointed out the wave and its electricity doesn't exists officially so whatever your assuming in standard dogma is wrong.- your poking a secret with a sharp stick certain folks involved in the free energy circus don't want don't want revealed. IMHO
    The clues are here a/ in crystal theory

    The crystal (or in our case millions of crystals) follow a overtone progression ( overtone because its series resonance with an impulse wave) at resonance they all vibrate sympathetically and generate much in the fashion of piezo Quartz.
    and b/ in heavy power -This same progression can be found in armature reaction and PF correction non linear loads , (like switching armatures) or bedini energisers here it is
    Effects of Harmonic Currents
    do you see the progression ? 3 ,5,7,9 The 3rd and 9th overtone are a clockwise progression if I remember correctly. The mean of this seqence is of course 6 - If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, - perhaps Luc may have a bit of luck and also then be kind enough to show us ? lets hope so
    Last edited by Duncan; 11-05-2017, 11:37 AM.

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  • Duncan
    Love this video Luc Me'thinks there are huge possibilities here – I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone of the status quo , and I really and truly mean no diss to anyone but here's how I read it .
    The original 3BGS system thread was (as Luc points out) effectively locked pending further revelations – ergo for the time being its hit the buffers would that be a fair assessment without squabbling over who's system it actually is, or for that matter who's motor does what and why?
    Luc freely admits he has never seem COP>1 accomplished well I think many here know he's going to now, and very soon, most of us have, haven't we ?
    The human brain works very differently from even the largest computer and can see things far ahead in a flash that would take pages and pages if not a whole book to describe . Most reading know I have issues with that motor and consequently the direction the original thread took. I also have deeper and darker suspicions as to why it did that. However better to let that sleeping dog lay.
    Do I need to remind anyone again that the root cause of the COP>1 in this system has never been explained ? Sorry that should be proved!
    Does anyone seriously doubt that to replicate COP>1 conditions and then understand why it happens at some level is the real ambition here ? If what has all been done before has led to stagnation can everyone see why there is little point in repeating it all again?
    I applaud what's been done previous even though I vehemently disagree with it and I might as well be honest I would drop kick that pulse contraption thing into the long grass that's just my opinion even if most disagree.
    What you have now centre stage is a very well equipped Lab with equipment on display most of us can only dream of.
    You also have an accomplished technician (and if you doubt that ,watch some of Luc's other video's and in this case I respectfully suggest everything associated with resonance and to be more specific series resonance because if I don't miss my guess its going to quickly come into play in fact it already has as soon as the current sniffer loop became involved with those overlapping waveforms). There is another thing I would like you to dwell on for a while and its this - When David first experienced this effect it was with two (yes 2) batteries and if I remember correctly a Windscreen wiper motor but I'm happy to be corrected on which particular bog standard car motor it was. The motor I ran was also a bog standard brushed car motor, it was a motor originally designed to vibrate the drivers seat . Why they want a vibrating seat I haven't a clue, perhaps they get their jollies driving along.
    The point I'm trying to drive home is simple whatever ( and of course like everyone else I have my own idea's on that whatever) but whatever causes that COP>1 effect that pulse motor thing is not an absolutely essential component is it ? It can't be !! Isn't that such simple logic everyone can understand it?
    If not go and bang your head on something until it clears and then think clearly. Instead of deeply and quite insane.
    So your looking at a very well equipped Lab and a proficient technician who's quite capable of paddling his own canoe. one who is willing to invest his own time and effort on his own thread to investigate this phenomena again and then, even more importantly broadcast his findings – What's not to like?
    There is something not to like, at least from my standpoint, and that's folks trying to impose that which has gone before and not produced the desired result on a fresh pair of very capable hands.
    I respectfully suggest we let this dog have his day. As far as I can see everything is in place such as might crack this nut open.

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  • Satyam108
    SSR module has a DC-DC converter in it

    Luc's Solid State Relay looks to be earlier model of this one, which has a DC-DC converter in it

    that's sort of neither here nor there as he's not using any sort of boost converter, but by pulsing the negative lead of the motor, it greatly increases what Bedini called "The Radiant" - and these sharp unidirectional spikes - PULSES - are what bring in the energy - "cold electricity" - of the Aether.

