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Bedini Cigars

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  • #46
    My MAN!!



    • #47
      Open air best?

      Originally posted by Satyam108 View Post
      Hi Level, yes you are correct in your view of potential difference (voltage,) but n the original cigar box diagram at the top of this thread and in Brandt's and Bedini's 4 battery switches, the load - motor or whatever - SPLITS THE POSITIVE. No way around that fact.

      Jim, Clarence, Matthew, Level, Ducan
      and To All,
      Can we design a circuit that will switch a (5) battery position that uses relays or brushes on slip rings?

      Why? As you scratch your head and take a long slurp of coffee. Well my intuition, (with some hands on) not knowledge or scientific training always leads me back to "open air" or spark gap types of mechanics.

      Solid state circuitry is dependable and easier to control. But is something lost when not getting that spark to draw extra help from aether in mechanical circuits? I'm really getting above my pay grade now!!

      Use solid state to control timing of relay switches which will burn or wear out faster. But may help to answer this question ; is aether energies a part of this build?

      We need a basic design to start with and improve as we go. Much smarter and wiser builders here to do this than myself. Yes many disagree here, but that's not productive if nothing is built.

      I'm not trying to herd cats here. You are people I admire and believe can finish this "concept".



      • #48

        Originally posted by wantomake View Post
        Jim, Clarence, Matthew, Level, Ducan
        and To All,
        Can we design a circuit that will switch a (5) battery position that uses relays or brushes on slip rings?

        Why? As you scratch your head and take a long slurp of coffee. Well my intuition, (with some hands on) not knowledge or scientific training always leads me back to "open air" or spark gap types of mechanics.

        Solid state circuitry is dependable and easier to control. But is something lost when not getting that spark to draw extra help from aether in mechanical circuits? I'm really getting above my pay grade now!!

        Use solid state to control timing of relay switches which will burn or wear out faster. But may help to answer this question ; is aether energies a part of this build?

        We need a basic design to start with and improve as we go. Much smarter and wiser builders here to do this than myself. Yes many disagree here, but that's not productive if nothing is built.

        I'm not trying to herd cats here. You are people I admire and believe can finish this "concept".


        Somewhere I recall (?) that Capacitors can be used in place of Batteries and with far GREATER results.
        I believe that it was lower Uf values that were used - Say 1 to 5 Uf .
        The lower values allow for FASTER switching (IMHOP).
        The capacitors DO NOT have the SULPHUR buildup on their plates and therefore have a longer time usage per component.
        Cheaper and require less foot space in any build!
        Also AC voltage type Caps can be used in place of DC type. They work
        equally well.
        Be warned - that if they are charged and stopped mid charge cycle they can
        BITE you in the Arse if not discharged before touching.

        Probably use a 13 to 14 Volt input ?
        You will still need the transistors for the switching (IMHOP).

        Worth a try anyway.


        Last edited by clarence; 11-22-2017, 02:39 PM. Reason: FORGOT


        • #49
          Don't want to detract too much from the thread, just wanted to share some info that I heard in an interview related to Nikola Tesla and having no testicles. It was claimed he did it while in Europe as a young boy to prevent mandatory military service. The man stating this in the interview alleges his father helped fund some of Tesla's work.


          In process of ordering supplies for a very large generator. Already have a tons of 2V 200Ah lead acids and in process of getting the other materials, looking forward to sharing the results of the 3 battery system.

          Thanks for the great thread, ENJOY!

          Originally posted by Duncan View Post
          Study of Tesla gives me the heebie Jeebies he seems to have carried most things in his head and the rest has been treated to smoke and mirrors. Each time I delve into NT more interesting enigma's turn up. here's a few that I'll point to and the questions they raise .
          1/ Death certificate not available (apparently) was poor O'l NT bumped off ? (he certainly wouldn't be the last FE researcher to get potted even if he was)
          Farinelli was a singer who was separated from his balls in order to preserve his voice (castrato). It is suggested by no less an authority than Andrija Puharich that are hero Tesla was also 'Nutless' perhaps to remove sexual 'urges' and so concentrate on his research ?
          I often wonder if some readers and contributers to energetics I would be very happy to name might like to urgently consider the same procedure ? (in the interests of science)

