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Radiant Pulse Charging to Condition Lead Acid Battery

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  • #31
    Hi iflewmyown, thanks for the response, look forward to any results you may share.
    Hi cadman, thanks for your interest.
    The stingo circuit gives very short duty cycle pulses and i think also higher voltage spikes, so more voltage than current output, compared to the meissner oscillator.
    The coil itself, is an air core coil, with a 3/4" diameter core opening, 1 3/4" outside diameter and 1 1/2" length.
    It is 5 strands of 24awg. magnet wire not twisted, though that may work better or the same.
    Here is pic of coil using stingo oscillator.

    peace love light


    • #32
      Thank you,

      Had to cross reference & order a couple of items.

      Anxious to get started.



      • #33
        Thanks, looks nice and neat.


        • #34
          Hi all, just a small update.
          The main battery under testing is starting to show significant increases in capacity.
          I did for a couple cycles, only discharge to 12.20 volts.
          On this, the 11th cycle, the 12 volt exide tractor battery, discharged for 23 hours and 3 minutes, using the same load as started with, down to 12.00 volts.
          The original, starting base line, discharge load test, ran for 21 hours and 15 minutes.
          So that is an increase of 1 hour and 48 minutes.
          That is also an increase of 13.5 watt hours in capacity.
          I will continue dishcarging down to 12.00 volts and observe any changes, to see if discharging to 12.20 volts, caused the noticeable increase in capacity.
          Comments welcome.
          Oh, I'm also still conditioning the other Xtreme brand tractor battery, that was not in good condition, would not hold a charge long and was not starting our tractor, it seems to be coming along well also.
          peace love light


          • #35
            Just want to add something for those watching this thread.

            The energizers are never going to show OU themselves...!!! The OU shows up in the batteries
            energy capacity. They last longer and take less time to charge - until they get to the point of getting
            4 or more charges for the price of one!! The sooner EVERYONE understands that, the better.
            This important fact needs to be understood by anyone embarking on this project. The expectation
            that it (the energizer) is an over-unity device has led to some misunderstandings previously.
            John B. designed the Trifilar SG with the Capacitor Pulser and SSG variants as ‘proof of concept’ to
            demonstrate and prove his method of capturing radiant energy and get the world to understand that
            it is the high potential, almost currentless pulses that the different variations of energizer put out, that
            causes what happens within the charged batteries. This is very important. This is where the radiant
            energy manifests itself, and what ‘conditions’ the batteries.
            The process that occurs in these batteries is referred to as conditioning. Once conditioned, the
            batteries last longer and take less time to charge, etc... Other benefits are that they will not wear out
            by sulfate buildup that usually occurs with standard DC charged batteries. They do not suffer from
            the depletion of water by evaporation from heat, generated by the charging process the way
            conventionally charged batteries do.
            The machine you are building will bring down the impedance of the battery. This is how the
            conditioning takes place, it drops the internal impedance of the cells, and no real current is
            needed to charge the battery this way. This lowering of the batteries impedance occurs as a
            result of the crystals in the plate material changing size as the battery charges and
            discharges, becoming smaller as the conditioning process continues.
            • Conventional DC charging/discharging of a battery generally leads to these crystals
            becoming larger over a period of time and not dissolving so readily. In a sulfated battery,
            these crystals have grown so large that the electrolyte is less able to react with the battery
            plates, the impedance rises and you have a battery that cannot hold a charge. Thus, with any
            of the variations of Bedini energizer conditioning process, these crystals get smaller and
            smaller, lowering the impedance of the batteries and enabling them to hold more charge.
            • A point will be reached where these crystals will become smaller than when the battery was
            brand new. At this stage the batteries start to develop a negative curvature of space/time
            around the crystals and plates. Further ‘conditioning’ with the energizer will result in the
            batteries lasting longer and longer on the load tests and taking less and less time to charge,
            and having a higher Standing Voltage, 4 hours after a Full Charge.
            This is another "little secret" of the battery industry. By limiting the voltage
            that most battery chargers provide to 14.8 volts, they know that the
            batteries will only last for a certain number of cycles, because a small
            amount of the sulfate ions are (purposely) being left in the plates at the end
            of each charge.
            So, repeated, incomplete charging is what causes most batteries to fail. A
            Lead-acid battery that is charged to a finishing voltage at the end of each
            charge cycle can easily operate for 5,000 charge and discharge cycles, which
            is over 15 years of service. This is how to make your batteries last a very
            long time.
            peace love light
            Last edited by SkyWatcher; 01-09-2018, 03:19 AM.


            • #36
              SkyWatcher I spent a week trying to recondition a 3 year old automotive battery. It was one of a matched set of 4 I used on a tesla switch which I did not get working. I have finally gotten it charging again using a capacitive discharge charger I found on the web. I did run your first charger in the post on a 2nd battery with good results and will now be trying to condition all 4 of these batteries. The second battery began giving more run time with less charge time so that is a first for me. This post is just to let you know that there may be many more out there following along without posting a lot.
              Thanks, Garry


              • #37
                Hi iflewmyown, thanks for sharing, glad you're having good results so far.
                I'm still conditioning the main test battery and the one that would not hold a charge, taken out of our tractor, using the stingo type circuit.
                The meissner circuit is a good one to use also.
                I'm just writing down the data as i go and will be posting some more of that at some point, to show any changes so far.
                The main testing battery has been through 16 condition cycles so far.
                peace love light


                • #38
                  Hi all, I've been continuing to cycle the batteries, then i decided to make some tests with different voltage inputs, with and without ferrite tube core.
                  I've been using the meissner oscillator variant.
                  This oscillator can be tuned by the 2 resistors and capacitor.
                  I tried a lithium ion cell, 3.8 volts input, then tried the usual 12 volt input, then 19 volts input, then 31 volts input.
                  I tuned and tested all these input voltages with the 4 strands in parallel, the other one being used for the oscillator feedback wire.
                  Then i made tests with the 4 primary strands in series.
                  This seemed to give a higher output for the same input, by tuning the oscillator to maintain the same input wattage.
                  Then i decided to compare this series wired, 31 volt input setup with ferrite tube core and compare with the rene emf charger.
                  This places the oscillator inline between the negatives of the input source and 12 volt charge battery.
                  So the oscillator is using around 18 volts and i tuned the oscillator to use the same wattage as as the previous circuit setup, around 5 watts on the killiwatt meter, the actual circuit draw is about .7 watts less.

