Originally posted by bistander
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I have already explained in the first video that the two batteries (labeled A1 & B2) were fully charged at the beginning of the test and that Bat C3 was fully discharged which I also demonstrated to be so. I also explain bat A1 & B2 were load tested (charged & discharged) over 6 time and averaged 60 Watt/hr of capacity in each. I did also mention I'll stop the test if the motor stops or when all 3 batteries reach 10 Volts (which ever comes first) which at that point there should be no doubt that the batteries energy capacity we started with in bat A1 & B2 is fully depleted and then calculate the motors total run time hours.
We'll have a total Watts/hrs that has run through the 3 battery circuit.
The next test will be to recharge bat A1 & B2 and each run the motor (watt meter attached) till each battery reach 10volts then total the hours of run time.
We'll compare the data of the two tests and it should be clear if the 3 battery system makes a motor run longer then just connected straight to a battery.
Is there anything unclear about the tests?
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