          It also seems that Tesla as a bankrupt pigeon loving pauper might be something of a charade too! - kind regards Duncan
          Last edited by ET-Power; 11-22-2017, 07:40 PM.
          "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


          • #50
            Originally posted by wantomake View Post
            Can we design a circuit that will switch a (5) battery position that uses relays or brushes on slip rings?
            Hello wantomake. Yes, you could do it using relays instead of power transistors, but as Clarence mentioned you would still normally use transistors to switch the relays on and off. 12V relays typically draw 30mA or more to energize the coils to activate them.



            • #51
              Is success in FE an addiction?

              Thanks Level and Clarence,
              I do appreciate the help. Just trying to understand each part of this setup and the parts needed to finish the build.

              To All,
              I did wire the smaller modified Matt motor today. But as you'll see in the video it runs hot and pulls high amperage. But it did spin the other Mod Matt generator to supply 25 +- volts DC back to the system.

              Was so busy watching the motor/generator set running I forgot to disconnect the solar array from the inverter batteries and it shut off to prevent overload. Looked up to see 15.99 volts on the inverter batteries and I almost fried the (4) batteries. I've never seen the back loop charge up any thing at all!!

              So waited and let everything settle back to normal then restarted the motor/generator again. But I had to add more watts/amps on the output of the inverter to keep the batts at a safe level of charge.


              Sorry it's very loud. But it did power the inverter up to 1.5 amps and kept the primaries charged, plus powered the mod Matt motor as prime mover. And that's were I got a little more addicted to FE. I checked the amps pulled by the motor, it was 10.40 amps but slowly going down. But the motor was too hot to run any more.


              So question to All here, is this some success or I'm desperate to see any positive happen? My math, formulas, equations and such aren't very good to determine this. Add up the amps and it looks like 12 +- amps pulled from the 3BGS and maintaining voltage.

              If I'm wrong please show me. Here to learn and build if possible.
              PS; Just got 5 small voltmeters as readouts for each battery and such.
              bayite 3 Wire 0.36" DC 0~30V Digital Voltmeter Gauge Tester Red LED Display Panel Mount Car Motorcycle Battery Monitor Volt Voltage Meter Pack of 5
              Last edited by wantomake; 11-22-2017, 10:27 PM.


              • #52
                Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                So question to All here, is this some success or I'm desperate to see any positive happen? My math, formulas, equations and such aren't very good to determine this. Add up the amps and it looks like 12 +- amps pulled from the 3BGS and maintaining voltage.
                Hello wantomake. I am not really sure how you have everything connected together so I am not in a position to comment. However, if the batteries you are powering everything from seem to be staying charged up, then that sounds like a good thing to me.



                • #53
                  3BSTP or "Tesla" Switch?

                  Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                  Jim, Clarence, Matthew, Level, Ducan
                  and To All,
                  Can we design a circuit that will switch a (5) battery position that uses relays or brushes on slip rings?

                  Why? As you scratch your head and take a long slurp of coffee. Well my intuition, (with some hands on) not knowledge or scientific training always leads me back to "open air" or spark gap types of mechanics.

                  Solid state circuitry is dependable and easier to control. But is something lost when not getting that spark to draw extra help from aether in mechanical circuits? I'm really getting above my pay grade now!!

                  Use solid state to control timing of relay switches which will burn or wear out faster. But may help to answer this question ; is aether energies a part of this build?

                  We need a basic design to start with and improve as we go. Much smarter and wiser builders here to do this than myself. Yes many disagree here, but that's not productive if nothing is built.

                  I'm not trying to herd cats here. You are people I admire and believe can finish this "concept".

                  Hi wantoake,
                  I applaud your efforts to build and share - learn by doing. Not much math really involved simple Ohm's Law and P=EI.

