Originally posted by Turion
It doesn't seem like the right thing to do by abandoning this thread for
the other site after Luc stated he wished for good results. He is not playing
by the rules. And some of the others who don't talk much may be
encouraging him to go the other way. It looks like you were right after
all Turion man.
We did give Luc every opportunity to take away our doubts about his
being open. Then he tells me, especially me that I should only speak
when spoken to. With the rest of his tin soldiers beating the drum
"away with him".

What a joke. What a back stabbing bunch of hateful people, thats my
take. Thanks Turion, you did it again as usual. "Disinfo agent"?
Didn't you say?
Sneaky Luc, going around behind our backs while we wait tentatively
on his return believing he is honest and forthright. Of course we mean
nothing to him. That secret video is marked NOV 8th and I have been
wondering what happened to Luc for weeks.
Where were all of his attack dogs 3 weeks ago? Maybe they were
invited and saw the whole thing already.