Luc I don't want to really piss guys off who spent so much time and effort on the pulse motor and its variants . I opted not to go there, you can take this or leave it -
I refrained from mentioning this impression from when that icing event took place Luc lest I be regarded as rather more insane than alternative energy researchers are anyway .
But --- It being Bonfire night In the UK tomorrow you might find some mild amusement in what I write.
Bonfire night as you probably know celebrates the capture of Guy Fawkes and the foiling of the gun powder plot.
As Guy had managed to amass many barrels of gun powder under the houses of parliament the authorities of the time saw to it that he didn't die peacefully in his sleep of old age with a young maid next to him.
Its a Pity they didn't leave the gun powder though , It might induce those costly windbags to talk sense now and again!-although I doubt it.
Already a Maritime Island with sailors well travelled the 'Bon' in bonfire is not from the French Bon as in nice or sweet but rather from 'Bonpo' the Bonpo being the Monica ascribed to A Tibetan Shaman. The public examination for such an aspiring shaman in common with some native Indian shaman was to mentally light a pile of dry leaves much in the fashion that you see here.
Why Should I mention This? Well as a youngster I used to help on a farm,the farmer used to use a pendulum (divining) to 'sex' chicken eggs (another mental interaction)
He obviously didn't want to invest time and money in hatching more foghorn leghorn roosters, them eggs were destined first for the frying pan! I thought it quite natural when shown how to do it.
Ah – sorry Luc I promised not to clutter Oh well to the point then, When I connected that very old battery I was sitting simply watching the motor,and just as David described his experience it was stationary. I was of course willing the bloody thing to turn and eventually it did. So did David's incidently without any willing (in fact he wasn't even in the room), so take this with a pinch of salt if you like. Still as this very small motor began to turn very slowly I tried to mentally stop it. It stopped.
I tried to start it again – It started and quickly got faster and faster to such a point I couldn't stop the thing physically never mind mentally.-- Was it my imagination? To be honest I don't really know now as time passes I start to doubt myself, anyway non of it could be considered scientific – so just saying that's all, treat it as mild amusement by all means if you wish.
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Continued Tests of the 3 Battery System
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I want to get your feedback on the Matt Pulse motor as the one I received from Carroll seems to be a power hog and heats up like I've never seen before for a motor that is not under load.
Please note, I say 120 Wh but in fact it is 220 Wh
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Testing to see how much current the Matt Pulse Motor needs.
Link to video: edited by gotoluc; 11-04-2017, 07:20 PM.
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11/4/17 (6th day) End of test at 10:20 am all batteries discharged to 10 volts
Link to video: edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 12:00 PM.
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Great Stuff Luc ! Nice of your friends to supply some batteries for you and Carroll to send a pulse motor. Kudos sir!
You are of course your 'own man' and will proceed as you see fit – me thinks that's as it should be, your an accomplished experimenter in your own right after all.
I guess over the years those that have seen success with this system have become enthralled (and I do include myself) each understandably wants you to follow their particular avenue,use their particular battery or motor to reach the same plateau, (I'm sorry to say you saw me doing so myself)
I for one hope you don't do that with out very good cause.
The reasoning is simple something very special happens in that system at times and many folks have experienced it, Some have managed to amplify it by trial and error but I don't think anyone would disagree if I wrote 'No one has nailed it down', - That is to 'an explainable specific' in short The effect is being amplified and utilized whilst the cause remains unknown.
That doesn't mean that when someone eventually does (and I'm sure it is 'when' and not if) I doubt it will be because they are more persistent, cleverer or built more motors I rather think it will be some one with some little and unusual plus in their skill set , a little strange niche or experience overlooked by most.
I guess really every bodies rooting for you to spot the missing link, (for all the *****ing here and there) As far as I'm concerned Its a new pair of eye's and hands with different test gear and different skill set , something new can happen anytime . Believe it! Its exciting ! Particularly as I Have read and watched a lot of your work over the years Luc . I will refrain from clutter on your thread as you run your tests Luc, however When I return from Budapest in a weeks or so's time, I have some four year old untouched gel cells and I'll have a gallant attempt to recreate that huge energy gain and icing on camera for you . There is no mistaking this visitor when it comes a visiting Kindest regards Duncan
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11/4/17 (6th day) 35th bat switch
Link to video: edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 11:56 AM.
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The test ended today at 10:20 am and Motor Wh meter total was 135 Wh.
The final video will be available once upload is complete.
Also, I've received Carroll's "Matt modified motor" so we can begin tests once I've established the Wh capacity of the new batteries.
Thank you Carroll for your help
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Test resumed @ 9:03am 11/4/17 (6th day) 34th bat switch
Link to video: edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 11:57 AM.
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135 vs 120?
Originally posted by BroMikeyOkay guys correct my math if this is wrong please.
Yet Luc's meter is showing that the motor has had 135wh go thru it
when theoretical for for 2 five amp hour batteries can never exceed
the 120 watt hour mark.
I am sort of puzzled at this point.
Anyone thinking this thru?
Maybe actual voltage is a bit higher on average.
At low C-rates, batteries can output higher than the C/20 Ah rating. Maybe up to 5% so I've heard.
Wattmeter accuracy may be questionable at such low current. 0.14A is 0.7% of full scale Amperes.
It will be interesting to compare to the one (or 2) battery test with the same load (0.14A).
For the $12, I think I'll order one of these Wattmeters and run a few calibration tests against some other meters/testers I have, like the CBA II (from West Mountain Radio).
I think most of the extra Watt hours come from the first 5 or 6 hours of the test where the motor voltage is high, starts out at 16+. So current is higher and power (W) is higher and Wh in the motor (system load) accumulate faster. At first battery swap, at 6 hours, there is 33 Wh shown for the motor. Using nominal or average numbers one would have expected about 10 to 12 Wh.
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Yes BroMikey
Unfortunately it looks like you have it right
Since your calculations comes close to the motors watt meter, then I would also support that the meter Ahr reading may be a true reflection of the power that has gone in the motor.
I resumed the test at 9am but I don't think it would run any longer then a few hours.
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Hi all, Hi mike, i would say, the meters have been keeping a better recording.
Also, i will defer to joseph newmans terminology, lucs setup gave 135 watt/hours of obvious usable work so far and 135 watt/hours or so of not obvious work, which is the unseen charging done within the 3rd battery.
peace love light
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11/3/17 (5th day) test stopped for the night at 2:08 am
Link to video: edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 11:58 AM.
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