                  I don't see switching on the 3BSTP as anything that needs to be fast - except in frequency of pulses coming from the motor to the battery being charged. Actually rotating the batteries is pretty slow - especially with 5 (3 working and 2 resting/recovering.) I'm in final turn of the testing and design of Arduino UNO based data logging (amps, volts, time) and rotating the batteries so they don't over charge or discharge. Hope to put in an order to DigiKey tonight or tomorrow (after turkey if I can stay awake.) But in my Cigar Box replication, I plan to just do the first round or two (see diagram at top of thread) manually, and then expect that the LiMn batteries will continue to stay charged AND turn the small motor - without the need to rotate them - as Netlore has JB's cigar box doing for 6 months before it was smashed. (Note to self: Need to look for a cigar box.)

                  WRT the 4 battery "Tesla" Switch it is now obvious that John Bedini demonstrated at TSC in '84 (probably NOT in a Cigar Box) - that HAS to be switched fairly fast to work. I tried it first of all with relays and a 555 timer based oscillator to control them.

                  (yeah, that's white Thasos (Greek) marble, engraved brass, and simulated ivory knobs on the controller box - so convinced was I that I had this down and ready to save the world! What price hubris?!?!?! )

                  Behind the Little House of Lights on the right of the photo, were two PM DC motors - one connected to the DC side of the Bridge rectifier of the Tesla Switch, and the other to the 108 bright white LEDs on the LHOL. Meant to be proof of concept to investors to fund a Working Prototype - a fuel-less and emission-less 15 KW whole house power plant. Not "off the grid" but END OF GRID technology. (I'm still hell bent on that path - for almost a decade now - LOTS of reading and study - lurking in Energetic and other forums - yada yada)

                  What I learned from the relay version:
                  I fired the thing up for the proverbial "smoke test" and sure enough, the Holy Smoke that makes all things work, escaped. Starting out at about 9 Hz if I remember, the motor on the bridge rectifier started to turn slowly and the rubber band on its pulley turned the LWHG (little whole house generator) and a few of the LEDs came on very dimly - flickering. So I doubled the frequency of the "battery ping pong" of the "Tesla" Switch - up to 18 Hz. The motor turned a bit faster and the voltage out of the LWHG came up maybe another 1/2 volt - still not enough to get the LEDs all lit up. So, as is the American Way - More is better - I cranked the frequency up - I think doubling again to 36 Hz, and the LHOL lights lit brightly - FOR A MOMENT. And then the Holy Smoke escaped.

                  The bridge rectifiers I was using parts of for blocking diodes in the Tesla Switch - two of them shorted, though they were rated for 35 amps! And one contact on one of the two DPDT relays (also highly rated WRT current) vaporized. Hindsight examination of the failed FEPOC revealed that the PHYSICAL / MECHANICAL limitation of the relays was the problem. After doing the math on the specs (hindsight 20/20, foresight 0) the fastest they could make the < 1/4 " journey from energized to not energized position was 33 Hz. They got out of sync - one of the relays zigged when it should have zagged.

                  So learn how and then make SSR's - Solid State Relays - from MOSFETs, but at this point I took a wrong turn, pursuing Mr. Spock's "untamed aquatic fowl" down a Bedini blind alley - with Bedini's/Bill and Ray's Scalar Battery Charger with Ron Cole BiPolar Switch. See it all here including the Tesla Switch schematic:
                  John Bedini Energizers 2 :: Zero Point Energy
                  and this (damnable hubris/ego) DESPITE Bedini's own warning:
                  . . .the circuit diagram as he drew it I have only copied it in my paint program. IT’S YOURS, HAVE FUN. I NEVER BUILT IT. I ONLY HAD AN IDEA ABOUT A PORTABLE BATTERY CHARGER YOU NEVER HAD TO PLUG INTO THE WALL FOR POWER.

                  Some things in the circuit look wrong to me. But this is the circuit just the way I received it. So that’s what I’m putting on the page. I have not studied this circuit and I haven’t built it. I’m just giving you the information.
                  Good Luck. John Bedini
                  Not a total waste of time and money - I learned some things - the main one being to eschew the colloquialism "Never look a gift horse in the mouth." Now "never" is "always." Live and learn.

                  Bedini Lieutenant turned defector and after JB passed last year, detractor, Rick Friedrich, who reportedly built a Tesla Switch powered Porshe conversion and motor boat while with Bedini - pooh poohs the Tesla Switch here in a VERY long video:
                  Bedini Tesla Switch, What's wrong with it? It KILLS Batteries!