    The abrupt sparks, which he [Tesla] termed "disruptive discharges", were found capable of exploding wires into vapor. They propelled very sharp shockwaves, which struck him with great force across the whole front of his body. Of this surprising physical effect, Tesla was exceedingly intrigued. Rather, more like gunshots of extraordinary power than electrical sparks, Tesla was completely absorbed in this new study. These electrical impulses produced effects commonly associated only with lightning. The explosive effects reminded him of similar occurrences observed with high voltage DC generators. A familiar experience among workers and engineers, the simple closing of a switch on a high voltage dynamo often brought a stinging shock, the assumed result of residual static charging.

    This hazardous condition only occurred with the sudden application of high voltage DC. This crown of deadly static charge stood straight out of highly electrified conductors, often seeking ground paths which included workmen and switchboard operators. In long cables, this instantaneous charge effect produced a hedge of bluish needles, pointing straight away from the line into the surrounding space. The hazardous condition appeared briefly at the very instant of switch closure. The bluish sparking crown vanished a few milliseconds later, along with the life of any unfortunate who happened to have been so "struck". After the brief effect passed, systems behaved as designed. Such phenomena vanished as charges slowly saturated the lines and systems. After this brief surge, currents flowed smoothly and evenly as designed.

    The effect was a nuisance in small systems. But in large regional power systems where voltages were excessive, it proved deadly. Men were killed by the effect, which spread its deadly electrostatic crown of sparks throughout component systems. Though generators were rated at a few thousand volts, such mysterious surges represented hundreds of thousands, even millions of volts.

    From Gerry Vassilatos – Secrets of Cold War Technology

    Free Energy Luminary, John Bedini revealing the telltale Blue Spark of Radiant Energy - Aether from one of his Bedini "Motors." He'll be the first to tell you that his "motors" are actually mechanical oscillators.

    I've known for a couple of years now from, as Mr. Spock would say, "pursuing the untamed aquatic fowl" of the fictional "Tesla Switch," how to make SSR's - so relieved that I don't have to rewire a Razor scooter motor!
    Gotta quit this for tonight and get some shut eye - but thanks again Luc et al - fascinating stuff.

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  • gotoluc
    Originally posted by Matthew Jones
    basically all your doing is boosting the power and discharging out of the system, looks like most of it to from the scope shot.
    This will leave battery 3 from charging to its fullest extent and good amount of the power will be lost.
    That is incorrect!... all of the (on time) motor Pulse goes through bat 3 (charge bat)
    You can collect the motor coil Inductive discharge (to 4th bat) or not, if you do or don't it doesn't reduce or affect the motors on time pulse going through bat 3

    Here is a quick video to prove you're incorrect:

    Originally posted by Matthew Jones
    A true transient is not produced from the input power it is a bi product of the magnetic field collapsing and the charged particles that follow that collapse back through the wire.
    All inductive coils produce a discharge (flyback) when switched off which is as you wrote: "a bi product of the magnetic field collapsing" and my pulsed motor coil is not exempt from this condition.

    Originally posted by Matthew Jones
    Most people don't really know the difference.
    I wonder about that

    Originally posted by Matthew Jones
    So anyway just to everyone else I feel like maybe I have been blocked from his view so if anybody else wants to QUOTE this post so he can address this issue I would be grateful.
    I've never blocked anyone. I consider everyone's opinions

    Originally posted by Matthew Jones
    I expect its just oversight on his behalf do to lack of experience as opposed to just trying to fail. But you never know

    Quite an egoistic statement when proven wrong



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  • Satyam108
    6 second video

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  • Satyam108
    I'm thinking the headline should be ...

    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
    Yes BroMikey

    Unfortunately it looks like you have it right

    Since your calculations comes close to the motors watt meter, then I would also support that the meter Ahr reading may be a true reflection of the power that has gone in the motor.

    I resumed the test at 9am but I don't think it would run any longer then a few hours.


