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Continued Tests of the 3 Battery System

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  • gotoluc
    11/1/17 (3rd day) 13th bat switch

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    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 12:12 AM.

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  • dragon
    Ok, thanks Turion, I missed that...

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  • dragon
    GotoLuc, A bit of confusion here... your only counting 2 batteries ( 120 w/h ) when your draining 3 of them... shouldn't you account for the full 180 w/h ?

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  • gotoluc
    11/1/17 (3rd day) 12th bat switch

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    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 12:12 AM.

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  • gotoluc
    11/1/17 (3rd day) 11th bat switch

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    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 12:12 AM.

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  • gotoluc
    No disrespect to anyone but I would prefer any discussion that are not related to the present device under test to be discuss in another topic, since if the components I'm presently testing do prove to extend the motors run time which Dave says he's never seen yet, then that will be and accomplishment and the results can only improve from there if using larger batteries and or Pulse motors further improve the results.
    With this in mind, it would be great to have a topic that focused only on the present test device so newcomers can quickly and easily go through it and see the results without getting confused about other possibilities.

    The next 3 bat system test I'll do will use the same circuit and batteries but the DC PM motor will be Pulsed.
    Then we'll be able to confirm without a doubt which direction is best.

    Thanks for your understanding


    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-02-2017, 11:21 PM.

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  • Duncan
    and this Luc is me some time ago, with a very heavily sulphated battery and ½ a bottle of Shiraz .
    I am doing exactly what you were , that is feeding in a square (impulse)wave in the certain knowledge that it will turn to a lovely sine wave at resonance. - It does as you can see
    however I surmised this was the longitudinal impulse wave I was looking at , The difference is striking as you'll find if you try it , there isn't one resonant point there are many. I view it something like striking a piano key , not only the fundamental sounds but all sympathetic frequencies ad - infinitum , that battery rocks ! , to make it stable and last ahhhh thats a different matter.

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  • Duncan
    indeed ewiz - no disputing that ! its simply the principle I stress , it works at lower voltages and higher frequencies I'm glad to say. Incidently I met George at one of the conferences and he uses this what shall we call it 'freak' to charge a big bank of batteries through off peak times at resonance (ish) and feeds the resulting energy back onto the grid atpeak time. The upshot of this is the utillity company have to pay him every quarter for using their energy - must piss them a bit I'm sure! If'n you want to read that story its pay to view here
    Reverse Your Electric Meter, Legally! |
    however you have all the pieces anyway now
    kind regards Duncan

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  • gotoluc
    11/1/17 (3rd day) 10th bat switch

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    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 11:48 AM.

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  • ewizard
    That capacitive charger is basically the same thing as George Wiseman's Capacitive Transformer charger (no transformer is used). Same exact setup with a cap in series with the AC and put a FWBR on the end of it. It's one to be very careful with since you are using AC straight from an outlet.

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  • Duncan
    A pleasure Luc you might like to consider this briefly too-
    as I try to expand just a little. David originally carried this out with two batteries only one in good condition and one heavily crystallised connected reverse polarity with a brushed motor in series.
    + to + for instance with a brushed DC in the negative line . With that huge resistance of a suphated battery in circuit (circa 10 M ohms I measured on the thing I ran) you would think it impossible for the motor to ever turn – amazingly it does after some time start to turn of its own accord and get faster and faster . Difficult to offer any explanation apart from I have seen it and it does!
    In fact I watched the battery terminals and surrounds 'ice up' but I never managed to reproduce the effect after the battery 'healed'(charged) itself.
    My thoughts at the time Luc lead me to consider a web page I'll post in a moment It relates to capacitive battery charging . Consider if you will the impulse now is supplied by di-electric breakdown as opposed to armature brushes – again the object being to hit and hold series resonance (very difficult but not impossible)
    It seems quite insane but even the battery formula doesn't disagree .
    A LA battery capacity is measured in amps/hours , there is no rhyme or reason to involve voltage or power.(in theory) - hold series resonance with a high resistance (little or no I^2R loss) you have what's ordered lots of Amps but its walking a thin line on shifting sand. and the seeds of destruction are there as the internal resistance lowers as the battery charges.
    Whilst at resonance there is virtually no energy transfer (only amps) no energy = NO HEAT (I believe that's why I saw icing) This guy is prepared to walk that fine line with LA batteries across the grid. I've done this but its a bit nerve racking and not for the faint hearted
    Capacitive Battery Charger - John Saves Energy
    If you read his observation on using this contraption as a 'de-sulphater' and then read the de-sulphater as 'instant charging' well now perhaps you see the comparison I'm trying to draw.
    Whilst I could think of no way to stabilize the operation or hold that series resonance with a high resistance the bits of the jig saw fit. - That's my guess and contribution for what it might be worth. you I know have a good grasp of things resonant Luc so I hope you see what I'm driving at and add something to this frustrating chestnut.
    I also have the cheek to post your own video Luc for the benefit of others reading , in which you importantly note - square wave (impulse wave) can indeed be made resonant