                  IMHO because the batteries aren't allowed to rest. I think the 3BSTP is a better model to accommodate the batteries getting R&R between rounds of work - that's why I'm pursuing this route. Rick's own ministerial "Loving Giving Circuits" confirms this approach from several directions. YMMV.

                  With gratitude to family and friends, I now have 5 big 35 AH SLA batteries and two used razor scooter motors. I have a DDS FG (direct digital sequence function generator) on the way and have previously (scalar charger) built 3 SSR's (solid state relays) like the ones (FG and SSR) shown in Luc's post here:


                  So that is the approach I'm going to take at first. The $200 used Chinese FG like his that Luc pointed me to on e-bay was sold by the time I got there with my social security (and backers') money on card - but Left Handed Support of Nature (what I call sh*t-house to rose dumb luck,) I got a NEW one with better bandwidth and very fine duty cycle control/resolution - for $80 including shipping.

                  Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans!
                  One more post from me about "What We Know So Far" and then I'll R&R and build and test for awhile. Still sending the Bedini at Tesla Centennial audio out to any who PM their e-mail addy.


                  PS: wantomake, YES it's ALL about the Aether and how to "get to it." What Tesla found and DePalma, Bedini and others have confirmed - sharp unidirectional pulses "poke the bear" - they DISTURB the Isotropic Aether by introducing Anisotropy. Then it becomes a matter of "use it or lose it." Find how to convert the Aether to "conventional" (whatever that is) electricity to power loads and charge batteries, or it goes back to Isotropic.


                  • #54
                    Hello Jim. Those are very fancy builds you did there. Very nice work!
                    Interesting about your results with the relays. Yes, relays are not meant for really fast switching on and off.



                    • #55
                      Bedini's Cigar Box - What We Know So Far

                      Happy Thanksgiving Campers, Fellow Men of LaMancha, and any lurking Dulcineas out there.

                      The audio that Toby Grotz graciously provided from the Sept. 1984 Tesla Centennial Celebration/Convention/Symposium, has revealed that:
                      • the 3BSTP (Three Battery Split the Positive) in the infamous diagram of John Bedini at the top of this thread was NOT presented at the '84 TSC as Netlore has it.

                      • What JB DID apparently demonstrate was a little 4 battery Tesla Switch that used 5 volt Radio Shack NiCd batteries and some transistor switches to "ping pong" the batteries - two in series power the load and charge two in parallel, and then switch to the opposite of that - still powering the load.

                      • Apparently at some point AFTER the '84 TCC, JB constructed the 3BSTP Cigar Box unit to explain and maybe understand himself, how the "Tesla" Switch works.

                      • Peter Lindemann as quoted on a Panacea-Bocaf page (I think it was linked somewhere above,) said that JB told him that the Cigar Box unit ran for 6 months until it was smashed by a "visitor" to his LA lab when John was out of the room for a few minutes. JB reportedly chose NOT to rebuild it.

                      • In the Basic Free Energy Device Thread - now closed by its creator Turion - researcher / builder / experimenter / inventor? Matt Jones is on record stating that 5 batteries - with 3 working and 2 resting at any given moment is the optimal configuration. The battery most recently charged and the battery most recently discharged, are allowed to "sit this one out," to "rest" for a round - to let their chemistries recover. (Ions move slower than electrons or whatever the current is composed of.)

                      • JB and others have many times stated that batteries don't "like" to be simultaneously charged and discharged, or being switched from being charged to being discharged quickly as is done in most versions of the "Tesla" Switch, and perhaps this is why, as former Bedini ally / employee (?) Rick Friedrich claims, the "Tesla" Switch kills batteries.

                      • Because the 3BSTP configuration more easily lends itself to the R&R model and doesn't become AC as in the "Tesla" Switch, and at least 3 researchers have found a sort of stasis or stable state where the 3BSTP just runs the motor and the batteries stay charged - a BIG indication that the system is pulling energy directly from Tesla's Medium, Moray's "Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats," and DePalma's "Primordial Sound" - all aka Aether/Space/Akasha, IMHO, the 3BSTP is the way to go.

