Originally posted by Turion
work over the years. I don't want to leave the impression of ingratitude
by these some what rather abrasive sounding remarks I let loose
of on the thread here.
You guys should know by now I am all about the drama. I knew already
that the earlier pdf was not the end but we need to remember the many
thousands who only see that PDF, they build it and they think it is the same
as the later versions where 3 strands of #23 are used which dramatically
lowers the resistance.
Next Dave i will say this to you personally, no one has cared for my desire
to learn extra energy circuits than you. This makes you our captain and
we already know who the general is as stated by you.
Don't misunderstand some of my posts where I let on like some toddler/
beginner who doesn't know how to operate an ohm meter, I am doing
that to air out my earlier frustrations that 1000's have right now.
Grandpa was an electronics wiz a left over warrior who was from Finland.
These people are smart. I started at age 8 years watching him build and
never lost interest to date. I have spent years in the library's around the
USA during my travels where i lived in SC,NV,CA,TX,MI,FL I copied circuit
diagrams. This was well before the internet.
I have been submersed in looking at circuits so simple tasks like winding
a motor is easy to understand those.
When I went back to the beginning of the thread I saw blank pages and
still those blank pages are making me wonder what they are. I will go back
again and try to see how many hours I can count up for the first day.
All of you guys are great people so this is a good thing to me. Luc wants
to see the extra and I can't blame him, it is time to build something we
can make a little money with so the wheels of progress can get this
entry. It will be like an arrow stuck where it can't be pulled out and the
people will have to deal with it.
It is high time to get to the bottom of this stuff. I will always be as
nice of a guy as you have all witnessed but we can all be pushed over
the brink.
Luc has shown us that he is desperate to find a real operating, practical
circuit. We are having our day in court so to speak. If I knew just what
to offer in video form I would but my generator section has not been
fully populated with 24 strand coils yet.
Luc is our Drill Sargent who is expecting those who have some spit and
polish to come foreword and show what their abilities have to offer.
It's put up time. I think of it as a small test.
