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90 degree spike! Simplest Generator you can build!

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  • 90 degree spike! Simplest Generator you can build!

    Hello since i'm sick and i'm not getting any better i decided to share this with you. Since this as well is a gift from God that i received freely i give it to you freely. After all it's His stuff in the end. Wanted to keep this for myself for a bit longer but my present health situation doesn't allow me to.

    You've all heard of that 90 degree spike. and so i did but never really understood wtf is that. No worries. it's simple. I won't go in full details about it but i will give you the generator that you can build.

    Most of you already have the parts and did experiments along this lines but for some reason those that knew were never dropping more then a few hints here and there.

    Now if you get a motor and generator and you link them together and they don't have much losses you get about 90% energy back if i understand correctly . Is this right?

    ok now you take a motor and a generator you couple togheter in a vertical plane, VERY IMPORTANT! and on the coupling you place a counterweight on the fly wheel between them.

    Then you place them between 2 disks on the external radius, the disks need to be bigger. DO NOT CENTER THEM. so you change the refrence point for the torque to go somewhere else.

    The 2 disks that hold the motor generator you couple them to another generator.

    For maximum efficiency of this system you need 4 sets of motors/generators. so when you look from above they should be sink like this if you want to do it one more time, lol. It's a cascade effect...

    at 0 degrees the counter weight, let's say it's a bar. is 180 degrees outwards. at 90 degrees of the external disk the bar is 90 degrees on the disk, or perpendicular. at 180 degrees of the disk the weight is 180 inwards and finally at 270 is 90 degrees on disk and on opposition to other side.

    You can sinc them different but if you do it like this you get a cascade effect for the next system, this could be the 2nd layer and you can get even a 3rd.

    yes it's this simple to make it.

    PS: the reason i'm not building a model is simply because i barely have money to eat. 'm not asking for donations, you guys go out and build it, you got the tools and the experience and are far more then capable of doing so then i am at this moment.

    You should check my other post on tesla 3 6 9 if you want to learn how the oscillatory systems work.

    And yes, this works. But you won't know until you try it, you can only believe me or not. I'm not the first to discover it but for some reasons those that do are silent about it.

    Good luck!

  • #2
    btw. to understand the 90 degree spike better, get a motor with a counter weight hooked on a bar between 2 springs.

    Like this, have a horizontal fixed bar, in the middle the back of the motor fixed on the bar between 2 powerful springs. the motor should have a counter weight like a bar or other type, that spins.


    • #3
      Sorry, but you are going to have to draw something up to explain what you mean. Your description leaves too much area for misinterpretation. A simple sketch would probably do to get the general idea across. If you are using a Windows based computer you can use the Paint program to do simple drawings. It allows you to make nice neat squares and rectangles and straight lines as well as freehand sketches. You don't have to have an expensive CAD program.

      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


      • #4
        Ok! np! so this is your 90 degree spike.

        If you do this and you spin your weight like this the engine will start to move on the bar oscillating the springs/coils.

        People think this oscillations are bad ussulay so they make everything in their power to remove them from the devices. acctualy this oscilations are the energy released on all planes. )See walter russel work on cube planes.

        The output on the spring is proportional to the energy that the engine is putting out, but harvesting that energy has no impact on the input! If you fix the engine into bolts and nuts inside a wall or you choose to harvest that tension that it generates into those springs it does not affect the main operation (if done right)

        I will try render the big device as well.


        • #5
          ok, so the simplest experiment you can do would be this to see if it's worth your while.

          blue ones are generators, the red one is motor.

          So the motor and the generator must have their armatures fused so the right parts spin.

          the link between the generator above and the system below should allow also some vertical freedom so the system goes on it's optimal trajectory by itself.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TheVisitorV View Post
            Ok! np! so this is your 90 degree spike.

            If you do this and you spin your weight like this the engine will start to move on the bar oscillating the springs/coils.

            People think this oscillations are bad ussulay so they make everything in their power to remove them from the devices. acctualy this oscilations are the energy released on all planes. )See walter russel work on cube planes.

            The output on the spring is proportional to the energy that the engine is putting out, but harvesting that energy has no impact on the input! If you fix the engine into bolts and nuts inside a wall or you choose to harvest that tension that it generates into those springs it does not affect the main operation (if done right)

            I will try render the big device as well.
            looks a like Norman L. Dean System for converting rotary motion


            analysis "Channeling Rotary Motion" preceded the development of Hampton inertial engine from prior art.
            Dean Space Drive prototype patent secrets, How it Works
            The actual transfer function might be a difficult concept.
            Last edited by mikrovolt; 02-12-2018, 10:44 PM.


            • #7
              thx for the link, i'll look more in depth into it. i can tell you one thing though, he uses the correct shape for the counterweight, at least that is what my intuition is telling me, and yes the shape matters.

              from what i've read the issue with replications is the synchronization. you could say the problem with the device is that no one figured out the frequency. What i mean by that is the chain of frequencies. It's like the master code lock.

              as i described in the pendulum thread (tesla 3 6 9), when you start to oscillate the pendulum from balance point 0, 0 state, or rest, the frequency is faster and with each cycle it slows down.

              not saying that this applies entirely to this device but probably the concept is the same, you need to run a sequence of frequencies so it operates properly.

              Seems to me that most tech today is very liniar as in you either need to pull or push, keep charging the system and not discharging ever, cause the logic is that if it's discharging it means it died or something. For example the pendulum gives energy while it's charging and discharging if you exploit it's 45 degree angle from balance 0.

              For example if you watch:

              then you can see that the system he built here is doing work while charging and discharging the weight of the pendulum. BUT he use the balance point 0 to do this. If he would use 45 degrees he would actually quadruple (4x) his power into the system. But it might be harder doing it then said