                      • The above stasis - self running - that Turion, Matt and Desa found is also the basis of JB's claim that his Cigar Box ran for 6 months. I aim to recreate the Cigar Box to see for myself if it can run that long. I believe it can for possibly if not probably the same reason that Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder works: Edward Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder

                      • I also plan as previously stated, to construct a pretty beefy 3BSTP system that has automated switching and data logging. Once I have the motor running constantly, I plan to get a permanent magnet rotor for my new but old design Delco alternator - something that a lot of home brew windcharger builders are using - and have the pulsed output razor motor turn this alternator, and maybe at long last having my POC - Proof of Concept - of a fuel-less, emission-less whole house generator (alternator).

                      • "Upon information and belief" as the legal jargon goes when stating a cause of action in court of law, I think there is much to be learned about the high speed "flyback" switching diode that Dr. Lindemann temporarily inserted in the negative rail of the 3BSTP system he demonstrated at the Energy Science Conference in July of 2016. It noticeably increased the motor speed and the charging on the battery being charged. Is it introducing another level of DePalma's Anisotropy? It certainly begs further research and experimentation. I plan to wire one into the system I'm building with a switch in parallel with it, so I can just shunt across it to remove it from the circuit.

                      • Many including JB, I'm pretty sure, have said that the original inventor of the "Tesla" Switch was Carlos F. Benitez, and Matt and Turion and others have claimed that studying Benitez' patents is key to making these systems work. There is already a thread with the patents here:

                      • Attached is the intro and first chapter of G. Francis "Electrical Experiments." "Upon information and belief," what he describes as the Electric or Electrical Fluid is the Aether, and what he wrote of "disturbing" the fluid circa "civil" war era, fits hand in glove with today's "Electric Universe" reemergence of Natural Philosophy.

                      • Although I personally believe while the EU people have effectively destroyed "comets as dirty snowballs" when they are very much electrical, the "Big Bang" BS, Black Holes, Gravity Waves, and "spacetime" - much less CURVED spacetime (as St. Nikola called BS on back in the day) - I think they are still a bit too hung up on Plasma. They haven't transcended (gone beyond) that to the source of Plasma (4th State of Matter) itself - the Aether, the Akasha as Tesla wrote about it.

                      Keep calm and carry on. All Continued Success!
                      Peace and Love
                      Attached Files


                      • #56

                        Happy Turkey Day to All and you. Just reading with smiles and coffee this great outline of information. Thanks for organizing this thread as it goes along. As threads go, it will be like "herding cats". With all due respect to everyone here.

                        This is exactly the information I needed. You saved me precious time and failure. Therefore why not just use the 3BSTP as it is? No battery switching unless done on a weekly basis. As I stated, that Tesla switching is above my pay grade. That is a study process that takes time/resources.

                        Turion stated the need of a lenzless generator in the setup then loop back the energy to the system. I wonder how his batteries are reacting in that configuration? I've read that batteries don't like to be charged and used at the same time. They need a rest period after changing, I understand that. Just thinking here, the energy to power comes from splitting the positives. And the charge battery is charged. Fine. No problems. But for an inverter placed at the charging end with a buffer battery, it could cause battery damage.

                        This is where a battery bank switching would be useful.

                        Well must help prepare food for the Turkey meal.



                        • #57

                          Originally posted by Satyam108 View Post
                          ... I believe it can for possibly if not probably the same reason that Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder works: Edward Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder[/LIST]
                          Hi Jim,

                          The reason Leedskalnin sees a flash on his lamp when he removes the iron keeper bar is due to the interruption of the residual magnetic flux in the core and associated collapse of the field thru the coil causing an induced emf in that coil during that change. It is a stretch to call the thing "Perpetual Motion Holder".