    Hey Luc,
    Thanks again for doing this. Your GoToLuc Pulse Motor video is just icing on the cake for me - informing, confirming, reassuring and inspiring my own work.

    But considering this, imho erroneous conclusion of yours and BroMikey, by paraphrasing what Uncle Jack says in Breaking Bad, "See, I'm thinking the headline here should be: FIVE WATT HOURS OF FREE ENERGY!"

    Video 196 - End of Test shows total 267 watt hours on the Primary (High Side) digital meter, 135 watthours across the motor meter, and 137 watt hours into the charging battery, for a net gain of 5 more watt hours out of the motor than the Primary (High Side) Batteries supplied, that's BIG NEWS!

    I believe that if you put that great scope you have on the motor you used for this test/experiment, and even spinning it by hand or turning it with another motor, you will see pulses as I have in the attached a simple cordless drill motor turning a second cordless drill motor. It's the PULSES that disturb the Medium; the anisotropy (DePalma) that break the isotropic Aether and bring in the extra energy.

    I'll bet a dollar to a donut (as my Dad used to say,) that if you charge up A1 and B2 and put them in series and connect them to the same motor you used for the test the last few days, and put a run time meter on so you can let it run and go to bed - they won't run anywhere near as long as they did in this experiment. The low side battery consistently showed charging had occurred in (pretty sure) every video. Just connecting the motor negative back to the negative of A1 wastes the pulses, as "the force subsiding" the Aether just reorganizes back to isotropic.

    Here's an $18 run time meter

    and a better "all-in-one" digital run time, amps, volts, watts, etc.
    DROK 0.96" Portable OLED Multimeter DC 33V 3A 0-99h59min 99W -15°C~~60℃ Run Time Temperature Power Capacity Energy Meter 7in1 Electrical Parameter Multifunction Tester~ Hardware Tools Tools
    Attached Files

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Satyam108 View Post
    Hey BroMikey,
    Back a few months ago when I was slogging thru the 10 million posts of Basic Free Energy Device and your Splitting the Positive thread, playing catch up, I remembered you doing a Matt Jones rewiring of a Razor MY1016 scooter motor and found it here:
    Drilling holes in the case of the MY1016 transformed it into a treadmill motor? Or I'm guessing you put the wrong image inline?

    Turion (Dave) also posted in Splitting the Positive that a PDF of how to do the Matt conversion - wind it - was in Post 969 of Basic Free Energy Device, but damned if I can find it.
    Look here Jim I also have this redrawn in the thread

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  • Satyam108
    I'm Confused

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Luc, like Duncan I am not wanting to tick off the giver of the MATT MOD
    MTR but since you asked. Sorry boys you got to drill some holes in
    that sucker. My motor got so hot is stunk up my whole house at first.

    This was probably due to the type of slow setting epoxy but after 1 hr
    of operation I had to shut it off. Luc is testing over a 20 hr range and
    this over heating condition was a problem.

    Solution:? Sure the solution for someone who really ran long tests like
    me for over 20 hrs was to remove the end caps and drill 1/2" holes in
    the aluminum plates in between, where I could.

    Here is the frame I went to after this problem. It has ports right out
    of the factory.

    Also what would happen to the little motor was it would start out running
    at one amperage then as it got hot would climb up higher and higher and
    higher. I could not touch it. Junk.

    Once i drilled the holes things were much better til I raised the voltage up
    to 20vdc where it heated up only a little. The vents were the answer.

    However my build used 20awg wire so the free wheeling draw was just
    under 1 amp at around 900ma on a 12v on a 3 battery hookup.
    The only way i could get the amps up was to run it at 14.75vdc
    where i was instructed to run it.

    This gave me a reading of 1.3 amps or 1300ma. It ran pretty cool and
    was the most exciting experiment i ever did in my life because the voltage
    just hung in one place forever, not like your standard amp burning
    winding jobs like on stock off the shelf.