                  The rene emf charger is charging better than the previous circuit, at same input wattage, though the charging output does taper off a little more towards the end, though that is probably a good thing.
                  peace love light


                  • #39
                    Hi all, I've modified the circuit a little more, testing out something similar to Lawrence Tseung's fleet device.
                    I pulled out the core, so air coil now.
                    Also wired 2 of the primary strands in parallel as the primary of oscillator.
                    Then used the other 2 strands in series as a secondary induced coil and placed the 3 parallel diodes off one of the wire ends to the 12 volt charge battery.
                    Also tuned the circuit to use the same wattage as previously.
                    It does seem to be charging better.
                    I also realized, using the previous circuit, i had the 6 Kohm resistor from the base of transistor, going to the negative of the 12 volt charge battery and it still worked, not sure if that is better or not.
                    So i connected the base resistor connection to the positive of the positive input source as shown and it works well.
                    The information on Lawrence Tseung's fleet device is in patrick kelly's latest pdf book, though uses the joule thief circuit as the oscillator.
                    Thoughts or questions welcome.
                    peace love light

                    Edit: ok, when connecting the base connection as shown in drawing, i have found the input watts starts to increase when the 12 volt charge battery gets over 13.5 volts.
                    So maybe it is better to connect base connection to the negative of the 12 volt charge battery, in this rene configuration. It is up to you, whomever may be trying these circuits I'm posting.
                    Last edited by SkyWatcher; 03-19-2018, 04:57 AM.


                    • #40
                      Hi all, here is an updated circuit of the one I'm testing now.
                      It also seems to increase in watt input, when charge battery goes above 14 volts, though much less than other base wiring connection.
                      Charging rate is very good.
                      peace love light

                      Last edited by SkyWatcher; 03-19-2018, 05:21 PM.


                      • #41
                        Hi all, just an update on a further modification.
                        I was looking at the Lawrence Tseung’s Magnetic Frame device shown in patrick kellys latest pdf book.
                        So I decided to slide the ferrite tube core back into the coil, then attached a 1/8" thick 1" diameter neo magnet to one end of the core.
                        I then observed the killawatt meter as i would slide the core in and out.
                        I found a spot that maintained the same input as using just air coil mode and i noticed the battery started charging much faster.
                        Your thoughts welcome.
                        I'll continue to test this.
                        peace love light


                        • #42
                          Hi Sky,

                          nice work you got there, looks like you hit a resonant point.
                          I'm also been charging different sized batteries for a while now.
                          The best result I've had was with a big multi layered coil pulsed, I could charge AA and AAA batteries that requires overnight charging in a matter of hours and I could charge even Non-Rechargeable Batteries!.. that is only on alkaline batteries.., I do not own a conventional 12v battery charger so I wouldn't know the difference between 12v batteries.

                          I have used it for 3 good years until the transistors wear out... well they don't have any heatsink .. and that was a really crude build..

                          You know what I realized?.. that I have been missing the Really good part in this... and I think you are too..

                          That is the Mechanical Energy we can get from such a system, without deferring the charge efficiency...


                          • #43
                            Hi ricards, thanks for kind words.
                            Yes, i think by sliding the core to find sweet spot and the magnet not being too strong, i can hear it sing very nicely and the charging on the 12 volt battery has increased significantly.
                            I prefer solid state, though have built many mechanical ones in the past, what did you have in mind.

                            I think i see what you are thinking, if we can tune it with an adjustable core and use a permanent magnet attached to the core, we can get shaft power without affecting the input maybe.
                            And we can also extract power off a secondary coil on the same coil/core, like my solid state setup may be doing now.

                            Another observation i see with this soild state setup with ferrite tube core and permanent magnet is, the input watts does not vary at all now, it stays rock soild, when the battery rises to its full charge voltage, which is in the mid 15 volt range.
                            peace love light


                            • #44
                              Hi all, i forgot to mention, the neo magnet shown on the end of the ferrite tube core, is in attraction mode to the coil magnetic field pulses on that side.
                              I tested by placing magnet close to coil and could feel either a slight repulsion or attraction.
                              peace love light


                              • #45
                                Hi all, after more testing, i didn't see much actual charge into battery advantage with the neo magnet on the end of the core, though sliding the core in or out can be beneficial.
                                I was testing the mr.preva style circuit on the secondary coil setup and fried my audio transistor.
                                Now using a TIP3055 for now, seems to be working well.
                                Also raised the total input voltage to 50 volts and see an increase in efficiency by doing so.
                                Am able to get 74.8% of the power through the circuit and that does NOT include the flyback captured by the diodes into the charge battery.

                                I am also pondering this setup and how it could be similar to the reduced lenz drag mechanical setups of turion, etc.
                                Since the induced secondary is multistrand and in series, it may exhibit similar effects as the mechanical lenz reduction generator coils.
                                I have one more strand i can place in series, so 3 secondary strands in series.
                                We certainly can get the frequency high enough to possibly show these effects in solid state form, maybe.
                                It is odd, because if i wire the 2 secondary strands in parallel, the output is not as good as the 2 strands in series for the same input.
                                peace love light