                          • #58
                            John Bedini's 1984 Tesla Switch Box

                            Originally posted by Satyam108 View Post
                            Peter Lindemann as quoted on a Panacea-Bocaf page (I think it was linked somewhere above,) said that JB told him that the Cigar Box unit ran for 6 months until it was smashed by a "visitor" to his LA lab when John was out of the room for a few minutes. JB reportedly chose NOT to rebuild it.
                            Hello Jim. Do you have an exact link to where Peter Lindemann is quoted as saying that? I have the John Bedini DVD video set on his Tesla Switch, and in the video John said that after the 1984 Tesla conference an engineer followed John and Eike back to Bedini's shop, and John allowed him to come in and inspect his Tesla Switch circuit. John said he went away to talk to someone for a minute and when he came back the guy had cut up some wires in his Tesla Switch circuit. John didn't fix the circuit. The impression I got from what John said is that this was very shortly after the 1984 Tesla conference.
                            It doesn't look like the guy cut up that many wires, but we can see that the guy did completely cut out one of the transformers.

                            Edit: John showed Ron Brandt's original letter to Bedini in which Ron Brandt mentioned a newspaper article in the Kansis City Journal Post. From what I could gather, apparently this was a (apparently old) newspaper story possibly relating to a Tesla Switch type arrangement, and possibly that is where Ron Brandt got the original info on the Tesla Switch idea. This is based on what I can gather from what John briefly mentions in the video. Ron Brandt apparently contacted John because he wanted John to design the transistor switching for him for the Tesla Switch. This all doesn't seem to jive well however because John also said that Ron Brandt already had an electric car that was powered using batteries and a big Tesla Switch circuit using big hockey puck sized military type transistors, in which one or more of these big germanium transistors had apparently vaporized. If Ron Brandt already knew how to make a big Tesla Switch circuit to power his electric car, then why did he need to go to John Bedini to get John to design the transistor switching circuitry? The info on the history of this device is a bit confused it seems... I wonder where Ron Brandt got the electric car then that was powered with the big Tesla Switch type device? As with much of this free energy stuff, there is often conflicting or confusing info out there. Wikipedia states: "The Kansas City Journal-Post was a newspaper in Kansas City, Missouri from 1854 to 1942 which was the oldest newspaper in the city when it folded", so it must have been an old newspaper article that Ron Brandt was referring to in his letter to John Bedini.

                            Here are some some pictures of John's 1984 Tesla Switch box.

                            Last edited by level; 11-23-2017, 06:48 PM. Reason: Added something.


                            • #59
                              In the audio clip John presents the workings of the "Force" which John called Ionic Line Amps, later the name Force was dropped. John was able to run speakers at high volume and current draw on 30AWG wire and the wires never got hot. John also talks about the construction materials and how they are made. There is a good chance the Bedini B.A.S.E. also uses these as well, the modules are potted just like the Ionic Line Amps, so you cannot see. John also talks transistors can be made in like manner too. Much info can be found in...

                              Secondly the 3BGS is one half of the tesla switch, when two 3BGS are put together you have your battery ping pong that produces an AC waveform to run a AC motor or to pass to a FWBR to power other loads. I do not know if John rotated the battery positions like in the splitting the positive diagram, electronically in the Tesla switch cigar box, that question was never asked or answered anywhere as far as I know.

                              Thirdly the audio talks about the Kromrey converter and the machines ability to magnetically pull itself around faster while increasing generator load. John also talks about magnetically charging and releasing iron this causes a type of AC waveform that can be collected via a coil like PMH, this arrangement can defy Lenz law if the coil windings are not cut by the magnetic field of the magnet.

                              Dave Wing
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by jettis; 11-23-2017, 06:35 PM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by jettis View Post
                                I do not know if John rotated the battery positions like in the splitting the positive diagram, electronically in the Tesla switch cigar box, that question was never asked or answered anywhere as far as I know.
                                Hello jettis. The Tesla Switch doesn't rotate batteries. It switches the four batteries in combinations of two, back and forth continuously. One set of two batteries is configured in series and the other two batteries are configured in parallel. Then the Tesla Switch switches and does the opposite. The two batteries on each side are alternating between being configured in series and in parallel. When they are in series they are providing power, and when they are in parallel they are being charged. So the Tesla Switch shuttles charge from side to side, back and forth, continuously. John was switching at a fairly low frequency.