    Hey BroMikey,
    Back a few months ago when I was slogging thru the 10 million posts of Basic Free Energy Device and your Splitting the Positive thread, playing catch up, I remembered you doing a Matt Jones rewiring of a Razor MY1016 scooter motor and found it here:
    Drilling holes in the case of the MY1016 transformed it into a treadmill motor? Or I'm guessing you put the wrong image inline?

    Turion (Dave) also posted in Splitting the Positive that a PDF of how to do the Matt conversion - wind it - was in Post 969 of Basic Free Energy Device, but damned if I can find it.

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  • gotoluc
    Thanks for your appreciation BroMikey

    When I started 10 years back I had no knowledge of how to use an oscilloscope or of anything I shared in that video. I learned most through trial and error buy building and sharing my interesting test devices then considering advice from the more knowledgeable like TinselKoala, Gyula, .99 and so on.
    My learning skill are mostly visual and the reason I appreciate seeing a video to better understand the operation of a device.
    I also find it easier to visually demonstrate my work instead of writing about it and why I make so many videos.

    I'm very fortunate at this time to have free access to such great test equipment and a lab space.
    You guy haven't even seen half the stuff I can play with. The owner of the space has invested hundreds of thousands over the years but like me hasn't found anything that has a COP of over 1.

    Anyways, glad to share the little I have picked up over the years and hope it can help others along the way.
    The more we share the closer we'll get to finding what we're looking for.


    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-05-2017, 03:52 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
    Here is a demonstration of the gotopulse motor

    Link to video:

    BTW, the starting voltage of bat 1 was 12.99v, bat 2 was 12.98v and bat 3 was 12.85v
    After the short demo and two hours of rest time bat 1 was 12.99v, bat 2 was 12.98v and bat 3 was 12.90v
    Yes i am very impressed with your ability to operate equipment that is
    very expensive. I have learned a great deal from this one video, like the
    switch portion being a 2 directional gateway that we have all heard about
    but you have shown how the signal generator and scope can do the
    tuning. I have all of that here but had no direction of understanding
    or know what I am looking for.

    My stuff is quite a bit older but can still get the job done.

    I missed the adjustment instructions on the back plate, sorry.

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  • gotoluc
    Here is a demonstration of the gotopulse motor

    Link to video:

    BTW, the starting voltage of bat 1 was 12.99v, bat 2 was 12.98v and bat 3 was 12.85v
    After the short demo and two hours of rest time bat 1 was 12.99v, bat 2 was 12.98v and bat 3 was 12.90v

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  • Duncan
    good grief - I'll retire from the field till you've had your fill of that contraption. still you can leave the central heating off I guess

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  • padova
    It would be good idea to try and test Matts motor with batteries.


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  • jettis
    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
    I want to get your feedback on the Matt Pulse motor as the one I received from Carroll seems to be a power hog and heats up like I've never seen before for a motor that is not under load.
    Please note, I say 120 Wh but in fact it is 220 Wh

    Link to video:
    I am of the opinion that you should do the test with the Matt motor... That is the whole point of this thread is it not? To test the claims thereof.

    Secondly you have to return those garden tractor batteries to the store and get, at the very least 30-40amp hour deep cycles to perform the testing of the Matt motor. Or if you can find funding get three Trojan 100amp hour deep cycles for testing.

    Those Walmart garden tractor batteries are not deep cycles, but starter batteries and they are not designed to be deep cycled like that without being harmed capacity wise.

    Dave Wing

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
    I want to get your feedback on the Matt Pulse motor as the one I received from Carroll seems to be a power hog and heats up like I've never seen before for a motor that is not under load.
    Please note, I say 120 Wh but in fact it is 220 Wh

    Link to video:
    My build used 20awg wire so the free wheeling draw was just
    under 1 amp at around 900ma on a 12v on a 3 battery hookup.
    The only way i could get the amps up was to run it at 14.75vdc
    where i was instructed to run it.

    This gave me a reading of 1.3 amps or 1300ma. It ran pretty cool and
    was the most exciting experiment i ever did in my life because the voltage
    just hung in one place forever, not like your standard amp burning
    winding jobs like on stock off the shelf.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 11-06-2017, 01:45 AM.

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