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Tesla’s Death Ray – A Murder Declassified. Season 1

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  • Tesla’s Death Ray – A Murder Declassified. Season 1

    Season 1 makes it sound as if there will be more. I certainly hope not as there is quite enough Tesla BS going round as it is.

    I have written a review on this "documentary" which you can see here:
    episode 1
    the rest

    I hope many will read it and recognize that it is complete BS.

    I have also written to Cameron Prince, the "Tesla historian" in this docu
    Hi Cameron,
    As you have been studying tesla for so long, you must have come across much disinfo. I have seen your documentary and wrote a comment on it that you can find here:
    I was wondering how does it feel now that you have added your own bit of disinfo?

    Kind regards,
    Ernst (tesla researcher)
    I don't think he will respond but if he does I will post his response.

    Again, please don't fall for this fakery!


  • #2
    I have written several others of the crew as well. I do not think Cameron will respond but someone else did.
    Hi Ernst,

    Interestingly, given your willingness to criticize, you seem to make the grand assumption that you have all the data available on this topic. I can assure you; you do not.

    There was a significant amount of research performed on the part of discovery and its production partners.

    I have far better things to do with my time than hash out these details, but for the sake explaining where this data came from:

    1.5GW... was mentioned in an old news paper article featuring an interview with Tesla. This article was provided by production via the above mentioned research.

    Wireless power... Tesla did not build a tower at Wardenclyffe because it looked pretty. Wireless power transmission as Tesla described it required the earth and atmosphere.

    And here's the most important part:

    Relax, it's just a TV show! The vast majority of people do not understand, nor do they care to understand, the technical aspects of this topic.

    The purpose of a show such as this is to entertain while giving people an easy to understand perspective on the subject matter.
    I'll skip the points of his defence since anyone can easily verify who is wrong and who is right, and get to "the most important part":
    it is entertainment
    This documentary is not intended to educate or provide new insights, it is only entertainment.

    Allright.that is clear then. It is a pity that it is presented in an other way. Now the less tech-savvy will admire Tesla for the wrong reasons and the tech-savvy will see that this is all nonsense and never really look into Tesla's work.

    Great job Cameron, Aron and Jack!


    • #3
      So are you saying the death ray didn’t exist?

      I have access to Tesla’s patent for the the death ray.

      If you watch the 3rd episode they gain access to Tesla’s papers in the archives.


      • #4
        Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
        So are you saying the death ray didn’t exist?

        I have access to Tesla’s patent for the the death ray.

        If you watch the 3rd episode they gain access to Tesla’s papers in the archives.
        I wasn't saying that the death ray didn't exist, that is not my point.
        Although I do believe that it was never built, not by Tesla, nor by anyone else.
        If you have Tesla's patent for the death ray then you are holding an extremely rare piece that most researchers have never managed to uncover. So, please show us.

        I have watched the other episodes as well and commented on those here. (BTW. I did already link to this in my first post)

        What these guys are doing is certainly not helping promote Tesla's work.



        • #5
          I will ask if it can be published.

          The researcher who found it may not want this to happen.

          Just like the end of Arthur Matthews tape recording whilst he was on his death bed was never published either.

          It would make sense that Tesla sold the death ray plans to Russia.

          This would allow Russia to not be scared of Rothschilds and Trident missiles.

          It would explain why they were able to kick the Rothschild bankers out and also why queenie is desperately trying to kick a war off with them.

          They cannot carry out their master plan without full world currency control.

          Hence why the only remaining countries without a Rothschild central bank are the targets of the cabal!


          • #6
            Aren't patents public?
            Are you sure it is not this article "The New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-dispersive Energy Through Natural Media”, published on May 16th, 1935.