    Kind regards Duncan
    Last edited by Duncan; 11-01-2017, 03:17 PM.

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  • gotoluc
    Test resumed 11/1/17 (3rd day) 9th bat switch

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    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 12:11 AM.

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  • Duncan
    Gotoluc – Meaning no animosity to anyone I am delighted to see you having a crack at this nut, even though I can understand how it might bend some folks out of shape . I know David in particular has invested years of his time and I shudder to think how much coin chasing this rabbit. still from what I know of the man regardless of that he'd still die a happy man if he knew how and why it does what it does.
    I can tell you personally huge amounts of seemingly free energy does make its availability known in no uncertain fashion its, quite undeniable. I'll write a little on that in a moment gotoluc because I think you may have a talent to if not tame it, to perhaps see a little more of the light.
    I have read Bro and David's comments and have only this to observe -
    There has been such an expensive and time consuming effort to duplicate the conditions by so many people the small gains have been logged by most as real milestones cast in stone almost, Size of battery ,size of cable, magnetic direction , et al – infinitum.
    I would like to remind everyone reading that some of the greatest discoveries over the years have been made entirely by accident ! duplication of what has been done before may not be the correct avenue,
    Some time ago Luc you produced a series of video's to help people understand resonance and If I don't miss my guess its going to hold you in good stead here.
    Let me expand on that . Resonance by en large is a condition where energy may transform from one form to another, one example of this might be (for instance) a radio transmitter , It is feeding a spacial resonant antenna ,with electrical energy which is converted to another form of energy ,The electromagnetic wave, - unit the wavelength.
    All this of course pertains to the transverse wave (the sine wave in fact) the longitudinal wave is assumed not to exist in electrical and electronic work, therefore we don't have the maths the formula or any knowledge of its effects we stumble in the dark! Let me then offer an explanation which might (just might) answer .
    First the size of the battery's – Here is the spacial relationship , Just as an antenna has a physical size (wavelength relationship) to the sine-wave fed into it just so the battery to an impulse wave generated by whatever means. From what I saw I formed the opinion that this huge amount of excess energy was generated in the heart of the so called 'bad battery' I started to view any LA battery even a brand new one as in some state of crystallisation all be it at a sub molecular level) and that crystallisation crucial to the energy generation. One of your own video's Luc shows a square wave being brought to resonance on an oscilloscope , The time axis is of course arbitrary regard it as an impulse (if you will) impulse immediately puts you in the longitudinal wave kingdom of Eric Dollard. (revise this if you want)
    although I'm sure you will have watched it many times anyway. If you take one of those badly crystallised batteries Luc and connect a Sig Gen and scope to it you'll find it has resonant points. If you impulse at that frequency with a voltage you'll see what has excited so many other people.
    There also alas lay the seeds of destruction too! The crystal structure changes , the impedance changes ,
    the resonant points of course change --- in short the bloody battery fixes itself,the internal resistance drops dramatically (view that like the Q factor if'n you like) so -- Its like dancing on shifting sand .
    I might remind folks that a crystallised battery exhibits a condition the text books refer to as 'approaching infinity resistance' That however that doesn't apply to impedance .
    Impulse at one of the series resonant frequencies results in no 'real energy' consumption (in theory
    Power (Watts) = VI cos Φ and energy = Power X time (Kw/hrs) ergo if cos Φ = 90deg (resonance) no power is consumed and so no energy either but that box of crystals is bouncing, a thing of beauty you don't get to watch for very long --- just my musings for you to consider Luc – kindest regards Duncan
    Last edited by Duncan; 11-01-2017, 10:59 AM.

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  • gotoluc
    10/31/17 (2nd day) last update of the day and shutdown till tomorrow morning

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    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 12:11 AM.

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  • gotoluc
    10/31/17 (2nd day) 8th bat switch

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    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-06-2017, 12:11 AM.

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